adding app to facebook page - facebook-like

I'm new to facebook apps, and actually all I want is to add a 'contact us' tab to a 'like page' that I'm helping to manage. I have setup a server with PHP code, and opened an facebook app. (I left the SSL part empty because my server dose not support SSL.) And now I'm just trying to add the app to the page, but I can't find where... It's probably just a link I haven't noticed yet, but I can't find it.
I've googled around the internet, but all explanations I found where old, and didn't help me.
Just for clearness: I want to know how to add an existing facebook app to an existing facebook page
Here the documentation


Allow more pages with facebook graph api

My app successfully connects to Facebook using Facebook's Graph API, requests access to the pages I want to post to and redirects back to my app. That works like charm.
My problem is that if I created a new page on Facebook, I cannot add it to my app:
When I try to connect again, Facebook seems to know what I have requested earlier and I'm immediately redirected to my app without the request which pages I want to allow access to.
How to reconnect or what's the normal way to fix that problem?
I use Facebook's PHP Graph SDK 5.7.
#CBroe That didn't work either, but then I've cleared all permissions and chosen to reopen the site selector dialog, chosen all sites and closed, removed the information from my database and reconnected... Now the dialog appeared! Thank you for your help! Helped me a lot!

Facebook API - Post to page

I'm trying to figure out how to post to my Facebook page automatically from my website. I have a custom CMS written in PHP that I use with my website, and I have already created the Facebook App and set up the necessary App ID and App Secret. I have PHP code written that when I create a page in my CMS, it will take the Page Title and a blurb of the content and create a post in my Facebook page, however because my Facebook App is not live, only I can see the post.
I've tried to apply for my app to go Live, but have been denied because I do not involve a login process. However, I don't want to log in again. That defeats the whole point of having the extended life access token.
Is it possible to do what I am trying to do? Or is there something I need to include in my app review request to have this approved? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, as the response I get from Facebook is rather generic and unhelpful.
Thank you!

Is there anyone who is really able to get facebook page feed through realtime updates?

I was trying to setup a realtime update for one of my facebook app from a facebook page. I have tried each and every process described in facebook official api docs as well as other developers blogs. But no luck till now. My subscription is successful, I can see it both from api explorer and facebook url. My callback url also works perfectly. But when something new published in my page, I don't get any updates. Hoping anyone will reply who got it really working by him/her self.
Please do not suggest any facebook doc, I have already tried them.

Open Graph Protocol, Facebook App & Facebook Like Button on Website

So I set up an App to handle open graph protocol setting for my website. I embedded the open graph protocol metadata into the site and I added a Facebook like button that ties to the home page. I ran it through the linter and everything looks good. But when I look at the administration interface in Facebook, it shows a different number of "likes" than on my page itself. Also I thought by setting it up in this way I would be able to see who liked my page as well. Finally, when I go to my website and I am logged into facebook, it does not show an "admin page" link which I thought it is supposed to do. I have been looking all over the Facebook developer documentation and cannot seem to find an answer. Thank you!

Creating a Facebook Login for my site

I just got my website, and would like to add a facebook login option for my guests. I have followed all of the steps but I am getting errors. Facebook development assisted me to a point but I don't understand how to fix this.
According to facebook development the problem with this is issue is as follows:
APP_ID in this URL needs to be replaced with your actual app ID and not left that way.
I don't know what this means, can anyone explain? Or is there a step by step option to assist with setting all of this up? it is quite confusing
When you click [Get Code], where it says APP_ID you need to replace that with your facebook app's app id.