I am facing a strange issue, working on my mac osx lion (under xcode4/clang, though it is reproducible with gcc4.2).
It seems, that I can not assign any value above 127 for a unsigned char variable. So, when I assign
v = (unsigned char) 156;
or, simply
std::cout << (unsigned char) 231 << std::endl;
my program does not produce any output.
When I run this code
std::cout << "Unsigned chars range up to " << UCHAR_MAX << std::endl;
I get the following output:
Unsigned chars range up to 255
However, when I run something like this, the program generates outputs up to some different arbitrary value (such as c = 114, c = 252, etc etc) each time.
for(unsigned char c = 0; c < CHAR_MAX; c++)
std::cout << "c = " << 2*c << std::endl;
Changing the CHAR_MAX to UCHAR_MAX, the program ends without an output again :(
Thanks in advance
cout is converting the numeric value to a character from the character set (Well, it's attempting to ... when you don't see anything it's not a valid character for your charset, and technically it's the terminal that's deciding this).
Cast it to unsigned int instead.
Edit to add: ildjarn makes a very valid point in his comment to your question; if you ran this in the debugger you'd see that the value was indeed what you expected.
What symbol are you expecting to see to represent character (unsigned char)231? On most systems, these are extended characters that need special terminal settings to be displayed as anything coherent if even visible.
Try this:
unsigned char testChar = (unsigned char)231;
unsigned int testInt = (unsigned int)testChar;
std::cout << testInt << std::endl;
The value of unsigned char is not limited to 127, however standard ASCII is only 7 bits (so 128 values). Any value above 127 does not represent any character (unless you use some kind of extended ASCII), so nothing is printed.
I'm struggling to work through an issue I'm running into trying to work with bitwise substrings in strings. In the example below, this simple little function does what it is supposed to for values 0-127, but fails if I attempt to work with ASCII values greater than 127. I assume this is because the string itself is signed. However, if I make it unsigned, I not only run into issues because apparently strlen() doesn't operate on unsigned strings, but I get a warning that it is a multi-char constant. Why the multiple chars? I think I have tried everything. Is there something I could do to make this work on values > 127?
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
const unsigned char DEF_KEY_MINOR = 0xAD;
const char *buffer = { "jhsi≠uhdfiwuui73" };
size_t isOctetInString(const char *buffer, const unsigned char octet)
size_t out = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); ++i)
if(!(buffer[i] ^ octet))
out = i;
return out;
int main() {
std::cout << isOctetInString(buffer, 'i') << "\n";
std::cout << isOctetInString(buffer, 0x69) << "\n";
std::cout << isOctetInString(buffer, '≠') << "\n";
std::cout << isOctetInString(buffer, 0xAD) << "\n";
return 0;
Based on comments I have tried a few different things including casting the octet and buffer to unsigned int, and wchar_t, and removing the unsigned char from the octet parameter type. With either of these the outputs I am getting are
I even tried substituting the ≠ char in the buffer with
const char *buffer = {'0xAD', "jhsiuhdfiwuui73"};
however I still get warnings about multibyte characters.
As I said before, my main concern is to be able to find the bit sequence 0xAD within a string, but I am seeing now that using ascii characters or any construct making use of the ascii character set will cause issues. Since 0xAD is only 8 bits, there must be a way of doing this. Does anyone know a method for doing so?
Sign extension -- buffer[i]^octet is really unsigned(int(buffer[i])) ^ unsigned(octet). If you want buffer[] to be unsigned char, you have to define it that way.
There are multiple sources of confusion in your problem:
searching for an unsigned char value in a string can be done with strchr() which converts both the int argument and the characters in the char array to unsigned char for the comparison.
your function uses if(!(buffer[i] ^ octet)) to detect a match, which does not work if char is signed because the expression is evaluated as if(!((int)buffer[i] ^ (int)octet)) and the sign extension only occurs for buffer[i]. A simple solution is:
if ((unsigned char)buffer[i] == octet)
Note that the character ≠ might be encoded as multiple bytes on your target system, both in the source code and the terminal handling, for example code point ≠ is 8800 or 0x2260 is encoded as 0xE2 0x89 0xA0 in UTF-8. The syntax '≠' would then pose a problem. I'm not sure how C++ deals with multi-byte character constants, but C would accept them with an implementation specific value.
To see how your system handles non-ASCII bytes, you could add these lines to your main() function:
std::cout << "≠ uses " << sizeof("≠") - 1 << "bytes\n";
std::cout << "'≠' has the value " << (int)'≠' << "\n";
or more explicitly:
printf("≠ is encoded as");
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof("≠") - 1; i++) {
printf(" %02hhX", "≠"[i]);
printf(" and '≠' has a value of 0x%X\n", '≠');
On my linux system, the latter outputs:
≠ is encoded as E2 89 A0 and '≠' has a value of 0xE289A0
On my MacBook, compilation fails with this error:
notequal.c:8:48: error: character too large for enclosing character literal type
printf(" and '≠' has a value of 0x%X\n", '≠');
I'm coding in C++ on Linux (Ubuntu) and trying to print a string that contains some Latin characters.
Trying to debug, I have something like the following:
std::wstring foo = L"ÆØÅ";
std::wcout << foo;
for(int i = 0; i < foo.length(); ++i) {
std::wcout << std::hex << (int)foo[i] << " ";
std::wcout << (char)foo[i];
Characteristics of output I get:
The first print shows: ???
The loop prints the hex for the three characters as c6 d8 c5
When foo[i] is cast to char (or wchar_t), nothing is printed
Environmental variable $LANG is set to default en_US.UTF-8
In the conclusion of the answer I linked (which I still recommend reading) we can find:
When I should use std::wstring over std::string?
On Linux? Almost never, unless you use a toolkit/framework.
Short explanation why:
First of all, Linux is natively encoded in UTF-8 and is consequent in it (in contrast to e.g. Windows where files has one encoding and cmd.exe another).
Now let's have a look at such simple program:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::string foo = "ψA"; // character 'A' is just control sample
std::wstring bar = L"ψA"; // --
for (int i = 0; i < foo.length(); ++i) {
std::cout << static_cast<int>(foo[i]) << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < bar.length(); ++i) {
std::wcout << static_cast<int>(bar[i]) << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
The output is:
-49 -120 65
968 65
What does it tell us? 65 is ASCII code of character 'A', it means that that -49 -120 and 968 corresponds to 'ψ'.
In case of char character 'ψ' takes actually two chars. In case of wchar_t it's just one wchar_t.
Let's also check sizes of those types:
std::cout << "sizeof(char) : " << sizeof(char) << std::endl;
std::cout << "sizeof(wchar_t) : " << sizeof(wchar_t) << std::endl;
sizeof(char) : 1
sizeof(wchar_t) : 4
1 byte on my machine has standard 8 bits. char has 1 byte (8 bits), while wchar_t has 4 bytes (32 bits).
UTF-8 operates on, nomen omen, code units having 8 bits. There is is a fixed-length UTF-32 encoding used to encode Unicode code points that uses exactly 32 bits (4 bytes) per code point, but it's UTF-8 which Linux uses.
Ergo, terminal expects to get those two negatively signed values to print character 'ψ', not one value which is way above ASCII table (codes are defined up to number 127 - half of char possible values).
That's why std::cout << char(-49) << char(-120); will also print ψ.
But it shows the const char[] as printing correctly. But when I typecast to (char), nothing is printed.
The character was already encoded different, there are different values in there, simple casting won't be enough to convert them.
And as I've shown, size char is 1 byte and of wchar_t is 4 bytes. You can safely cast upward, not downward.
I would like to initialize an unsigned char array with 16 hex values. However, I don't seem to know how to properly initialize/access those values. When I try to access them as I might want to intuitively, I'm getting no value at all.
This is my output
The program was run with the following command: 4
Please be a value! -----> p
Here's some plaintext
when run with the code below -
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int n;
if (argc > 1) {
n = std::stof(argv[1]);
} else {
std::cerr << "Not enough arguments\n";
return 1;
char buff[100];
sprintf(buff,"The program was run with the following command: %d",n);
std::cout << buff << std::endl;
unsigned char plaintext[16] =
{0x0f, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0x0f,
0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa0,
0x00, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xa0,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned char test = plaintext[1]^plaintext[2];
std::cout << "Please be a value! -----> " << test << std::endl;
std::cout << "Here's some plaintext " << plaintext[3] << std::endl;
return 0;
By way of context, this is part of a group project for school. We are ultimately trying to implement the Serpent cipher, but keep on getting tripped up by unsigned char arrays. Our project specification says that we must have two functions that take what would be Byte arrays in Java. I assume the closest relative in C++ is an unsigned char[]. Otherwise I would use vector. Elsewhere in the code I've implemented a setKey function which takes an unsigned char array, packs its values into 4 long long ints (the key needs to be 256 bits) and performs various bit-shifting and xor operations on those ints to generate the keys necessary for the cryptographic algorithm. Hope that's enough background on what I'm looking to do. I'm guessing I'm just overlooking some basic C++ functionality here. Thanks for any and all help!
A char is an 8-bit value capable of storing -128 <= n <= +127, frequently used to store character representations in different encodings and commonly - in Western, Roman-alphabet installations - char is used to indicate representation of ASCII or utf encoded values. 'Encoded' means the symbols/letter in the character set have been assigned numeric values. Think of the periodic table as an encoding of elements, so that 'H' (Hydrogen) is encoded as 1, Germanium as 32. In the ASCII (and UTF-8) tables, position 32 represents the character we call "space".
When you use operator << on a char value, the default behavior is to assume you are passing it a character encoding, e.g. an ASCII character code. If you do
char c = 'z';
char d = 122;
char e = 0x7A;
char f = '\x7a';
std::cout << c << d << e << f << "\n";
All four assignments are equivalent. 'z' is a shortcut/syntactic-sugar for char(122), 0x7A is hex for 122, and '\x7a' is an escape that forms the ascii character with a value of 0x7a or 122 - i.e. z.
Where many new programmers go wrong is that they do this:
char n = 8;
std::cout << n << endl;
this does not print "8", it prints ASCII character at position 8 in the ASCII table.
Think for a moment:
char n = 8; // stores the value 8
char n = a; // what does this store?
char n = '8'; // why is this different than the first line?
Lets rewind a moment: when you store 120 in a variable, it can represent the ASCII character 'x', but ultimately what is being stored is just the numeric value 120, plain and simple.
Specifically: When you pass 122 to a function that will ultimately use it to look up a font entry from a character set using the Latin1, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 or similar encodings, then 120 means 'z'.
At the end of the day, char is just one of the standard integer value types, it can store values -128 <= n <= +127, it can trivially be promoted to a short, int, long or long long, etc, etc.
While it is generally used to denote characters, it also frequently gets used as a way of saying "I'm only storing very small values" (such as integer percentages).
int incoming = 5000;
int outgoing = 4000;
char percent = char(outgoing * 100 / incoming);
If you want to print the numeric value, you simply need to promote it to a different value type:
std::cout << (unsigned int)test << "\n";
std::cout << unsigned int(test) << "\n";
or the preferred C++ way
std::cout << static_cast<unsigned int>(test) << "\n";
I think (it's not completely clear what you are asking) that the answer is as simple as this
std::cout << "Please be a value! -----> " << static_cast<unsigned>(test) << std::endl;
If you want to output the numeric value of a char or unsigned char, you have to cast it to an int or unsigned first.
Not surprisingly, by default, chars are output as characters not integers.
BTW this funky code
char buff[100];
sprintf(buff,"The program was run with the following command: %d",n);
std::cout << buff << std::endl;
is more simply written as
std::cout << "The program was run with the following command: " << n << std::endl;
std::cout and std::cin always treats char variable as a char
If you want to input or output as int, you must manually do it like below.
std::cin >> int_var; c = int_var;
std::cout << (int)c;
If using scanf or printf, there is no such problem as the format parameter ("%d", "%c", "%s") tells howto covert input buffer (integer, char, string).
I have a problem which I do not understand. I add characters to a standard string. Whe I take them out the value printed is not what I expected.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
string x;
unsigned char y = 0x89, z = 0x76;
x += y;
x += z;
cout << hex << (int) x[0] << " " <<(int) x[1]<< endl;
The output:
ffffff89 76
What I expected:
89 76
Any ideas as what is happening here?
And how do I fix it?
The string operator [] is yielding a char, i.e. a signed value. When you cast this to an int for output it will be a signed value also.
The input value cast to a char is negative and therefore the int also will be. Thus you see the output you described.
Most likely char is signed on your platform, therefore 0x89 and 0x76 become negative when it's represented by char.
You've to make sure that the string has unsigned char as value_type, so this should work:
typedef basic_string<unsigned char> ustring; //string of unsigned char!
ustring ux;
ux += y;
ux += z;
cout << hex << (int) ux[0] << " " <<(int) ux[1]<< endl;
It prints what you think should print:
89 76
Online demo : http://www.ideone.com/HLvcv
You have to account for the fact that char may be signed. If you promote it to int directly, the signed value will be preserved. Rather, you first have to convert it to the unsigned type of the same width (i.e. unsigned char) to get the desired value, and then promote that value to an integer type to get the correct formatted printing.
Putting it all together, you want something like this:
std::cout << (int)(unsigned char)(x[0]);
Or, using the C++-style cast:
std::cout << static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned char>(x[0]))
The number 0x89 is 137 in decimal system. It exceeds the cap of 127 and is now a negative number and therefore you see those ffffffthere. You could just simply insert (unsigned char) after the (int) cast. You would get the required result.
I have something like:
int8_t value;
value = -27;
std::cout << value << std::endl;
When I run my program I get a wrong random value of <E5> outputted to the screen, but when I run the program in gdb and use p value it prints out -27, which is the correct value. Does anyone have any ideas?
Because int8_t is the same as signed char, and char is not treated as a number by the stream. Cast into e.g. int16_t
std::cout << static_cast<int16_t>(value) << std::endl;
and you'll get the correct result.
This is because int8_t is synonymous to signed char.
So the value will be shown as a char value.
To force int display you could use
std::cout << (int) 'a' << std::endl;
This will work, as long as you don't require special formatting, e.g.
std::cout << std::hex << (int) 'a' << std::endl;
In that case you'll get artifacts from the widened size, especially if the char value is negative (you'd get FFFFFFFF or FFFF1 for (int)(int8_t)-1 instead of FF)
Edit see also this very readable writeup that goes into more detail and offers more strategies to 'deal' with this: http://blog.mezeske.com/?p=170
1 depending on architecture and compiler
Most probably int8_t is
typedef char int8_t
Therefore when you use stream out "value" the underlying type (a char) is printed.
One solution to get a "integer number" printed is to type cast value before streaming the int8_t:
std::cout << static_cast<int>(value) << std::endl;
It looks like it is printing out the value as a character - If you use 'char value;' instead, it prints the same thing. int8_t is from the C standard library, so it may be that cout is not prepared for it(or it is just typedefd to char).