C/C++ Windows+Linux ZIP Library for only unpacking? - c++

Continuation of:
Standalone Cross Platform (Windows/Linux)) File Compression for C/C++?
After many attempts on ZLIB ZZLIB LIBZIP MINIZIP I always get many problems at the compilation stage. Many google searches turned out OS-specific libraries and I can't really find anything that fit my 'simple' needs.
I reduced my needs for the library (Or wrapper?) to this:
Works on both Windows and Linux OR 2 separate libraries; one which works on Windows and the other one on Linux, I can make 2 separate projects for Windows and Linux if it is really neccesary
Unpack file from zip to specified directory
Check if file exists in zip file
C OR C++ OR Mixed (yeah, that doesn't matter)
Preferably Very Simple to include into any project
(eg 5 c/cpp files and 1-3 header files? anyway not tons files, when I open all the libzip and zlib archives I have something like: "O my ..")
I've checked many stackoveflow threads too with the words "Windows Linux ZIP C C++" but all the results seem so have libraries which I OR don't know how to compile OR is too difficult to use OR it has too many 'needed stuff' for just simple zip extract and check if file exists.
I had put that project away for a later date and begun it now, and all those compilation errors came up (especially that VC++2010 doesn't have the C-99 inttypes.h)

I have had very good experience with Zipstream C++ library which gives you a nice OOP way of handling zip files.
If your project already uses some of the bigger libs like Boost , then you could try to use the boost::iostreams with the gzip filter, however the functionality is somehow limited.
Or if you happen to use Poco take a look at they're implementation Poco::Zip


Trouble Linking Matlab C++ libraries/headers with Xcode 7.3

I'm trying to write a program in C++ to write static arrays and matrices to .mat files so that I can load them into Matlab, and I'd also like to be able to read them. I've done a lot of reading and I'm aware that there's some framework I need to properly set up in XCode in order for things to work. I'm using Matlab R2015b and Xcode 7.3.
I'm modeling my code initially to be simple like what the author mentions in Reading data from matlab files into C but I can't locate my libraries. The folder /glnxa64/ does not exist on my machine. I know that my headers I want to include are in applications/MatlabR2015/extern/include for mat.h, matrix.h.
I have two problems: Under my project settings in XCode, what do I modify to make sure my project finds mat.h and matrix.h, is it under the "Precompiled Headers Cache Path" or elsewhere? Also, where do I find those library files and how do I link them in XCode, is it just under the Project Build Phase link binary with libraries?
Thanks for the help!
I found the solution to the second part of my question. The first part was just me messing with the project build settings instead of the target build settings.
The folder for the libraries that Matlab has depends on what operating system and version of Matlab you're on. Opening matlabR2015b.app by making the finder show package contents, then navigating to applications/MatlabR2015b.app/bin/maci64/ is where the library binaries are located on my machine. The name maci64 changes depending on the OS (since I'm on a mac 64-bit OS, I believe that's where my path name came from) and manually paging through the list of libraries found it, since using the file search doesn't really work inside a package.
My code still won't compile because it looks like I need to include all of the right codependent libraries, and I don't know which other ones I need (I only included libmex.dylib and libmat.dylib), but I found where the libraries are stored.

Where to find Open Source Implementations of Hashing/Crypting Algorithms(header files)

I am trying to find open source implementations of Hashing/Crypting(is it HMAC?) algorithms such as SHA256, SHA512, MD5. This is in C++/C
I know of things like Crypto++ but I find them really difficult to include in my projects because they are in DLL's, ie, I really just dont know how to include & use them in my projects & also I think they make my projects too large unecessarily.
I once found an open source SHA256 header file & .cpp implementation(on google) but I cannot refind it on google.
Anyone know of any or maybe a website with a whole lot of them?
Use Google Code Search instead of Google. It'll search open source repositories for whatever you need.
Here is a search for MD5 or SHA implementations in C or C++.
I think you still want Crypto++, you seem to have some misconceptions about it.
I know of things like Crypto++ but I find them really difficult to include in my projects because they are in DLL's
You can build Crypto as a static lib. Are you on Windows? The .vcproj file includes a configuration for static building. If you are on Linux, the Makefile also has this.
I really just dont know how to include & use them in my projects
If you build the library statically then usage is very simple. Just add the Crypto++ directory as an include path to your compiler configuration, and add the .lib or .a (depending on your platform) to your linker's configuration.
also I think they make my projects too large unecessarily.
This is another misconception. If you build the Crypto++ static library, then only the portions of the library that you use will be included in your executable. So while the static library can be huge, if you just use the MD5 algorithm, only the MD5 code will be included in your app.
Give Crypto++ another try, it's well worth it!

Setting up midiIO library on Windows

I've downloaded the midiIO library and in the readme it says:
edit the file Makefile.library and set the OSTYPE and OSSUBTYPE to match your hardware/os setup.
type "make library" to compile the library. It will be created as lib/libmidiio.a in unix.
edit the file Makefile.examples and set the OSTYPE and OSSUBTYPE to match your hardware/os setup.
Also, if you are using ALSA, then uncomment out the POSTFLAG to use the alsa library (-lasound).
type "make examples" to compile the example programs in the examples directory. The example programs will be place in the bin directory.
1 + 3 are fine but 2 + 4 are over my head. I've worked in a unix environment before and have used gcc with flags but I need to get this done in Windows. I typically use Visual Studio but don't know how to achieve this with that.. I've downloaded Dev-C++ if that's any use but I don't know what to do with the makefiles?
Ignore the makefiles and set up a fresh project in Visual C++. Make your target a static library (which will be a .lib file in Win32, not a .a file as in unix as you probably know). It is unlikely that the project will build out of the box, so you might have to deal with some compilation errors relating to unix-specific symbols. I took a quick look at the source code, and it looks fairly well-written, so I don't think you should have many problems building it directly in Windows.
Alternately, you could build the source using the real make tool in cygwin, but this means that you would need to distribute the cygwin library with your final product. This may or may not be more trouble than it's worth, especially if you are already using VC++ for the rest of your project's code.

Extending Python with a C++ shared object library using Cython

So basically, I am attempting to write my own GUI wrapper in Python (Using GTK+, but I don't think that's relevant) for an API that is written in C++ and compiled by the user into a shared object file (in linux [*nix? I'm not quite sure how it works on macs]) or a dll (in windows) that you should be able to reference to use the API yourself. After quite a while of trying with Cython, I am able to write my own extensions, as long as it is only a single file, but I can't find anything online about using multiple files (as this obviously is, since any real project would be) to compile into a single .so that can be imported into a Python project. Would I need to manually go through and use Cython and create .pyx files for each .cpp file (there are a lot of them), compile those into cpp files and then edit then use the make file to compile those into the .so file, or is there a more automated way? (p.s. I tried compiling each one separately with Cython, but it didn't seem to like the "#include < path/file >" notation and so couldn't compile most of the files)
Other info: I have been able to interface with the library using ctypes, but that felt extremely hackish and un-pythonic, and I want to get some more experience with Cython anyways, since it seems like it could be an extremely useful asset to have.
You could do a file named "yourmodule.pyx", rename all the others files to pxi, and do:
include "other1.pxi"
include "other2.pxi"
Then you'll have only one file to cythonize and compile: yourmodule.pyx.

C++: how to build my own utility library?

I am starting to be proficient enough with C++ so that I can write my own C++ based scripts (to replace bash and PHP scripts I used to write before).
I find that I am starting to have a very small collection of utility functions and sub-routines that I'd like to use in several, otherwise unrelated C++ scripts.
I know I am not supposed to reinvent the wheel and that I could use external libraries for some of the utilities I'm creating for myself. However, it's fun to create my own utility functions, they are perfectly tailored to the job I have in mind, and it's for me a large part of the learning process. I'll see about using more polished external libraries when I am proficient enough to work on more serious, long term projects.
So, the question is: how do I manage my personal utility library in a way that the functions can be easily included in my various scripts?
I am using linux/Kubuntu, vim, g++, etc. and mostly coding CLI scripts.
Don't assume too much in terms of experience! ;) Links to tutorials or places where relevant topics are properly documented are welcome.
"Shared objects for the object disoriented!"
"Dissecting shared libraries"
Just stick your hpp and cpp files in seperate directories somewhere. That way, it's easy to add the directory containing the C++ files to any new project, and easy to add the headers to the include path.
If you find compile time starts to suffer, then you might want to consider putting these files in a static library.
If you are compiling by hand you will want to create a makefile to remove the tedium of compiling your libraries. This tutorial helped me when I was learning to do what you are doing, and it has additional links on the site for more detailed tutorials on the makefile.
Unless it's very large, you should probably just keep your utility library in a .h file (for the declarations) and a .cpp file (for the implementation).
Just copy both files into your project folders and use #include "MyLibrary.h", or set the appropriate directory settings so you can use #include <MyLibrary.h> without copying the files each time you want to use them.
If the library gains substantial size, you might consider looking into static libraries.