Calling a subroutine in Fortran (Segmentation fault) - fortran

The following code gives segmentation error when compiled with pgf90 on the Linux system, while is run successfully when I used the Intel Visual FORTRAN on Windows.
program main
implicit none
integer:: a(3), b(3) ,c(3)
a=[3, 4, 5]
b=[1, 2, 3]
call sub(a,b,c)
write(*,*)'a+b = ',c
end program main
subroutine sub(a,b,c)
implicit none
integer, intent(in)::a(:),b(:)
integer, intent(out)::c(:)
end subroutine sub
Any explanation for this ?

When you call a subroutine which has assumed shape dummy arguments (as is the case in this program), an explicit interface is required. The easiest way to achieve this, is to put the subroutine in a module, and use the module in the main program.

It might be helpful to use standard Fortran 90 syntax, specifically in how you declare and initialize arrays.
program main
implicit none
integer, dimension(3):: a, b ,c
a=(/3, 4, 5/)
b=(/1, 2, 3 /)
call sub(a,b,c)
write(*,*)'a+b = ',c
end program main


Dynamic arrays f95

I am trying to understand how to use dynamic memory in f95.
I know that the following code in f2003 works.
program main
use pippo
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: arr(:)
call createDynamic(arr)
end program main
module pippo
subroutine createDynamic(arr)
implicit none
integer, allocatable,dimension(:)::arr
integer :: i,n
do i=1,n
arr(i) = i
end do
end subroutine createDynamic
end module pippo
I would like to write a version in f95: what is the proper way to do it?
Your code us valid Fortran 95 + the ISO/IEC TR-15581 enhancements to allocatable arrays, which allowed allocatable dummy arguments.
In pure Fortran 95 you have to allocate the array in the main program or use pointers. However, it is year 2019, almost 2020. There is very little reason to use Fortran 95 without this TR. Or even not just using most of the widely supported Fortran 2008 features.

Code get compiled when include 'mpif.h' but failed when switch to use mpi

I am trying to switch to use mpi for some old fortran codes I have. I got some strange errors when compiling the code.
Error: There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'mpi_type_indexed' at (1)
when I try to switch to 'use mpi' in the code. If I use 'include 'mpif.h'' then the program got compiled and is able to run correctly.
I have written a compact example to verify the program. Both the code and my example are compiled under gcc/8.1.0 and openmpi/3.1.2.
program bt
use mpi
implicit none
!include 'mpif.h'
subroutine read_me()
implicit none
integer :: my_n, my_disp, my_type
integer :: ierr
my_n = 2
my_disp = 4
call MPI_Type_indexed(1, my_n, my_disp, MPI_INTEGER, my_type, ierr)
end subroutine
end program
compile it with no flag: mpif90 bt.F90
With use mpi committed and include 'mpif.h' uncommitted, everything works fine.
With use mpi uncommitted and include 'mpif.h' committed, I got error says
call MPI_Type_indexed(1, my_n, my_disp, MPI_INTEGER, my_type, ierr)
Error: There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'mpi_type_indexed' at (1)
As indicated in the comments the "problem" that has occurred is that because you have used the module rather than the include file an interface is now in scope, and the compiler can now detect that you are trying to call MPI_Type_indexed with incorrect arguments, as the 2nd and 3rd arguments should be arrays - take a look at to see what the interface should be.
Looking at your example it looks as though the original author was assuming that a scalar and a 1 element array are the same thing - this is not the case as the former is rank 0 and the later rank 1. I say this as the first argument specifies how big the arrays should be, and in your case this has the value 1. Thus the 2nd and 3rd arguments should be single element arrays, rather than the scalars you have. The simplest solution, as these arguments are Intent( In ), is to put them in square brackets acting as an array constructor
call MPI_Type_indexed(1, [ my_n ], [ my_disp ], MPI_INTEGER, my_type, ierr)

Function declared in module using interface

I have a code as follows:
The function is declared in a module using an interface block
module my_subs
implicit none
function cross(a,b)
integer, dimension(3) :: cross
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b
end function cross
end interface
end module my_subs
program crosstest
use my_subs
implicit none
integer, dimension(3) :: m, n
integer, dimension(3) :: r
m = [1, 2, 3]
n = [4, 5, 6]
r = cross(m,n)
write(*,*) r
end program crosstest
function cross(a,b)
implicit none
integer, dimension(3) :: cross
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b
cross(1) = a(2)*b(3) - a(3)*b(2)
cross(2) = a(3)*b(1) - a(1)*b(3)
cross(3) = a(1)*b(2) - a(2)*b(1)
end function cross
According to this website, the use of interface blocks allows main programs and external subprograms to interface appropriately. However, I tested different mismatch of array size scenarios, I got the following result:
Change dimension at line 6 to 2 and 4, the code cannot be compiled;
Change dimension at line 7 to 2, the code can be compiled and produce the correct output;
Change dimension at line 7 to 4, the code cannot be compiled;
Change dimension at line 27 to 2 and 4, the code can be compiled and produce the correct output;
Change dimension at line 28 to 2 and 4, the code can be compiled and produce the correct output;
I am confuse about the different scenarios I performed, because I suppose the use of interface can help me to detect any mismatch of array size. In this case, is it better for me to move the function cross(a,b) into the module my_subs using contains?
You can check the interface by putting some declarations in function cross that test whether the interface as declared in module my_subs matches what function cross thinks its interface should be:
interface in function cross:
module my_subs
implicit none
function cross(a,b)
integer, dimension(3) :: cross
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b
end function cross
end interface
end module my_subs
program crosstest
use my_subs
implicit none
integer, dimension(3) :: m, n
integer, dimension(3) :: r
m = [1, 2, 3]
n = [4, 5, 6]
r = cross(m,n)
write(*,*) r
end program crosstest
function cross(a,b) result(res)
use my_subs, only: check => cross
implicit none
integer, dimension(3) :: res
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b
procedure(check), pointer :: test => cross
res(1) = a(2)*b(3) - a(3)*b(2)
res(2) = a(3)*b(1) - a(1)*b(3)
res(3) = a(1)*b(2) - a(2)*b(1)
end function cross
gfortran zaps this in all cases of mismatch you tested. I'm not sure that it should: if TKR of a dummy argument matches, shouldn't the rules of sequence association produce a correct invocation of the procedure? I haven't used submodules, but I think that they might do roughly the same thing as my example does.
When using an interface block to provide an explicit interface within a scope (in this case, in the module, which is then used by the main program) it is a requirement on the programmer that the specified interface matches the actual procedure.1
As given first, these things match happily. Changing the size of the function result or dummy arguments of one statement of the procedure but not the other creates a mismatch. Such code is a violation of the Fortran standard.
In general, a compiler isn't required to detect this violation. It may take your interface block on faith or it may do some extra work to see whether it should believe you. This latter is possible, especially if the external procedure is given in the same file as the interface block. You may see some error messages relating to this.
Further, if the interface block is given, the compiler will test the reference to the procedure against the interface, not the procedure's actual definition.
One failing, on the programmer's part, is if the actual argument isn't compatible with the dummy argument. Such a case is when the dummy argument is an explicit shape array but the actual argument is smaller than the dummy argument. [It isn't an error to have the actual argument larger.]
This problem is one of your cases:
function cross(a,b)
integer, dimension(3) :: cross
integer, dimension(4), intent(in) :: a, b ! Dummy extent 4
end function cross
end interface
print*, cross([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) ! Actuals extent 3
Again, a compiler isn't obliged to notice this for you. It's being nice in the case where it can detect the problem.
Now, in another case you are stating that the function result is an array of shape [4] or [2]. But you are trying to assign that to an array of shape [3]. That won't work.
In conclusion, if you use an interface block to provide an explicit interface for an external procedure make sure it is correct. Turning the external procedure into a module procedure means it's the compiler's responsibility, not yours, to have the correct interface visible.
1 "Matching" here means that the characteristics of the procedure as stated by the interface block are consistent with the procedure's definition. The extents of the function result and dummy arguments are part of this. A procedure defined pure needn't have the interface block stating it is pure.

Program stops due to array allocation in a function [duplicate]

The following code is returning a Segmentation Fault because the allocatable array I am trying to pass is not being properly recognized (size returns 1, when it should be 3). In this page ( a similar example seems to indicate that it should work fine in F95; my code file has a .F90 extension, but I tried changing it to F95, and I am using gfortran to compile.
My guess is that the problem should be in the way I am passing the allocatable array to the subroutine; What am I doing wrong?
INTEGER :: iii,jjj
DO iii=1,3
DO jjj=1,3
CALL Subtest(Array)
SUBROUTINE Subtest(Array)
INTEGER :: iii,jjj
DO iii=1,SIZE(Array,1)
DO jjj=1,SIZE(Array,2)
If a procedure has a dummy argument that is an allocatable, then an explicit interface is required in any calling scope.
(There are numerous things that require an explicit interface, an allocatable dummy is but one.)
You can provide that explicit interface yourself by putting an interface block for your subroutine inside the main program. An alternative and far, far, far better option is to put the subroutine inside a module and then USE that module in the main program - the explicit interface is then automatically created. There is an example of this on the eng-tips site that you provided a link to - see the post by xwb.
Note that it only makes sense for a dummy argument to have the allocatable attribute if you are going to do something related to its allocation status - query its status, reallocate it, deallocate it, etc.
Please also note that your allocatable dummy argument array is declared with intent(in), which means its allocation status will be that of the associated actual argument (and it may not be changed during the procedure). The actual argument passed to your subroutine may be unallocated and therefore illegal to reference, even with an explicit interface. The compiler will not know this and the behaviour of inquiries like size is undefined in such cases.
Hence, you first have to check the allocation status of array with allocated(array) before referencing its contents. I would further suggest to implement loops over the full array with lbound and ubound, since in general you can't be sure about array's bounds:
subroutine subtest(array)
double precision, allocatable, intent(in) :: array(:,:)
integer :: iii, jjj
if(allocated(array)) then
print*, size(array, 1), size(array, 2)
do iii = lbound(array, 1), ubound(array, 1)
do jjj = lbound(array, 2), ubound(array, 2)
print*, array(iii,jjj)
end subroutine
This is a simple example that uses allocatable dummy arguments with a module.
module arrayMod
real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: theArray
end module arrayMod
program test
use arrayMod
implicit none
subroutine arraySub
end subroutine arraySub
end interface
write(*,*) allocated(theArray)
call arraySub
write(*,*) allocated(theArray)
end program test
subroutine arraySub
use arrayMod
write(*,*) 'Inside arraySub()'
end subroutine arraySub

FORTRAN 95: OPTIONAL statement does not work (using FTN95 and Plato)

I am having a problem with the OPTIONAL statement in functions and subroutines with Fortran 95. Currently I am using Silverfrost's Plato and their FTN95 compiler (in "Release Win32" mode). After trying to implement the OPTIONAL statement in a more complex program I am writing, I created a very simple program to test it. Here is the code:
program TEST
implicit none
integer :: a=1, b=2
call Z(a,b)
call Z(a)
call Z(b)
end program TEST
subroutine Z(x,y)
implicit none
integer :: x
integer, optional :: y
if (present(y)) then
write(*,*) x, y
write(*,*) x
end subroutine Z
I expected the following result displayed on the screen:
1 2
Well, the code compiles, although I get a warning (673) that "SUBROUTINE Z has been called with too few arguments". After executing it, I get on my screen:
1 2
and then an "Access violation" error message. Can somebody understand what is wrong here?
Thanks a lot!
Try putting the subroutine in a module, like so:
module testoptional
subroutine Z(x,y)
implicit none
integer :: x
integer, optional :: y
if (present(y)) then
write(*,*) x, y
write(*,*) x
end subroutine Z
end module testoptional
program TEST
use testoptional
implicit none
integer :: a=1, b=2
call Z(a,b)
call Z(a)
call Z(b)
end program TEST
Compiling and running then gives the expected result using gfortran and ifort.
The problem is in how the main program knows (or guesses) the interface to Z(x,y). In the code you provide, although the main program and the subroutine are in the same file, there's nothing explicitly telling the main program the interface - the calling sequence, including argument counts, types, etc - of Z. The first call is to Z(a,b), so it infers there's a subroutine out there somewhere that takes two parameters; then it tries calling it with one parameter, which fails.
Putting the subroutine in a module, then using the module (you could also use contains for a contained subroutine, or explicitly/manually providing the main program the interface using an interface block) then gives the main program the information it needs about the calling sequence - e.g., that there's an optional argument - and things work correctly.
Procedures with optional arguments must have explicit interfaces, so try giving one to Z. (E.g. just use the subroutine from a short module.)
I don't have this specific compiler on hand, but I've gotten an error when using the Cray compiler for cases like this.