Is it possible to debug locally WebService on Google App Engine - web-services

I am new on web services development and I will be using the app engine.
I would like to know if it is possible to debug locally a web service (at localhost:8888/) and debug at the same time the web app that will be using the service.

The App Engine SDK ships with a local server implementation that you typically debug on. You'd debug the web app in your browser.

Yes, you can debug both client and server.
However I assume that client and server are separate code bases - in this case you would have two IDE projects open each running it's own debug session.

Since you are new to GAE, I would advice to use one of rich IDE's available out there. For example, I can mention Eclipse or IntelliJ which make it very easy to debug and find issues in GAE apps.
Here are some links:
Intellij GAE support
Eclypse GAE plugin


Change default container in scalatra web application in eclipse

I am a total beginner with developing in scalatra, eclipse, sbt, web services, etc...coming from a proprietary SAP Abap world where everything is different. Recently I found interest in developing in scala and SAP opens its SAP Cloud Platform, so I tried some tutorials to create some very simple web applications.
I could manage to create the sample tutorial with scalatra and sbt.
Scalatra includes Jetty as a default container.
I want to use Eclipse as SAP uses it as a standard development environment. I managed also to install the sbt-eclipse plugin and could import the project into the eclipse environment.
But now I'm stuck.
How can I change the web-container (server) to Tomcat which is installed locally in my eclipse environment?
It is a Scala project, so I cannot use the option which is available in a J2EE project to define the Target Runtime Environment in the properties.
Ultimately I would like to deploy it to my Hana trial account at SAP Cloud Platform. Any hint is appreciated.

Turning Django web app to a Desktop app

I am very comfortable with Django, and I was wondering about whether there is some way to convert a Django web app into a Desktop app (may be not 100%), so that I can distribute it to users, instead of learning a GUI framework.
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but if you really, really don't want to learn a GUI framework, in your place I'd consider packaging your Django web application with a small web server in the distributable package, with the Django app configured to run on localhost on the web server. Then I'd include a script that launches a browser pointing at the starting page of your Django app as the "executable".
If not configured properly this could be considered weak from a security point of view.

Is there an Application Management Console for Jetty?

I've fairly recently started working with Java (most of my recent experience is in .NET). As part of that effort, I have been doing some comparison between Jetty and Tomcat.
One feature of Tomcat that I think would be useful in our environment is the built in management console that allows an administrator to deploy/undeploy/restart/etc the various applications deployed to the server.
Is there a similar capability available for Jetty? If not, is there a preferred way to manage application servers?
Thanks for your input.
Any JMX console should work, including JConsole and JVisualVM.

Deploy .asmx (not WCF) web service on windows 7

I need to deploy an old style .asmx web service (not WCF) on a windows 7 machine for test reasons. However it seems that just deploying it on a virtual directory or new web site on IIS won't cut like it used to back in xp.
What should I do? I need to test the service locally prior to deploying it, and so far it's giving me a hard time.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Deploying to a Virtual Directory should work just like it did in XP...with one minor change.
The default behavior in IIS7 is to use 'Integrated' Managed Pipeline Mode for your Application Pools. More than likely, you just need to change that to 'Classic' Managed Pipeline Mode (or switch your Web Service over to use the built-in 'Classic ASP.NET' App Pool).

Django Projects as Desktop applications : how to?

How to make Django projects packaged as desktop applications?
I found some tutorials, but is there any solution as DjangoKit , for Linux and Windows?
List of related tutorials :
Deploying a Django app on the desktop
Django application as a stand-alone desktop application
This project started when I needed to
distribute a self contained user
installable Windows demo of a Django
Edit: Another alternative is Super Zippy, it takes a Python package and its pure Python dependencies and transforms them all into a single executable file.
You might want to look into Appcelerator's (link) Titanium Desktop for developing web apps on the desktop.
It's fully cross platform, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
It's supports running Python, Ruby, and JavaScript code in your application all concurrently interacting with one anther in one application. It's pretty sweet.
(Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop. I think this is a helpful answer though)
If your Django app is already deployed as a web app then you can wrap the web app in Electron.
If the web app does not need to be distributed to users (i.e.. you don't need an installer or code signing) then Nativefier is great for that. It's free and open-source. I made a Nativefier guide here.
If you're distributing to users then you'll probably want an installer and code signing and auto-updates for Electron. ToDesktop will do all that for you without any coding or configuration.
There's a comparison of the two here.