I am trying to insert a value at the end of a doubly linked list , I get successful in inserting the value at head or first node but the second value is not getting inserted
The issue here is while entering the second value
class d_list
struct node
double data;
node *next;
node *previous;
node *first;
node *last ;
first = nullptr;
last = nullptr;
void append(double);
void d_list::append(double num)
node *ptr;
node *toinsert;
first = new node;
first->previous= nullptr;
first->data = num;
last= new node;
first->next= last->previous;
last->previous = first->next;
last->next= nullptr;
if(last->next == nullptr)
ptr = new node;
ptr->next =last->previous;
last->previous = ptr->next ;
last->next= nullptr;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
d_list aa;
cout<<"going to append first"<<endl;
cout<<"going to append second"<<endl;
return 0;
You have a number of problems in your code:
Your node next and previous members are never initialized anywhere and as a result are undefined when used. Either add a constructor to node or ensure they are initialized after allocation.
The addition of a node to an empty list is not correct. first->next is left undefined and why are you creating two nodes, both first and last? In a list with one element then first == last. The setting of next/previous in first/last doesn't make any sense either.
In a well formed double-linked list then last->next should always be null, as should first->previous.
The addition of a node into a non-empty list is also incorrect.
While you don't show it in the example, you'll eventually need a destructor as well as a copy operator and copy constructor (the rule of three). At the moment you are leaking memory and if you try to delete nodes you'll likely result in a double-free and crash.
I would suggest taking a step back from the code for a bit to ensure you properly understand the concepts behind a doubly-linked list. Draw out a list on paper with next/prev arrows and see how they need to be changed when adding nodes to an empty/non-empty list as well as how to delete and move nodes around. Once you figure out how next/prev should be set then translating that into code should be relatively straight forward.
Edit to answer comment:
To add a new node you can technically add it anywhere but it is usually added at the end (at least from what I've seen). See the other answers for a complete and correct code for adding new nodes in an empty and non-empty list.
if(last->next == nullptr)
ptr = new node;
ptr->next =last->previous; // <- is not correct
last->previous = ptr->next ; // <- does not do anything useful
You don't append your new node to the list.
ptr = new node;
ptr->next =last;
last->previous = ptr ;
should be better. By the way: delete the allocated memory in a destructor!
I would write your double linked list in following code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class d_list
struct node
double data;
node *next;
node *previous;
node *first;
// node *last ; no need for bidirectional list
first = nullptr;
//last = nullptr;
void append(double);
void d_list::append(double num)
node *ptr = new node;
ptr->data = num;
node *toinsert;
first = ptr;
if(first->next == first)
ptr->next = ptr->previous = first;
first->next = first->previous = ptr;
node *last = first->previous;
ptr->next = first;
ptr->previous = last;
last->next = ptr;
first->previous = ptr;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
d_list aa;
cout<<"going to append first"<<endl;
cout<<"going to append second"<<endl;
return 0;
Why have you inserted the declarations node *ptr; and node *toinsert; if you don't use them? Also it should be obvious that if you insert a single node at the end, then only one new element should be created(and you call new twice if first is null).
Try this code...
class d_list
struct node
double data;
node *next;
node *previous;
node *first;
node *last ;
first = nullptr;
last = nullptr;
void append(double);
void d_list::append(double num)
node *ptr;
node *toinsert;
first = last = new node;
first->previous= nullptr;
first->next = nullptr;
first->data = num;
ptr = new node;
ptr->next =last->previous;
last->previous = ptr->next ;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
d_list aa;
cout<<"going to append first"<<endl;
cout<<"going to append second"<<endl;
return 0;
I have a question: How the first Node in my double link list get the value? Could someone explain it? Because what i see in append_value function is to add the end Node value not the first Node value. But when i try to run the code, the first Node somehow has some value. thanks.
Please see the code:
struct Node
int value;
Node *next;
Node *prev;
class DoubleLinkList
Node *first;
Node *end;
void show_list();
void append_value(int);
first = NULL;
end = NULL;
void DoubleLinkList::show_list()
Node *node;
node = first;
cout << node->value << " ";
node = node->next;
cout << endl;
void DoubleLinkList::append_value(int value)
Node *ptr = end;
end = new Node;
if (first == NULL)
first = end;
ptr->next = end;
end->next = NULL;
end->prev = ptr;
end->value = value;
Normally, in a doubly linked list, when the head pointer is nul, this indicates that the list is empty:
void DoubleLinkList::append_value(int value)
if (first == nullptr)
// List is empty
At this time, the head pointer and the end pointer are set to the new node, thus placing a node into the list:
if (first == nullptr)
first = end;
You could simplify it by filling in the Node values on construction:
void DoubleLinkList::append_value(int value) {
end = new Node{value, nullptr, end};
// Check if there was a node there since before and, if so, make it point
// at the new `end`.
if(end->prev) {
end->prev->next = end;
} else {
first = end; // this is the first node added, make it point at `end`
Note: You also need a destructor to delete the objects and implement/delete the copy constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor and move assignment operator.
See The rule of five
I'm trying to write an insert function for string values for a circular doubly linked list. I saw that creating a dummy node is beneficial in doing this so I can eliminate special cases like when the list is empty. The problem is I'm not finding alot of good information on dummy head nodes. I understand their purpose, but I don't understand how I create/implement it.
appreciate all the code examples guys, tried to figure it out on my own getting a little stuck though if someone can look at it.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef string ListItemType;
struct node {
node * next;
node * prev;
ListItemType value;
node * head;
node * dummyHead = new node;
void insert(const ListItemType input, node * & within);
void main(){
void insert( const ListItemType input, node * &ListHead){
node *newPtr = new node;
node *curr;
newPtr->value = input;
curr = ListHead->next; //point to first node;
while (curr != ListHead && input < curr->value){
curr = curr->next;
//insert the new node pointed to by the newPTr before
// the node pointed to by curr
newPtr->next = curr;
newPtr->prev = curr->prev;
curr->prev = newPtr;
newPtr->prev->next = newPtr;
For a circular doubly linked list, you can setup 1 sentinel node where both "next" and "prev" points to itself when list is empty. When list is not empty, sentinel->next points to first element and sentinel->prev points to last element. With this knowledge, your insert and remove function would look something like this.
This is very basic and your LinkedList and Node class maybe implemented differently. That is OK. The main thing is the insert() and remove() function implementation that shows how sentinel node(s) removes the need for checking for NULL values.
Hope this helps.
class DoublyLinkedList
Node *sentinel;
int size = 0;
public DoublyLinkedList() {
sentinel = new Node(null);
// Insert to the end of the list
public void insert(Node *node) {
// being the last node, point next to sentinel
node->next = sentinel;
// previous would be whatever sentinel->prev is pointing previously
node->prev = sentinel->prev;
// setup previous node->next to point to newly inserted node
node->prev->next = node;
// sentinel previous points to new current last node
sentinel->prev = node;
public Node* remove(int index) {
if(index<0 || index>=size) throw new NoSuchElementException();
Node *retval = sentinel->next;
while(index!=0) {
retval->prev->next = retval->next;
retval->next->prev = retval->prev;
return retval;
class Node
friend class DoublyLinkedList;
string *value;
Node *next;
Node *prev;
public Node(string *value) {
this->value = value;
next = this;
prev = this;
public string* value() { return value; }
Why are you trying to use dummy node?
I hope you can handle it without a dummy node.
void AddNode(Node node)
if(ptrHead == NULL)
ptrHead = node;
Node* itr = ptrHead;
for(int i=1; i<listSize; i++)
itr = itr->next;
itr->next = node;
The above one is an example to handle the linked list without dummy node.
For a circular double linked list without a dummy node, the first node previous pointer points to the last node, and the last node next pointer points to the first node. The list itself has a head pointer to first node and optionally a tail pointer to last node and/or a count.
With a dummy node, the first node previous pointer points to the dummy node and the last node next pointer points to the dummy node. The dummy nodes pointers can point to the dummy node itself or be null.
The HP / Microsoft STL list function uses a dummy node as a list head node with the next pointer used as a head pointer to the first real node, and the previous pointer used as a tail pointer to the last real node.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef string ElementType;
struct Node
Node(ElementType element, Node* prev = NULL, Node* next = NULL):element(element){}
ElementType element;
Node* prev;
Node* next;
class LinkList
head = tail = dummyHead = new Node("Dummy Head", NULL, NULL);
dummyHead->next = dummyHead;
dummyHead->prev = dummyHead;
numberOfElement = 0;
void insert(ElementType element)
Node* temp = new Node(element, NULL, NULL);
if (0 == numberOfElement)
head = tail = temp;
head->prev = dummyHead;
dummyHead->next = head;
tail->next = dummyHead;
dummyHead->prev = tail;
tail->next = temp;
temp->prev = dummyHead->next;
temp->next = dummyHead;
dummyHead->next = temp;
tail = temp;
numberOfElement += 1;
int length() const { return numberOfElement; }
bool empty() const { return head == dummyHead; }
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const LinkList& List);
Node* head;
Node* tail;
Node* dummyHead;
int numberOfElement;
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const LinkList& List)
Node* current = List.head;
while (current != List.dummyHead)
out<<current->element<<" ";
current = current->next;
return out;
int main()
string arr[] = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"};
LinkList list;
int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
I think this code can help you. When you want to implement some data structure, you must have a clear blueprint about it.
Do the following inside the constructor
ptrHead = new Node();
listSize = 1;
if you have tail also,
ptrHead->next = ptrTail;
The above code will create dummy node.
Make sure you implementation should not affected by this dummy node.
int getSize()
return listSize-1;
I am a beginner in C++ and need help in many things. Well, for the starters, I have been working on Linked List and not really getting why my header(the first pointer which points towards first node) keep on rotating. I am just pointing it towards first node plus my display node is just displaying last node, why is it so?. Please tell me where I am wrong. Thank you in advance
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
struct Node
int data;
Node *link;
Node* create_Node()
int no_of_nodes;
Node *header = new Node;
Node *ptr = new Node;
header = ptr;
cout << "Enter no of nodes:";
cin >> no_of_nodes;
cout << "Enter data:";
for(int n = 0; n < no_of_nodes; n++)
cin >> ptr->data;
Node *temp = new Node;
ptr->link = temp;
temp = ptr;
ptr->link = NULL;
return ptr;
void display_link_list(Node * list)
Node *temp = new Node;
temp = list;
while(temp != NULL)
if(temp->link != NULL)
cout << "List:" << list->data << endl;
temp = temp->link;
int main()
Node *n = new Node;
n = create_Node();
return 0;
Welcome to C++. My advice here is to break the Linked list into two. First the Nodes and then a List struct.
struct Node
int data;
Node *next;
Node(int data) : data(data), next(NULL) {}
struct List {
Node* tail;
Node* head;
List() : head(NULL), tail(NULL) {}
void insert(int data) {
if(head==NULL) {
head = new Node(data);
tail = head;
} else {
tail->next = new Node(data);
tail = tail->next;
Now you can insert one element into the list at a time and use head to print the list from beginning to end.
Something basic that you need to understand:
When you do Node* p = new Node, you are setting variable p to point to the start address of a piece of memory, the size of which being equal to sizeof(Node).
Now, when you then do p = something else (which often appears in your code), you are essentially overriding the previous value of p with some other value. It is like doing:
int i = 5;
i = 6;
So your code does not do what you're expecting to begin with.
In addition to that, what's bad about overriding the first value with a second value in this case, is the fact that the first value is the address of a dynamically-allocated piece of memory, that you will need to delete at a later point in your program. And once you've used p to store a different value, you no longer "remember" that address, hence you cannot delete that piece of memory.
So you should start by fixing this problem in each of the following places:
Node *header = new Node; // Variable 'header' is assigned
header = ptr; // Variable 'header' is reassigned
Node *temp = new Node; // Variable 'temp' is assigned
temp = list; // Variable 'temp' is reassigned
Node *n = new Node; // Variable 'n' is assigned
n = create_Node(); // Variable 'n' is reassigned
I was writing a simple function to insert at the end of a linked list on C++, but finally it only shows the first data. I can't figure what's wrong. This is the function:
void InsertAtEnd (node* &firstNode, string name){
node* temp=firstNode;
while(temp!=NULL) temp=temp->next;
temp = new node;
if(firstNode==NULL) firstNode=temp;
What you wrote is:
if firstNode is null, it's replaced with the single node temp which
has no next node (and nobody's next is temp)
Else, if firstNode is not null, nothing happens, except that the temp
node is allocated and leaked.
Below is a more correct code:
void insertAtEnd(node* &first, string name) {
// create node
node* temp = new node;
temp->data = name;
temp->next = NULL;
if(!first) { // empty list becomes the new node
first = temp;
} else { // find last and link the new node
node* last = first;
while(last->next) last=last->next;
last->next = temp;
Also, I would suggest adding a constructor to node:
struct node {
std::string data;
node* next;
node(const std::string & val, node* n = 0) : data(val), next(n) {}
node(node* n = 0) : next(n) {}
Which enables you to create the temp node like this:
node* temp = new node(name);
You've made two fundamental mistakes:
As you scroll through the list, you roll off the last element and start constructing in the void behind it. Finding the first NULL past the last element is useless. You must find the last element itself (one that has its 'next' equal NULL). Iterate over temp->next, not temp.
If you want to append the element at the end, you must overwrite the last pointer's NULL with its address. Instead, you write the new element at the beginning of the list.
void InsertAtEnd (node* &firstNode, string name)
node* newnode = new node;
if(firstNode == NULL)
node* last=firstNode;
while(last->next != NULL) last=last->next;
last->next = newnode;
Note, this gets a bit neater if you make sure never to feed NULL but have all lists always initialized with at least one element. Also, inserting at the beginning of list is much easier than appending at the end: newnode->next=firstNode; firstNode=newnode.
The last element in your list never has it's next pointer set to the new element in the list.
The problem is that you are replacing the head of the linked list with the new element, and in the process losing the reference to the actual list.
To insert at the end, you want to change the while condition to:
while(temp->next != null)
After the loop, temp will point to the last element in the list. Then create a new node:
node* newNode = new node;
newNode->data = name;
newNode->next = NULL;
Then change temps next to this new node:
temp->next = newNode;
You also do not need to pass firstNode as a reference, unless you want NULL to be treated as a linked list with length 0. In that case, you will need to significantly modify your method so it can handle the case where firstNode is NULL separately, as in that case you cannot evaluate firstNode->next without a segmentation fault.
If you don't want to use reference pointer, you could use pointer to pointer. My complete code goes like below:
void insertAtEnd(struct node **p,int new_data)
struct node *new_node=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if((*p)==NULL)//if list is empty
struct node* last=*p;//initailly points to the 1st node
while((last)->next != NULL)//traverse till the last node
void printlist(struct node *node)
while(node != NULL);
int main()
struct node *root=NULL;
return 0;
Understanding the need of the below two variables is key to understanding the problem:
struct node **p: Because we need to link it from the root node created in the main.
struct node* last: Because if not used, the original content will be changed with the contents of the next node inside the while loop. In the end only 2 elements will be printed, the last 2 nodes, which is not desired.
void addlast ( int a)
node* temp = new node;
temp->data = a;
temp->next = NULL;
if(count == maxnum)
top = temp;
node* last = top;
last->next = temp;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class Node
int data;
Node *next;
void append(Node *first, int n)
Node *foo = new Node();
foo->data = n;
foo->next = NULL;
if (first == NULL)
first = foo;
Node *last = first;
while (last->next)
last = last->next;
last->next = foo;
void printList(Node *first)
while (first->next != NULL)
first = first->next;
cout << first->data << ' ';
int main()
Node *node = new Node();
append(node, 4);
append(node, 10);
append(node, 7);
return 0;
Output: 4 10 7
You can use this code:
void insertAtEnd(Node* firstNode, string name)
Node* newn = new Node; //create new node
while( firstNode->next != NULL ) //find the last element in yur list
firstNode = firstNode->next; //he is the one that points to NULL
firstNode->next = newn; //make it to point to the new element
newn->next = NULL; //make your new element to be the last (NULL)
newn->data = name; //assign data.
void InsertAtEnd (node* &firstNode, string name){
node* temp=firstNode;
while(temp && temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next;
node * temp1 = new node;
temp->next= temp1;
while loop will return at temp==null in your code instead you need to return last node pointer from while loop like this
while(temp && temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next;
and assign a new node to next pointer of the returned temp node will add the data to the tail of linked list.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node
int item; // storage for the node's item
Node* next; // pointer to the next node
Node* addNode(Node*& head, int data , int& count)
Node * q; // new node
q = new Node; // allocate memory for the new mode
q->item = data; // inserting data for the new node
q->next = head; // point to previous node ?? how would i do that? ( am i doing it correctly?)
count++; // keep track of number of node
head = q;
return q;
int main()
int a, count=0;
int data;
bool repeat;
Node *head= NULL;
//^^ assuming thats creating the first node ^^
cout << "please enter the data for the next node" <<endl;
cin >> data;
addNode(head, data, count);
cout << "do you wish to enter another node? (enter true or false)" << endl;
cin >>repeat;
while (repeat == true);
// assuming this is the print function
while(head != NULL)
cout << "output" << temp->item << endl;
cout << temp->next << endl;
return 0;
okey i tried adding a new element in the list how would i move the head around like a LIFO memory (stack) so the last element is on the very top..
any help would be appreciated ! The pointers and the nodes are messing with my brain lately ....
temp is an uninitialized pointer. So -
temp-> item = a; // temp is not initialized or pointing to a memory location
// that has Node object to use operator ->
First, temp needs to be allocated memory location using new.
temp = new Node;
temp -> item = a;
And now assign it head. Similarly allocate memory for the child nodes too in the while loop. And return all the resources acquired from child to head using delete before program termination.
You seem to have some misunderstandings here:
Your "head" is the start of the list. It's always the start.
You add append elements to a linked list by assigning them to the last node's next pointer.
Third, you're not allocating anything.
Node *head= new Node();
Node *temp = new Node();
cout<<"enter something into data"<<endl;
cin >> a ;
temp->item = a;
head->next = temp;
Now ... to add the next thing, you either need to keep track of the last node (tail), or traverse the list to find the last node.
Node *nextNode = new Node();
nextNode->item = 0.0;
Node *i;
for (i = head; i->next != null; i = i->next);
i->next = nextNode;
This is O(n) execution time. By keeping track of the tail you make it O(1):
Node *head= new Node();
Node *tail = head;
Node *temp = new Node();
cout<<"enter something into data"<<endl;
cin >> a ;
temp->item = a;
tail->next = temp;
tail = temp;
Node *nextNode = new Node();
nextNode->item = 0.0;
tail->next = nextNode;
tail = nextNode;
EDIT: As pointed out, if you want to prepend to the list, you would:
temp->next = head;
head = temp;
Since I'm not sure every answer completely answers it, here's a linked list implementation (written without testig:
// your (correct) structure
struct Node
float item; // storage for the node's item
Node* next; // pointer to the next node
Now we need two pointers somewhere to look after the list:
/* some pointers */
struct List
Node* head;
Node* tail;
Now we need to create some elements. As others have said, you can do that with new:
/* create some elements we want to link in */
Node* elem1 = new Node();
Node* elem2 = new Node();
Node* elem3 = new Node();
/* maybe even set their properties! */
elem1->item = 3.14;
elem2->item = 3.14;
elem3->item = 3.14;
Notice how I didn't try to add these elements to a list yet? That's because I've got a function in mind which looks like this:
void addtolist(List &list, Node* node)
/* if no head, initialise the list */
if ( list->head == NULL )
list->head = node;
list->tail = node;
else if ( list->head != NULL && list->tail != NULL )
/* access the tail element and set its
next to this ptr.
Move tail to this node */
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
/* probably raise an exception! */
You can call this by doing this:
List l;
addtolist(l, elem1); /* etc */
Deleting elements is somewhat more tricky, since you have to go to that element, remember its previous element, grab it's next element, join them up and delete the Node* you're on.
Now for traversing lists... your terminology HEAD|TAIL reminds me of Erlang and tail recursion, where the current element is referred to as the head and the remainder the tail. If I write:
Node* cur = l.head;
while ( cur != NULL )
// do something with cur.item ?
cur = cur->next;
You can see this happening. Replacing cur with head here would be harmless thanks to the List struct.
Finally, I've used a very C-like approach here, but there's scope for templates:
template<typename T>
struct node
T item; // storage for the node's item
Node<T>* next; // pointer to the next node
and encapsulating the List struct as a class:
template<typename T>
class List
Node<T>* head;
Node<T>* tail;
void addtolist(Node<T>* node);
Node<T>* gethead();
Node<T>* gettail();
Which brings you a little bit closer to std::list.
Additionally note that you are doing an implicit cast from int to float on
temp-> item = a;
as a is an int, while temp->item is a double.
To solve your problem: You want to allocate a new structure before accessing temp, thus
temp = new Node();