Post a new note specifying privacy - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to post a note using Facebook Graph API.
I would like to restrict the note visibility to myself only.
Therefore I am passing the following param: privacy={'value':'SELF'}
Unfortunately it is still created with the EVERYONE privacy.
Do you know if there is a way to specify privacy when creating a note?

As far as I can tell from the documentation, "privacy" doesn't exist as a field for notes, so I don't believe it's possible. Here's the reference:


Correct REST API URL format for related objects

I'm designing a REST API where, amongst others, there are two objects.
For each Journey there are many Reports enroute, and each Report has exactly one associated Journey.
A user might create a Journey using the API as follows...
POST /journey/
Then retrieve the details...
GET /journey/1226/
The first question is, if a user wanted to post an Report to their Journey, which is the 'correct' URL structure that the API should impose? This seems intuitive to me...
POST /journey/1226/report/
...or is this the case...
POST /report/
...whereby in the latter, the Journey ID is passed in the request body somewhere?
The second question is, how might one go about implementing the first case in a tool such as the Django REST framework?
The URL/URI structure is almost completely irrelevant. It is nice to be able to read it, or easily change or even guess it, but that is it. There is no "requirement" official or unwritten how they should look like.
The point is however, that you supply the URIs to your clients in your responses. Each GET will get you a representation that contains links to the next "states" that your client can reach. This means the server has full control over URI structure, the client usually has to only know the "start" or "homepage" URI, and that's it.
Here is an article which discusses this question, has some good points:
Pass for the second question :) I didn't use that particular framework.

Correct yummly API call for a recipe

I'm trying to use the Yummly API. I've noticed that some of their developers have answered other questions here, so I'm hoping to catch their eye. I used the documentation at the yummly developer site
Specifically here is my get request:
Which returns this:
Please include X-Yummly-App-ID and X-Yummly-App-Key
Seems like this is a sensible thing, except that I don't see anywhere in the documentation for the single recipe call where I'm supposed to insert that info. Any one out there know how to properly format this?
or include them as URL parameters:
Try this:
You need to take the URL you mentioned in the question and add your authentication parameters to it. So it becomes:
Instead of ID and KEY insert the application id and key from your account on

FaceBook Graph API: Search beyond immediate circle

Is it possible to search for users which are beyond my immediate circle using FB graph API?
If not, does having a paid subscription account help to overcome this hurdle?
I'm using following graph query but seems to be restricted within my circle:*
Also if I increase the offset using pagination in the next call, It will still returns the same set of user IDs. So not sure if I'm passing the parameters incorrectly or missing some other parameters.
Thanks for all your help in advance!
Not sure what you mean by your immediate circle in terms of Facebook but I assume you mean your friends. The Graph API allows you to search for all public objects (source) - this means every person (according to answers on this page since names are always publicly available - that's my understanding), not only people who you are friends with on Facebook.
Hence, when you're searching for "John" you should get everyone called John if you're using the Graph API correctly - make sure your access token is valid (you do not need any special permissions to search for people) and your syntax follows the example from here.
In order to test your query I suggest you use the Graph API Explorer before adding the query to your application code. It's a quick way to see if the error is in your query or elsewhere. For example, if you want to find everyone named John, use this link Just make sure to click Get access token on the right if you're using the Explorer for the first time, otherwise the query will return an error.

Facebook Graph API Filters - What options are available?

It seems that you can make a call to the Graph API that looks like this:
Apparently you can pass either a UNIX timestamp or any valid strtotime value.
The do you know what other options are available to you in the request? I don't see any documentation about this "since" filter or any other similar filter. Is this information just trickling down from people who know some API engineers at Facebook?
I know that there are some things that you can do in FQL that are similar to what I was describing but I want to stay with the Graph API if I can.
Anothony Lee:
since, until - (a unix timestamp or any date accepted by strtotime):
EG: since=yesterday until=now, since=6+months+ago until=3+months+ago,
since=10/01/2011 until=10/11/2011
another example
&since=noon+monday+last+week &until=10+minutes+ago.
you need to provide the date filter as shown in the below link. time_range should be attached to the insights.
try this'since'%3A'2020-05-01'%2C'until'%3A'2020-05-01'%7D)%7Badset_id%2Ccampaign_id%2Cad_id%2Cclicks%7D%7D%7D%7D%7D&access_token=

What types of posts are in a feed?

I was wondering what all the possible types of posts I can expect in a feed. The documentation at mentions that the type field could be link, video, and photo, but that's clearly not a comprehensive list. I know that there are at least the following possible types (because I've seen them): status, link, video, photo, checkin, note, swf, and music.
But are there more that I'm missing? Is there a complete list of these types somewhere?
I know of someone who says that they've seen event attendance and friendship acceptance posts in their home feed (from /me/feed), but I can't seem to recreate that. Are those also types of posts that I could expect?
It appears that currently there is no official list from a FB resource. The closest thing I could find was a related StackOverflow question
I would suggest reaching out to their developer community directly, and, of course, providing a link here once you've done so!
As of 2013-12-18 the documentation says:
name: status_type
description: Type of post
permissions: read_stream
Returns: One of mobile_status_update, created_note, added_photos, added_video, shared_story, created_group, created_event, wall_post, app_created_story, published_story, tagged_in_photo, approved_friend
Doc reference
You can find a list for Graph v4.0 here (search for status_type):
The type of a status update. Values include:
Though these are listed for Page feed documentation, but I guess it's the same for others as well. I couldn't find it any place else. Also note that mobile_status_update is a legacy one kept for backward compatibility. See this: