Facebook Page a Mandatory Step for Entry Submission - facebook-graph-api

I want to make my facebook page like mandatory for submission same as below article but I am not getting where
"Promotion Builder under Application > Integration > Facebook Like Box" is located.
I will find it in Facebook apps settings or page where apps are shown?
Any solution?

The setting you are referring to is part of Strutta's web app, not Facebook. Assuming you have an Strutta PRO account, you must login to your account to activate the setting:


My website have only login with facebook feature, can I submit it for app review?

I made a website using Django.
The only way to log into it is the facebook login.
When I had to submit my app for review in the facebook developer console. They are asking me testing id and password. Since the only way to login is facebook, and it won't work till they test.
And they are asking how to open this website for testing. It's kind of a loop.
Is there another way out?
I don't want to use other ways of logging in (is in accordance with my idea)
I believe you can test your app with your own login credentials according to Facebook:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used in
Development Mode by you or someone with a role on your app. Any
account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins,
developers, and testers, can use all permissions but will only be able
to access their own data, that of test users, and test pages belonging
to them.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a
See this similar answer.

Facebook Login for Web in Flask

While using Facebook api in my website for logging in. There is an error "App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions."
kindly help error
First make sure you are logged in Facebook developers.
Select your app and make sure you have admin rights.
In Settings -> Basic -> Contact Email.
And in 'App Review' Tab : change
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?
Then, your app will be live..

How to perform instant Facebook login for a link to Facebook login-enabled site

I wonder what is the right technique to streamline the login to my site via Facebook.
Currently, I have a web site integrated with Facebook Login button. Right now, it's an independent web site, and not a "Facebook app" (running in the canvas). While this is not my decision, this could change in long term if matters.
The way the authentication work: the "fb-login-button" is redirected to my application URL using onlogin() event; the server side uses the cookie to retrieve the "access token" and perform further Graph API work. The business logic resides on the server side.
The current business requirement is the following:
Suppose someone posts a link to my site, somewhere in Facebook, for example in our site community page:
A Facebook logged-in user clicking on the link - should get to the target page, after his Facebook identify got verified, and the result should be personalized for that user.
If a Facebook user already has an active session with my site - trivial.
Assuming a user had approved my site (app) in the past, but has no active session - here I am looking for the best practice to do the login.
Also, I would appreciate a hint how to handle the app authorization (i.e. showing the Facebook authorization dialog) in a most efficient way.
Thanks for any hint.
Check out FB Login Architecture and FB.getLoginStatus. Based on FB documentation, If you use javascript sdk, it only triggers a Popup on the same page and once authenticated it will go back to the same page. So once the login status is confirmed then you can get users information from graph api and update via AJAX on your page. You can also checkout this server side login. Hope this helps.

Developing a Facebook app that will appear in Facebook pages

I want my Facebook app that I'm developing on, appears as an iframe in several fan pages that I have on Facebook.
is this possible to place a facebook app on a Facebook fan page iframe?
if so will my users need to approve my app on each page or will one-time approval for the app will approve it for him in all my fan pages?
Yes this is possible, please refer to Page Tab Tutorial and Apps on Facebook.com documentation for details on how to do this
User only need grant access to application once, on other Pages same application will get all user details (This isn't required, if you application doesn't need user identity to work, you can skip this at all)...
Facebook grants permissions by app id, so no matter how many pages you put that app in, it will only ask for perms on one page.

Can I create a facebook app automatically(from a java program) using any api from a java program or servlet?

I am searching for an automated mechanism to create a facebook app from my java program/servlet.
Usually, I have to go to developers.facebok.com, then click the "Apps" link at the top, then hit the "Create new App" button and create an app by providing the site url etc.
I am having a requirement where a user enters his facebook id in my site and hits the "Create App" button. My site will authenticate with facebook using OAuth 2.0 and will have to create an app in the users account. The app generally points to the user's profile page of my site.
Is it possible to do this? Can any one help me?
Thank you all in advance.
In short, no you can't. You have to verify that you are a human when you create an app, and facebook intentionally do not provide a way to programmatically create apps.