C++ Linked List Search Error: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION - c++

I am writing a program that adds, deletes, and displays nodes (that are doubly linked) and their components, but whenever I try to retrieve a node and display it's components I get this error:
2 [main] a 4640 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
2875 [main] a 4640 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to a.exe.stackdump
I have narrowed it down to the search function within my .h file that is supposed to search to see if there is a node within the linked list that account number being searched. The function returns the node that comes before it, or the "previous" node.
Here is my search function:
bool searchListByAcctNum (int searchKey, nodePtr *prevOut)
bool found = false;
nodePtr p = headNum;
nodePtr prev = NULL;
while (p != NULL)
if (p->acctNum < searchKey)
prev = p;
p = p->nextNum;
if (p->acctNum == searchKey)
found = true;
p = NULL;
*prevOut = prev;
return found;
If anyone could help me at all, I'd appreciate it!

It looks like your list may be corrupted, or the pointer you're passing to receive the previous node is invalid, since that code looks okay. However, it seems to me that it could be written in a much simpler manner:
bool searchListByAcctNum (int searchKey, nodePtr *prevOut) {
/// Start at beginning of list, use pointer variable to hold previous.
nodePtr p = headNum;
*prevOut = = NULL;
// Process entire list, will exit early if need be.
while (p != NULL) {
// If past it, just return false, caller should ignore prevOut.
if (p->acctNum > searchKey)
return false;
// If equal, return true, prevOut holds previous or NULL if found at start.
if (p->acctNum == searchKey) {
return true;
// Save previous and advance to next.
*prevOut = p;
p = p->next;
// Reached end of list without finding, caller should ignore prevOut.
return false;


Selection sort in single linked list without using swap

I have been trying to solve the selection sort in single linked list without using swap nodes. Using a temp list to store nodes and assign the current list with a new one
//my addlastnode function
void AddLastNODE(LIST &mylist, NODE *p)
//Check the list is empty or not
mylist.pHead = mylist.pTail = p;
mylist.pTail->pNext = p;
mylist.pTail = p;
void selectionSort(LIST &mylist)
//Initialize a temp list to store nodes
LIST mylisttemp;
//Create node
NODE *p;
NODE *i;
//Create min node
NODE *min;
//Check if list is empty or has one node
if(mylist.pHead == mylist.pTail)
//Traverse the list till the last node
for(p=mylist.pHead; p->pNext!=NULL && p!=NULL; p = p->pNext)
for(i=p->pNext; i!=NULL;i=i->pNext)
////Find the smallest data in list
if(i->data < min->data)
////Add the smallest to a new list
AddLastNODE(mylisttemp, min);
//Fill the current list to the new list
mylist = mylisttemp;
Your code does not reduce the list you are selecting nodes from: the selected node should be removed from it. To make that happen, you need a reference to the node before the selected node, so that you can rewire the list to exclude that selected node.
There is also a small issue in your AddLastNODE function: it does not force the tail node to have a null as pNext pointer. This may be a cause of errors when the function is called with a node that still has a non-null pNext pointer. Secondly, the indentation is off around the else block. It does not lead to a bug in this case, but still it is better to avoid the confusion:
void AddLastNODE(LIST &mylist, NODE *p)
mylist.pHead = p;
mylist.pTail->pNext = p;
mylist.pTail = p; // indentation!
p->pNext = nullptr; // <--- better safe than sorry!
Then to the main algorithm. It is quite tedious to work with a previous node reference when looking for the node with the minimum value. It helps a bit when you temporarily make the input list cyclic:
void selectionSort(LIST &mylist) {
if (mylist.pHead == mylist.pTail) return;
// Make list temporarily cyclic
mylist.pTail->pNext = mylist.pHead;
LIST mytemplist;
while (mylist.pHead != mylist.pTail) {
// Select node:
NODE * beforemin = mylist.pTail;
for (NODE * prev = mylist.pHead; prev != mylist.pTail; prev = prev->pNext) {
if (prev->pNext->data < beforemin->pNext->data) {
beforemin = prev;
NODE * min = beforemin->pNext;
// Extract selected node:
if (min == mylist.pTail) mylist.pTail = beforemin;
if (min == mylist.pHead) mylist.pHead = min->pNext;
beforemin->pNext = min->pNext;
// And insert it:
AddLastNODE(mytemplist, min);
// Move last remaining node
AddLastNODE(mytemplist, mylist.pHead);
// Copy back
mylist = mytemplist;
As a side note: You might even want to always keep your list cyclic. This will mean some changes in other functions you may have, as there will be no pNext pointers that are null then.

Binary Tree level order insertion c++

I want to insert in the tree but not using any other data structures like queue. I want to insert in level order and no matter what I code, it doesn't. Also I couldn't find any code without queues or things like that.
Here is my attempt;
void insert(int x) {
if (root == NULL) {
root = new node(x, NULL, NULL);
node *temp = root;
node *prev = root;
while (temp != NULL) {
if (temp->left != NULL) {
prev = temp;
temp = temp->left;
} else if (temp->right != NULL) {
prev = temp;
temp = temp->right;
if (temp->left == NULL)
prev->left = new node(x, NULL, NULL);
else if (temp->right == NULL)
prev->right = new node(x, NULL, NULL);
I don't have a link for recursive insertion but it should work like this:
bool recursion(node * current_node, node * to_insert, int &max_depth, int cur_depth) {
if(max_depth < cur_depth) {
max_depth = cur_depth;
for (auto & current_child : {current_node->left, current_node->right})
if(current_child == NULL) {
if( max_depth > cur_depth ) {
current_child -> left = to_insert;
return true;
} else {
if(recursion(current_child, to_insert, max_depth, cur_depth + 1)) {
return true;
return false;
This does depth-first-search (not breadth-first, I was mistaken above, they are very similar in trees) from left to right. So we will first find the left-most leaf, then the one right next to it and so on. We will always track how deep we are in the tree. If at one point we find a node on the second deepest layer that hasn't got a child, it will add the node we want to insert at this point and recurse up the tree. Due to the order in which we traverse the tree, this will find the left most open spot, so exactly what you want.
This method can return false if the submost layer of the tree is full. Then we have to go down to the left-most leaf and insert the node at its left child. One can also save this leaf somehow when we first find it, but that seemed more complicate to me then just searching it again (this can be done without problem in a for-loop).
You can replace the recursive method by an iteration with a stack (there are many sources on the internet explaining how to make a recursive depth-first-search to a iterative one).
I don't really like the in-out-parameter max_depth but it was the easiest to do this.

Where am I making mistake in creating this function to search element from singly linked list in C++?

I'm trying to make a function which searches element from singly linked list and returns address of the value found. otherwise returns null.
But when I enter the value to search only the value at 1st node/position gets searched. For all the other input value it returns NULL and the message pops up saying "Item not found"
Means it only works for the head node but I can't understand why. I thought the while loop would traverse till the end and if the element matched the data in the list it would return the address which is not happening at all.
node *searchData(int key)
node *curNode=head; //head is global variable
while (curNode!=NULL)
return curNode;
return NULL;
cout<<"Enter The element to search?"<<endl;
b=searchData(elem);//use searchData function here
cout<<"Item Not Found!!";
cout<<"Element "<<elem<<" was found at address: "<<b<<endl;
node *searchData(int key)
node *curNode=head; //head is global variable
while (curNode!=NULL)
return curNode;
// break; // redundant, you have already returned.
// else // no need to guard code against True, True returned.
// return NULL; // your not done going thru the linked list yet
return NULL; // went thru the list to no avail.
the short version
node *searchData(int key)
for( node *curNode=head; curNode!=NULL; curNode=curNode->link)
return curNode;
return NULL;

why java AbstractQueuedSynchronizer next link is not atomically set as part of insertion

As Doug Lea point in the [The java.util.concurrent Synchronizer Framework
][1]http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/papers/aqs.pdf that
But because there are no applicable techniques for lock-free atomic insertion of double-linked list nodes using compareAndSet, this link is not atomically set as part of insertion; it is simply assigned.
pred.next = node;
after the insertion. This is reflected in all usages. The next link is treated only as an optimized path. If a node's successor does not appear to exist (or
appears to be cancelled) via its next field, it is always possible to start at the tail of the list and traverse backwards using the pred field to accurately
check if there really is one.
the add node to sync queue code snippet is, copied form AbstractQueuedSynchronizer source code :
private Node enq(final Node node) {
for (;;) {
Node t = tail;
if (t == null) { // Must initialize
if (compareAndSetHead(new Node()))
tail = head;
} else {
node.prev = t;
if (compareAndSetTail(t, node)) {
t.next = node;
return t;
my question is, in the sourcecode, the next field of a Node class is a volatile object, if compareAndSetTail success, then the next field of t must not be null, why there may be a null situation. the code snippet is:
static final class Node {
volatile Node next;
volatile Node prev;
//.... ignored
Also, I don't quite understand hasQueuedPredecessors. If h != t, then h's next filed should not be null, why h.next == null also means hasQueuedPredecessors?
public final boolean hasQueuedPredecessors() {
// The correctness of this depends on head being initialized
// before tail and on head.next being accurate if the current
// thread is first in queue.
Node t = tail; // Read fields in reverse initialization order
Node h = head;
Node s;
return h != t &&
((s = h.next) == null || s.thread != Thread.currentThread());

Deleting Root Node of a Binary Search Tree

I have this function for deleting a node in a binary search tree which seems to be working EXCEPT in the case where I ask it to delete the root node. It is supposed to take the right-most value on the left and replace the node with that; however, once that happens, the new root node's children pointers don't seem to point to the original root node's children. Code is as follows:
bool delete_node(Node*& root, TYPE data) {
Node* toDelete;
Node* parent;
// This function is defined appropriately elsewhere, and finds the target to be deleted
toDelete = find(data, root);
if (!toDelete) {
return false;
// This function is defined appropriately elsewhere, and finds the parent of the node to be deleted
parent = find_parent(root, toDelete);
// Other cases left out because they work
// If the target node has two children:
if (toDelete->left && toDelete->right)
// find rightmost child on left that is a leaf
Node *replacement = toDelete->left;
while (replacement->right)
replacement = replacement->right;
// set the target node's data
toDelete->data = replacement->data;
if (parent)
if ( parent->data < toDelete->data )
parent->right = replacement;
} else
parent->left = replacement;
} else
// if node has no parents, then it is the root and should be replaced with replacement
// This line here is what seems to be causing my trouble...I think
root = replacement;
parent = find_parent(toDelete, replacement);
if (parent)
if (parent->left == replacement)
parent->left = NULL;
parent->right = NULL;
delete toDelete;
return true;
Thanks in advance!
what I ended coming up with was this: keep track of the parent node that is one above the node that replaces the node to be deleted. there will then be 2 cases to consider: the parent is the node to be deleted and parent is not the node to be deleted. by replacing the appropriate parts of the tree at the right case, the structure and invariants of the tree remained ok and the node to be deleted was successfully deleted. technically, it would be the data at the node to be deleted.
else if (toDelete->left != NULL && toDelete->right != NULL) {
// find rightmost child on left that is a leaf
Node* replacement = toDelete->left;
parent = toDelete;
// parent is now the parent of the replacement
while ( replacement->right ) {
parent = replacement;
replacement = replacement->right;
} // By the end, parent will be the node one above replacement
toDelete->key = replacement->key;
if (parent == target)
parent->left = replacement->left;
parent->right = replacement->left;
delete replacement;
return true;
This is what I did to make it work. Just check if the node is the root node, and if so, set the new root. Below is the working code I have. The three places marked by asterisks is what I added to make it work. All the other lines of code is just standard textbook theory.
inline NamesBinaryTree::Node* NamesBinaryTree::Node::removeNode (Node*& node, const Female* female, stringComparisonFunction s) { // Taken from p.253 of Alex Allain's "Jumping Into C++".
if (!node)
return nullptr;
if (node->femaleInfo.first == female->getName()) {
if (!node->left) { // i.e. node has either one child or zero children.
Node* rightNode = node->right;
if (node->isRoot()) // ***
namesBinaryTree.setRoot(rightNode); // Tested to work correctly. Note that we cannot call 'delete node;', since that will delete the very root that we are setting!
delete node;
return rightNode; // This will return nullptr if node->right is also nullptr, which is what we would want to do anyway since that would mean that node has zero children.
if (!node->right) { // i.e. node has exactly one child, namely its left child, in which case return that left child.
Node* leftNode = node->left;
if (node->isRoot()) // ***
delete node;
return leftNode; // This will never be nullptr, else the previous if condition would have been met instead.
Node* maxNode = findMaxNode(node->left); // node has two children, so it shall be replaced by the largest valued node in its left subtree.
maxNode->left = removeMaxNode(node->left, maxNode); // Note that maxNode->left = node->left is not enough because without actually removing maxNode, the node that was pointing to maxNode will now be pointing to maxNode in its new position (and the subtree under it), and the subtree that was under maxNode will now be gone.
maxNode->right = node->right;
if (node->isRoot()) // ***
namesBinaryTree.setRoot(maxNode); // Tested to work correctly.
delete node;
return maxNode;
else {
const int result = (*s)(female->getName(), node->femaleInfo.first);
if (result < 0)
node->left = removeNode(node->left, female, s); // This assignment can only work if node is passed by reference (hence the parameter Node*& node), at least this is what "C++ Essentials" did in their solution, p.247.
else // Don't use 'else if (result > 0)'. Let the equality case be covered here too (just as in NamesBinaryTree::Node::insertNode).
node->right = removeNode(node->right, female, s); // Again, this assignment can only work if node is passed by reference (hence the parameter Node*& node).
return node; // So if node->femaleInfo.first != female->getName(), then the same node is returned, which means that the two assignment lines above don't change any values.