Django Integration with SOLR and NUTCH - django

I am using SOLR with NUTCH
I have successfully configure both and Solr is giving me the desired results
Now i want to integrate this in my Django project
Can anyone suggest me how to do it ...

it depends on what you need:
you probably are looking for django-haystack: it's pretty easy to setup and to use inside your django views, but it's not suited for huge amount of data
this means that your results are retrieved as pure array, and you just need a python interface to solr. you have some choices
sunburnt (i'm using this)
you have to try them out and find out which one satisfies you more (check their websites too, to see if the project is mantained. also, stumble into their source code, to check if there's all you need). being a python interface implies that you have to do a little bit more of work inside your views
i hope this can help you


How to setup rethinkdb with django?

I have followed various posts and tutorials but couldn't find anything that is relevant. I found a ORM for rethinkdb "" but don't know how to use it?
I am new to to django and python.
It depends on what you want to do.
There is no way to simple replacement of Django's ORM with RethinkDB now. However, working with RethinkDB driver is simple enough, and similar to how you would use Django ORM.
The nearest thing is indeed rwrapper, you can try starting with this tutorial.
If you don't need to use Model classes, then you just need to find a place to connect to database (or use some sort of Singleton or Factory to connect to the database), and then just import rethinkdb as r and r.connect() and then just write queries with ReQL.
If you need realtime data, then Django is not suitable for that at all. You can consider mixing Django with Tornado
Django doesn't support RethinkDB at the moment and I don't think there's any plan for it as well.
Django developers don't add new stuff to the code base just because it's something new and might be cool. It should be really well mature and a high needs for it. So, I don't think you'll be hearing anything about RethinkDB from Django devs anytime soon.
This project might be something interesting:
In order to use any database with Django, the adapter should completely be a Django DB Backend in order to work with:
Various Class Based Forms
In others words, as long as the db backend doesn't support all the django database operations is not something that you wanna use.

Django search engine for tempates

I have a Django app that has an accompanying user guide. Page content for the user guide is stored in a directory of templates. Haystack seems to be the most popular Django search engine, but it is only recommended for use on model data and doesn't seem to provide template indexing.
What's the best method of indexing the Django template content for search? I could create a model which stores the rendered templates, and index that using Haystack. Is there any software out there that does this already? Or any alternative ways of doing this? Any solution needs should preferably include rendered content (i.e. can't just index the templates straight from disk). I also wish to avoid any external ad-supported search engines like Google Custom Search and Django integration is desirable.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.
haystack_static_pages is made just for this purpose.
The app is designed to crawl and index specified rendered pages on your own site. You configure the URLs or URL names and then use the management command to crawl your site.
It's worth noting a few things about this up front. Haystack is pretty tightly coupled to the Django ORM, so what haystack_static_pages does is add a model for static content and then dump crawled content into the model as a precursor to indexing. It also appears to be designed around the 1.x version of Haystack.

Django Admin Search optimization

I have a CMS running on Django 1.4 and the database is Postgresql 9.1. I have a lot of content in the CMS and the issue I am facing right now is that the Django Admin search takes forever to retrieve the results. I would like to know if there are options to optimize this behavior of Django Admin search. I know that Django uses LIKE query on Postgresql for doing lookups. I know that Postgresql 9.1 has the GIN and GIST Index which could help to speed up this behavior of Django. I can also modify this search behavior to make it fast and compromise a little on the quality of search results. I would like to know the most optimum approach to optimize this search behavior of Django?
You might want to use the Django Debug toolbar to check which SQL queries are actually slow.
We found that Django admin's implicit use of UPPER resulted in Postgres ignoring all the existing indices. If that's the problem you could create an index on the uppercase representation of your data.
If you do not want to alter Django, profile the search query and add appropriate GIN and GIST indexes. Otherwise, you may want to look at integrating something like Haystack to power the search a bit faster and without tying up your database.
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Django: Haystack or ORM

For a project I implemented Haystack but now I was wondering what the pros and cons are of using Haystack over the ORM. For my project I need to find books by their title and isbn. I guess Haystack is more useful if you have to do full text searches or am I missing something?
Haystack is certainly better for full text search, and also provides a bunch of other benefits that you won't get using the ORM. Here are some from the Haystack site:
Spelling suggestions
More like this
Search term boosting
Besides that, you should use Haystack over the ORM if you expect a high volume of searches, since you'll offload all that work from the DB (which should be focused on writing and retrieving your data).
The main advantage to use haystack over the ORM is performance. LIKE requests are just going to kill you database if you have 100 concurrent users searching. If you have MYSQL of course you can still use its full text capability, but it will still be slower than Xapian or Solr.
Plus you will have additional features such as fuzzy searching that user loves a lot.
It does comes with the extra work of setting up solr and maintaining it, so:
if your website is going to be small forever, like for small company intranet, don't bother and user ORM.
if you plan for the big bad Web, go Haystack.
And not forget to mention that doing a basic haystack setup isn't really much more work than doing a search view using Django's ORM.
Haystack is a module that enables easier search integrations for your django application
you can create something similiar to a ModelForm, called ModelIndex, in this new class you will be able to declare the searchable fields of your models and other settings
It has little to do with Django ORM (the orm is used to comunicate with your databases)
of course you can have the orm query your db models with the search pattern specified, but Haystack is a better choice for setting up a search engine easily on your website, so... if you have to enable complex searches on your site, just go with Haystack

CodeIgniter & Datamapper as frontend, Django Admin as backend, database tables inconsistent

I created a database for a site i'm doing using Django as the admin backend. However because the server where the site is hosted on, won't be able to support Python, I find myself needing to do the front end in PHP and as such i've decided to use CodeIgniter along with Datamapper to map the models/relationship.
However DataMapper requires the tables to be in a specific format for it to work, and Django maps its tables differently, using the App name as the prefix in the table. I've tried using the prefix & join_prefix vars in datamapper but still doesn't map them correctly.
Has anyone used a combination of this? and if so how have the fixed the issue of db table names being inconsistent? Is there anything out there that i can use to make them work together?
----edit: clarification on backend---
Let me clarify: i'm going to be running the admin from a subdomain pointing to a python ready server. However i can't move the main domain name from the php only webserver because of certain constraints/binding contracts the company got itself in. and don't want to use cloaking/masking because of seo purposes.
i'm using the django admin because i'm using some packages to make a pretty/functional admin, such as grappelli for the admin template, along with its editor for editing news stories, etc. also using photologue to manage photos/galleries. etc.
If your problem is simply making Django use the same tables as your other software, use the db_column and db_table parameters in the models.
Two apparent solutions:
Instead of hacking one or both to work well with each other, emulate the Django admin in PHP/CodeIgniter code. **
Get a server that supports Django. Make the frontend in Django.
Time-wise, either one of those solutions will be less involving than trying to make two different frameworks using different programming languages mesh well together. I can't imagine the future maintenance required to ensure everlasting compatibility and interoperability.
Also, I assume by saying:
I created a database for a site i'm doing using Django as the admin backend
You really mean that you modeled your apps using Django, and that you also intend on administrating the database that has resulted from this modeling in the Django admin. (In which case you already have your Models layer complete and should just try building the rest of the site in Django)
If that's the case then in your models you are going to need to define the exact column names (db_column) that DataMapper will expect, as well as manually define the table names (db_table), including M2M tables.
You may also have to define all of your primary keys manually, if DM expects something named differently.
If the server can't support Python, where are you going to be running your backend? Different server? Locally? This plan just isn't making a lot of sense.
** I would not suggest trying this. I had been attempting to make a CI backend that actually shared much of the same ideas as Django's admin, before I knew about Django's admin. And of course once discovering Django, I dropped the CI work immediately and continued on with what I have found to be a much more amazing framework that is much faster to develop on.
So as I understand you plan on using Django just because of django-admin, and you are trying to use CI for the actual site because the server runs PHP, right?
So why don't you use framework that generates something like Django's admin but that you can run on your server?
The Symfony Framework has a really nice admin generator, in the spirit of Django's and you might be able to run it on your server. This would save you from the maintainance nightmare that might come later as #jonwd7 answered