Django Upstream Caching (Vary On Headers) Not working - django

I have a view which displays user specific, meaning the content of the response for the same URL is unique per individual authenticated user.
Ideally, these pages would be cached in the browser. However, that does not appear to be the case in Chrome or Firefox (on production or locally).
The development server is processing the view each time, despite the fact that I've set the #vary_on_cookies decorator.
I have the right middleware in place (in the right order):
One thing that I've noticed is that the request is sending this cache control header:
I assume that that might be the root problem. Or is this related to the development server?
Any suggestions?


nginx API cross origin calls not working only from some browsers

TLDR: React app's API calls are returning with status code 200 but without body in response, happens only when accessing the web app from some browsers.
I have a React + Django application deployed using nginx and uwsgi on a single centOS7 VM.
The React app is served by nginx on the domain, and when users log in on the javascript app, REST API requests are made to the same nginx on a sub domain (ie:, for things like validate token and fetch data.
This works on all recent version of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Edge. However, some users have complained that they could not log in from their work network. They can visit the site, so obviously the javascript application is served to them, but when they log in, all of the requests come back with status 200, except the response has an empty body. (and the log in requires few pieces of information to be sent back with the log in response to work).
For example, when I log in from where I am, I would get response with status=200, and a json object with few parameters in the body of the response.
But when one of the users showed me the same from their browser, they get Status=200 back, but the Response is empty. They are using the same version of browsers as I have. They tried both Firefox and Chrome with the same behaviours.
After finally getting hold of one of the user to send me some screenshots. I found the problem. In my browser that works with the site, the API calls to the backend had Referrer Policy set to strict-origin-when-cross-origin in the Headers. However on their browser, the same was showing up as no-referrer-when-downgrade.
I had not explicitly set the referrer policy so the browsers were using each of their default values, and it differed between different versions of browsers (
To fix this, I added add_header 'Referrer-Policy' 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'; to the nginx.conf file and restarted the server. More details here:
The users who had trouble before can now access the site API resources after clearing cache in their browsers.

Cache website to browser when navigating back

I have a single url/page of my website that I want to be cached to browser, so whenever a user navigates away from that page, and then presses the BACK button of the browser, I don't want that request to go to django at all, but serve the cached version of the page that is in the browser. Also, I can't use solutions that cache the page in between the web server and Django, as every user has different permissions on what data they can see.
So I added this in my nginx config:
location /search {
expires 300s;
add_header Cache-Control "private";
And this works very well, 50% of the time :). How can I make it work always?
whenever a user navigates away from that page, and then presses the BACK button of the browser, I don't want that request to go to django at all, but serve the cached version of the page that is in the browser
For some browsers, this is the default behavior - if you have set no caching directives on the server, then it will keep not only a copy of the response but the entire rendered page in memory so than when you click the back button, it can be shown instantly.
But if you want to explicitly instruct the browser to cache the response you can use a max-age directive on the Cache-Control header. Set
Cache-Control: max-age=3600
This is a more modern and reliable way than using an "Expires" header, especially for small durations. If the user's browser has the incorrect time or time zone set "Expires" might not work at all, but "max-age" still should.
If you are serving each person a different version of the page you can add the "private" too to prevent caching by proxies (as in your example):
Cache-Control: private; max-age=3600
Note: you can't force a browser to always use the cache. If you are noticing that sometimes it doesn't use the cache, it could be:
The item in the cache has expired. You were giving it only 5 minutes, so 5 minutes after the request that went into the cache, if you request it again it will send through the request to the remote server - even if there have been requests in the time between.
The browser cache became full and some items were purged.
For some reason the browser believed or was configured to believe that the response should not be cached regardless of cache directives.
The user pressed reload.
A proxy between client and server stripped the Cache-Control or other headers.

Django+apache: HTTPS only for login page

I'm trying to accomplish the following behaviour:
When the user access to the site by means of:
I want him to be redirected to:
By middleware, if user is not logged in, the login template is rendered when accessing /. If the user is logged, / is the main view. When the user logs in, I want the site working by http.
To do so, I am running the same server on ports 80 and 443 (is this really necessary? I have the impression that i'm running two separate servers with the same application while I want a server listening to two ports).
When the user navigates away from login, due to the redirection to http server the data in request.session is not present (altough it is present on https), thus showing that there is no user logged. So, considering the set up of apache is correct (running the same server on two different ports) I guess I have to pass the cookie from the server running on https over to http.
Can anybody shed some light on this? Thank you
First off make sure that the setting SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is set to false. As long as the domains are the same the cookies on the browser should be present and so the session information should still be there.
Take a look at your cookies using a plugin. Search for the session cookie you have set. By default these cookies are named "sessionid" by Django. Make sure the domains and paths are in fact correct for both the secure session and regular session.
I want to warn against this however. Recently things like Firesheep have exploited an issue that people have known but ignored for a long time, that these cookies are not secure in any way. It would be easy for someone to "sniff" the cookie over the HTTP connection and gain access to the site as your logged in user. This essentially eliminates the entire reason you set up a secure connection to log in in the first place.
Is there a reason you don't have a secure connection across the entire site? Traditional arguments about it being more intensive on the server really don't apply with modern CPUs any longer and the exploits that I refer to above are becoming so prevalent that the marginal (really marginal) cost of encrypting all of your traffic is well worth it.
Apache needs to have essentially 2 different servers running because a.) it is listening on 2 different ports and b.) one is adding some additional encryption logic. That said this is a normal thing for Apache. I run servers with dozens of "servers" running on different ports and doing different logic. In the grand scheme of things, this shouldn't really weight your server down.
That said once you pass the same request to *WSGI or mod_python, you will then have to have logic to make sure that no one tries to log in over your non-encrypted connection because the only difference to Django will be the response in request.is_secure(). All the URLs and views in your urlconf will be accessible.
Whew that is a lot. I hope that helps.

Django session gets confused behind proxy, already logged in

Currently we're having some issues with a user of our product who uses a proxy on their internal network.
According to their system administrator the proxy is open to port 80 and 443, and doesn't do anything with cookies and such, only blocks out some sites.
The problem: when user X logs in to our application, user Y also gets logged in on a computer who didn't use out application before (but is behind the same proxy)?! This shouldn't be possible (django default auth app is used)?
We're using is Apache, Nginx, Django 1.0 and Postgresql. Also note that it does work when ran with runserver, but not with nginx.
This only occurs with this user with the proxy, on other networks, it does work.
Anyone experienced this before? If so, how'd you solve it?
Thanks in advance!
This might be a problem with the cache related headers sent out, for example Cache-Control.
By default, nothing stops a proxy from caching pages served to logged-in users. By sending Cache-Control: private or Cache-Control: max-age=0, you tell the proxy not to cache the page at all, which is needed for private pages.
You can control this with the cache_page decorator per-view,
or by setting CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY=True to completely disable caching for logged-in users. Of course, this can slow down your page, depending on how complex it is. In that case, you might want to look into doing more fine-grained caching.

Setting up cache with Django to work around the "page has expired" IE problem

I have got a familiar problem. I am using Django-0.97, and cannot upgrade -- though the version of Django being used should not play any part in the cause of the problem.
I have a search view that presents a form to the user, and, on submission of the form via POST, performs heavy computations and displays a list of items that are generated as a result of those computations. Users may click on the "more info" link of any of those items to view the item detail page.
Users on IE, once they are on the item detail page for any item from the search results page, get the familiar "webpage has expired, click on refresh button, yadda yadda yadda" error when they hit the "back" button on the browser. Sadly, a good majority of the users of the site use IE, are not tech savvy, and are complaining about this problem.
Thinking that setting up a cache backend may solve the problem, I configured a simple cache backend. I juggled with per-site cache and per-view cache, but to no avail. And now, I am not too sure I have set up the cache stuff properly.
Any hints, suggestions that may help in mitigating the problem will be hugely appreciated.
UPDATE (20 July 2009)
I have used Fiddler to inspect the HTTP headers of both the request and response. IE is sending the Pragma: no-cache header in the POST request. The HTTP response generated as a result of the request has the following headers:
Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600
Date: someDateHere
Vary: Cookie
And, yes, I am not using the PRG pattern.
You may find you need to use the PRG pattern (Post/Redirect/Get). With this pattern, the handler for the POST will:
perform the heavy computations, determine the search results, and store them in the user's session (or store them in the db keyed by the user's session).
Send a response with a redirect header to an idempotent page, which is then fetched by the browser using a GET, when it follows the redirection.
When the redirected-to page is accessed, the server displays the search results page, computed from the stored data in the session, and at a different URL from the URL that was POSTed to. You should be able to use normal caching headers for this (search results) page, depending on how volatile your search results will be.
Under RFC2616, "POST" is not an idempotent method, which means that the browser will not resend the request unless the user confirms that resend. So, to prevent the prompt, you must ensure that the CLIENT caches the page.
To do so, use the Cache Control header: and ensure that you are not sending back any Vary or Pragma: no-cache headers:
It would be helpful for you to capture your HTTP POST's response headers (e.g. with Fiddler) and update your question with them.