QtCreator and "Run CMake" - c++

When running CMake from the project view in QtCreator ("Run CMake" command), CMake wizard pops up. This is becoming really annoying and since I'm QtCreator newbie, I don't know if there is any remedy for this.
Desired effect would be automatic execution of cmake, without the CMake wizard pestilence.

Yes, this GUI annoying me too.
The only option is to add custom build step in your Project configuration
run app: cmake
params CMakeLists.txt
working folder: %{sourceDir}
this step should be added BEFORE make step.

Once you have created a project in Qt Creator, you do not need to use the "Run CMake" command unless for some reason you think the project files are out of date. Just click build, run, debug etc and it will take care of compiling the files that need to be compiled and invoking CMake as and when necessary.
Underneath it uses Unix Makefiles with Codeblocks in order to generate an XML description of the project. Running CMake from the menu explicitly re-runs CMake and reparses the XML description.


Deploy a custom built project with QtCreator

I am using a custom build system (not CMake or qmake) with QtCreator 4.6.0 IDE on Linux, though I have both of these plugins installed.
My project is cross-compiled for an embedded Linux device, which I have set up the kit for. It builds fine, but the trouble is in the deployment step, where the custom build system does not tell it the executable file, so it does not know which files to deploy to the device. I have been referring to this page:
In my Run Settings page, I have the Deployment section to "Upload files via SFTP", but the "Files to deploy" list is empty (see the first screenshot in the above link). When I attempt to deploy/run, it confirms no files were deployed, as it outputs:
No deployment action necessary. Skipping.
Deploy step finished.
The documentation link first says to "Edit the qmake INSTALLS variable in the project .pro file to add the missing files.", however, my project has no .pro file at all. I created one for fun, and QtCreator has no idea it exists to be able to look at the INSTALLS line anyway, so that doesn't work.
In the "Deploying CMake Projects to Embedded Linux Devices" section at the bottom, it then says "You must specify all other files in the QtCreatorDeployment.txt file that you create and place in either the root directory of the CMake project or the build directory of the active build configuration." So I created such a file in the main project directory, as well as the build directory:
The file makes no difference to the "Files to deploy" list, even after restarting. It seems to suggest this method is for CMake anyway. However, I have not even explicitly turned off the CMake building in the Build&Run > Kits, so I would not even know how to start making it build with CMake (and there is no insight from the documentation page: https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-project-cmake.html). The one thing I did change on the Build Settings page was in the "Build Steps" to do "Custom Process Step" instead of the usual Make step.
How do I add files to the "Files to deploy" list?
QtCreator 4.9 now supports specifying the QtCreatorDeployment.txt file for generic (non-CMake) projects to achieve this.

CLion import existing cmake projects with dependencies

I'm testing CLion to check if it will adapt to our needs.I have like 9 different projects in C++ and we generate makefiles using CMake. I read that CLion works well with this kind of projects. I'm trying to create a workspace including these 9 modules in a big project in CLion. The reason is that some of them have dependencies and could be great if we can navigate from one module to other one. I Tried to import them using the option "import project from sources". This detects all my modules but create a huge CMakeLists.txt in the root folder and this is not working for me.
I Would like to have this workspace with these modules and compile them independently but having their dependencies for navigation. I searched a lot but I didn't find anything. Can this be done in CLion?
Thank you
To create a root CMakeList.txt, which includes all sub-projects/modules is the way-to-go with CMake. If you want to compile a single submodule you only need to make a single target: make [target].
I think there is a Tool Window in CLion, where you can see all your targets and compile each independently (similar to the Maven Tool-Window in IntelliJ).
Alternativly you can create Run Configurations..
(I will append my answer later, to back it with facts.. No CLion at work..)
Unfortunately I was wrong about the Tool Window.. But CLion is creating automatically a Run/Debug Configuration for each target it has found. You can select them by clicking on the Drop-Down Menu in the upper right corner. You can either choose Build All or a specific target. Next to this menu are 3 buttons - Compile, Run and Debug - to trigger any actions.

QtCreator 4 and CMake parameters

I used to open a CMake-based C++ project with QtCreator and pass my custom CMake command line parameters when configuring the project. In the recent versions of QtCreator (QtCreator 4 to be precise), this does not seem to be possible anymore - QtCreator configures the project with its own set of CMake variables and their default values. This is extremely annoying, because the only way to change the values of certain CMake variables is to click on 'Projects' and modify the variables one by one, which is really tedious. I have the configuration parameters for specific machine and setup on that machine in a text file that I could just paste in the configuration dialog of Qtcreator and then run CMake, but this dialog now disappeared. Do you know if there's a way of passing custom CMake values while opening a new project?
I tried to clean the build directory, remove CMakeLists.txt.user in the source tree, run CMake with my parameters and then open the project with QtCreator. Unfortunately, QtCreator ignores the cached values and generates its own ...
"Tools" > "Options" > "Build & Run" > "Your kit" > "CMake configuration"
Add a line and rebuild. You can go the short way Ctrl+5 (Projects mode) > "Manage Kits...", too.
#Manuel's answer is ideal for me when I have toolkit-specific CMake variables without project-specific variables.
When you have project-specific CMake variables, the options I have seen/used with recent QtCreator versions (~4+) are:
From QtCreator
Open the project
go to Projects (on left) and select Build Settings
Under CMake, use the "Add" button to add new settings
"Apply Configuration Changes"
"Build" menu, "Run CMake"
if your project updates CMake variables (as most do), you may need to "Apply Configuration Changes" again.
if you have enabled the feature to automatically run CMake, it may fire off in the background, further confusing things. This can create chicken and egg situations - boo!
Outside QtCreator
Go to the build directory
Run CMake with your commands as usual
Open QtCreator
Open the project
Under Projects - Build Settings:
Confirm that the "Build directory:" is as expected
Confirm that your CMake variables appear in the list of variables
Sadly, I find both of these profoundly unsatisfying...
Since QtCreator 4.13 it is possible to set CMake parameters per project (finally):
Project > Build Settings > CMake > Initial CMake parameters

Eclipse CDT Kepler Importing Makefile project

I would love to import a Makefile project from Eclipse, and have all the different includes path that the compiler uses to create correctly my Eclipse project.
Unfortunately, those path, specified on the command line by a "-I" don't show up in Project Explorer and I have to add them by hand.
I am currently importing the project using the standard "Import project from Makefile" built in Eclipse.
If I'm not wrong there was an autodiscovery option in older versions of Eclipse, but it's not there anymore.
How do you do for having all your include paths set up without too much hassle?
The trick is NOT to use
File->New->Makefile Project with Existing Code
but to use
File->New->C++ Project
and then to select
Makefile project->Empty project.
After you set up such a dummy project, you simply copy your existing source to that project directory, hit F5 (i.e. Refresh) and change the build command to use your Makefile.
I was able to get this to work using Luna. I imported using File->New->C++->Makefile Project with Existing Code.
Prior to launching eclipse, you have to be sure to source any files that set required environment variables.
I did have some build options which were not the standard all and clean, so I had to add those configurations individually.
source files to setup your environment.
Launch Eclipse
Import C++ Makefile project
Setup Build options.
Click the hammer.

A matching Debug configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory you specified.

I have tried to setup and create wxWidgets project using wxWindgets installer and code::block-mingw installations.
When I am trying to create a wx-widgets smith project, I have below problem
A matching Debug configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory you specified.
This means Debug target of your project will not build
Are you sure you want to continue with these settings ?
does anybody have any idea about this and what is the recommended way to setup wxWidgets and code-block in Windows ?
Did you compile your wxWidgets as a debug build? I got the same error, because I only buitl wxWidgets as a release build. However, I didn't intend to use the debug build anyway, because I didn't want to debug it, just use it. So you can continue with your project and then you have to replace the library names with the correct ones. Mostly this means removing the d at the end of the library name.
If you want to use a debug build, you have to build wxWidgets as a debug as well.
To fix the library names, you'd have to right-click on your project and go to "Build options... -> Linker settings".
To compile it using MingW you have to follow this guide.
You may also have to adjust the include paths in your build options:
And for the linker:
Problem is solved by following the exact instruction provided in Compiling wxWidgets 3.0.0 to develop Code::Blocks (MSW) section. I couldn't build wxWidgets correctly in windows. After I build wxWidget the same alert message mentioned in the question was popped when creating wxWidgets project using Code::Block but I dismissed and continue to create the project. This time it was worked.