PeopleSoft - Cannot process SOAP fault messages after consuming web service - web-services

PT 8.50.15
We have a new integration with a third party system. They have provided the wsdl and I have used the consume web service wizard to consume it into PeopleSoft. All this does is give you the stub messages with a schema attached to each. I have written some peoplecode to send a test message out to the webservice. When the webservice returns a valid result, I have no problems. However, when the webservice returns a fault message, I get the following error:
Integration Gateway - HttpTargetConnector:ExternalApplicationException. Http status code HttpStatusCode returned : 500. (158,10623)
HttpTargetConnector:ExternalApplicationException. External System responded with an Error status. For Http Status Code explanation please check Http protocol Specifications.
I know the webservice is returning the fault message b/c I have tried the same thing in SOAPUI. Does anyone know why PeopleSoft throws up this error ONLY on the fault message?

In addition to the prior response, the 500 error you are seeing should be followed by any soap fault coming back with the response in the errorLog.html file on your gateway (or msgLog depending on the ig.log.level setting in your file. Check the 'response' section, as well as the stack trace for additional information.

On the routing that you are using, click the 'User Exception' check box. Then you will not get the HTTP 500 error. Evaluate the response from the response message. If it's not zero, you will then be able to parse the SOAP fault and see what the returned faultstring is.

Get your Service operation corrected. I Had same issue, After i changed the SO in this code it started working
&msgRequest = CreateMessage(Operation.Operation_name, %IntBroker_Request);


How to disable Verbose Error Messages of soap web services?

How to disable Verbose Error Messages of soap web services?
I have one web method with some para.
Example Req:
<Envelope xmlns="">
<GenerateTestRequest xmlns="">
When an unexpected input was supplied into sId para instead of Int32, Then the web service returned an exception within the response content.
Example Res:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<faultcode xmlns:a="">a:DeserializationFailed</faultcode>
<faultstring xml:lang="en-SG">The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type System.Int32. The value '1#!aB' cannot be parsed as the type 'Int32'.'. Please see InnerException for more details.</faultstring>
I don't want to display response content of exception message. Is there any way to turn off stack trace or exception details?
Is there any way to turn off stack trace or exception details?
Yes, by doing proper error handling for the SOAP web service.
A SOAP request can receive back a successful SOAP response or can receive back an unsuccessful response in the form of a SOAP Fault. People unfortunately focus on the successful cases only and let the framework they are using handle other problems.
Because SOAP is a protocol any exception on the server needs to be converted to a proper Fault response. This needs to be done by the developer by catching any exception and building appropriate Fault responses out of them, with only the needed data inside. For security reasons of course that data can't contain stacktraces or others sensitive information. But like I said, people often neglect to handle the error cases, and the framework can't build custom Faults, it can only build a SOAP fault with details from the exception that occurred, exposing it to the client.
You didn't tag this WCF but the schema namespace on the error code says windowscommunicationfoundation so I'll assume that's the web service framework. You can replace all exception messages with a generic error message by setting IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to false (I think for your service it is set to true right now). See here for details: either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server
Or, you can do proper error handling and define and document the possible Faults a client can receive and convert any exception to one of those Faults. You can start reading here: Specifying and Handling Faults in Contracts and Services
If you are using any other web service framework or library, the idea is the same, the documentation to read will be different.

org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unexpected element / WebSphere-Liberty Migration from WebSphere-7

The code that is working in WebSphere-7 is giving the following error in WebSphere Liberty: Unexpected element {}SubmitRateScenarioResponse found.
Expected {}ESBHeader.
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke(
Caused by:
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unexpected element {}SubmitRateScenarioResponse found.
Expected {}ESBHeader.
at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.DocLiteralInInterceptor.validatePart(
Any help is appreciated.
So, the problem seems to be that the SOAP Message received by the Service contains unexpected content. The client is building a SOAP Message that is violating the contract between the Service and Client. Sorry, I can't give you a better answer without more information.
Understanding what the Service is expecting compared to what the client is sending is key, and finding that would be possible with some more work. To start, I would compare what the Soap Message looks like when sent by the client on v7 to what the client is sending on Liberty by using a tool like tcpmon or fiddler to capture the message.
Were both the client and service migrated to Liberty from WebSphere V7? If you migrated the Service, was it migrated as a binary or rebuilt from a WSDL? If it was rebuilt, comparing the original WSDL from v7 to the rebuilt WSDL might tell you something about how the Service's expectations have changed.
Go through below url . may be you will find your solution
i was getting same error when i tried to hit rest api using postman client .
Root cause is - camel-core jar is missed . put jar file on server->lib or apache/lib

IIB10 - BIP3732E: The specified WSDL binding could not be found in the supplied WSDL file

I've created a simple message set in Integration Toolkit
Also created a message flow by drag-and-dropping a WSDL file.
But when deploying, getting this:
BIP2087E: Integration node was unable to process the internal configuration message.
The entire internal configuration message failed to be processed successfully.
Use the messages following this message to determine the reasons for the failure. If the problem cannot be resolved after reviewing these messages, contact your IBM Support center. Enabling service trace may help determine the cause of the failure.
BIP4041E: Integration server 'default' received an administration request that encountered an exception.
While attempting to process an administration request, an exception was encountered. No updates have been made to the configuration of the integration server.
Review related error messages to determine why the administration request failed.
BIP3726E: Failed to setup SOAP transport for node SOAP Input.
The SOAP nodes rely on the configuration of the SOAP transport layer within the integration node, and this has not been initialised correctly. The node will not be operational until the problems have been corrected.
Determine the cause of the error and correct it. Subsequent error messages may contain more information.
BIP3732E: The specified WSDL binding MSETSOAP_HTTP_Binding could not be found in the supplied WSDL file MSET/msetdefns/MSETDEFINITIONService.wsdl.
The WSDL binding MSETSOAP_HTTP_Binding from the target namespace MSETDEFNS associated with message set was not found in the WSDL file MSET/msetdefns/MSETDEFINITIONService.wsdl. This could be because the WSDL file is missing, invalid or corrupt.
Determine the cause of the error and correct it. Ensure that the WSDL file is valid and that it validates correctly.
I've checked: WSDL is ok. SoapUI opens it as well.
What could be the root of problem?
Thanks in advance!
Here is what IBM expert says:
Also, my workaround:
When dragging WSDL onto message flow and choosing HTTP node instead SOAP - everything runs successfully!
Good luck!

Xamarin.iOS with SOAP 1.2

I need to use a SOAP 1.2 web service in Xamarin.iOS but I can't seem to find a way how to make it work. I added a ServiceRefence to my project, I can even send messages, but every time I send a message I get the following exception:
System.Net.WebException: There was an error processing web request: Status code 415(UnsupportedMediaType): Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'.
I read that this message indicates, that I'm using a wrong binding. I should use WsHttpBinding instead of BasicHttpBinding, but I can't find WsHttpBinding in Mono.
Any idea how can I make it work?

Reporting an error from a POST Web Service

I'm developing a web service (in and I would like to have each web method report to whoever called it when an internal error occurs - for example when input validation has failed.
When I expose my web service with SOAP such errors can be reported by raising a SoapException. But what if I expose my web service with plain POST (aka Http-Post)? Other than returning a 500 Error HTTP status code, is there a standard for reporting errors or raising exceptions in this case?
Change the response object to contain a status filed, and error message (or only error message, and check at the receiver if empty), and set it properly instead of throwing an exception.
I've always just returned the 500 status code, along with a textual description of the error. Just make sure it's documented so the client can handle it correctly.