draw a triangle within a single pixel in opengl - opengl

Is it possible to draw a triangle within single pixel?
For example, when I specify the co-ordinates of the vertices of the triangle as A(0, 1), B(0, 0) and C(1, 0). I don't see a triangle being rendered at all. I was expecting to see a small triangle fitting within the pixel.
Is there something I am missing?

A pixel is the smallest discrete unit your display can show. Pixels can only have one color.
Therefore, while OpenGL can attempt to render a triangle to half of a pixel, all you will see is either that pixel filled in or that pixel not filled in. Antialiasing can make the filled in color less strong, but the color from a pixel is solid across the entire pixel.
That's simply the nature of a discrete image.

A pixel is a single point how does a triangle fit into a single point?
It is the absolute smallest unit of an image.
Why do you think you can render half a pixel diagonally? A pixel is either on or off, it can't be any other state. What OpenGL specification do you base your assumption on, most 3D libraries will decide to render a pixel based on how much of the sub-pixel information is filled it. But a pixel can't be partially painted, it is either on or off. A pixel is like a light bulb, you can' light up half of a light bulb.
Regardless, the 3D coordinate space represented doesn't map to the 2D space represented by the graphics plane of the camera drawn on the monitor.
Only with specific camera settings and drawing triangles in a 2D plane at a specific distance from the camera can you expect to try and map the 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates in a 1:1 manner, and even then it isn't precise in many cases.
Sub-pixel rendering, doesn't mean what you think it means, it is a technique/algorithm to determine what RGB elements of a pixels to light up and what color to make them, when there are lots of pixels to be lit up, especially in anti-aliasing situations, and the surrounding pixels are taken into consideration, in a 2D rasterized display. There is no way to partially illuminate a single pixel in a shape, sub-pixel rendering just varies the intensity of the color and brightness of a pixel in a more subtle manner. This only works on LCD display. The wikipedia article describes this very well.
You could never draw a triangle in a single pixel in that case either. A triangle will require at minimum 3 pixels to appear as something that might represent a triangle:
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and 6 pixels to represent a rasterized triangle with all three edges represented.
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Is it possible to draw a triangle within single pixel?
You could try evaluate how much of the pixel is covered by the triangle, but there's no way to draw only part of a pixel. A pixel is the smallest unit of a rasterized display device. The pixel is the smallest element. And the pixel density of a display device sets the physical limit on the representable resolution.
The mathematical theory behind it is called "sampling therory" and most importantly you need to know about the so called Nyquist theorem.
Pixels being the ultimately smallest elements of a picture are also the reason why you can't zoom into a picture like they do in CSI:NY, it's simply not possible because there's simply no more information in the picture as there are pixels. (Well, if you have some additional source of information, for example by combining the images taken over a longer period of time and you can estimate the movements, then it actuall is possible to turn temporal information into spatial information, but that's a different story.)


Confusion about MSAA

I was researching about MSAA and how it works. I understand the concept how it works and what is the idea behind it. Basically, if the center of triangle covers the center of the pixel this is processed ( in case of the non-msaa). However, If msaa is involved. Let's say 4xmsaa then it will sample 4 other point as sub-sample. Pixel shader will execute per-pixel. However, occlusion,and coverage test will be applied for each sub-pixel. The point I'm confused is I imagine the pixel as little squares on the screen and I couldn't understand how sub-sampling points are determined inside the sample rectangle. How computer aware of one pixels sub-sample locations. And if there is only one square how it sub-sampled colors are determined.(If there is one square then there should be only one color). Lastly,How each sub-sample might have different depth value if it was basically same pixel.
Thank you!
Basically, if the center of triangle covers the center of the pixel this is processed ( in case of the non-msaa).
No, that's not making sense. The center of a triangle is just a point, and that pint falling onto a pixel center means nothing. Standard rasterizing rule is: if the center of the pixel lies inside of the triangle, a fragment is produced (with special rules for cases where the center of the pixel lies exactly on the boundary of the triangle).
The point I'm confused is I imagine the pixel as little squares on the screen and I couldn't understand how sub-sampling points are determined inside the sample rectangle.
No Idea what you mean by "sample rectangle", but keeping that aside: If you use some coordinate frame of reference where a pixel is 1x1 units in area, than you can simply use fractional parts for describing locations within a pixel.
Default OpenGL Window space uses a convention where (0,0) is the lower left corner of the bottom left pixel, and (width,height) is the upper-right corner of the top-right pixel, and all the pixel centers are at half integers .5.
The rasterizer of a real GPU does work with fixed-point representations, and the D3D spec requires that it has at least 8 bits of fractional precision for sub-pixel locations (GL leaves the exact precsision up to the implementor).
Note that at this point, the pixel raster is not relevant at all. A coverage sample is just testing if some 2D point lies inside or outside of an 2D triangle, and a point is always a mathematically infinitely small entity with an area of 0. The conventions for the coordinate systems to do this calculation in can be arbitrarly defined.
And if there is only one square how it sub-sampled colors are determined.(If there is one square then there should be only one color). Lastly,How each sub-sample might have different depth value if it was basically same pixel.
When you use multipsamling, you always use a multisampled framebuffer, which means that for each pixel, there is not a single color, depth, ... value, but there are n (your multisampling count, typically between 2 and 16 inclusively). You will need an additional pass to calculate the single per-pixel values needed for displaying the anti-aliased results (the grpahics API might hide this from you when done on the default frambebuffer, but when you work with custom render targets, you have to do this manually).

What is, in simple terms, textureGrad()?

I read the Khronos wiki on this, but I don't really understand what it is saying. What exactly does textureGrad do?
I think it samples multiple mipmap levels and computes some color mixing using the explicit derivative vectors given to it, but I am not sure.
When you sample a texture, you need the specific texture coordinates to sample the texture data at. For sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume a 2D texture, so the texture coordinates are a 2D vector (s,t). (The explanation is analogous for other dimensionalities).
If you want to texture-map a triangle, one typically uses one of two strategies to get to the texture coordinates:
The texture coordinates are part of the model. Every vertex contains the 2D texture coordinates as a vertex attribute. During rasterization, those texture coordinates are interpolated across the primitive.
You specify a mathematic mapping. For example, you could define some function mapping the 3D object coordinates to some 2D texture coordinates. You can for example define some projection, and project the texture onto a surface, just like a real projector would project an image onto some real-world objects.
In either case, each fragment generated when rasterizing the typically gets different texture coordinates, so each drawn pixel on the screen will get a different part of the texture.
The key point is this: each fragment has 2D pixel coordinates (x,y) as well as 2D texture coordinates (s,t), so we can basically interpret this relationship as a mathematical function:
(s,t) = T(x,y)
Since this is a vector function in the 2D pixel position vector (x,y), we can also build the partial derivatives along x direction (to the right), and y direction (upwards), which are telling use the rate of change of the texture coordinates along those directions.
And the dTdx and dTdy in textureGrad are just that.
So what does the GPU need this for?
When you want to actually filter the texture (in contrast to simple point sampling), you need to know the pixel footprint in texture space. Each single fragment represents the area of one pixel on the screen, and you are going to use a single color value from the texture to represent the whole pixel (multisampling aside). The pixel footprint now represent the actual area the pixel would have in texture space. We could calculate it by interpolating the texcoords not for the pixel center, but for the 4 pixel corners. The resulting texcoords would form a trapezoid in texture space.
When you minify the texture, several texels are mapped to the same pixel (so the pixel footprint is large in texture space). When you maginify it, each pixel will represent only a fraction of the corresponding texel (so the footprint is quiete small).
The texture footprint tells you:
if the texture is minified or magnified (GL has different filter settings for each case)
how many texels would be mapped to each pixel, so which mipmap level would be appropriate
how much anisotropy there is in the pixel footprint. Each pixel on the screen and each texel in texture space is basically a square, but the pixel footprint might significantly deviate from than, and can be much taller than wide or the over way around (especially in situations with high perspective distortion). Classic bilinear or trilinear texture filters always use a square filter footprint, but the anisotropic texture filter will uses this information to
actually generate a filter footprint which more closely matches that of the actual pixel footprint (to avoid to mix in texel data which shouldn't really belong to the pixel).
Instead of calculating the texture coordinates at all pixel corners, we are going to use the partial derivatives at the fragment center as an approximation for the pixel footprint.
The following diagram shows the geometric relationship:
This represents the footprint of four neighboring pixels (2x2) in texture space, so the uniform grid are the texels, and the 4 trapezoids represent the 4 pixel footprints.
Now calculating the actual derivatives would imply that we have some more or less explicit formula T(x,y) as described above. GPUs usually use another approximation:
the just look at the actual texcoords the the neighboring fragments (which are going to be calculated anyway) in each 2x2 pixel block, and just approximate the footprint by finite differencing - the just subtracting the actual texcoords for neighboring fragments from each other.
The result is shown as the dotted parallelogram in the diagram.
In hardware, this is implemented so that always 2x2 pixel quads are shaded in parallel in the same warp/wavefront/SIMD-Group. The GLSL derivative functions like dFdx and dFdy simply work by subtracting the actual values of the neighboring fragments. And the standard texture function just internally uses this mechanism on the texture coordinate argument. The textureGrad functions bypass that and allow you to specify your own values, which means you control the what pixel footprint the GPU assumes when doing the actual filtering / mipmap level selection.

OpenGl verex2f but pixels are integers

when im using this code:
glVertex2f(2.5, 2.5);
glVertex2f(3.2, 3.2);
if im understand correctly, so the coordinates are relative to bottom left corner of the screen, but what are those coordinates?
if they are in pixels unit aren't they suppose to be integers?
what is the meaning of using floating points when pixels are integer units?
if they are in pixels unit aren't they suppose to be integers?
They aren't in pixel units. The vertex data is transformed to the final window space (=pixel) coordinates throughout the pipeline. These input coordinates you specify are in object space, and this is a coordinate system which you are defining as you see fit.
You should really make yourself familiar with the coordinate transformations.
Also, you should be aware that in OpenGL, you are not drawing pixels. You are drawing graphics primitives - points, lines, triangles - which are defined by a certain number of vertices each.
what is the meaning of using floating points when pixels are integer units?
Even in window space, floating-point coordinates are useful. Pixels are not discrete points, but represent some area. OpenGL (and other render APIs) define a pixel in window space to be a square with side lenght of 1 unit. Vertices can fall to any (sub-pixel) position inside such a pixel square, and rasterization rules will be applied to generate the appropriate pixel-sized fragments for the primitives you are rendering.

Method to fix the video-projector deformation with GLSL/HLSL full-screen shader

I am working in VR field where good calibration of a projected screen is very important, and because of difficult-to-adjust ceiling mounts and other hardware specificities, I am looking for a fullscreen shader method to “correct” the shape of the screen.
Most of 2D or 3D engines allows to apply a full-screen effect or deformation by redrawing the rendering result on a quad that you can deform or render in a custom way.
The first idea was to use a vertex shader to offset the corners of this screen quad, so the image is deformed as a quadrilateral (like the hardware keystone on a projector), but it won’t be enough for the requirements
(this approach is described on math.stackexchange with a live fiddle demo).
In my target case:
The image deformation must be non-linear most of the time, so 9 or 16 control points are needed to get a finer adjust.
The borders of the image are not straight (barrel or pillow effect), so even with few control points, the image must be distorted in a curved way in between. Otherwise the deformation would make visible linear seams between at each control points’ limits.
Ideally, knowing the corrected position of each control points of 3x3 or 4x4 grid, the way would be to define a continuous transform for the texture coordinates of the image being drawn on the full screen
u,v => corrected_u, corrected_v
You can find an illustration here.
I’ve saw some FFD algorithm that works in 2D or 3D that would allow to deform “softly” an image or mesh as if it was made of rubber, but the implementation seems heavy for a real-time shader.
I thought also of a weight-based deformation as we have in squeletal/soft-bodies animation, but seems uncertain to weight properly the control points.
Do you know a method, algorithm or general approach that could help me solve the problem ?
I saw some mesh-based deformation like the new Oculus Rift DK2 requires for its own deformations, but most of the 2D/3D engine use a single quad made of 4 vertices only in standard.
If you need non linear deformation Bezier Surfaces are pretty handy and easy to implement.
You can either pre build them in CPU, or use hardware tessellation (example provided here)
Continuing my research, I found a way.
I created a 1D RGB texture corresponding to a "ramp" or cosine values. This will be the 3 influence coefficients of offset parameters on a 0..1 axis, with 3 coefficients at 0, 0.5 and 1 :
Red starts at 1 at x=0 and goes down to 0 at x=.5
Green start at 0 at x=0, goes to 1 at x=0.5 and goes back to 0 at x=1
Blue starts at 0 at x=0.1 and goes up to 1 at x=1
With these, from 9 float2 uniforms I can interpolate very softly my parameters over the image (with 3 lookups on horizontal, and a final one for vertical).
Then, one interpolated, I offsets the texture coord with these and it works :-D
This is more or less a weighted interpolation of the coordinates using texture lookups for speedup.

OpenGL: depth calculations are discontinuous

I'm building a LIDAR simulator in OpenGL. This means that the fragment shader returns the length of the light vector (the distance) in place of one of the color channels, normalized by the distance to the far plane (so it'll be between 0 and 1). In other words, I use red to indicate light intensity and blue to indicate distance; and I set green to 0. Alpha is unused, but I keep it at 1.
Here's my test object, which happens to be a rock:
I then write the pixel data to a file and load it into a point cloud visualizer (one point per pixel) — basically the default. When I do that, it becomes clear that all of my points are in discrete planes each located at a different depth:
I tried plotting the same data in R. It doesn't show up initially with the default histogram because the density of the planes is pretty high. But when I set the breaks to about 60, I get this:
I've tried shrinking the distance between the near and far planes, in case it was a precision issue. First I was doing 1–1000, and now I'm at 1–500. It may have decreased the distance between planes, but I can't tell, because it means the camera has to be closer to the object.
Is there something I'm missing? Does this have to do with the fact that I disabled anti-aliasing? (Anti-aliasing was causing even worse periodic artifacts, but between the camera and the object instead. I disabled line smoothing, polygon smoothing, and multisampling, and that took care of that particular problem.)
These are the two places the distance calculation is performed:
The vertex shader calculates ec_pos, the position of the vertex relative to the camera.
The fragment shader calculates light_dir0 from ec_pos and the camera position and uses this to compute a distance.
Is it because I'm calculating ec_pos in the vertex shader? How can I calculate ec_pos in the fragment shader instead?
There are several possible issues I can think of.
(1) Your depth precision. The far plane has very little effect on resolution; the near plane is what's important. See Learning to Love your Z-Buffer.
(2) The more probable explanation, based on what you've provided, is the conversion/saving of the pixel data. The shader outputs floating point values, but these are stored in the framebuffer, which will typically have only 8bits per channel. For color, what that means is that your floats will be mapped to the underlying 8-bit (fixed width, integer) representation, therefore only possessing 256 values.
If you want to output pixel data as the true floats they are, you should make a 32-bit floating point RGBA FBO (with e.g. GL_RGBA32F or something similar). This will store actual floats. Then, when your data from the GPU, it will return the original shader values.
I suppose you could alternately encode a single float in a vec4 with some multiplication, if you don't have a FBO implementation handy.