calloc works when debugging, hangs when running - c++

I have a c++ program which I'm running on a windows 7 64bit machine, using Eclipse as my IDE. I use mingw32 for a compiler.
The problem: When I debug the program using the gdb debugger it runs just fine and does what it needs to do. But when I run it without debugging, either from the command line or from within eclipse (using the same configuration as with the debug), it crashes.
I tried running the program from the command line and attaching to the process using the debugger, and what I saw is that it reaches the following line of code:
anc_map[ancestry].hap_array = (char**)calloc(anc_map[ancestry].nr_hap , sizeof(char*));
and just hangs (cpu is not working, and nothing happens although the program is still running).
The above line is actually called more than once, and the hanging occurs the second time it is called (it works the first time).
Any idea what can be the cause for this behavior?
I realize that using calloc is a little old-fashioned, but since this is a legacy code I just need to modify a little, I'm trying to avoid doing major refactoring.
I've tried compiling the code and running on linux, and the problem does not occur there, so it has something to do with my configuration on the windows machine

First thing that comes to mind is whether anc_map[ancestry].nr_hap could be some bogus, probably huge, number. Probably because any of the variables got corrupt. I am not sure why it would get corrupt only without debugger, but it might be that the debugger affects where things are allocated and the corruption appears somewhere less harmful when debugging.
The other thing that comes to mind is, that if the program needs a lot of memory, the debugger might affect the 2-GB limit flag in Windows, so in one case there is enough memory and the other way you run out. I am, however, not sure how to change it with mingw32 compiler, as I only did it with the Microsoft one (/LARGEADDRESSAWARE option to Microsoft link and editbin). The reason is, that in some old software, they noticed people doing binary search like (whatever *)(((unsigned)begin + (unsigned)end)/2), which, besides being incorrect C, does not work if the pointers are above 2GB, because the calculation overflows. So for old software, written before more than 2GB was common, they limited the memory to 2GB and provided option to get more, which means 3GB on 32-bit Windows (the last 1GB maps kernel space to avoid swapping page tables on kernel entry and exit; linux does the same thing) and 4GB for 32-bit process on 64-bit windows (the kernel can be mapped above 4GB there).
Hm, but most likely it's actually corruption of the memory management metadata, because that's the usual case where memory allocation or deallocation functions just hang instead of returning an error. Again the debugger would cause some addresses to be different and the corruption to happen elsewhere.
In the first and last case the corruption would probably be always there, so you might have some luck trying to run it:
In linux under valgrind.
Under DUMA, but the Microsoft standard runtime library will try to resist replacing the memory allocation functions rather hard; I finally gave up when I found that IO streams use something like __debug_delete, but normal new. Or the other way around; I don't recall exactly.In either case one was the standard allocation function and the other was some their internal undocumented function. It will also use much more memory than usual, because each allocation will be at least 8kB. In Linux it's trivial, because GNU libc has special support for overriding memory allocation, but valgrind is superior there anyway.


Can I make a very rare crash more likely by manipulating memory?

I have a program consisting of ~30k lines of code. It's made up of a few different .dll files in that 30k. It's all my code, but some of it's old and not all my documentation is top-notch.
After a recent change, there is a very rare crash that occurs. In the limited time I have available, I'm unable to recreate the crash. But then, I'll come back to my PC having forgotten about the crash and I'll run the program to see where I was at, take an action, and then it'll crash. As I wasn't running it through GDB, I have no idea what happened.
It's a 64bit app compiled with MingW64 on windows. Because of this, the only available JIT debugger that I know of is Dr Memory, which doesn't work for 64bit.
I'm sure the crash is memory related (aren't they always), so I was wondering, is it possible to manipulate memory to make the crash more likely?
For example, if I was writing past the end of an array or something, can I whack in some new calls somewhere to make it more likely that the write will cause a crash?
It's very rare that this crashes; I've only seen it happen twice, both times when I wasn't debugging.
I suggest writing some output messages to terminal at critical lines so you can track at which line the crash occurs. It's way simpler than messing with memory and possibly causing a crash with different source.
Also use try and catch blocks and write out error reports.

Linux: system protection against C++ and FORTRAN programs which like to crash often

I have a program which runs for a long time, about 3 weeks. It's actually a simulation application.
After that time usually the memory gets full, the system becomes unresposive and I have to restart the whole computer. I really don't want to do that and since we are talking about Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS I think there is a way to avoid that. Swap is turned off, because getting stuff of the program to swap would slow it down too much.
The programm is partly written in C++ (about 10%) and FORTRAN (about 90%), and is compiled and linked using the GNU Compiler Suite (g++ and gfortran).
Getting to my question:
Is there a good way to protect the system against those programs which mess it up other than a virtual machine?
P.S.: I know the program has bugs but I cannot fix them right now, so I want to protect the system against hang ups. Also I cannot use a debugger, because it would run for too long.
After some comments, I want to clarify some things. The code is way too complex. I don't have the time to fix the bugs and there are versions in which I don't even get the source code. I have to run it, because we are forced to do so. You do not have always the choice.
Not running a program like this is not an option because it still produces some results. So restarting the system is a workaround but I would like to do better. I consider ulimit an option, Didn't think about that one. It might help.
Limiting this crappy application memory is the easiest part. You can for example use Docker (, or cgroup, which are kind of virtual machine but with much less overhead. ulimit may also be an option, as mentioned in the comments.
The real problem here is to realize that if your simulation program gets killed when it runs out of memory, can you actually use the generated results? Is this program doing some checkpointing to recover from a crash?
Also badly written programs with memory leaks also frequently have more serious problems like overflows, which can turn the results totally useless if you do real science.
You may try to use valgrind to debug memory issues. Fortran also has nice compilation directives for array bounds checking, you should activate those settings if you can.

C++ Program freezes esoterically

I wrote a C++ CLI program with MS VC++ 2010 and GCC 4.2.1 (for Mac OS X 10.6 64 bit, in Eclipse).
The program works well under GCC+OS X and most times under Windows. But sometimes it silently freezes. The command line cursor keeps blinking, but the program refuses to continue working.
The following configurations work well:
GCC with 'Release' and 'Debug' configuration.
VC++ with 'Debug' configuration
The error only occurs in the configuration 'VC++ with 'Release' configuration' under Win 7 32 bit and 64 bit. Unfortunately this is the configuration my customer wants to work with ;-(
I already checked my program high and low and fixed all memory leaks. But this error still occurs. Do you have any ideas how I can find the error?
Use logging to narrow down which part of code the program is executing when it crashes. Keep adding log until you narrow it down enough to see the issue.
Enable debug information in the release build (both compiler and linker); many variables won't show up correctly, but it should at least give you sensible backtrace (unless the freeze is due to stack smashing or stack overflow), which is usually enough if you keep functions short and doing just one thing.
Memory leaks can't cause freezes. Other forms of memory misuse are however quite likely to. In my experience overrunning a buffer often cause freezes when that buffer is freed as the free function follows the corrupted block chains. Also watch for any other kind of Undefined Behaviour. There is a lot of it in C/C++ and it usually behaves as you expect in debug and completely randomly when optimized.
Try building and running the program under DUMA library to check for buffer overruns. Be warned though that:
It requires a lot of memory. I mean easily like thousand times more. So you can only test on simple cases.
Microsoft headers tend to abuse their internal allocation functions and mismatch e.g. regular malloc and internal __debug_free (or the other way 'round). So might get a few cases that you'll have to carefully workaround by including those system headers into the duma one before it redefines the functions.
Try building the program for Linux and run it under Valgrind. That will check more problems in addition to buffer overruns and won't use that much memory (only twice as normal, but it is slower, approximately 20 times).
Debug versions usually initialize all allocated memory (MSVC fills them with 0xCD with the debug configuration). Maybe you have some uninitialized values in your classes, with the GCC configurations and MSVC Debug configuration it gets a "lucky" value, but in MSVC Release it doesn't.
Here are the rest of the magic numbers used by MSVC.
So look for uninitialized variables, attributes and allocated memory blocks.
Thank you all, especially Cody Gray and MikMik, I found it!
As some of you recommended I told VS to generate debug information and disabled optimizations in the release configuration. Then I started the program and paused it. Alternatively I remotely attached to the running process. This helped me finding the region where the error was.
The reasons were infinite loops, caused by reads behind the boundaries of an array and a missing exclusion of an invalid case. Both led to unreachable stopping conditions at runtime. The esoteric part came from the fact, that my program uses some randomized values.
That's life...

Why do certain things never crash whith debugger on?

My application uses GLUTesselator to tesselate complex concave polygons. It randomly crashes when I run the plain release exe, but it never crashes if I do start debugging in VS. I found this right here which is basically my problem:
The multi-thread debug CRT (/MTd) masks the problem, because, like
Windows does with processes spawned by
a debugger, it provides to your
program a debug heap, that is
initialized to the 0xCD pattern.
Probably somewhere you use some
uninitialized area of memory from the
heap as a pointer and you dereference
it; with the two debug heaps you get
away with it for some reason (maybe
because at address 0xbaadf00d and
0xcdcdcdcd there's valid allocated
memory), but with the "normal" heap
(which is often initialized to 0) you
get an access violation, because you
dereference a NULL pointer.
The problem is the crash occurs in GLU32.dll and I have no way to find out why its trying to dereference a null pointer sometimes. it seems to do this when my polygons get fairly large and have lots of points. What can I do?
It's a fact of life that sometimes programs behave differently in the debugger. In your case, some memory is initialized differently, and it's probably laid out differently as well. Another common case in concurrent programs is that the timing is different, and race conditions often happen less often in a debugger.
You could try to manually initialize the heap to a different value (or see if there is an option for this in Visual Studio). Usually initializing to nonzero catches more bugs, but that may not be the case in your situation. You could also try to play with your program's memory mapping to arrange that the page 0xcdcdc000 is unmapped.
Visual Studio can set a breakpoint on accesses to a particular memory address, you could try this (it may slow your program significantly more than a variable breakpoint).
but it never crashes if I do start debugging in VS.
Well, I'm not sure exactly why but while debugging in visual studio program sometimes can get away with accessing some memory regions that would crash it without debugger. I do not know exact reasons, though, but sometimes 0xcdcdcdcd and 0xbaadfood doesn't have anything to do with that. It is just accessing certain addresses doesn't cause problems. When this happens, you'll need to find alternative methods of guessing the problem.
What can I do?
Possible solutions:
Install exception handler in your program (_set_se_translator, if I remember correctly). On access violation try MinidumpWriteDump. Debug it later using Visual Studio (afaik, crash dump debugging is n/a in express edition), or using windbg.
Use just-in-time debuggers. Non-express edition of visual studio have this feature. There are probably alternatives.
Write custom memory manager (that'll override new/delete and will provide malloc/free alternatives (if you use them)) that will grab large chunk of memory, lock all unused memory with VirtualProtect. In this case all invalid access will cause crashes even in debug mode. You'll need a lot of memory for such memory manager, because to be locked, each block should be aligned to pages.
Add excessive logging to all suspicious function calls. Dump a lot of text/debug information into file (or stderr) - parameter values, arrays, everything you suspect could be related to crash, flush after every write to file, otherwise some info will be lost during the crash. This way you'll be able to guess what happened before program crashed.
Try debugging release build. You should be able to do it to some extent if you enable "debug information" for release build in project settings.
Try switching on/off "basic runtime checks" and "buffer security check" in project properties (configuration properties->c/c++->code genration).
Try to find some kind of external tool - something like valgrind or bounds checker. Although, to my expereinece, #3 is more reliable than that approach. Although that really depends on the problem.
A link to an earlier question and two thoughts.
First off you may want to look at a previous question about valgrind substitutes for windows. Lots of good hints on programs that will help you.
Now the thoughts:
1) The debugger may stop your program from crashing in the code you're testing, but it's not fixing the problem. At worst you're just kicking the can down the street, there's still corruption but it's not evident from the way you're running. When you ship you can be assured someone will run into the problem again.
2) What often happens in cases like this is that the error isn't near where the problem occurs. While you may be noticing the problem in GLU32.dll, there was probably corruption earlier, maybe even in a different thread or function, which didn't cause a problem and at some later point the program came back to the corrupted region and failed.

Heap corruption under Win32; how to locate?

I'm working on a multithreaded C++ application that is corrupting the heap. The usual tools to locate this corruption seem to be inapplicable. Old builds (18 months old) of the source code exhibit the same behaviour as the most recent release, so this has been around for a long time and just wasn't noticed; on the downside, source deltas can't be used to identify when the bug was introduced - there are a lot of code changes in the repository.
The prompt for crashing behaviuor is to generate throughput in this system - socket transfer of data which is munged into an internal representation. I have a set of test data that will periodically cause the app to exception (various places, various causes - including heap alloc failing, thus: heap corruption).
The behaviour seems related to CPU power or memory bandwidth; the more of each the machine has, the easier it is to crash. Disabling a hyper-threading core or a dual-core core reduces the rate of (but does not eliminate) corruption. This suggests a timing related issue.
Now here's the rub:
When it's run under a lightweight debug environment (say Visual Studio 98 / AKA MSVC6) the heap corruption is reasonably easy to reproduce - ten or fifteen minutes pass before something fails horrendously and exceptions, like an alloc; when running under a sophisticated debug environment (Rational Purify, VS2008/MSVC9 or even Microsoft Application Verifier) the system becomes memory-speed bound and doesn't crash (Memory-bound: CPU is not getting above 50%, disk light is not on, the program's going as fast it can, box consuming 1.3G of 2G of RAM). So, I've got a choice between being able to reproduce the problem (but not identify the cause) or being able to idenify the cause or a problem I can't reproduce.
My current best guesses as to where to next is:
Get an insanely grunty box (to replace the current dev box: 2Gb RAM in an E6550 Core2 Duo); this will make it possible to repro the crash causing mis-behaviour when running under a powerful debug environment; or
Rewrite operators new and delete to use VirtualAlloc and VirtualProtect to mark memory as read-only as soon as it's done with. Run under MSVC6 and have the OS catch the bad-guy who's writing to freed memory. Yes, this is a sign of desperation: who the hell rewrites new and delete?! I wonder if this is going to make it as slow as under Purify et al.
And, no: Shipping with Purify instrumentation built in is not an option.
A colleague just walked past and asked "Stack Overflow? Are we getting stack overflows now?!?"
And now, the question: How do I locate the heap corruptor?
Update: balancing new[] and delete[] seems to have gotten a long way towards solving the problem. Instead of 15mins, the app now goes about two hours before crashing. Not there yet. Any further suggestions? The heap corruption persists.
Update: a release build under Visual Studio 2008 seems dramatically better; current suspicion rests on the STL implementation that ships with VS98.
Reproduce the problem. Dr Watson will produce a dump that might be helpful in further analysis.
I'll take a note of that, but I'm concerned that Dr Watson will only be tripped up after the fact, not when the heap is getting stomped on.
Another try might be using WinDebug as a debugging tool which is quite powerful being at the same time also lightweight.
Got that going at the moment, again: not much help until something goes wrong. I want to catch the vandal in the act.
Maybe these tools will allow you at least to narrow the problem to certain component.
I don't hold much hope, but desperate times call for...
And are you sure that all the components of the project have correct runtime library settings (C/C++ tab, Code Generation category in VS 6.0 project settings)?
No I'm not, and I'll spend a couple of hours tomorrow going through the workspace (58 projects in it) and checking they're all compiling and linking with the appropriate flags.
Update: This took 30 seconds. Select all projects in the Settings dialog, unselect until you find the project(s) that don't have the right settings (they all had the right settings).
My first choice would be a dedicated heap tool such as pageheap.exe.
Rewriting new and delete might be useful, but that doesn't catch the allocs committed by lower-level code. If this is what you want, better to Detour the low-level alloc APIs using Microsoft Detours.
Also sanity checks such as: verify your run-time libraries match (release vs. debug, multi-threaded vs. single-threaded, dll vs. static lib), look for bad deletes (eg, delete where delete [] should have been used), make sure you're not mixing and matching your allocs.
Also try selectively turning off threads and see when/if the problem goes away.
What does the call stack etc look like at the time of the first exception?
I have same problems in my work (we also use VC6 sometimes). And there is no easy solution for it. I have only some hints:
Try with automatic crash dumps on production machine (see Process Dumper). My experience says Dr. Watson is not perfect for dumping.
Remove all catch(...) from your code. They often hide serious memory exceptions.
Check Advanced Windows Debugging - there are lots of great tips for problems like yours. I recomend this with all my heart.
If you use STL try STLPort and checked builds. Invalid iterator are hell.
Good luck. Problems like yours take us months to solve. Be ready for this...
We've had pretty good luck by writing our own malloc and free functions. In production, they just call the standard malloc and free, but in debug, they can do whatever you want. We also have a simple base class that does nothing but override the new and delete operators to use these functions, then any class you write can simply inherit from that class. If you have a ton of code, it may be a big job to replace calls to malloc and free to the new malloc and free (don't forget realloc!), but in the long run it's very helpful.
In Steve Maguire's book Writing Solid Code (highly recommended), there are examples of debug stuff that you can do in these routines, like:
Keep track of allocations to find leaks
Allocate more memory than necessary and put markers at the beginning and end of memory -- during the free routine, you can ensure these markers are still there
memset the memory with a marker on allocation (to find usage of uninitialized memory) and on free (to find usage of free'd memory)
Another good idea is to never use things like strcpy, strcat, or sprintf -- always use strncpy, strncat, and snprintf. We've written our own versions of these as well, to make sure we don't write off the end of a buffer, and these have caught lots of problems too.
Run the original application with ADplus -crash -pn appnename.exe
When the memory issue pops-up you will get a nice big dump.
You can analyze the dump to figure what memory location was corrupted.
If you are lucky the overwrite memory is a unique string you can figure out where it came from. If you are not lucky, you will need to dig into win32 heap and figure what was the orignal memory characteristics. (heap -x might help)
After you know what was messed-up, you can narrow appverifier usage with special heap settings. i.e. you can specify what DLL you monitor, or what allocation size to monitor.
Hopefully this will speedup the monitoring enough to catch the culprit.
In my experience, I never needed full heap verifier mode, but I spent a lot of time analyzing the crash dump(s) and browsing sources.
You can use DebugDiag to analyze the dumps.
It can point out the DLL owning the corrupted heap, and give you other usefull details.
You should attack this problem with both runtime and static analysis.
For static analysis consider compiling with PREfast (cl.exe /analyze). It detects mismatched delete and delete[], buffer overruns and a host of other problems. Be prepared, though, to wade through many kilobytes of L6 warning, especially if your project still has L4 not fixed.
PREfast is available with Visual Studio Team System and, apparently, as part of Windows SDK.
Is this in low memory conditions? If so it might be that new is returning NULL rather than throwing std::bad_alloc. Older VC++ compilers didn't properly implement this. There is an article about Legacy memory allocation failures crashing STL apps built with VC6.
The apparent randomness of the memory corruption sounds very much like a thread synchronization issue - a bug is reproduced depending on machine speed. If objects (chuncks of memory) are shared among threads and synchronization (critical section, mutex, semaphore, other) primitives are not on per-class (per-object, per-class) basis, then it is possible to come to a situation where class (chunk of memory) is deleted / freed while in use, or used after deleted / freed.
As a test for that, you could add synchronization primitives to each class and method. This will make your code slower because many objects will have to wait for each other, but if this eliminates the heap corruption, your heap-corruption problem will become a code optimization one.
You tried old builds, but is there a reason you can't keep going further back in the repository history and seeing exactly when the bug was introduced?
Otherwise, I would suggest adding simple logging of some kind to help track down the problem, though I am at a loss of what specifically you might want to log.
If you can find out what exactly CAN cause this problem, via google and documentation of the exceptions you are getting, maybe that will give further insight on what to look for in the code.
My first action would be as follows:
Build the binaries in "Release" version but creating debug info file (you will find this possibility in project settings).
Use Dr Watson as a defualt debugger (DrWtsn32 -I) on a machine on which you want to reproduce the problem.
Repdroduce the problem. Dr Watson will produce a dump that might be helpful in further analysis.
Another try might be using WinDebug as a debugging tool which is quite powerful being at the same time also lightweight.
Maybe these tools will allow you at least to narrow the problem to certain component.
And are you sure that all the components of the project have correct runtime library settings (C/C++ tab, Code Generation category in VS 6.0 project settings)?
So from the limited information you have, this can be a combination of one or more things:
Bad heap usage, i.e., double frees, read after free, write after free, setting the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag with allocs and frees from multiple threads on the same heap
Out of memory
Bad code (i.e., buffer overflows, buffer underflows, etc.)
"Timing" issues
If it's at all the first two but not the last, you should have caught it by now with either pageheap.exe.
Which most likely means it is due to how the code is accessing shared memory. Unfortunately, tracking that down is going to be rather painful. Unsynchronized access to shared memory often manifests as weird "timing" issues. Things like not using acquire/release semantics for synchronizing access to shared memory with a flag, not using locks appropriately, etc.
At the very least, it would help to be able to track allocations somehow, as was suggested earlier. At least then you can view what actually happened up until the heap corruption and attempt to diagnose from that.
Also, if you can easily redirect allocations to multiple heaps, you might want to try that to see if that either fixes the problem or results in more reproduceable buggy behavior.
When you were testing with VS2008, did you run with HeapVerifier with Conserve Memory set to Yes? That might reduce the performance impact of the heap allocator. (Plus, you have to run with it Debug->Start with Application Verifier, but you may already know that.)
You can also try debugging with Windbg and various uses of the !heap command.
Graeme's suggestion of custom malloc/free is a good idea. See if you can characterize some pattern about the corruption to give you a handle to leverage.
For example, if it is always in a block of the same size (say 64 bytes) then change your malloc/free pair to always allocate 64 byte chunks in their own page. When you free a 64 byte chunk then set the memory protection bits on that page to prevent reads and wites (using VirtualQuery). Then anyone attempting to access this memory will generate an exception rather than corrupting the heap.
This does assume that the number of outstanding 64 byte chunks is only moderate or you have a lot of memory to burn in the box!
If you choose to rewrite new/delete, I have done this and have simple source code at:
This catches memory leaks and also inserts guard data before and after the memory block to capture heap corruption. You can just integrate with it by putting #include "debug.h" at the top of every CPP file, and defining DEBUG and DEBUG_MEM.
The little time I had to solve a similar problem.
If the problem still exists I suggest you do this :
Monitor all calls to new/delete and malloc/calloc/realloc/free.
I make single DLL exporting a function for register all calls. This function receive parameter for identifying your code source, pointer to allocated area and type of call saving this information in a table.
All allocated/freed pair is eliminated. At the end or after you need you make a call to an other function for create report for left data.
With this you can identify wrong calls (new/free or malloc/delete) or missing.
If have any case of buffer overwritten in your code the information saved can be wrong but each test may detect/discover/include a solution of failure identified. Many runs to help identify the errors.
Good luck.
Do you think this is a race condition? Are multiple threads sharing one heap? Can you give each thread a private heap with HeapCreate, then they can run fast with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE. Otherwise, a heap should be thread safe, if you're using the multi-threaded version of the system libraries.
A couple of suggestions. You mention the copious warnings at W4 - I would suggest taking the time to fix your code to compile cleanly at warning level 4 - this will go a long way to preventing subtle hard to find bugs.
Second - for the /analyze switch - it does indeed generate copious warnings. To use this switch in my own project, what I did was to create a new header file that used #pragma warning to turn off all the additional warnings generated by /analyze. Then further down in the file, I turn on only those warnings I care about. Then use the /FI compiler switch to force this header file to be included first in all your compilation units. This should allow you to use the /analyze switch while controling the output