How to give choices from values of another field in Django models - django

I have a form, which is for scheduling an appointment. I give user 3 dates on which the meeting can be scheduled. Now in the admin I want to select one of the dates according to my convenience, and store it in a field of the same model. How can I do that
Right now my meeting dates are just char fields like this
schedule1 = models.CharField()
schedule2 = model.CharField()
schedule3 = models.CharFiedl()
selected_schedule = model.CharField(choices={something here})
The schedule fields will be filled when the object is created. So I am sure the choices will be there, I just have to dynamically set them. How can I do this?
Any help will be appreciated.

Here's what you do (if the schedule fields are already prefilled):
class ScheduleForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ScheduleForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance = kwargs.get('instance', None)
if instance is not None:
self.fields['selected_schedule'].choices = (
(instance.schedule1, instance.schedule1),
(instance.schedule2, instance.schedule2),
(instance.schedule3, instance.schedule3),
On your admin, simply state that you want to use that form:
class TheAdminInQuestion(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = ScheduleForm
Further note:
I'd recommend a different solution to your problem than storing the choices on the same model. For instance, you might have a model called ScheduleChoice, and there could be 3 records of that, etc. Or, you might calculate the value based on some other rules, and just don't store the choices at all. Also, I'd recommend using DateTimeField to store the dates. You can convert the date to any format you like (e.g. January 12th, 2011 at 3:35PM) and still store it as the same datetime object in the database.


Django - Custom values for inline list item field

After searching for a while, I can't seem to find any answer for this so I'm asking this question. What I want to is display some values based on a person's salary and a bracket. My models looks like this.
class Employee
salary = models.DecimalField
class Benefit
class EmployeeBenefit
employee = models.ForeignKey
benefit = models.ForeignKey
class BenefitVersion
benefit = models.ForeignKey
class BenefitBracket
benefit_version = models.ForeignKey
from_salary = models.DecimalField
to_salary = models.DecimalField
As you can see it's quite deep, there would be a bunch of querying to do to get to the fields I want.
I basically need to get the employee's salary(which is easy because this is gonna be inside EmployeeAdmin) then get the current benefit of the EmployeeBenefit list item, then based on the benefit and the employee's salary, get the bracket and then display some of it's fields on the inline.
I want to display the the_fields_I_want_to_display on the admin.TabularInline for EmployeeBenefit inside my EmployeeAdmin. I was testing using a forms.ModelForm in the inline and modifying it's contents using get_form based on this answer but django is not calling get_form. I also previously tried using calculated_fields but it's not being rendered as well.
I'm using django 3.1.7 btw
I found this and try it out right now. I think it has potential but unfortunately the obj that get_formset gives is Employee so I still need to find a way to get the right EmployeeBenefit for the list item
After some more searching, I already figured out a way to do this. Based on this SO answer, I got an idea on how I should receive the data I passed to the formset using get_formset.
So, in my get_formset, I did something like this.
def get_formset(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
formset = super(Inline, self).get_formset(request, obj, **kwargs)
formset.request = request
benefit_details_dict_arr = []
emp_contribs = models.EmployeeBenefit.objects.filter(employee=obj)
#because what I'm getting here is Employee and not a EmployeeBenefit, I have to query it first
for contrib in emp_contribs:
bracket = contrib.get_benefit_bracket(
"key": bracket.val,
"key2": bracket.val2,
formset.benefit_details = benefit_details_dict_arr
return formset
Then on the formset, I receive the data this way.
class EmpBenefitFormSet(forms.models.BaseInlineFormSet):
model = models.EmployeeBenefit
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(EmpBenefitFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
cntr = 0
for form in self.forms:
init_data = self.benefit_details[cntr]
for field in form.fields:
if field in init_data:
form.initial[field] = init_data[field]
form.fields[field].required = False
form.fields[field].disabled = True
cntr += 1
Also, if you're gonna use this way of receiving the data, each field you want to inflate should be declared on the fields of the inline. This should work if the fields you want to set an initial value are actual fields of the model. You might need to tweak this a bit to work for custom fields

Django_Tables2 Dynamic Columns with Filters

Goal was to implement a simple View for the Users to Select columns dynamically with some added calculated info (annotations on some specific columns) and also let them filter on fields.
Thankful for any comments, since this took me quite a few hours to get it working properly I thought I would provide a short writeup for anyone looking at a similar problem :)
Used Modules/Libraries etc:
Bootstrap-Select to properly display Multiple Choice Fields
Example Model which we would like to use:
class Summary(models.Model):
billing_date = models.DateField(verbose_name='Billing Date')
period = models.CharField(max_length=10, verbose_name='Period')
operator = models.CharField(max_length=50, verbose_name='Operator')
product = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Product')
The filters are really straightforward, the only special case here is that the we want an empty queryset initially and some fields should be required.
"info" will hold the select columns of our "Summary" Model, "product" and "operator" are just fields in Summary.
class AdHocReportFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
info = django_filters.MultipleChoiceFilter(choices=report_field_choices, label='Available Fields', required=True)
product = django_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(queryset=Product.objects.all(), label='Products', required=True)
operator = django_filters.CharFilter(field_name="operator", lookup_expr='contains', label='Operator')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AdHocReportFilter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if == {}:
self.queryset = self.queryset.none()
Nothing interesting to show here, you can use Bootstrap-Select to tidy up your Multi Select Fields (there are quite a few nice writeups about that available).
Make sure to put your Table into an "if" as the object may or may not exist depending on your view (if someone wants an example of the template let me know)
Extract your GET requests accordingly (either as list or simple value depending on your available filters).
The actual filter itself depends on what you want the user to be able to filter, make sure to either make all necessary fields required or replace them with some standard value as the filter will not accept None Types.
"field__contains" is your friend here since it will also show values on not selected fields!
Special Case, if there can actually be "Null" Values in the DB for specific fields, move them to another filter likethe below example of the Q - query!
Fortunately "values" accepts "*list" which is a simple list of all our available columns.
The annotations are just dependant on what you want to achieve.
Call the Table Object with the added argument "user_columns" which holds our list so we can build the required Table.
def ad_hoc_report(request):
template_name = 'non_voice/ad_hoc_report.html'
filter = AdHocReportFilter(request.GET, queryset=Summary.objects.all())
info = request.GET.getlist('info', None)
product = request.GET.get('product', '')
operator = request.GET.get('operator', '')
start_date = request.GET.get('start_date', None)
end_date = request.GET.get('end_date', None)
if operator is None:
operator = ''
result_object = Summary.objects.filter(product__contains=product, ).filter((Q(operator__contains=operator)|Q(operator__isnull=True)).values(*info).annotate(
Amount=Sum("amount"), Count=Sum("count"))
table = AdHocReportTable(data=result_object, user_columns=info)
return render(request, template_name, {'filter': filter, 'table': table})
This was the difficult part and only possible with lots and lots of reading various stack overflow comments :)
First of all define your calculated annotation columns and set the required Meta info, the '...' is a built in placeholder without knowing the column name in advance (which helps us to move our calculated columns to the end of the Table)
In the init we first check if our "self.base_columns" are consistent with what we provided and remove columns which were deselected by our user, otherwise it would still show them empty even after filtering. (Maybe there is a nicer way to do this, haven't found it yet)
In the next step add the columns selected by our user dynamically from the mentioned above "user_columns" which we passed in the
class AdHocReportTable(tables.Table):
Amount = tables.Column(verbose_name='Amount')
Count = tables.Column(verbose_name='Count')
class Meta:
# '...' is a built in placeholder!
sequence = ('...', 'Amount', 'Count')
template_name = "django_tables2/bootstrap4.html"
attrs = {'class': 'table table-hover', }
# This makes it possible to pass a dynamic list of columns to the Table Object
def __init__(self, data, user_columns, *args, **kwargs):
if user_columns:
calulated_columns = ['Amount', 'Count']
# Removes deselected columns from the table (otherwise they are shown empty)
for key, val in self.base_columns.items():
if key not in user_columns and key not in calulated_columns:
del self.base_columns[key]
# Add the Selected Columns dynamically to the Table
for col in user_columns:
self.base_columns[col] = tables.Column(verbose_name=col)
super(AdHocReportTable, self).__init__(data, user_columns, *args, **kwargs)

django DateField model -- unable to find the date differences

I'm unable to find the difference between two dates in my form.
class Testing(models.Model):
Planned_Start_Date = models.DateField()
Planned_End_Date = models.DateField()
Planned_Duration = models.IntegerField(default=Planned_Start_Date - Planned_End_Date)
difference between the date has to calculated and it should stored in the database but It doesn't works
default is a callable function that is just used on the class level, so you can't use it to do what you want. You should override the model's save() method (or better, implement a pre_save signal handler to populate the field just before the object is saved:
def save(self, **kwargs):
self.Planned_Duration = self.Planned_End_Date - self.Planned_Start_Date
But why do you save a computed property to the database? This column is unnecessary. Both for querying (you can easily use computed queries on the start and end date) as for retrieving, you're wasting db space.
# if you need the duration just define a property
def planned_duration(self):
return self.Planned_End_Date - self.Planned_Start_Date
# if you need to query tasks which last more than 2 days
Testing.objects.filter(Planned_End_Date__gt=F('Planned_Start_Date') + datetime.timedelta(days=2))
Note: Python conventions would recommend you name your fields using snake_case (planned_duration, planned_end_date, planned_start_date). Use CamelCase for classes (TestingTask). Don't mix the two.

Queryset for django-select2 widget being ignored

In my project I am using Django-Select2 heavily, particularly its ModelSelect2Widget as my users frequently need to select from lists of 2,000-6,000 items. In all my uses of it up 'til now, the queryset for the widget has always been called as ".all()" instances of a model, for the user to select from, and there's been no issues.
Now, however, I have implementations in different parts of the project for which filtering the queryset of options for the widget is necessary. In all of these cases, however, any modification of the queryset seems to have no effect, and I'm wondering if there is a problem with the widget itself.
In the primary case, the items in the database are boolean-flagged as active/inactive (about 65% inactive), and I need to only have active items available for the end-user to select.
I'm able to filter the queries correctly via the shell.
In the form definitiion, any filtering (".filter(flag_active=True)", or even setting the queryset to ".none()" has no effect – there is no apparent change in the options in the dropdown/autocomplete. Being that it is a select2 input, I can only view a small number of items at a time, but both the initial retrieved population and the winnowed-down selection as I type indicate that the filters are not been followed.
class Inventory_product_base(models.Model):
id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True,default=uuid.uuid4,null=False)
upc = models.CharField(max_length=96,null=True,blank=True)
name = models.CharField('Item name',max_length=96,null=False)
flag_active = models.BooleanField("Active item",default=True)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8,decimal_places=3,null=True,blank=True)
unit_of_measure = models.CharField('UOM',max_length=24, choices=UNITS_OF_MEASURE,default='EACH')
spec = models.CharField(max_length=36,null=True,blank=True)
category = models.ForeignKey(Inventory_category,on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='cat_products')
subcategory = models.ForeignKey(Inventory_subcategory,on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='subcat_products')
note = models.CharField(max_length=275,null=True,blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return str(
class InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsForm(forms.ModelForm):
parent_product_base = forms.ModelChoiceField(
attrs={'data-placeholder': 'Select product...', 'data-width': '100%'},),)
class Meta():
model = Inventory_unit_catalog
fields = ('parent_product_base',)
class InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsForm(forms.ModelForm):
parent_product_base = forms.ModelChoiceField(
attrs={'data-placeholder': 'Select product...', 'data-width': '100%'},),)
class Meta():
model = Inventory_unit_catalog
fields = ('parent_product_base',)
InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsFormset = modelformset_factory(model=Inventory_unit_catalog,form=InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsForm,extra=10,can_delete=True)
InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsFormset = modelformset_factory(model=Inventory_unit_catalog,form=InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsForm,extra=10,can_delete=True)
if product_flag == 'active':
formset = InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsFormset(queryset=parent_unit_catalog.products.filter(flag_active=True))
formset = InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsFormset(queryset=parent_unit_catalog.products.all())
As noted, if I change the above queryset to .none() (or anything else, either in the widget or in the view) there is no difference in the rendered choices in the select2 field.
I've tried separate, parallel forms and formsets. Originally I tried for a more sophisticated approach, to pass a parameter and have the different querysets selected within a single form, by adding the following:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.product_flag = kwargs.pop('product_flag')
super(InventoryCatalogAddToForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
print("__init__ has product_flag: ",self.product_flag)
if self.product_flag == 'active':
self.fields['parent_product_base'].queryset = Inventory_product_base.objects.filter(flag_active=True)
print("Screened for flag_active=True")
self.fields['parent_product_base'].queryset = Inventory_product_base.objects.all()
print("Screened for flag_active=False")
and I was able to verify by the debug prints that the correct filter choices were executing, but without any effect. So I moved back to a simpler, more direct approach of separate forms, and still nothing.
Any advice would be welcome. My project is several months in and Django-Select2 is one of the foundations across it, I would hate to learn that it cannot filter the select2 input and I would need to find a replacement.
self.fields['parent_product_base'].queryset sets the queryset for the formfield (i.e. allowed choices for validation).
Use self.fields['parent_product_base'].widget.queryset to set the widget's choices.

update django choice field with database results

I am developing an application using django where the UI needs to be updated when user interacts with it. For instance I have a Drop down field where the user selects a drink and submits it then based on that a dropdown with the places that drink is available, price and quantity at each place needs to be displayed. The user will then further submit the form for second process.
From my understanding the Forms in django are pre-defined and I am not able to think of a way using which I could achieve this.
What I could come up was defining a regular form class
class dform(forms.Form):
(A, 'A'),
(E, 'E'),
drink = forms.ChoiceField(choices = SOURCES_CHOICES)
location = forms.ChoiceField(choices = **GET THIS FROM DATABASE**)
quantity = forms.ChoiceField(choices = **GET THIS FROM DATABASE**)
My view is like,
def getdrink():
if request.method == 'POST':
#code for handling form
drink = dform.cleaned_data['drink']
#code to get values from database
I have no idea how to generate or populate or append the values i get from the database to the choicefield in my form. I did try looking up on SO but none of the solutions here explained properly how to do it. Also, due to certain requirements I am not using the models. So my database is not at all related to the models.
I am at a total loss Please help me out
class MyForm(forms.Form):
my_choice_field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=MY_CHOICES)
So if you want the values to be dynamic(or dependent of some logic) you can simply modify your code to something like this:
def get_my_choices():
# you place some logic here
return choices_list
class MyForm(forms.Form):
my_choice_field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=get_my_choices())
User_list = [ #place logic here]
class MyForm(forms.Form):
my_choice_field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=get_my_choices())
but once database value is updated, new data value will be popoulated only on restart of server.
So write a function like this in forms:
class MyForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['my_choice_field'] = forms.ChoiceField( choices=get_my_choices() )
or in place of the get_my_choices u can ad the USER_LIST too.
If you have models for location and quantity, a ModelChoiceField should work:
class dform(forms.Form):
location = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset = Location.objects.all())
Otherwise, you'll need to query the database directly, for example:
class dform(forms.Form):
location = forms.ChoiceField(choices = get_location_choices())
# elsewhere
from django.db import connection
def get_location_choices():
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select location_id, name from location_table")
return cursor.fetchall()
The SQL query to use here depends on your database engine and table schema.
I think that, based on my understanding of your question, the best solution would be to include JSON objects with your form and load these using jQuery instead of submitting the form over and over. Included in your form, you should add something like:
class MyForm(forms.Form):
'choice_1': [
Then you should include form.CHOICE_DICT in your context, load that with jQuery, and render it depending on changes to other fields.