How to create an EDE project for C++ - c++

I have been trying to set up an EDE project for C++ (emacs24 + builtin CEDET) and I'm starting to get desperate because I can't seem to find the way I want the makefiles to be generated. I'm relatively new to Emacs.
I'll try to describe what I'm doing:
I have a toy project set like so:
main.cpp includes both .h's inside the "other/" directory. These are the steps I follow to set up an EDE project with this simple directory setup:
Open main.cpp in emacs and do M-x ede-new ; type: Make ; name: main-proj.
Open one of the files in the "other" directory and do M-x ede-new ; type: Make ; name: aux-proj.
Now it's time to create the targets (which I believe are three in this case):
On the main.cpp buffer: M-x ede-new-target ; name: main ; type: program. When prompted, I add the main.cpp to this target.
I repeat the same for the other two targets (Utils which has Utils.cpp and Utils.h and CGrabBuffer which has CGrabBuffer.cpp and CGrabBuffer.h). Here I find the first problem. What type do these two targets have to be? I only want them to generate .o files.
Once this is done, I type M-x ede-customize-current-target to all three targets and I add some include paths, some libraries, etc.
After this, if I call M-x ede-compile-project it doesn't compile because:
It tries to compile main.cpp first; I have no idea how to specify (using EDE) that both Utils.o and CGrabBuffer.o are needed before attempting to build main.cpp.
If I manually change the order (editing the Makefile), it's not able to link main.cpp because it can't find Utils.o and CGrabBuffer.o.
As you can see, I am in the middle of a great mess. Maybe I'm not even understanding what "target" means in EDE. I have also read about the existence of ede-cpp-root-project which has to be specified inside the .emacs file. I haven't tried it because what I think it does is just help with the semantics. It doesn't generate Makefiles, does it? Can I have (or do I need) an EDE project built with Project.el's and the same thing using ede-cpp-root-project for the semantics? Or is it redundant?
Sorry If I misunderstood a lot of things but I'm very confused and being new to emacs makes things worse. Thanks for your patience!
EDIT: with some tinkering and the responses I received I have been able to figure out a lot of stuff, so thanks a lot. What I still don't understand is the use of the ede-cpp-root-project which has to be specified inside the .emacs file. Is it just for c++ semantics? Is it redundant to have the project with Project.el's AND also the elisp lines in .emacs?

EDE is designed to handle many different kinds of projects, usually of a type where the build system was written outside of Emacs in some other tool.
The EDE project type that creates Makefiles for you can do quite a few things, but you need to have some basic understanding of build systems for it to be helpful, and you really do need to customize the projects to get anything of any complexity working.
I've recently added a section to the EDE manual to help with basic project setups that autogenerate Automake files. You can check out the tutorial here:
The same steps will apply for projects that just use Make instead, but Make based projects often have trouble with shared libraries due to the extra complexity.
Mike's answer is quite good, but I think it is ok to just add .h files to the same target as your .cpp sources. It will keep track of them separately.
Another useful trick is to use the whole project compile keystroke (C-c . C) which uses a capital C whenever you change something big. That will regenerate the Makefiles, rerun any needed Automake features, and start at the top.
EDIT: You only need one EDE project for a give project area. The ede-cpp-root project is useful when no other automatic project type works. That's when you create that in your .emacs file so that the other tools that need a project definition, like semantic's smart completion, and tag lookup, will work.

Well, I think I actually have it figured out this time, but it's ugly. Utils.cpp and CGrabBuffer.cpp should not get their own individual targets, because there doesn't seem to be an appropriate target type. Instead, you'll need to create an archive or library, which will automatically compile Utils.cpp and CGrabBuffer.cpp for you. Below, I'll assume you want static, but it's easy to change.
[For anyone to whom archives or libraries are not familiar, they basically just gather up .o files into a separate unit. It doesn't actually make the compilation harder. Read more here.]
1) Follow the first two and a half steps above (including making the main target, but not the other targets).
2) Switch to Utils.cpp and do M-x ede-new-target ; name: aux ; type: archive. When prompted, add Utils.cpp to this target.
3) Switch to CGrabBuffer.cpp and do C-c . a ; Target: aux .
4) Regenerate the Makefile with M-x ede-proj-regenerate. At this point, if you run make in the other subdirectory, you should get the archive libaux.a.
5) Switch back to main.cpp and do M-x ede-customize-current-target. This brings up an interactive emacs customization buffer, which allows you to edit details of the ede configuration. Under the Ldflags section, click [INS]. This pops out a new line that says Link Flag: and has some different-colored box for you to type in (mine is grey). Type -Lother -laux, so that other/libaux.a is included when compiling main. Then, at the top of the buffer, press [Accept], which should save that change and switch back to main.cpp.
6) Regenerate the Makefile with M-x ede-proj-regenerate.
Now, unfortunately, the Makefile makes the main target first, then descends into the other directory and makes that. Unfortunately, this means that a make from the top-level directory will not work on a clean tree. I don't know why this is, because it seems like that would never be what you want in any project that is ever made with EDE. I can't find any way to change that, except for this hack:
7) Do M-x customize-project; under Inference-Rules click [INS]. Then enter Target: all ; Dependencies: aux main ; Rules: [INS] ; String #: . (This last one is just to prevent an error on an empty rule with a tab; presumably an EDE bug.) Click [Accept], and regenerate the Makefiles.
So now, in your top directory, you can just run make, and main should be a working executable.
I'm quickly becoming convinced that EDE is not yet ready to be used by people other than its authors. Despite its size and the amount of effort they've clearly put into it, it is too buggy, too counterintuitive, and just not smart enough. That's a shame. Emacs needs something like this.


How to set up C++ Testmate in VS Code

Ok, n00b question. I have a cpp file. I can build and run it in the terminal. I can build and run it using clang++ in VSCode.
Then I add gtest to it. I can compile in the terminal with g++ -std=c++0x $FILENAME -lgtest -lgtest_main -pthread and then run, and the tests work.
I install the C++ TestMate extension in VSCode. Everything I see on the internet implies it should just work. But my test explorer is empty and I don't see any test indicators in the code window.
I've obviously missed something extremely basic. Please help!
Executables should be placed inside the out or build folder of your workspace. Or one can modify the testMate.cpp.test.executables config.
I'd say, never assume something will "just work".
You'll still have to read the manual and figure out what are the names of config properties. I won't provide exact examples, because even though I've only used this extension for a short time, its name, and therefore full properties path, has already changed, so any example might get obsolete quite fast.
The general idea is: this extension monitors some files/folders, when they change, it assumes those are executables created using either gtest or catch2. The extension tries to run them with standard (for those frameworks) flags to obtain a list of test suites and test cases. If it succeeds, it will parse the output and create a nice list in the side panel. Markers in the code are also dependent on the exactly same parsed output, so if you have one, you have the other as well.
From the above, you need 3 things to make this work:
Provide correct path (or a glob pattern) for finding all test executables (while ignoring all non-test executables) in the extension config. There are different ways to do this, depending on the complexity of your setup, they are all in the documentation though.
Do not modify the output of the test executable. For example, if you happen to print something to stdout/stderr before gtest implementation parses and processes its standard flags, extension will fail to parse the output of ./your_test_binary --gtest-list_tests.
If your test executable needs additional setup to run correctly (env vars, cwd), make sure, that you use the "advanced" configuration for the extension and you configure those properties accordingly.
To troubleshoot #2 and #3 you can turn on debug logging for the extension (again, in the VSCode's config json), this will cause an additional "Output" tab/category to be created, where you can see, which files were considered, which were run, what was the output, and what caused this exact file to be ignored.
This messed with me for a while, I did as Mate059 answered above and it didn't work.
Later on I found out that the reason it didn't work was because I was using a Linux terminal inside windows (enabled from the features section) and I previously had installed the G++ compiler using the linux terminal so the compiler was turning my code into a .out file, for some reason TestMate could not read .out files.
Once I compiled the C++ source file using the powershell terminal it created a .exe file which I then changed the path in the setting.json as Mate059 said and it showed up.
Mate059 gave a great answer, go into settings.json inside your .vscode folder and modify "testMate.cpp.test.executables": "filename.exe".
For me it also worked using the wildcard * instead of filename.exe but I do not suggest to do that as in that might mess up something with the .exe from the main cpp file and what not.

CMake+git: check file sha rather than timestamp

As far as I know, CMake checks the time stamp of a source file to detect if it is outdated and needs to be rebuild (and with it, all files including it). When switching branches in a large git repository, this can causes problems.
Let's say I have one source folder and two build directories (build1 and build2), which correspond to two different branches (branch1 and branch2)
+-- src
+-- branch1_build
+-- branch2_build
Say my two branches have few differences, in few files; mostly, they only differ for some configuration option, all encapsulated in a config.h file, generated by the CONFIGURE_FILE command in cmake. The source files for the two config.h files (the, as it is often called) are different. For instance, one branch introduces a new subfolder, which can be activated with a config-time option, which gets put in with something like #cmakedefine HAVE_NEW_FEATURE_FOLDER. In such a scenario, when switching branches in the source folder, this happens: cmake recognizes that something changed in the file, so it runs again; by running again, it generates a new config.h file; since config.h has a new time stamp, all files that includes it (directly or indirectly) end up being recompiled.
Now, if I alternatively switch between branch1 and branch2 in the source folder (cause I'm working on both branches every day), two consecutive make commands issued in the same build folder (either branch1_build or branch2_build) will trigger a full recompilation, since, although config.h has not changed in content, its time stamp has changed, so cmake flags it has changed.
My question is: what options do I have to avoid this? Or, better phrased, how can I avoid recompiling a source-build tree pair that is in fact unchanged since the last build, while also minimizing the changes to the source code?
The only solution I can think of is to execute CONFIGURE_FILE on, with output config.h.tmp; compare config.h.tmp with config.h, and, only if different, copy config.h.tmp to config.h. However, this seems clumsy, and overcomplicated. I hoped cmake already had a mechanism for this, perhaps hidden under some options/variations of CONFIGURE_FILE...
Assuming this is not yet possible, I was wondering how complicated it would be for cmake to check the sha (rather than the timestamp) of a particular file when deciding whether it is outdated or not, and comparing it with the sha of a previous build (yes, the word outdated has date in it, but let's not get into enlish vocabulary discussions here). I imagine this is more expensive, so I would think that, if possible at all, this behavior should not be the default, and the user should use sparingly this feature, by explicitly tagging a file as check_sha_not_time kind of file. In the example above, the user would tag config.h as check_sha_not_time, and avoid recompilation of pretty much the whole library.
Note 0: I know little of how cmake internally works, so my suggestion of using sha rather than timestamp could be completely crazy and/or impossible given cmake implementation. I apologize for that. But that's why one asks things here, cause he/she doesn't know, right?
Note 1: I also tried using ccache, but unsuccessfully. Perhaps I need to use some particular flag or configuration option in ccache to trigger this capability.
Note 2: I want to avoid duplicating the source folder.

Keeping all libraries in the Arduino sketch directory

I know that you are supposed to place any external libraries under the "libraries" folder of the arduino install directory, but I have a project that uses several libraries that I have created for the project and mainly to keep all that code self contained and out of the main pde file. However, I have tried to place the libraries in the same directory as the main PDE file so that I can more easily keep everything synced up in subversion (I work on this on multiple computers) and I don't want to have to keep going back and syncing up the libraries separately. Also, just for the sake of being able to easily zip of the sketch folder and know that it contains everything it needs.
I've tried adding the header files to the sketch as a new tab, but that doesn't seem to work at all... don't even care if they should up in the arduino IDE.
I've also tried adding the libraries to the sketch directory in subdirectories (what I would greatly prefer) and then linking to them as:
#include "mylib/mylib.h"
#include <mylib/mylib.h>
But both of these result in file not found errors.
Is this possible? And, if so, how do I include them in the main file for building? Preferably in their own subdirectories.
I had the same issue. Solved it for Arduino IDE > 1.8. Seems a specialty in newer IDEs (?) according to the reference (see bottom link).
You have to add a "src" Subdirectory before creating a library folder. So essentially your project should look like this:
/SketchDir (with *.ino file)
/SketchDir/src/yourLib (with .h and .cpp file)
and finally in your sketch you reference:
#include "src/yourLib/yourLib.h"
otherwise in my case - if I am missing the "src" folder - I get the error message that it cannot find the yourLib.cpp file.
Note: I am using a windows system in case it differs and actually VS Code as wrapper for Arduino IDE. But both IDE compile it with this structure.
For the sketches I have, the "*.h" and "*.cpp" library files actually reside in the same folder as the sketch, and I call them like "someheader.h". I also noticed that if I go into sketch menu and add file... that the file doesn't appear until I close and reopen the sketch.
I agree with you; this is an intolerable way to develop software: it requires every file that you need to be in the same directory as the main program!
To get around this, I use make to put together a single .h file from my .h and .cpp sources - you can see this used in this Makefile:
PREPROCESS=gcc -E -C -x c -iquote ./src
# -E : Stop after preprocessing.
# -C : Don't discard comments.
# -x c : Treat the file as C code.
# -iquote ./src : Use ./src for the non-system include path.
all: $(TARGETS)
$(PREPROCESS) $< -o $#
Arduino is very picky about file endings - if you put a .cpp or .cc file in its directory it automatically uses it in the source, and you can't include anything that's not a .cpp, .cc or .h - so this is about the only way to do it.
I use a similar trick also to put together JavaScript files here.
This requires that you run make after editing your files, but since I'm using an external editor (Emacs) anyway, this is zero hassle for me.
Unfortunately the Arduino IDE is awful and shows no signs of improving. There is no real build system so it only lets you build programs that reside in a single directory.
The only real solution is to write a makefile, then you can use a real IDE. I'm hopeful that one day someone will write an Arduino plugin for QtCreator.
Here's an example makefile:
I just had this same problem (I also like to keep the code self-contained), so I'll just jot down some notes; say I have a MyPdeSketch.pde using MyLibClass.cpp; then I have it organized like this
(In principle, /path/to/skdir/ here is equivalent to ~/sketchbook/)
What worked for me is something like:
mkdir /path/to/arduino-0022/libraries/MyLibClass
ln -s /path/to/skdir/MyPdeSketch/MyLibClass/MyLibClass.* /path/to/arduino-0022/libraries/MyLibClass/
After restart of the IDE, MyLibClass should show under ''Sketch/Import Library''.
Note that the only way I can see so far for a library class file to refer to other library files is to include them relatively (from 'current location'), assuming they are all in the same main arduino-0022/libraries folder (possibly related Stack Overflow question: Is it possible to include a library from another library using the Arduino IDE?).
Otherwise, it should also be possible to symlink the MyLibClass directory directly into arduino-0022/libraries (instead of manually making a directory, and then symlinking the files). For the same reason, symlinking to the alternate location ~/sketchbook/libraries could also be problematic.
Finally, a possibly better organization could be:
... which, after symlinking to libraries, would force MyPdeSketch to show under the examples for the MyLibClass library in Arduino IDE (however, it may not be applicable if you want to self-contain multiple class folders under a single directory).
EDIT: or just use a Makefile - which would work directly with avr-gcc, bypassing the Arduino IDE (in which case, the sketchbook file organization can be somewhat loosened)..
Think I know what do u need exactly.
you have a project folder say MYPROJ_FOLDER and you want to include a Libraries folder that contains more children folders for your custom libraries.
you need to do the following:
1- create folders as follows:
and then create a file with the folder name in .ino extension
2- create libraries folder:
-MyProjFolder/libraries <<<<< name is not an option should be called like that.
3- then create your own libraries
-MyProjFolder/libraries/lib1/examples <<<< this is a folder
repeat step 3 as much as you want
also check
I did it a little differently. Here is my setup.
Visually this is the directory layout
~/Arduino/Testy_app/ <- sketch dir
/Testy_app.ino <- has a #include "foo.h"
/foo <- a git repo
Here is how I build:
~/Arduino/Testy_App/$ arduino-cli compile --library "/home/davis/Arduino/Testy_app/foo/" --fqbn arduino:samd:mkrwan1310 Testy_app
If you wish to be more elaborate and specify libs and src dirs, this also works
~/Arduino/Testy_app/ <- sketch dir
/Testy_app.ino <- has a #include "foo.h"
/lib <- a git repo
and the build method is:
~/Arduino/Testy_App/$ arduino-cli compile --library "/home/davis/Arduino/Testy_app/lib/foo/src" --fqbn arduino:samd:mkrwan1310 Testy_app
One more bit of tweaking needs to be done to include files from the lib dirs to main dir. If you need to do that, this is the work around:
~/Arduino/Testy_app/ <- sketch dir
/Testy_app.ino <- has a #include
/foo <- a git repo
/foo/foo.cpp < has a "include testy_app.h"
Then do the compile like this
~/Arduino/Testy_App/$ arduino-cli compile \
--library "/home/davis/Arduino/Testy_app/inc" \
--library "/home/davis/Arduino/Testy_app/foo/src" \
--fqbn arduino:samd:mkrwan1310 Testy_app
What has worked for me is to create a dir, for example "src" under the sketch dir, and under that a dir for each personal library.
I have a project called ObstacleRobot, under that a folder for my sketch, named obstaclerobot (automatically created by the IDE) and there my sketch "obstacleRobot.ino"
Up to now we have:
Then I wanted to include a personal library that was fully related with this project and made no sense in including it in the IDE libraries, well in fact I want to do this for each part of the robot but I'm still working on it.
What in the end worked for me was:
Then what you have to do in the main sketch is to write the include as follows:
#include "src/Sonar/Sonar.h"
And thats all.
Following the lines of Hefny, make your project an example for your library.
For example (Unix env), let's say the libraries are in ~arduino/libraries
Your create your project ~arduino/libraries/MyProject, your libraries go there (for example ~/arduino/libraries/MyProject/module1.h ~/arduino/libraries/MyProject/module1.cpp ~/arduino/libraries/MyProject/module2.h ~/arduino/libraries/MyProject/module2.cpp
mkdir -p ~arduino/libraries/MyProject/examples/myproj
edit ~arduino/libraries/MyProject/examples/myproj/myproj.ino
(note that this is not examples/myproj.ino but examples/myproj/myproj.ino)
Restart the IDE, you should find your project in the menu File/Example/MyProject.
Also note that you do the include with #include
Why dont we just write a script with a single copy command, copying our libs from wherever our library is located into the arduino IDE library folder?
This way we keep the file structure we want and use the IDE library requirements without fuss.
Something like this works for me:
cp -r mylibs/* ~/Documents/programs/arduino-1.5.8/libraries/.
Note that the paths are relative to my own file structure.
Hope this helps someone. This includes my future self that I bet will be reading this in a near future... as usual!

Does "make" know how to search sub-dirs for include files?

This is a question for experienced C/C++ developpers.
I have zero knowledge of compiling C programs with "make", and need to modify an existing application, ie. change its "config" and "makefile" files.
The .h files that the application needs are not located in a single-level directory, but rather, they are spread in multiple sub-directories.
In order for cc to find all the required include files, can I just add a single "-I" switch to point cc to the top-level directory and expect it to search all sub-dirs recursively, or must I add several "-I" switches to list all the sub-dirs explicitely, eg. -I/usr/src/myapp/includes/1 -I/usr/src/myapp/includes/2, etc.?
Thank you.
This question appears to be about the C compiler driver, rather than make. Assuming you are using GCC, then you need to list each directory you want searched:
gcc -I/foo -I/foo/bar myprog.c
This is actually a compiler switch, unrelated to make itself.
The compiler will search for include files in the built-in system dirs, and then in the paths you provide with the -I switch. However, no automatic sub-directory traversal is made.
For example, if you have
#include "my/path/to/file.h"
and you give -I a/directory as a parameter, the compiler will look for a/directory/my/path/to/file.h.
If the makefiles are written in the usual way, the line that invokes the compiler will use a couple of variables that allow you to customize the details, e.g. not
gcc (...)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) (...)
and if this is the case, and you're lucky, you don't even need to edit any of the makefiles; instead you can invoke make like this
make CFLAGS='-I /absolute-path/to/wherever'
to incorporate your special options into the compiler invocation.
Also check whether the Makefiles aren't generated by something else (usually, a script in the top directory called
which will have options of its own to control what goes into them).
everyone answered your question correctly. but something to consider when you get to setup your own source tree.... a leaf node should only look 2 places for headers, in its own directory or up the tree. once people start going across to peers and down the tree, the build system will get gnarly, but what also happens is folks with start using private interfaces when they should be using public interfaces

Can I have one makefile to build a hierarchical project?

I have several hundred files in a non-flat directory structure. My Makefile lists each sourcefile, which, given the size of the project and the fact that there are multiple developers on the project, can create annoyances when we forget to put a new one in or take out the old ones. I'd like to generalize my Makefile so that make can simply build all .cpp and .h files without me having to specify all the filenames, given some generic rules for different types of files.
My question: given a large number of files in a directory with lots of subfolders, how do I tell make to build them all without having to specify each and every subfolder as part of the path? And how do I make it so that I can do this with only one Makefile in the root directory?
EDIT: this almost answers my question, but it requires that you specify all filenames :\
I'm sure a pure-gmake solution is possible, but using an external command to modify the makefile, or generate an external one (which you include in your makefile) is probably much simpler.
Something along the lines of:
all: myprog
zsh -c 'for x in **/*.cpp; echo "myprog: ${x/.cpp/.o}" >>'
and run
make find_sources && make
note: the exact zsh line probably needs some escaping to work in a make file, e.g. $$ instead of $. It can also be replaced with bash + find.
One way that would be platform independent (I mean independent from shell being in Windows or Linux) is this:
DIRS = relative/path1\
dd = absolute/path/to/subdirectories
#$(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(dd)$(dir) build -f ../../Makefile ;)
... build here
note that spaces and also the semicolon are important here, also it is important to specify the absolute paths, and also specify the path to the appropriate Makefile at the end (in this case I am using only one Makefile on grandparent folder)
But there is a better approach too which involves PHONY targets, it better shows the progress and errors and stops the build if one folder has problem instead of proceeding to other targets:
.PHONY: subdirs $(DIRS)
subdirs: $(DIRS)
$(MAKE) -C $# build -f ../../Makefile
all : prepare subdirs
build :
... build here
Again I am using only one Makefile here that is supposed to be applicable to all sub-projects. For each sub-project in the grandchild folder the target "build" is created usinf one Makefile in the root.
I would start by using a combination of the wildcard function:
and the file functions
For exclusion (ie: backups, as Jonathan Leffler mentioned), use a seperate folder not in the vpath for backups, and use good implicit rules.
You will still need to define which folders to do to, but not each file in them.
I'm of two minds on this one. On one hand, if your Make system compiles and links everything it finds, you'll find out in a hurry if someone has left conflicting junk in the source directories. On the other hand, non-conflicting junk will proliferate and you'll have no easy way of distinguishing it from the live code...
I think it depends on a lot of things specific to your shop, such as source source control system and whether you plan to ever have another project with an overlapping code base. That said, if you really want to compile every source file below a given directory and then link them all, I'd suggest simple recursion: to make objects, compile all source files here, add the resultant objects (with full paths) to a list in the top source directory, recurse into all directories here. To link, use the list.