Cannot find placeholder inside repeater in code behind item data bound event - repeater

I have
inside repeater
when i tried to find above placeholder in code behind Item databound event it throws null
I tried following code for it.
Placeholder plcHolderVideo = e.Item.FindControl("plcHolderVideo") as Placeholder;

I got the answer actually the placeholder is conflicting with System.Web.UI.WebControls.Placeholder
and Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Placeholder.


QComboBox , tabviews, C++

I am developing an application with tabviews.
I want that tabView to change the widget depending on the ComboBox choice.
ex: if the first index chosen I want tabView1 to appear
if the second index chosen I want tabView2 to appear
I tired few methods, if(str == "a") layout->tabview1; else layout->tabView2.
I also tried the connect(combobox,SIGNAL(currentTextChanged()),this,SIGNAL(swithcall()))
one of the main problems I can't do much instructions in swticahll function because in that case I will have to identify the tabviews as global variables which is not the best choice.
Any recommendations?
You can use lambdas inside a connect line,
connect(combobox,&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged,this,[tabView](int index) mutable{
// change tabView as wanted
If you want to change by text and index (not just index like here), you can use (inside the lambda):
QString currText = combobox->currentText();
You can just connect QComboBox's signal currentIndexChanged to QTabWidget's setCurrentIndex slot like connect(combobox, &QComboBox::cutrentIndexChanged, tabview, &QTabWidget::setCurrentIndex), and add widgets to your tabview in the required order that corresponds to items order in your combobox.

How to add the UIA ExpandCollapse pattern in Qml

I'm using to make sure my QML application passes Microsoft requirements for accessibility.
There's only one error that I couldn't resolve.
Qml ComboBoxes don't have the ExpandCollapse pattern.
Code to reproduce:
ComboBox {
model: ["First", "Second", "Third"]
Accessibility Insights says "An element of the given ControlType must support the ExpandCollapse pattern. Section 508 502.3.10
And "How to fix":
1. Make sure the element has the appropriate ControlType property for its function.
2. If the current ControlType is correct, modify the element to support the ExpandCollapse pattern.
StackOverflow couldn't help me. Google couldn't help me (I tried looking everywhere...)
So I went to Qt's source code.
I found this: qt-everywhere-src-6.2.1\qtbase\src\plugins\platforms\windows\uiautomation\qwindowsuiamainprovider.cpp
And here's the part that was interesting:
case UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId:
// Menu items with submenus.
if (accessible->role() == QAccessible::MenuItem
&& accessible->childCount() > 0
&& accessible->child(0)->role() == QAccessible::PopupMenu) {
*pRetVal = new QWindowsUiaExpandCollapseProvider(id());
Which means that there must be a MenuItem object (the qml combobox doesn't have that), nor a child that's a PopupMenu.
So I checked, and the ExpandCollapse pattern works fine in a menu (from QWidgets), but not in qml.
I couldn't change the combobox's role (Accessible.MenuItem), it doesn't register for some reason (perhaps because of the c++ backend)
I tried "hacking" this in qml, to see if it could work, with this:
text: "test"
Rectangle {
Accessible.role: Accessible.PopupMenu
visible:false // to make the state "collapsed" by default.
And ... it works. I have the pattern.
But obviously this isn't a combobox (not by name, not for accessibility, and not for functionality).
So here's my question: is there a way to maybe have my custom combobox to have the combobox Accessible.role, while having this structure (Accessible.MenuItem + Accessible.PopupMenu) to make qwindowsuiamainprovider.cpp add the ExpandCollapse pattern?
Or is the only way to find a way to either change qwindowsuiamainprovider.cpp, or override it or something?
I couldn't find any way to change it without recompiling Qt myself with this change (I would also have to check the license if I'm allowed to do it...)

How to get the currently selected text in a CComboBoxEx?

My first approach to the problem was to call the GetWindowsText method on the CComboBoxEx control, but I found that there is no associated text. After analyzing the control with Spy++ and reading some documentation on CComboBoxEx, I realised that these type of controls are only the parent of a classic ComboBox:
I tried using the GetLBText() method on the child ComboBox, passing GetCurSel() as an argument, but I only get some wrong text (the correct text should be "English"):
Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!
What you want to do is map the control to a int variable using Class Wizard:
Now it is easy to access the selected text at any time. You need to use the GetItem function. For example (code not tested):
CString strText;
cmbItem.mask = CBEIF_TEXT;
cmbItem.iItem = m_cbItemIndex;
cmbItem.pszText = strText.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH);
In short, you need to use the COMBOBOXEXITEM and initialise it with the right flags to state what information you want to get from the extended combo. That, and the item index. Job done!
I realise that you have your own inherited class, but the mechanics are the same. You don't use GetLBText. You use the structure with the index and GetItem to get the selected text.
In the end I managed to retrieve the correct name; as you can see in the image below, the ComboBox is only a child of a CombBoxEx32:
I retrieved the pointer to the parent ComboBoxEx32 from the child ComboBox, and searched for the text this way:
CString szText;
CComboBoxEx cbParentCombo ;
cbParentCombo.Attach( GetParent()->GetSafeHwnd()) ;
cbParentCombo.GetLBText( GetCurSel(), szText) ;
cbParentCombo.Detach() ;
My mistake was that I was calling GetLBText() directly from the child ComboBox, instead of the parent CComboBoxEx; because of that, all I was getting was some random gibberish. GetLBText() was indeed the correct solution.

Finding a wxMenu's Selected Radio Item

Let's say that I have a group of radio items in a wxMenu. I know that exactly one of these will be checked at any given time.
Does the wxMenu or some other construct hold onto the index of the checked item, or do I need to call the isChecked on each radio item till I find the checked element to find it's index?
I've asked this question about how to do that, but I'd much prefer wxWidgets saved me from doing that everywhere.
No, saving the index of the last selected item (as shown in ravenspoint's answer) or using wxMenuBarBase::IsChecked() until you find the selected radio button is the only way to do it.
For wxWidgets to provide access to the currently selected button it would need not only to store it (which means not forgetting to update not only when the selected changes, but also when items are inserted into/deleted from the menu, so it's already not completely trivial), but to somehow provide access to the radio items group you're interested in, which would require being able to identify it and currently there is no way to do it and adding it isn't going to be particularly simple.
What could be done easily, however, is writing a reusable function int GetIndexOfSelectedRadioItem(int firstItem) that would start at the given item and call IsChecked() on subsequent items until it returns true and return the offset of the item. You should be able to do it in your own code, but if you'd like to include such function in wxWidgets itself (as a static wxMenuBar method, probably), please don't hesitate to send patches/pull requests doing it!
It is easy enough to roll your own.
Bind an event handler to wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED for every button. In the handler, extract the ID of the selected radio button and store it somewhere.
Like this:
ResolMenu = new wxMenu();
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvLoRez,"Low Resolution");
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvMeRez,"Medium Resolution");
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvHiRez,"High Resolution");
ResolMenu->Check( idRcvLoRez, true );
void onRcvRez( wxCommandEvent& event )
myRezID = event.GetId();

Firemonkey: Add child control to TListViewItem at run time

I am attempting to add a TEdit control to a TListView control during run time. I want to parent the TEdit control to the selected TListViewItem belonging to my TListView, however, I cannot find a way to do this.
Originally, I tried this:
TEdit * MyEdit = new TEdit( this );
MyEdit->Parent = MyListView->Selected;
However, this gives me the following error:
[bcc32 Error] E2034 Cannot convert 'TListViewItem *' to 'TFmxObject *'
On a whim, I attempted to typecast the selected item on my list view as a TFmxObject like so:
MyEdit->Parent = (TFmxObject *)MyListView->Selected;
While this compiled, this caused an access violation at run time.
I have searched through a lot of documentation and forum posts and cannot find very much information about dynamically adding a control to a list view item in code. I have seen solutions which propose using the style editor, but I want to avoid that if at all possible.
How can I set the parent of a control to an item in my TListView? Is there a better / more proper way to add controls to a TListViewItem during runtime?
According to Embarcadero documentation, TListViewItem is not a TFmxObject descendant and thus it can not be set as a Parent to the desired TEdit instance. It does not have Children property as well. Nor do the TextObject, DetailObject etc. (the TListItemObject descendants contained in TListViewItem) ascend from TFmxObject.
It seems you have the following ways out.
Write and register another ListViewItem class and implement it inside your ListViews or
See this and this SO links. Probably, they might be useful.
Consider using TListBox instead. TListBoxItems can parent other controls.