Syntax Error Message from MSR_NUIAPI.h - c++

My issue is this, every time that I compile my program which includes the MSR_NUIAPI.h, the compiler spits out a missing ';' before the INUIInstance interface declaration. I read this article( which says that I have to include windows.h file before the MSR_NUIAPI.h, however I already have it included before, and I really doubt that this is an actual syntax mistake. IntelliSense(I'm using VS Studio Ultimate) however says that 'interface' is not defined.
Thank You

Try including #include <ole2.h> after #include <windows.h>.
Also, MSR_NuiApi.h was included in the beta distribution and is not part of the v1.0 SDK. Its now just NuiApi.h.
Download Kinect SDK v1.0


In Visual Studio C++, How to quickly find necessary header files?

I know a fair amount of Java and Eclipse IDE, but am new to Visual Studio and C++. In Eclipse/Java, if you use a predefined class, Eclipse helpfully suggests the appropriate header file to include for the code to compile. Wondering if Visual Studio has similar functionality.
For example every time I use a code sample from the web, I spend a lot of time Googling which header files to include so the code will compile. My current challenge: I'm writing a small utility that reads filenames in a directory into an array for batch renaming. For this, I'm using following code fragment:
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* dirEntry;
dirEntry = readdir(dir);
Visual Studio is giving the error message: "DIR" is unidentified. "readdir" is unidentified.Is there an efficient way to locate the appropriate header files for C++ code fragments to resolve error messages like these? Thanks.
I tested this feature in vs2019 community 16.3.6 and it works. When you hover the mouse at the location of an error, you can see an error light bulb. And click the drop-down arrow next to the error bulb to add missing #include.
You can also press Alt+Enter.
As mentioned in some answers above, Visual Studio has started offering some suggestions for header files. But as of this writing, some VS suggestions lead to other error messages. E.g. I just used getline(). VS gave error message: Identifier "getline" is unidentified. It suggested I add using namespace std::basic_istream; to my code. But this was not applicable to my code and produced additional error messages.
After stumbling around, I found a very simple solution: Visit the C++ reference website. There I searched for getline and found the header information at the following link: getline(). To fix the error, I needed to #include <string>.

Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h Error

I'm trying to build application using Visual studio 2012 I'm getting following error while compiling
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\tchar.h(24): fatal error C1189: #error : Need to include strsafe.h after tchar.h
i included tchar.h after strsafe.h in stdafx.h file. still i'm getting same error . how to troubleshoot this problem
Reverse the order of inclusion? The error states that you should(*)
include strsafe.h after tchar.h. – Joachim Pileborg May 31 '13 at
(*) == must
Move the #include for tchar.h up in the list of includes. And do consider not including it at all, these tchar practices date from the
previous century. There is no version of Windows left that still needs
it. The floppy disk drive on the last machine that still boots a
non-Unicode version of Windows died last week, problem solved. – Hans
Passant May 31 '13 at 12:50
Try adding #include at the top of all headers
Try adding #include at the top of all headers. it Worked for me.
it is from the post

Very Mysterious/Random C++ WDK STL 7 Error: iosfwd(202): error C2144: syntax error

I have the following trivial file named Temp.cpp:
#include <string>
int main() { return 0; }
and I'm trying to compile it with the following command-line in the Windows XP Free Build Environment, using WDK 7.1:
cl.exe /Iinc\api\crt\stl70 /Iinc\crt C:\Temp.cpp
and I'm getting really random errors like:
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.207 for 80x86
C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\inc\api\crt\stl70\iosfwd(202) :
error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ';'
The error goes away if I use stl60 instead of stl70, but that doesn't solve the problem.
What's the cause of the problem?
Update: I tried uninstalling and installing the WDK again, but nothing changed. :(
Update 2: Okay, apparently the error is screaming out at the header file itself: _SCL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE is the cause. Does anybody know how to turn it off correctly? (If I just comment out the lines, I get a ton more errors regarding a bunch of other macros.)
Found the answer myself, through modifying the headers and guess'n'checking:
I need to have _STL70_ defined.
Which cl.exe are you picking up? If your path happens to have an older (VC6) compiler before the WDK one, you'd expect these errors. VC6 can't compile the STL as shipped with VC7
apparently the error is screaming out at the header file itself: _SCL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE is the cause. Does anybody know how to turn it off correctly?
If you're having problems with _SCL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE, try setting:
But given the error message you're seeing it sounds like you're the compiling headers with a a compiler that's older than the headers support (so this might not get you very far anyway).

iphlpapi / ifdef.h

I'm trying to use iphlpapi (GetAdapterInfo) and am having trouble compiling the code. I have iphlpapi.h from SDK 7 and have added the appropriate path to the include files in visual studio.
I get the following error...
c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0\include\ifdef.h(154) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'NET_IFTYPE'
The lines in ifdef where this occurs are shown below.
typedef ULONG NET_IFINDEX, *PNET_IFINDEX; // Interface Index (ifIndex)
typedef UINT16 NET_IFTYPE, *PNET_IFTYPE; // Interface Type (IANA ifType)
I finally figured out how to get this to work so I'm putting this here for others who might stumble upon it.
First, I'm using visual c++ version 6.0 with the 2003 sdk. I added the sdk as the first choice using TOOLS->OPTIONS->DIRECTORIES. Adding the include winsock2.h caused about 60 redefinition errors. I found several sources telling me that the winsock2 include had to precede the windows.h include. My windows.h include was generated for me by VC++ in the precompiled header stdafx.h so I moved the winsock2.h include there. I now can compile and run my program!
According to this page, it looks as though you might need to make sure winsock2.h is included first. I'm guessing that it defines some of those types.
Also, the MSDN page for NET_LUID says it requires Vista at a minimum. Make sure that's true.

C++ Compiler Error C2371 - Redefinition of WCHAR

I am getting C++ Compiler error C2371 when I include a header file that itself includes odbcss.h. My project is set to MBCS.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\odbcss.h(430) :
error C2371: 'WCHAR' : redefinition; different basic types 1>
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\winnt.h(289) :
see declaration of 'WCHAR'
I don't see any defines in odbcss.h that I could set to avoid this. Has anyone else seen this?
This is a known bug - see the Microsoft Connect website:
The error doesn't occur if you compile your app as Unicode instead of MBCS.
There are a half-dozen posts on various forums around the web about this - it seems to potentially be an issue when odbcss.h is used in the presence of MFC. Most of the answers involve changing the order of included headers (voodoo debugging). The header that includes odbcss.h compiles fine in it's native project, but when it is included in a different project, it gives this error. We even put it in the latter project's stdafx.h, right after the base include for MFC, and still no joy. We finally worked around it by moving it into a cpp file in the original project, which does not use MFC (which should have been done anyway - but it wasn't our code). So we've got a work-around, but no real solution.
This error happens when you redeclare a variable of the same name as a variable that has already been declared. Have you looked to see if odbcss.h has declared a variable you already have?
does this help?
Content from the thread:
Bruno van Dooren [MVP VC++] but i know the solution of this problem.
it solves by changing project setting of "Treat wchar_t as Built-in
Type" value "No (/Zc:wchar_t-)". But I am using "Xtreme Toolkit
Professional Edition" for making good look & Feel of an application,
when i fix the above problem by changing project settings a new
linking errors come from Xtreme Toolkit Library. So what i do to fix
this problem, in project setting "Treat wchar_t as Built-in Type"
value "yes" and i wrote following statements where i included wab.h
header file. You can change that setting on a per-codefile basis so
that only specific files are compiled with that particular setting. If
you can solve your problems that way it would be the cleanest
#define WIN16
#include "wab.h"
#undef WIN16
and after that my project is working fine and all the things related to WAB is also working fine. any one guide me, is that the right way
to solve this problem??? and, will this have any effect on the rest of
project?? I wouldn't worry about it. whatever the definition, it is a
16 bit variable in both cases. I agree that it isn't the best looking
solution, but it should work IF WIN16 has no other impact inside the
wab.h file.
Kind regards, Bruno van Dooren
Remove only "_nos_pam"