Is MFC still alive? [closed] - c++

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I am new to programming. I'd like to learn a new application programming language. I Googled and found the old MFC framework. I would like to ask: Is MFC still valuable?
I want to develop desktop applications. If not what should I choose to learn in depth?

If you want to develop desktop applications, then I'd recommend to avoid MFC and study Qt instead. Qt is quite powerful/flexible and using it won't lock you into single platform/OS.

First, you must have clear the platform where you want your applications to run; Windows? Linux? both?
In case you just care about Windows, MFC can be a good option if you want to do C++ native programming, which I suppose it's your case (otherwise, C# and .net could be a better way to start programming...)
MFC is a mature framework and once you get the basics, it will be as easy (or difficult) to use as any other library (e.g. Qt or TCL/Tk). IMHO.

I recently tried to use to MFC for a small client application.
After struggling for two days with trivial things (like how to change the font on a button!!) I gave up.
I gave a quick look at Qt and wxWidgets but (after having lost another couple of days), they seemed too compex for my task. Qt is probably the right way to go if you have time and/or the constraint to stay with a C++ framework.
It was not the case for me, so I decided to try Tcl/Tk to see what it had for me.
In its "tclkit/starkit" incarnation it allows you to create standalone GUI application with native look and feel. C/C++ code can be placed in a DLL that is embedded in the exe itself (no DLL hell, thanks!) and can be called directly from the Tcl script.
In two days work I almost finished the entire GUI with all the user interactions (enable/disable menaingful button, load listbox depending on other fields, ...) that would have taken weeks in MFC.
Tcl/Tk has its learning curve and may result unfamiliar to some but it repays many many times in productivity. Also, there are a lot of books, tutorials, examples, etc to learn from.
I would suggest you to give a look to see if it suits your need before going elswhere.

If you are happy with the document-view (MDI or SDI) nature of MFC go for it. It's great if your worried about distribution becuase you dont need a hefty framework, just a couple of DLLs. Don't expect rapid development without considerable background knowledge.

If you're interested in more modern C++ frameworks for Windows, consider using WTL and ATL instead of MFC.


How do I start MFC with empty project? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm learning about MFC.
Now I want to develop simple GUI Application, but there's a problem
First, How can I create empty MFC project? Visual Studio 2013 always give me a sample project, but I don't want it. I don't want to understand sample codes and edit it. I just want to write a simple project code by self from hello world.
Second, Is there a difference between starting with a empty mfc project, starting with a WIN32 application mode?
Third, I want develop a program with custom UI design, then Can't I use 'Dialog-based Mode'? Someone said me that "In dialog-base mode, It's hard to use Custom Design". Is it really?
A completely empty MFC project would be somewhat pointless because you would need to add back in the things that the sample code already has. For instance, every MFC program has a CWinApp-derived class and usually some kind of main window class (whether dialog or frame window). It might be easier to start learning the framework when you already have something working that you can edit, rather than trying figure out how to put the basic pieces together from scratch. But either way, you probably would want to get ahold of a good book to help explain the framework.
A Win32 Application sets up basic example code that only uses the raw Windows API (which is what MFC is built on top of and wraps). The WinAPI is very C-like. Out of the box, there are no classes or such things to make life easier. You would have to learn how to make them yourself... or use something like MFC since that's exactly what it is - classes the wrap the Windows API to make it easier.
"Custom UI design" is a rather vague phrase. Just what all are you trying to customize? Layout? Colors? Animations? Fundamental control logic? A dialog-based program is one of the simpler kinds, so if nothing else it's at least easier to start learning with. But as far as customization goes, it really just depends on what you're aiming to do.
Really though, MFC or the Windows API itself isn't all that great when you want to customize a lot of stuff. Sometimes you end up having to take over and re-implement more functionality that you would expect just to customize one little piece. Furthermore, even sticking to the stock controls and behaviors there's a lot left to be desired, such as a good sizing/layout framework. MFC was created a long time ago and in some ways hasn't been enhanced to keep up with the features people need/want/expect from the GUI framework these days.
Personally, I would recommend investigating other newer and more-feature rich GUI frameworks. In the C++ world, Qt is a notable one. In C#, WPF has a lot a nice things about it. For myself, even though I work in MFC all day long at my job, I usually do my personal projects in C#/WPF.
To create a simple application I would suggest to use .NET/C#.
Why not MFC: it is old, bulky and loads a lot of unnecessary stuff for simple application.
Why not Win32: you will write a longer and more low-level code with respect to .NET code.
Very generally speaking, Win32 API is a low-level thing, MFC is an old and bulky wrapper, .NET is a new and the-highest-level wrapper.
So, write a .NET/C# application. As far as I know, there is a way to appeal to Win32 API from .NET, just in case of very specific features. C# is not mandatory, but the code is much simpler and clear, than in C++.
As for 'Dialog-based Mode', right after you created an empty .NET/C# project in Visual Studio 2013, you can simply drag-and-drop desirable controls and then run your GUI application.

Where to start and what to choose for a simple gui project in c++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I know this question has been answeared before, since i rad most of the answears already, but they didn't fully address what i was looking for, also i'm trying to get a heads up really really case-specific, since i need to develop an app really fast and i have almost no G.U.I. experience, so here is my problem:
I need to develop an application wich allows the input of some text fields (actually a database support-like would be awesome) and i need to store the inputs (like in a database, a .txt file could be good too if it would fasten up the developing)
once the input are fully stored (some text field must be unique) i need to pull some data from the database.
the final intention is to code a simple "random winner extractor" by simplying assigning a list of "number" to each entry and then calling the rnd function i will check who is the winner.
in addition to this i would love to be able to add a little animation to the whole gui (a gif would be enough)
Coming from vb6 Gui developing (that's the only G.U.I. developing experience i have so far) i searched from some good "drag and drop visual gui framework" and i bumped up into QT and into the .net Framework for visual c++ 2010, and i must admit i like them both, but i have no idea where can i get the Heads up to start coding in them... for example i have no idea how to change a text field value, or how to call the equivalent of "onChange" javascript handler for any of the forms (in neither the Qt or .net framework)
since i'm a little rusty with actual Event handlers and api codes,here are my 2 questions:
1.Between .NET and QT, for the sole realization of this single application, wich will be run in a windows computer, based on the "simplicity to learn and develop" wich should i choose?
2.Given the answear for point 1, where could i get some reference or material on how to easly understand the basics? (all the tutorial i found or tried so far gives me only case specific knowledge, but they won't cover overall function i need to know, like how to display a message box, or how to interact with the object values, or how to write down the values into a file...)
C++ is more difficult than C#. But it is more flexibel. C++ is an independent standard. C# on the other hand is safer to use.
Qt is cross platform. It can be used almost everywhere (except web applications) easily. .NET is for Microsoft and Windows only but common on that platform.
Qt is easy to learn and it is powerful. .NET is also powerful but I experienced .NET being harder to learn than Qt.
Qt is open source while .NET is closed source.
Pick the points that are important for you. I think the main question you should consider is: Do you intend to create a cross-platform application (today or in future)?
PS: Normally you should not ask such questions here since they tend to start endless discussions. The above is my personal opinion and hopefully it will be taken as subjective without the need of commenting it.
"Simplicity to learn and develop" is kinda subjective if you think about it and can rely on what you feel more comfortable with I think. I don't know much about .NET but you said you have a background in VB so maybe .NET might be the best approach for GUI development for you. If you know your way around C++ better, QT is surely the way to go, it's fast and powerful. I can't give you any reference material for .NET but you should definitely start with the qt documentation provided online. If you prefer to learn from video tutorials you can check out the Void Realms Qt youtube tutorials. The videos target Qt 4.7 if my memory serves me correctly but alot of the stuff he teaches are still more or less applicable with the newer versions of Qt. And finally, if you look in the examples section of Qt Creator (or online as well), they are some examples that are tutorial style and they can teach you some core concepts of Qt like the signals and slots system for one.
"simplicity to learn and develop" is what .NET is for, especially for database apps. But to get that simplicity use VB.NET or C#, not C++.

Advantages of Windows API for C++ GUI Programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I started C++ programming not long before and I want to learn GUI programming in C++. I looked at windows programming and the syntax looks really difficult. So my question is, should I use windows api at all? If so, what are the advantages of windows api over a toolkit like Qt or Direct2D?
It somewhat depends what sort of application you are trying to build. Most frameworks provide a level of abstraction over the Windows API but do so at the cost of flexibility. You should try and pick a framework that's designed to build the sort of application that you are trying to build.
For building Windows client applications then the Windows API (I assume you mean the Win32 API) will do the job but is very low level. The advantage is it gives you a great deal of control and also forces you to learn how a Windows application really works. For a lot of people these aren't always positives.
If you are trying to create a more graphically rich application then Direct2D gives you this but also means that you have to learn COM and some would say this API is also quite complex.
If you are just learning C++ and want to build simple graphical applications then I would recommend checking out Cinder. It's perfectly possible to build simple graphically rich applications and games in a few hundred lines of C++. Here's an example of the Conway's Game of Life written in a couple of hundred lines.
Qt is also an option but I've not used it. Again it depends on you goal. For example one of Qt's features is cross platform portability, which may, or may not be important if you are just starting out with C++.
If you are just creating some projects for your own learning, then I would suggest that you create some GUI using Windows API without any framework. This will help you learn the internals on how things work (messaging, etc).
But to make any real world project you must choose existing framework (MFC, Qt etc) so that you can save a lot of time. You will understand the framework better if you create some GUI projects with plain Windows API SDK.
If you platform is only Windows, then you can in fact develop faster using .Net Framework. Of course there is also Xamarin that will allow you to write in C# for cross platform.
So what you choose depends on your goals.
With WinAPI you can use all Windows GUI features, controls, styles, respond to some rarely used messages etc.
It's easier to achieve native Windows look&feel.
Higher-lever GUI libraries, especially multiplatform ones, are usually "least common denominator", limited in many ways, with some controls (e.g. dialogs) reinvented just for the sake of it. You can patch your code with WinAPI calls, but that quickly turns into spaghetti.
For one, tools like Qt, OGRE, OSG, OpenGL etc are cross-platform. So you won't be stuck with using your program only on Windows.
If by windows API you meant VC++ with WM_PAINT etc, then it's worth learning it only for the sake of knowledge about how Windows works. The parts about dirty rectangles etc will intrigue you.
"I started C++ programming not long before.." - so I would advise to start with well-documented library such as QT. You'll have much to learn in C++ itself and to learn WinAPI at the same time will be twice (or more) difficult.
The answer in general depends on the requirements, and if you want to learn "GUI programming in C++" I'd say it means QT (or some other library/framework). I do not know any rich GUI projects now which are written on pure WinAPI (what for?). (If smb knows, please put a link here.)
But you can ask yourself another question - you want to learn C++ or GUI programming? :)

Is it worth to learn Microsoft Foundation Classes(MFC) Nowadays? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a big fan of Microsoft Technologies. Learned lot of .NET Framework and C# like programming languages. But I believe .NET applications are running on top of .NET Framework so They have some kind of slow. Then I heard about MFC a wrapper classes for Windows Development and It is standard for Commercial Application Development(I mean not business level application) so I want to know is it worth to learn MFC now? Is there any alternatives? I want to develop commercial level application Thanks for read my question.
No, I wouldn't learn it - I'd look into it to gain an insight into some of the ways the GUI classes work so you have a wider understanding of this old, but important, technology. But I would not learn it as a technology you want to create new GUIs into the future. Forget the non-GUI parts of MFC, only people who are big fans of Microsoft technologies used them, everyone else used much better libraries...
Although you can write great applications using it, TortoiseSVN for example, today using Winforms is much easier and gives you the same results. Yes, .net is slower than native code but for a GUI you're generally limited by the speed a human can react to changes, so a 'slow' system is still going to be ok, unless it gets so slow it is noticeably laggy or slow to respond. For this reason I'd skip WPF as I know too many support calls from myself and friends who all have complained about WPF's performance (there's also lots on the web about WPF being pretty poor).
there are alternatives, Qt is a great GUI tool. wxWidgets is good to, and also cross platform. Today the general attitude to GUIs are that they should be web-based, so you might be better advised to learn ASP.NET MVC 4 (not the older versions) as there appears to be a significant number of jobs for this technology today (tomorrow might be different!)
There's still shops who have a MFC codebase who cant just throw it away since its well tested projects and for those it can be useful but as a learning exercise it would be better to learn straight Win32 programming from which MFC and .NET still is derived.
From my experience:
Guerilla games the makers of the PS3 Killzone series have tools in MFC
Bosch security systems where I worked still use MFC
Philips medical still has.
For new development they all use different technologies though.

Free C++ library for windows gui [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I just want to write a very simple C++ program for Windows only that uses a GUI. What library for C++ is free and allows me to do this? (This code is not, and will never be, open source).
+1 for Qt.
Qt is bloody awesome. Once you've hacked around with QT you will never, ever want to go back to any other UI API. Seriously. It's. That. Good.
There's also a free IDE that you can use that makes development even more painless. Oh, and the community is very helpful and generally kicks ass.
All Hail Qt!
You could use WxWidgets. From the blurb:
Unlike other cross-platform toolkits,
wxWidgets gives its applications a
truly native look and feel because it
uses the platform's native API rather
than emulating the GUI. It's also
extensive, free, open-source and
GTK+ and for C++ GTKmm I guess.
Maybe but maybe also Qt.
I think you could do that with Qt.
Here you go.
WTL is quite popular. If you visit the SourceForge page you will see praise heaped upon the project.
There are long fights about choosing free and/or portable GUI for c/c++ applications. Each programmer has his own favourite, and only few programmers have tried multiple of them so they can compare. So I suggest you to google some more for various comparations.
From what I hear all the free ones suffer lack of documentation and code updates, but all of them have good user support through forums or IRC channels. Qt has better support/userbase but is not completely free (but I can't provide you with details for that).
I have used Visual Studio MFC before and then when I wanted to have free and portable GUI I choosen GtkMM. I have to say that it was PITA to switch as GtkMM is not documented very well, its functionality is sometimes confusing, I had to recompile and modify few things (like widget with in-dialog OpenGL support) but I was able to finish my program successfuly. On the other hand, starting with MFC wasn't easy too.
But I'm not suggesting GtkMM over other ones. So I just can provide the list: Gtk, GtkMM (Gtk++), Qt, wxWidgets.
There are so many C++ GUI frameworks: Qt, gtkmm, wxWidgets (all these are specified above).
Add FLTK to that list.
If it is only for Windows and you use Visual-Studio you may use WinForms or the more up to date WPF. There is a nice GUI designer in the Visual-Studio and it is free for any purposes.