Determining signed overflow (x86 Overflow / Auxilliary Flags) - bit-manipulation

First of all: I really tried to find a matching answer for this, but I just wasn't successful.
I am currently working on a little 8086 emulator. What I haven't still figured out is how the Overflow and Auxilliary flags are calculated best for addition and subtraction.
As far as I know the Auxilliary Flag complies with the Overflow flag but only uses 4 bits while the Overflow Flag uses the whole size. So if I am adding two signed 1-byte integers the OF would check for 1-byte signed overflow while the Auxilliary Flag would only look at the lower 4 bytes of the two integers.
Are there any generic algorithms or "magic bitwise operations" for calculating the signed overflow for 4,8 and 16 bit addition and subtraction? (I don't mind what language there are written in)
Remark: I need to store the values in unsigned variables internally, so I do only have the possibility to work with unsigned values or bitwise calculations.
Might one solution that works for addition and subtraction be to check whether the "Sign Flag" (or bit 4 for the Auxilliary flag) has changed after the calculation is done?
Thanks in advance!

Overflow Flag indicates whether the result is too large/too small to fit in the destination operand, regardless of its size.
Auxilliary Flag indicates whether the result is too large/too small to fit in four bits.
Edit: How to determine AF: Explain how the AF flag works in an x86 instructions? .


What method does the computer use to add unsigned integers

int main(){
unsigned int num1 = 0x65764321;
unsigned int num2 = 0x23657432;
unsigned int sum = num1 + num2;
cout << hex << sum;
return 0;
If i have two unsigned integers say num1 and num2. And then I tell the computer to unsigned
int sum = num1 + num2;
What method does the computer use to add them, would it be two's complement. Would the sum variable be printed in two's complement.
2's complement addition is identical to unsigned addition as far the actual bits are concerned. In the actual hardware, the design will be something complicated like a, so it can be low latency (not having to wait for the carry to ripple across 32 or 64 bits, because that's too many gate-delays for add to be single-cycle latency.)
One's complement and sign/magnitude are the other signed-integer representations that C++ allows implementations to use, and their wrap-around behaviour is different from unsigned.
For example, one's complement addition has to wrap the carry-out back into the low bit. See this article about optimizing TCP checksum calculation for how you implement one's complement addition on hardware that only provide 2's complement / unsigned addition. (Specifically x86).
C++ leaves signed overflow as undefined behaviour, but real one's complement and sign/magnitude hardware does have specific documented behaviour. reinterpret_casting an unsigned bit pattern to a signed integer gives a result that depends on what kind of hardware you're running on. (All modern hardware is 2's complement, though.)
Since the bitwise operation is the same for unsigned or 2's complement, it's all about how you interpret the results. On CPU architectures like x86 that set flags based on the results of an instruction, the overflow flag is only relevant for the signed interpretation, and the carry flag is only relevant for the unsigned interpretation. The hardware produces both from a single instruction, instead of having separate signed/unsigned add instructions that do the same thing.
See for a great write-up about unsigned carry vs. signed overflow, and x86 flags.
On other architectures, like MIPS, there is no FLAGS register. You have to use a compare or test instruction to figure out what happened (carry or zero or whatever). The add instruction doesn't set flags. See this MIPS Q&A about add-with-carry for a 64-bit add on 32-bit MIPS.
But for detecting signed overflow, add raises an exception on overflow (where x86 would set OF), so you use addu for signed or unsigned addition if you want it to not fault on signed overflow.
now the overflow flag here is 1(its an example given by our instructor) meaning there is overflow but there is no carry, so how can there be overflow here
You have a C++ program, not an x86 assembly language program! C++ doesn't have a carry or overflow flag.
If you compiled this program for x86 with a non-optimizing compiler, and it used the ADD instruction with your two inputs, you would get OF=1 and CF=0 from that ADD instruction.
But the compiler might use lea edi, [rax+rdx] to do the sum without overwriting either input, and LEA doesn't set flags.
Or if the compiler did the addition at compile time, your code would compile the same as source like this:
cout << hex << 0x88dbb753U;
and no addition of your numbers would take place at run-time. (There will of course be lots of addition in the iostream library functions, and maybe even an add instruction in main() as part of making a stack frame, if your compiler chooses to emit code that sets up a stack frame.)
i have two unsigned integers
What method does the computer use to add them
Whatever method is available on the target CPU architecture. Most have an instruction named ADD.
Would the sum variable be printed in two's complement.
Two's complement is a way to represent an integer type in binary. It is not a way to print numbers.

How are Overflow situations dealt with? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is unsigned integer overflow defined behavior but signed integer overflow isn't?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I just simply wanted to know, who is responsible to deal with mathematical overflow cases in a computer ?
For example, in the following C++ code:
short x = 32768;
std::cout << x;
Compiling and running this code on my machine gave me a result of -32767
A "short" variable's size is 2 bytes .. and we know 2 bytes can hold a maximum decimal value of 32767 (if signed) .. so when I assigned 32768 to x .. after exceeding its max value 32767 .. It started counting from -32767 all over again to 32767 and so on ..
What exactly happened so the value -32767 was given in this case ?
ie. what are the binary calculations done in the background the resulted in this value ?
So, who decided that this happens ? I mean who is responsible to decide that when a mathematical overflow happens in my program .. the value of the variable simply starts again from its min value, or an exception is thrown for example, or the program simply freezes .. etc ?
Is it the language standard, the compiler, my OS, my CPU, or who is it ?
And how does it deal with that overflow situation ? (Simple explanation or a link explaining it in details would be appreciated :) )
And btw, pls .. Also, who decides what a size of a 'short int' for example on my machine would be ? also is it a language standard, compiler, OS, CPU .. etc ?
Thanks in advance! :)
Ok so I understood from here : Why is unsigned integer overflow defined behavior but signed integer overflow isn't?
that It's the processor who defines what happens in an overflow situation (like for example in my machine it started from -32767 all over again), depending on "representations for signed values" of the processor, ie. is it sign magnitude, one's complement or two's complement ...
is that right ?
and in my case (When the result given was like starting from the min value -32767 again.. how do you suppose my CPU is representing the signed values, and how did the value -32767 for example come up (again, binary calculations that lead to this, pls :) ? )
It doesn't start at it's min value per se. It just truncates its value, so for a 4 bit number, you can count until 1111 (binary, = 15 decimal). If you increment by one, you get 10000, but there is no room for that, so the first digit is dropped and 0000 remains. If you would calculate 1111 + 10, you'd get 1.
You can add them up as you would on paper:
---- +
But instead of adding up the entire number, the processor will just add up until it reaches (in this case) 4 bits. After that, there is no more room to add up any more, but if there is still 1 to 'carry', it sets the overflow register, so you can check whether the last addition it did overflowed.
Processors have basic instructions to add up numbers, and they have those for smaller and larger values. A 64 bit processor can add up 64 bit numbers (actually, usually they don't add up two numbers, but actually add a second number to the first number, modifying the first, but that's not really important for the story).
But apart from 64 bits, they often can also add up 32, 16 and 8 bit numbers. That's partly because it can be efficient to add up only 8 bits if you don't need more, but also sometimes to be backwards compatible with older programs for a previous version of a processor which could add up to 32 bits but not 64 bits.
Such a program uses an instruction to add up 32 bits numbers, and the same instruction must also exist on the 64 bit processor, with the same behavior if there is an overflow, otherwise the program wouldn't be able to run properly on the newer processor.
Apart from adding up using the core constructions of the processor, you could also add up in software. You could make an inc function that treats a big chunk of bits as a single value. To increment it, you can let the processor increment the first 64 bits. The result is stored in the first part of your chunk. If the overflow flag is set in the processor, you take the next 64 bits and increment those too. This way, you can extend the limitation of the processor to handle large numbers from software.
And same goes for the way an overflow is handled. The processor just sets the flag. Your application can decide whether to act on it or not. If you want to have a counter that just increments to 65535 and then wraps to 0, you (your program) don't need to do anything with the flag.

Can ~3 safely be widened automatically?

While answering another question, I ended up trying to justify casting the operand to the ~ operator, but I was unable to come up with a scenario where not casting it would yield wrong results.
I am asking this clarification question in order to be able to clean up that other question, removing the red herrings and keeping only the most relevant information intact.
The problem in question is that we want to clear the two lowermost bits of a variable:
offset = offset & ~3;
This looks dangerous, because ~3 will be an int no matter what offset is, so we might end up masking the bits that do not fit into int's width. For example if int is 32 bits wide and offset is of a 64 bit wide type, one could imagine that this operation would lose the 32 most significant bits of offset.
However, in practice this danger does not seem to manifest itself. Instead, the result of ~3 is sign-extended to fill the width of offset, even when offset is unsigned.
Is this behavior mandated by the standard? I am asking because it seems that this behavior could rely on specific implementation and/or hardware details, but I want to be able to recommend code that is correct according to the language standard.
I can make the operation produce an undesired result if I try to remove the 32. least significant bit. This is because the result of ~(1 << 31) will be positive in a 32 bit signed integer in two's complement representation (and indeed a one's complement representation), so sign-extending the result will make all the higher bits unset.
offset = offset & ~(1 << 31); // BZZT! Fragile!
In this case, if int is 32 bits wide and offset is of a wider type, this operation will clear all the high bits.
However, the proposed solution in the other question does not seem to resolve this problem!
offset = offset & ~static_cast<decltype(offset)>(1 << 31); // BZZT! Fragile!
It seems that 1 << 31 will be sign-extended before the cast, so regardless of whether decltype(offset) is signed or unsigned, the result of this cast will have all the higher bits set, such that the operation again will clear all those bits.
In order to fix this, I need to make the number unsigned before widening, either by making the integer literal unsigned (1u << 31 seems to work) or casting it to unsigned int:
offset = offset &
static_cast<unsigned int>(
1 << 31
// Now it finally looks like C++!
This change makes the original danger relevant. When the bitmask is unsigned, the inverted bitmask will be widened by setting all the higher bits to zero, so it is important to have the correct width before inverting.
This leads me to conclude that there are two ways to recommend clearing some bits:
1: offset = offset & ~3;
Advantages: Short, easily readable code.
Disadvantages: None that I know of. But is the behavior guaranteed by the standard?
2: offset = offset & ~static_cast<decltype(offset)>(3u);
Advantages: I understand how all elements of this code works, and I am fairly confident that its behavior is guaranteed by the standard.
Disadvantages: It doesn't exactly roll of the tounge.
Can you guys help me clarify if the behavior of option 1 is guaranteed or if I have to resort to recommending option 2?
It is not valid in sign-magnitude representation. In that representation with 32-bit ints, ~3 is -0x7FFFFFFC. When this is widened to 64-bit (signed) the value is retained, -0x7FFFFFFC. So we would not say that sign-extension happens in that system; and you will incorrectly mask off all the bits 32 and higher.
In two's complement, I think offset &= ~3 always works. ~3 is -4, so whether or not the 64-bit type is signed, you still get a mask with only the bottom 2 bits unset.
However, personally I'd try to avoid writing it, as then when checking over my code for bugs later I'd have to go through all this discussion again! (and what hope does a more casual coder have of understanding the intricacies here). I only do bitwise operations on unsigned types, to avoid all of this.

arithmetics between large primitive numeric types : can I save the overflow?

disclaimer: I know, unsigned integers are primitive numeric types but they don't technically overflow, I'm using the term "overflow" for all the primitive numeric types in general here.
in C or C++, according to the standard or to a particular implementation, there are primitive numeric types where given an arithmetic operation, even if this operation could possibly overflow, I can save the result + plus the part that overflows ?
Even if this sounds strange, my idea is that the registers on modern CPUs are usually much larger than a 32 bit float or a 64 bit uint64_t, so there is the potential to actually control the overflow and store it somewhere.
No, the registers are not "usually much larger than a 64 bit uint64_t".
There's an overflow flag, and for a limited number of operations (addition and subtraction), pairing this single additional bit with the result is enough to capture the entire range of outcomes.
But in general, you'd need to cast to a larger type (potentially implemented in software) to handle results that overflow the type of your input.
Any operations that do this sort of thing (for example some 32-bit processors had a 32x32 => 32 high, 32 low wide multiply instruction) will be provided by your compiler as intrinsic functions, or via inline assembly.
look, I found a 64-bit version of that, named Multiply128 and the matching __mul128 instrinsic available in Visual C++
See #Ben Voigt about larger registers.
There really may only be an overflow bit that could help you.
Another approach, without resorting to wider integers, is to test overflow yourself:
unsigned a,b,sum;
sum = a + b;
if (sum < a) {
OverflowDetected(); // mathematical result is `sum` + UINT_MAX + 1
Similar approach for int.
The following likely may be simplified - just don't have it at hand.
My below apporach has potentila UB. For a better way to detect int overflow, see Simpler method to detect int overflow
int a,b,sum;
sum = a + b;
// out-of-range only possible when the signs are the same.
if ((a < 0) == (b < 0)) {
if (a < 0) {
if (sum > b) UnderflowDetected();
else {
if (sum < b) OverflowDetected();
For floating point type, you can actually 'control' the overflow on x86 platform. With these functions "_control87, _controlfp, __control87_2", you can Gets and sets the floating-point control word. By default, the run-time libraries mask all floating-point exceptions; you can unmask them in your code, so when a overflow occurs, you'll get an exception. However, the code we write today, all assume that the floating point exceptions are masked, so if you unmask them, you'll encounter some problem.
You can use these functions to get the status word.
For floating point types the results are well defined by the hardware, and you're not going to be able to get much control without working around C/C++.
For integer types smaller than int, they will be upsized to an int by any arithmetic operation. You will probably be able to detect overflow before you coerce the result back into the smaller type.
For addition and subtraction you can detect overflow by comparing the result to the inputs. Adding two positive integers will always yield a result larger than either of the inputs, unless there was overflow.

Is it possible to access the overflow flag register in a CPU with C++?

After performing a mathematical operation, for say, multiplying two integers, is it possible to access the overflow flag register in a CPU with C++ ? If not what are other fast ways to check for an overflow ?
No, generally it's impossible. Some CPUs don't even have such a flag (e.g. MIPS).
The link provided in one of the comments will give you ideas on how you can do overflow checks.
Remember that in C and C++ signed integer overflows cause undefined behavior and legally you cannot perform overflow checks after the fact. You either need to use unsigned arithmetic or do the checks before arithmetic operations.
I recommend this reading in every appropriate case. From Optimizing software in C++ -
Integer overflow is another security problem. The official C standard
says that the behavior of signed integers in case of overflow is
"undefined". This allows the compiler to ignore overflow or assume
that it doesn't occur. In the case of the Gnu compiler, the assumption
that signed integer overflow doesn't occur has the unfortunate
consequence that it allows the compiler to optimize away an overflow
check. There are a number of possible remedies against this problem:
(1) check for overflow before it occurs, (2) use unsigned integers -
they are guaranteed to wrap around, (3) trap integer overflow with the
option -ftrapv, but this is extremely inefficient, (4) get a compiler
warning for such optimizations with option
-Wstrict-overflow=2, or (5) make the overflow behavior well-defined with option
-fwrapv or -fno-strict-overflow.
You'd have to do the operation and check the overflow bit in inline assembly. You could do that and jump to a label on overflow, or (more generally but less efficiently) set a variable if it overflowed.
No. Best approach to check in advance as here
If not what are other fast ways to check for an overflow ?
If you need to test after operation you can use floating point representation (double precision) - every 32-bit integer can be represented exactly as floating point number.
If all of the machines you target support IEEE (which is probably the case if you don't have to consider mainframes), you can just do the operations, then use isfinite or isinf on the results.
Fast (in terms of programmer's efforts) way is: The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) defines five exceptions, each of which returns a default value and has a corresponding status flag that (except in certain cases of underflow) is raised when the exception occurs.
The five possible exceptions are:
Invalid operation: mathematically undefined, e.g., the square root of a negative number. By default, returns qNaN.
Division by zero: an operation on finite operands gives an exact infinite result, e.g., 1/0 or log(0). By default, returns ±infinity.
Overflow: a result is too large to be represented correctly (i.e., its exponent with an unbounded exponent range would be larger than emax). By default, returns ±infinity for the round-to-nearest modes (and follows the rounding rules for the directed rounding modes).
Underflow: a result is very small (outside the normal range) and is inexact. By default, returns a subnormal or zero (following the rounding rules).
Inexact: the exact (i.e., unrounded) result is not representable exactly. By default, returns the correctly rounded result.
This is probably not what you want to do for two reasons:
not every CPU has an overflow flag
using C++ there is actually no way to access the overflow flag
the overflow checking tips that people have posted before might be useful.
if you really want to very write fast code that multiplies two integers and checks the overflow flag, you will have to use assembly. if you want some examples for x86, then do ask