Can I make an Ecore metamodel that enables models to reference Java classes? - eclipse-emf

Suppose I want to design an Ecore metamodel that looks something like this, designed to be used to "run" a list of classes:
0..* JavaClass
And assume I have some Java project that has classes named PrintsHello, PrintsSeparator, and PrintsWorld.
I'd like to be able to then write models that look like this:
I want my model to be able to include a Java project and to recognize its classes as choices for the model references (possibly co-located in the same project the model is in.)
Is this possible?

Ed Merks said the following. See the thread for the remainder of the discussion.
You can use Ecore's EJavaClass data type to create a multi-valued
attribute. You might be better just to use class names, and use a
class loader to convert therm to actual class instances.
Same goes for
wanting references to IProject; you can use a string and then resolve
it to an IProject using the the workspace root.

You should define additional EDatatypes to your ecore for each Java class you want to reference (with 'Instance Type Name' = java class qualified name), and simply use these datatypes to type some of your EAttributes.
Note that you will have to implement specific converters for each created EDatatype if you want to persist EAttribute values in your Resource files.
Example with an EDatatype named 'Date', with instanceTypeName='java.util.Date', you would have to give implementation for the following two methods in your factory implementation:
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* #generated
public Date createDateFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) {
// TODO replace with your implementation
return (Date)super.createFromString(eDataType, initialValue);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* #generated
public String convertDateToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) {
// TODO replace with your implementation
return super.convertToString(eDataType, instanceValue);


spring data neo4j (SDN4) - find by relationship

I'm studying spring data for Neo4J and I've seen some examples where you just define a method in the repository interface following some standards (to find by a specific attribute) and it's automatically handled by spring. Ex: findByName.
It works quite straightforward with basic attributes but it doesn't seems to work when the attribute is actually a relationship.
See this example:
public class AcceptOrganizationTask extends AbstractTask {
#Relationship(type="RELATES_TO", direction = "OUTGOING")
private OrganizationInvite invitation;
In the repository interface I've defined 3 methods (All with the same goal):
List<AcceptOrganizationTask> findAllByInvitation(OrganizationInvite invite);
#Query("MATCH (i:OrganizationInvite)<-[RELATES_TO]-(t:AcceptOrganizationTask) WHERE i={invite} RETURN t")
List<AcceptOrganizationTask> getTaskByInvitation(#Param("invite") OrganizationInvite invite);
AcceptOrganizationTask findByInvitation_Id(Long invitationId);
None of them are able to retrieve the task by its invite property. But if I use use findAll() I can get the object with the property associated to the correct invitation.
Am I missing something ?
Bellow I have the Cypher code generated for this three methods:
MATCH (n:`AcceptOrganizationTask`)
WHERE n.`invitation` = { `invitation_0` }
WITH n MATCH p=(n)-[*0..1]-(m) RETURN p, ID(n)
with params {invitation_0={entityId=15, version=0, createdOn=1484758262374, lastChanged=1484758262374, createUser=null, lastUpdatedBy=null,, randomKey=fc940b14-12c3-4894-b2b4-728e3a6b8036, invitedUser={entityId=11, version=0, createdOn=1484758261450, lastChanged=1484758261450, createUser=null, lastUpdatedBy=null, name=User,, credentialsNonExpired=true, lastPasswordResetDate=null, authorities=null, authoritiesInDB=[], accountNonExpired=true, accountNonLocked=true, enabled=true, id=11}, id=15}}
MATCH (i:OrganizationInvite)<-[RELATES_TO]-(t:AcceptOrganizationTask)
WHERE i={invite} RETURN t with params {invite=15}
MATCH (n:`AcceptOrganizationTask`)
MATCH (m0:`OrganizationInvite`)
WHERE m0.`id` = { `invitation_id_0` }
MATCH (n)-[:`RELATES_TO`]->(m0)
MATCH p=(n)-[*0..1]-(m) RETURN p, ID(n)
with params {invitation_id_0=15}
All entities inherit from a common AbstractEntity with and Long id field, annotated with #GraphId.
Am I missing something ?
At the moment derived finder queries support only works to one level of nesting.
We are hoping to add this feature soon in the coming weeks though.
For now you can write a custom #Query to get around this.

How to get an Ecore feature disply name without an object instance?

I'd like to create a GUI table to display a given list of features of an EObject sub-class. To do this I have to get the display names of the features for the column header.
How do I get the feature display names in the best way?
One solution that seems a bit like a hack:
If I have an instance of the class then I can use the adaptor factory to get a IItemPropertySource that can do this:
SomeEntity e = ...
String displayName = adaptorFactory.adapt(e, IItemPropertySource.class)
.getPropertyDescriptor(null, feature).getDisplayName(null));
But when the table is empty there is no SomeEntity object handy to use to get the IItemPropertySource.
I can create a dummy object using the EFactory in this way:
EClass containingClass = feature.getEContainingClass();
SomeEntity dummy = containingClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance()
... and then use that object the get the IItemPropertySource. But this seem a bit like a hack. Is there no better solution?
If you know the class at compile time, you can create the ItemProviderAdapter yourself:
MyClassItemProvider provider = new MyClassItemProvider(adaptorFactory);
String name = provider.getPropertyDescriptor(null, property).getDisplayName(null);
If you do not know the class at compile time, but only have an EClass instance at runtime, things are more complicated, because the necessary methods are protected. You have to "make" them public first.
I would add respective methods to the generated MyPackageSwitch and MyPackageAdapterFactory classes (in myPackage.util).
In MyPackageAdapterFactory:
* #generated NOT
public MyPackageSwitch<Adapter> getModelSwitch() {
return modelSwitch;
In MyPackageSwitch:
* generated NOT
public T doPublicSwitch(EClass theEClass, EObject theEObject) {
return doSwitch(theEClass, theEObject);
Now you can create an ItemProviderAdapter for an EClass theEClass like this:
provider = (ItemProviderAdapter) adapterFactory.getModelSwitch()
.doPublicSwitch(theEClass, null);
EMF was obviously not made for this. Keep in mind that this all is only working if you do not have any custom provider implementations that uses the EObject values.

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException, Unable to create an instance of class

I have the following situation:
There is a tree structure for logical expressions which is used in our application and defined by a four class hierarchie:
Node is an abstract super class
OrNode is a sub class of Node representing OR
AndNode is a sub class of Node representing AND
Leaf is a sub class of Node representing a leaf node holding some data
Now the tree structure should be transfered to a web service which will do some operation on the tree (e.g. evaluating the result by gathering some other information)
The signature of that WS-Operation could be look like the following:
public TheResult evaluateTree(Node tree);
We are using JAX-WS and generate the web services classes with wsimport. First, there are no classes generated for OrNode, AndNode and Leaf. So, we added them manually. We convert the classes used on the client side to the generated classes created by wsimport. Next we want to call the web service operation with the converted tree as parameter. But here an exception occurs saying something like: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException - with linked exception: [javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unable to create an instance of InterfaceEntities.Node - with linked exception: [java.lang.InstantiationException]]
Here are the Wrapper classes added by us and generated classes:
#XmlType(name = "OrNode")
public class OrNode
extends Node
#XmlType(name = "AndNode")
public class AndNode
extends Node
#XmlType(name = "leaf")
public class Leaf
extends Node
#XmlType(name = "node", propOrder = {
public abstract class Node {
Here is the generated XML-File when using Marshaller as described in Blaise Doughan's blog (see answer below):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:treeInfo xmlns:ns2="http://webservice.api.process/">
<tree xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:OrNode">
<children xsi:type="ns2:leaf">
<!-- some fields holding values -->
<children xsi:type="ns2:leaf">
<!-- some fields holding values -->
<!-- some fields holding values -->
It is a simple tree consisting of one orNode and two leaf nodes,
treeInfo represents the class holding the Node/tree object with some other information. It is marked as the XmlRootElement with the corresponding annotation.
Did we miss anything?
Thanks in advance!
I've found the problem. We are using several web services, for each we generate the wrapper classes via wsimport. And some webservices are using the node class. Now, as I mentioned in my question, we had to implement some wrapper classes manually as they were not auto generated by wsimport, i.e. we had to add wrapper classes for the OrNode and AndNode. You also have to add the XmlSeeAlso element to the super class so that it knows its sub classes. We added the XmlSeeAlso element for one web service but missed it for the other one. This caused the exception mentioned above.
If you are in development, a quick fix is to simply remove the abstract key word from the class definition of the "abstract" class. If the class is no longer abstract, it will no longer throw the error. This may be a hack that you want to fix before releasing your code into production, but it can enable you to keep developing other aspects of your application before you resolve the deeper problem.
Assuming in your question that your SearchNode class should really be Node then you need to make sure that the XML contains the appropriate xsi:type attribute to specify the subclass.
For the Leaf class it would be:
<node xsi:type="leaf" xmlns:xsi="">
For More Information

Inspect Ember.js: Get the type of an object (Class)?

I use console.log() a lot, especially in combination with Ember.inspect(). But there's one thing I miss:
How can I find out the type of an object (Class)?
For example: Getting something like <Sandbox.ApplicationController:ember288> when inspecting Ember.get("controller")?
If you just want the model name (for example app/models/comment.js has the model name comment), you can use thing.constructor.modelName.
For example:
var aComment = this.get('store').createRecord('comment');
aComment.get('constructor.modelName') // => 'comment'
I understand you are looking for a string for debugging purposes, but I originally came to this question wanting to know specifically how to get the type of the object, not a string describing the object.
Using the built in Javascript property constructor will yield the class used to construct the instance. For example you could do:
person = App.Person.create();
person.constructor // returns App.Person
person.constructor.toString() // return "App.Person"
If you get Class, you can usually call toString() (or as a shortcut concat an empty string + '') to get something like <Sandbox.ApplicationController:ember288>
Another useful feature (in chrome) is the dir command.
This will give you the full object information, rather than just the name.
Be aware that some of these answers suggested here only work in development. Once your code is in production most of those methods / class names will get minified.
import Model from '#ember-data/model';
export default class Animal extends Model {
// ...
So in development:
const model ='animal'); // returns Animal
in production:
const model ='animal'); // returns 'i' (or any other single letter).
To avoid this, use constructor.toString()
const model ='animal');
model.constructor.toString() // returns 'model:animal'

Load 2 different input models in Acceleo

I'd like to load 2 different input models (a .bpel and a .wsdl) in my main template of Acceleo.
I loaded the ecore metamodels for both bpel and wsdl and I'd like to be able to use something like this:
[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
[module generate('http:///org/eclipse/bpel/model/bpel.ecore','')/]
[import org::eclipse::acceleo::module::sample::files::processJavaFile /]
[template public generate(aProcess : Process, aDefinition : Definition)]
[comment #main /]
Process Name : []
Def Location : [aDefinition.location/]
but when I run the acceleo template I get this error:
An internal error occurred during: "Launching Generate".
Could not find public template generate in module generate.
I think I have to modify the java launcher ( because right now it can't take 2 models as arguments. Do you know how?
** EDIT from Kellindil suggestions:
Just to know if I understood it right, before I get to modify stuff:
I'm trying to modify the Generate() constructor.
I changed it in:
public Generate(URI modelURI, URI modelURI2, File targetFolder,
List<? extends Object> arguments) {
initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);
In the generic case, I can see it calls the AbstractAcceleoGenerator.initialize(URI, File, List>?>), shall I call it twice, once per each model? like:
initialize(modelURI, targetFolder, arguments);
initialize(modelURI2, targetFolder, arguments);
Then, to mimic in my Generate() constructor the code that is in the super-implementation:
Map<String, String> AbstractAcceleoLauncher.generate(Monitor monitor) {
File target = getTargetFolder();
if (!target.exists() && !target.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("target directory " + target + " couldn't be created."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
AcceleoService service = createAcceleoService();
String[] templateNames = getTemplateNames();
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < templateNames.length; i++) {
result.putAll(service.doGenerate(getModule(), templateNames[i], getModel(), getArguments(),
target, monitor));
return result;
what shall I do? Shall I try to mimic what this method is doing in my Generate() constructor after the initialize() calls?
What you wish to do is indeed possible with Acceleo, but it is not the "default" case that the generated launcher expects.
You'll have to mark the "generate" method of the generated java class as "#generated NOT" (or remove the "#generated" annotation from its javadoc altogether). In this method, what you need to do is mimic the behavior of the super-implementation (in AbstractAcceleoLauncher) does, loading two models instead of one and passing them on to AcceleoService#doGenerate.
In other words, you will need to look at the API Acceleo provides to generate code, and use it in the way that fits your need. Our generated java launcher and the AcceleoService class are there to provide an example that fits the general use case. Changing the behavior can be done by following these samples.
You should'nt need to modify the class. By default, it should allow you to perform the code generation.
You need to create a launch config and provide the right arguments (process and definition) in this launch config, that's all.
I don't understand the 'client.xmi' URI that is the 1st argument of your module. It looks like it is your model file, if so remove it from the arguments, which must only contain your metamodels URIs.