How to push char array? [duplicate] - c++

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do I use arrays in C++?
I have no idea how to push a char array.
For example if i have "HI.MY.NAME.IS" in a char array,
I would like to put one char in the middle and push the char's right to it.
So it would be something like "HI.MY.SLAME.IS" or something like that.
Any possible solutions?

Use string::insert.
std::string s("test");
s.insert(s.begin()+2, 'c');

There is no "automatic" push which relocates elements in an array. At the lowest levels, there is only read from an array element and write to an array element.
That means you need to copy each element after the insert "one index" down the array. Then you need to set the "inserted" value at its inserted index.
Library routines will do this for you without you noticing; however, you should be aware of the underlying mechanism. Otherwise, you might fall under the impression that inserting into arrays at arbitrary indexes is cheap (when it usually isn't).

//This allocates new memory that you receive responsibility for freeing after use.
char *push(char *charArray, char *charsToPush, int pushPos) {
char *thePushed = new char[strlen(charArray) + strlen(charsToPush) + 1];
memcpy(thePushed, charArray, pushPos);
memcpy(thePushed + pushPos, charsToPush, strlen(charsToPush));
memcpy(thePushed + pushPos + strlen(charsToPush), charArray + pushPos, strlen(charArray) - pushPos);
thePushed[strlen(charArray) + strlen(charsToPush)] = '\0';
return thePushed;

To do that you'd have to:
Create a new array that is large enough to hold the original and the new items. Arrays cannot be resized.
Copy all items from the old to the new array, leaving the places for the new characters open.
Insert the new characters.
This is quite complex. But C++ offers a simpler way - std::string:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string text = "HI.MY.NAME.IS";
std::string new_text = text.substr(0, 6) + "SL" + text.substr(7, 6);
std::cout << new_text << std::endl;
This program prints HI.MY.SLAME.IS. Or, even better, use insert, as #rasmus suggests.

If you are limited to c-strings or require it to be replaced in-buffer, then you can do something like the below, but your buffer must be large enough to hold the modified string since it's pushing all characters down. That said, you'd be much better off using the std::string as the others suggest.
// ASSUMES buffer is large enough to store one more char
void insertAt(char* buffer, char insertMe, size_t at)
size_t len = strlen(buffer);
if (at <= len)
memcpy(buffer + at + 1, buffer + at, len - at + 1);
buffer[at] = insertMe;

char* string = (char*) malloc(14);
string = "HI.MY.NAME.IS";
realloc(string, 15);
for (int i = 14; i > 5; --i) {
string[i+1] = string[i];
string[5] = 'S';
string[6] = 'L';
Here you


strcpy to multi-dimensional array in C++

I've been having issues attempting to copy a word into a multi-dimensional array.
Here is the code I use to create the array:
char *word_buffer;
char *return_result[64];
int buffer_count = 0;
int word_start = 0;
int word_end = 0;
// Some extra, irreverent code.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
if (text[i] == delim) { // Delim is a value such as '\n'
word_end = i;
word_buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*64);
strncpy(word_buffer, text + word_start, word_end - word_start); // Copy the word into word_buffer
strcpy(*(return_result + buffer_count), word_buffer);
word_start = i + 1;
I believe my issue lies with the last line. I attempt to give strcpy a pointer to the address of the 2d array where I want the result of word_buffer to be place. However, this results in a Segmentation Fault.
The goal is to have an array of words returned. I.E.
char *result[10] = { "foo", "bar", "x", "y", "z" };
But to have this done dynamically with code. My code to split the words is working fine. Though, I don't know how to place the value into a 2d array.
Edit: User SHR recommended I try replacing the strcpy line with return_array[buffer_count]=word_buffer;. This does partially work but it crashes after a random amount of values in the array every time. I don't really see how this could be due to high memory usage. Tracking the memory usage of the binary shows nothing out of the ordinary.

How can I find the size of a (* char) array inside of a function?

I understand how to find the size using a string type array:
char * shuffleStrings(string theStrings[])
int sz = 0;
printf("sz is %d\n", sz);
char * shuffled = new char[sz];
return shuffled;
One of my questions in the above example also is, why do I have to decrement the size by 1 to find the true number of elements in the array?
So if the code looked like this:
char * shuffleStrings(char * theStrings[])
//how can I find the size??
//I tried this and got a weird continuous block of printing
int i = 0;
printf("sz is %d\n", i);
char * shuffled = new char[i];
return shuffled;
You should not decrement the counter to get the real size, in the fist snippet. if you have two element and one empty element, the loop will end with value , which is correct.
In the second snippet, you work on a pointer to a pointr. So the while-condition should be *theStrings (supposing that a NULL pointer ist the marker for the end of your table.
Note that in both cases, if the table would not hold the marker for the end of table, you'd risk to go out of bounds. Why not work with vector<string> ? Then you could get the size without any loop, and would not risk to go out of bounds
What you are seeing here is the "termination" character in the string or '\0'
You can see this better when you use a char* array instead of a string.
Here is an example of a size calculator that I have made.
int getSize(const char* s)
unsigned int i = 0;
char x = ' ';
while ((x = s[i++]) != '\0');
return i - 1;
As you can see, the char* is terminated with a '\0' character to indicate the end of the string. That is the character that you are counting in your algorithm and that is why you are getting the extra character.
As to your second question, seem to want to create a new array with size of all of the strings.
To do this, you could calculate the length of each string and then add them together to create a new array.

Why does my array element retrieval function return random value?

I am trying to make an own simple string implementation in C++. My implementation is not \0 delimited, but uses the first element in my character array (the data structure I have chosen to implement the string) as the length of the string.
In essence, I have this as my data structure: typedef char * arrayString; and I have got the following as the implementation of some primal string manipulating routines:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "new_string.h"
// Our string implementation will store the
// length of the string in the first byte of
// the string.
int getLength(const arrayString &s1) {
return s1[0] - '0';
void append_str(arrayString &s, char c) {
int length = getLength(s); // get the length of our current string
length++; // account for the new character
arrayString newString = new char[length]; // create a new heap allocated string
newString[0] = length;
// fill the string with the old contents
for (int counter = 1; counter < length; counter++) {
newString[counter] = s[counter];
// append the new character
newString[length - 1] = c;
delete[] s; // prevent a memory leak
s = newString;
void display(const arrayString &s1) {
int max = getLength(s1);
for (int counter = 1; counter <= max; counter++) {
std::cout << s1[counter];
void appendTest() {
arrayString a = new char[5];
a[0] = '5'; a[1] = 'f'; a[2] = 'o'; a[3] = 't'; a[4] = 'i';
append_str(a, 's');
My issue is with the implementation of my function getLength(). I have tried to debug my program inside Visual Studio, and all seems nice and well in the beginning.
The first time getLength() is called, inside the append_str() function, it returns the correct value for the string length (5). When it get's called inside the display(), my own custom string displaying function (to prevent a bug with std::cout), it reads the value (6) correctly, but returns -42? What's going on?
Ignore my comments in the code. It's purely educational and it's just me trying to see what level of commenting improves the code and what level reduces its quality.
In get_length(), I had to do first_element - '0' because otherwise, the function would return the ascii value of the arithmetic value inside. For instance, for decimal 6, it returned 54.
This is an educational endeavour, so if you see anything else worth commenting on, or fixing, by all means, let me know.
Since you are getting the length as return s1[0] - '0'; in getLength() you should set then length as newString[0] = length + '0'; instead of newString[0] = length;
As a side why are you storing the size of the string in the array? why not have some sort of integer member that you store the size in. A couple of bytes really isn't going to hurt and now you have a string that can be more than 256 characters long.
You are accessing your array out of bounds at couple of places.
In append_str
for (int counter = 1; counter < length; counter++) {
newString[counter] = s[counter];
In the example you presented, the starting string is "5foti" -- without the terminating null character. The maximum valid index is 4. In the above function, length has already been set to 6 and you are accessing s[5].
This can be fixed by changing the conditional in the for statement to counter < length-1;
And in display.
int max = getLength(s1);
for (int counter = 1; counter <= max; counter++) {
std::cout << s1[counter];
Here again, you are accessing the array out of bounds by using counter <= max in the loop.
This can be fixed by changing the conditional in the for statement to counter < max;
Here are some improvements, that should also cover your question:
Instead of a typedef, define a class for your string. The class should have an int for the length and a char* for the string data itself.
Use operator overloads in your class "string" so you can append them with + etc.
The - '0' gives me pain. You subtract the ASCII value of 42 from the length, but you do not add it as a character. Also, the length can be 127 at maximum, because char goes from -128 to +127. See point #1.
append_str changes the pointer of your object. That's very bad practice!
Ok, thank you everyone for helping me out.
The problem appeared to be inside the appendTest() function, where I was storing in the first element of the array the character code for the value I wanted to have as a size (i.e storing '5' instead of just 5). It seems that I didn't edit previous code that I had correctly, and that's what caused me the issues.
As an aside to what many of you are asking, why am I not using classes or better design, it's because I want to implement a basic string structure having many constraints, such as no classes, etc. I basically want to use only arrays, and the most I am affording myself is to make them dynamically allocated, i.e resizable.

copy char* to std::string at the specified pos not allocating new objects

Let me ask my question by code:
char* apples = "apples";
std::string str("I like .....");
// need to copy apples to str to have "I like apples", without creating new objects
There is assign function but unfortunately it seems is not possible to provide std::string offset.
I do not want to allocate new object as this is low-latency and frequently part of code.
upd by mistake i've put 5 dots above but I meant 6 dots to fit "apples" perfectly :) Of course if string capacity is not enought some objects have to be created. In my question I assume that string capacity is enough.
You can use std::copy algorithm
std::copy(apples, apples + sz, str.begin() + offset);
Why not use std::string::replace?
Even assign will copy the content of whatever you pass to it. You will not be able to do what you try to. A string holds a pointer to a continuous block of characters in the memory. You can not just glue arbitrary things to it.
The answer of using the std::copy() algorithm is the best one AFAIK. You could also use plain old C (you understand, it is not actually C, C style would be a better name) to achieve the same thing:
char* apples = "apples";
std::string str("I like .....");
char * ptr = apples;
while( *ptr != 0 ) {
str.push_back( *ptr );
As you can see, there is no temporary object created here, but... Does that mean there are no allocations in the process? Indeed they are.
A std::string is basically a vector of chars. The string has a capacity() method that returns how many extra chars can be appended without triggering another allocation (which can involve a reallocation, thus copying the whole vector). The best you can do in order to avoid allocations is to ensure that the string will have enough space for all characters to insert.
char* apples = "apples";
std::string str("I like .....");
str.reserve( str.length() + strlen( apples ) );
char * ptr = apples;
while( *ptr != 0 ) {
str.push_back( *ptr );
This way you can ensure that there will be one allocation only in the std::string: the one triggered with reserve().
Hope this helps.
char * apples = "apples";
string something = "I like ....";
for (int i = 0; i < something.length() - 1; i++)
if (something.find('.'))
something.resize(something.length() + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(apples); i++)
cout << something <<endl;

Allocate chunk of memory for array of structs

I need an array of this struct allocated in one solid chunk of memory. The length of "char *extension" and "char *type" are not known at compile time.
char *extension;
char *type;
If I used the "new" operator to initialize each element by itself, the memory may be scattered. This is how I tried to allocate a single contiguous block of memory for it:
//numTypes = total elements of array
//maxExtension and maxType are the needed lengths for the (char*) in the struct
//std::string ext, type;
unsigned int size = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1) * numTypes;
mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
But, when I try to load the data in like this, the data is all out of order and scattered when I try to access it later.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
//get data from file
getline(fin, line);
stringstream parser.str(line);
parser >> ext >> type;
//point the pointers at a spot in the memory that I allocated
mimeTypes[i].extension = (char*)(&mimeTypes[i]);
mimeTypes[i].type = (char*)((&mimeTypes[i]) + maxExtension);
//copy the data into the elements
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].extension, ext.c_str());
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].type, type.c_str());
can anyone help me out?
unsigned int size = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1);
mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size * numTypes);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
strcpy((char*)(mimeTypes + (i*size)), ext.c_str());
strcpy((char*)(mimeTypes + (i*size) + (maxExtension+1)), type.c_str());
You mix 2 allocation:
1) manage array of MIMETYPE and
2) manage array of characters
May be (I don't really understand your objectives):
char extension[const_ofmaxExtension];
char type[maxType];
would be better to allocate linear items in form:
new MIMETYPE[numTypes];
I'll put aside the point that this is premature optimization (and that you ought to just use std::string, std::vector, etc), since others have already stated that.
The fundamental problem I'm seeing is that you're using the same memory for both the MIMETYPE structs and the strings that they'll point to. No matter how you allocate it, a pointer itself and the data it points to cannot occupy the exact same place in memory.
Lets say you needed an array of 3 types and had MIMETYPE* mimeTypes pointing to the memory you allocated for them.
That means you're treating that memory as if it contains:
8 bytes: mime type 0
8 bytes: mime type 1
8 bytes: mime type 2
Now, consider what you're doing in this next line of code:
mimeTypes[i].extension = (char*)(&mimeTypes[i]);
extension is being set to point to the same location in memory as the MIMETYPE struct itself. That is not going to work. When subsequent code writes to the location that extension points to, it overwrites the MIMETYPE structs.
Similarly, this code:
strcpy((char*)(mimeTypes + (i*size)), ext.c_str());
is writing the string data in the same memory that you otherwise want to MIMETYPE structs to occupy.
If you really want store all the necessary memory in one contiguous space, then doing so is a bit more complicated. You would need to allocate a block of memory to contain the MIMETYPE array at the start of it, and then the string data afterwards.
As an example, lets say you need 3 types. Lets also say the max length for an extension string (maxExtension) is 3 and the max length for a type string (maxType) is 10. In this case, your block of memory needs to be laid out as:
8 bytes: mime type 0
8 bytes: mime type 1
8 bytes: mime type 2
4 bytes: extension string 0
11 bytes: type string 0
4 bytes: extension string 1
11 bytes: type string 1
4 bytes: extension string 2
11 bytes: type string 2
So to allocate, setup, and fill it all correctly you would want to do something like:
unsigned int mimeTypeStringsSize = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1);
unsigned int totalSize = (sizeof(MIMETYPE) + mimeTypeStringsSize) * numTypes;
char* data = (char*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, totalSize);
MIMETYPE* mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)data;
char* stringData = data + (sizeof(MIMETYPE) * numTypes);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
//get data from file
getline(fin, line);
stringstream parser.str(line);
parser >> ext >> type;
// set pointers to proper locations
mimeTypes[i].extension = stringData + (mimeTypeStringsSize * i);
mimeTypes[i].type = stringData + (mimeTypeStringsSize * i) + maxExtension+1;
//copy the data into the elements
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].extension, ext.c_str());
strcpy(mimeTypes[i].type, type.c_str());
(Note: I've based my byte layout explanations on typical behavior of 32-bit code. 64-bit code would have more space used for the pointers, but the principle is the same. Furthermore, the actual code I've written here should work regardless of 32/64-bit differences.)
What you need to do is get a garbage collector and manage the heap. A simple collector using RAII for object destruction is not that difficult to write. That way, you can simply allocate off the collector and know that it's going to be contiguous. However, you should really, REALLY profile before determining that this is a serious problem for you. When that happens, you can typedef many std types like string and stringstream to use your custom allocator, meaning that you can go back to just std::string instead of the C-style string horrors you have there.
You really have to know the length of extension and type in order to allocate MIMETYPEs contiguously (if "contiguously" means that extension and type are actually allocated within the object). Since you say that the length of extension and type are not known at compile time, you cannot do this in an array or a vector (the overall length of a vector can be set and changed at runtime, but the size of the individual elements must be known at compile time, and you can't know that size without knowing the length of extension and type).
I would personally recommend using a vector of MIMETYPEs, and making the extension and type fields both strings. You're requirements sound suspiciously like premature optimization guided by a gut feeling that dereferencing pointers is slow, especially if the pointers cause cache misses. I wouldn't worry about that until you have actual data that reading these fields is an actual bottleneck.
However, I can think of a possible "solution": you can allocate the extension and type strings inside the MIMETYPE object when they are shorter than a particular threshold and allocate them dynamically otherwise:
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <new>
template<size_t Threshold> class Kinda_contig_string {
char contiguous_buffer[Threshold];
char* value;
Kinda_contig_string() : value(NULL) { }
Kinda_contig_string(const char* s)
size_t length = std::strlen(s);
if (s < Threshold) {
value = contiguous_buffer;
else {
value = new char[length];
std::strcpy(value, s);
void set(const char* s)
size_t length = std::strlen(s);
if (length < Threshold && value == contiguous_buffer) {
// simple case, both old and new string fit in contiguous_buffer
// and value points to contiguous_buffer
std::strcpy(contiguous_buffer, s);
if (length >= Threshold && value == contiguous_buffer) {
// old string fit in contiguous_buffer, new string does not
value = new char[length];
std::strcpy(value, s);
if (length < Threshold && value != contiguous_buffer) {
// old string did not fit in contiguous_buffer, but new string does
std::strcpy(contiguous_buffer, s);
delete[] value;
value = contiguous_buffer;
// old and new strings both too long to fit in extension_buffer
// provide strong exception guarantee
char* temp_buffer = new char[length];
std::strcpy(temp_buffer, s);
std::swap(temp_buffer, value);
delete[] temp_buffer;
const char* get() const
return value;
class MIMETYPE {
Kinda_contig_string<16> extension;
Kinda_contig_string<64> type;
const char* get_extension() const
return extension.get();
const char* get_type() const
return type.get();
void set_extension(const char* e)
// t must be NULL terminated
void set_type(const char* t)
MIMETYPE() : extension(), type() { }
MIMETYPE(const char* e, const char* t) : extension(e), type(t) { }
I really can't endorse this without feeling guilty.
Add one byte in between strings... extension and type are not \0-terminated the way do it.
here you allocate allowing for an extra \0 - OK
unsigned int size = (maxExtension+1 + maxType+1) * numTypes;
mimeTypes = (MIMETYPE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
here you don't leave any room for extension's ending \0 (if string len == maxExtension)
//point the pointers at a spot in the memory that I allocated
mimeTypes[i].extension = (char*)(&mimeTypes[i]);
mimeTypes[i].type = (char*)((&mimeTypes[i]) + maxExtension);
instead i think it should be
mimeTypes[i].type = (char*)((&mimeTypes[i]) + maxExtension + 1);