UltraComboEditor - Infragistics control - infragistics

I have an UltraComboEditor (Infragistics control) and the user can input values on it. I used the AutoComplete property to do that.
But now I have a problem. I need to make sure that my user can delete a value that he wrote. I use the function canUndo but it not works.
How can I solve my problem?
Thank you.

I will try to add a ButtonLeft element, perhaps with a red cross image.
Let the user select an item from the combobox and then he/she will press the button element to trigger the action to delete the current selected element.
In the EditorButtonClick event you should ask for a confirm, search into your items collection and then remove the one selected.


If else condition after click button in Wixcode

I am a beginner in using wix. Currently im doing the job application form. How to create a new text field after click "Add another vacancy" button? Thank you in advance :)
You can't create a new element using Velo. What you need to do is add the element in the Editor and set it as hidden or collapsed. Then, using Velo, you can show or expand the element based on some condition.

Is there a easy way to know what item was selected in LBN_SELCHANGE event?

I know I can implement a variable to remember what was selected.
The reason why I want this feature is:
In LBN_SELCHANGE, I have user enter the password. If the password is wrong I won't allow the change, so I want the selected item to go back to where it was.

Perfrom action based on user input without custom dialog in filemaker

I am developing a database solution in Filemaker Pro 16. I have a "customers" and "projects" table.
What I want to achieve is the following:
User clicks on a button
New window appears in which the user selects a customer from a drop down list
New project will be created
New window appears in which the user can enter the project information.
How can I do this. One can think, of course of an additional table in which temporary values are stored. In that case, I can store my customer selection in this table. However, what about concurrency. What if two people are going to add a project at the same time? In that case you would need a temporary values table for each user.
The most straightforward solution would be to directly store the selected customer in a variable. However, I don't think you can do that.
PS: I don't want to use a Custom Dialog. In that case, I think, you cannot add a drop down list.
Hope someone can help!
Use a Popover button for your customer selection.
Place your Drop Down list in the Popover panel, and store the Customer ID in a global field (they are local for each user).
Perform your script and navigate to your project layout upon selection, for instance using an OnObjectModify Script Trigger.

How to fill dynamic form fields using capybara

I have a form that contains a select box and a text field.
The text field is displayed dynamically based on the selectbox selection. If the value of selectbox is "Yes", then the text field will be displayed and vice versa.
I am running an rspec test and filled the select box value with "Yes"
select 'Yes', from: 'property[have_water_bills]'
Now i want to fill a value on the text field
fill_in 'property[irrigation_cycle_count]', with: 5
But i am getting the following error.
Unable to find field "property[irrigation_cycle_count]"
That is, capybara cannot find the dynamic element. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Poltergeist doesn't gemerate a click event when choosing an item from a select. It generates a focus on the option, change on the select, blur on the option. It is more like if a user selected the option with keyboard instead of using a mouse. You probably should be doing the logic to display your text field on the change event anyway so that it works if people use a mouse or a keyboard to navigate around your page. It also makes more sense to run your show/hide logic on the change event because that's what you actually care about, not clicks.
Finally got this to work using the following piece of code

MFC ctrls and duplicate messages

I have two CListCtrl objects in my form. I want selected list in both of them be same.
How I can do it.
I want duplicate the message that sent to a ClistCtrl and send to other one.
How I can do it?
if this is a good way?
thanks herzl
So, essentially what you're saying is that you want the lists to be synchronized.
You can easily achieve that by adding an event handler to catch the user's selection inside you list control, by adding: ON_NOTIFY(LVN_ITEMCHANGED, IDC_LIST1, OnItemChangedList1) to your dialog/window's message-map.
Inside OnItemChangedList1(), get the index of the currently selected item by calling GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(), and set that as the current index in your second list by calling SetSelectionMark().
This way, whenever the user will click on the 2nd item, for example, in List_A, the 2nd item in List_B will be selected as well.
There ought to be a function that brings that row into view, if it's not in view already, but I can't find it.
I hope that raps it up, ListView's have changed a lot since I've used them, but feel free to ask more if anything is unclear.