how to use boost.pool to implement a map like stl map - c++

At the beginning I use std::map, but I need to force the map to deallocate the memory. I use the map only once and has allocated large memory. The map only returns the memory to heap not to OS, so it still existed.
After some google, I found boost.pool, but I have no clear idea on how to implement a map using it, thanks!

Try to use swap trick:
std::map<yourtype> store;
// release store's memory
In swap you will create a temporary instance of map object, swap will swap the contents of the temporary instance and the base instance and the temporary instance will be destroyed.

What if you write a custom allocator and pass that to the map. Your alocator could use clib's malloc and free. I'm pretty sure that's at the OS level.
Your allocator class only needs to implement the methods shown here:
Then when you define your std::map .. pass the allocator class as the 3rd template argument:
std::map<KeyType, ValueType, less<KeyType>, MyAllocator>
This link from this book also has some example code for making your own allocator:
Warning: I think the reason most allocators don't give memory back to the OS is that it's faster to hold on to it for later, than to give back to OS and get more every time; so you might see some speed inefficiencies.
Edit: Also found this neat looking howto:


Efficient usage of a c++11 shared_ptr in an asset manager

I'm working on a game (and my own custom engine). I have quite a few assets (textures, skeletal animations, etc.) that are used by multiple models and therefore get loaded multiple times.
At first, my ambitions were smaller, game simpler and I could live with a little duplication, so shared_ptr which took care of resource cleanup once the last instance was gone seemed like a good idea. As my game grew, more and more resources got loaded multiple times and all the OpenGL state changing slowed the performance down to a crawl. To solve this problem, I decided to write an asset manager class.
I'm using an unordered_map to store a path to file in std::string and c++11's shared_ptr pointing to the actual loaded asset. If the file is already loaded, I return the pointer, if not, I call the appropriate Loader class. Plain and simple.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same about removal. One copy of the pointer remains in the unordered_map. Currently, I iterate through the entire map and perform .unique() checks every frame. Those pointers that turn out to be unique, get removed from the map, destroying the last copy and forcing the destructor run and do the cleanup.
Iterating through hundreds or thousands of objects is not the most efficient thing to do. (it's not a premature optimization, I am in optimization stage now) Is it possible to somehow override the shared pointer functionality? For example, add an "onLastRemains" event somehow? Maybe I should iterate through part of the unordered_map every frame (by bucket)? Some other way?
I know, I could try to write my own reference counted asset implementation, but all current code I have assumes that assets are shared pointers. Besides, shared pointers are excellent at what they do, so why re-invent the wheel?
Instead of storing shared_ptrs in the asset manager's map(see below, use a regular map), store weak_ptrs. When you construct a new asset, create a shared_ptr with a custom deleter which calls a function in the asset manager which tells it to remove this pointer from it's map. The custom deleter should contain the iterator into the map of this asset and supply that iterator when telling the asset manager to delete it's element from the map. The reason a weak_ptr is used in the map is that any subsequent requests for this element can still be given a shared_ptr (because you can make one from a weak_ptr) but the asset manager doesn't actually have ownership of the asset and the custom deleter strategy will work.
Edit: It was noted below the above technique only works if you use a std::map not a std::unordered_map. My recommendation would be to still do this, and switch to a regular map.
Use a std::unique_ptr in your unordered_map of assets.
Expose a std::shared_ptr with a custom deleter that looks up said pointer in the unordered_map, and either deletes it, or moves it to a second container "to be deleted later". Remember, std::shared_ptr does not have to actually own the data in question! The deleter can do any arbitrary action, and can even be stateful.
This lets you keep O(1) lookups for your assets, bunch cleanup (if you want to) instead of doing cleanup in the middle of other scenes.
You can even support temporary 0 reference count without deleting as follows:
Create a std::make_shared in the unordered_map of assets.
Expose custom std::shared_ptr. These hold a raw T* in the data, and the deleter holds a copy of the std::shared_ptr in the asset map. It "deletes" itself by storing the name (which it also holds) into a central "to be deleted" list.
Then go over said "to be deleted" list and check if they are indeed unique() -- if not, it means someone else in the meantime has spawned one of the "child" std::shared_ptr< T*, std::function<void(T*)>>s.
The only downside to this is that the type of exposed std::shared_ptr is no longer a simple std::shared_ptr.
Perhaps something like this?
shared_ptr<assed> get_asset(string path) {
static map<string, weak_ptr<asset>> cache;
auto ap = cache[path].lock();
if(!ap) cache[path] = ap = load_asset(path);
return ap;

Object creation in boost::singleton_pool

I am trying to use boost::singleton_pool to create a large number of objects of a type 'Order' in a highly performance critical multithreaded application. Looking at the documentation, this is what I should be doing,
struct OrderTag{};
typedef boost::singleton_pool<OrderTag, sizeof(Order)> OrderPool;
boost::singleton_pool has a static member function malloc which returns pointer of the void*, but I need to create objects of the type Order in OrderPool by making calls to its constructor. Shall I be using boost::pool_allocator along with singleton_pool to do so?
In short: no. boost::pool_allocator implementation itself uses boost::singleton_pool and provides interface like std::allocator so you can use it with STL containers (but not only STL and not only containers) like vector, list etc. The UserAllocator concept is not something like boost::pool_allocator but it's a thing that controls memory management at the lowest level. For example I wrote UserAllocator that allocates memory via mmap() function and not uses heap at all.
So to create objects of a type 'Order' you should use boost::pool_allocator or boost::fast_pool_allocator. In your case it is not necessary to use boost::singleton_pool directly.
You can use singleton_pool with placement new like this:
Order* p = new (OrderPool.malloc()) Order(/* add ctor parameters if any*/);
or use boost::object_pool<Order>

c++ vector construct with given memory

I'd like to use a std::vector to control a given piece of memory. First of all I'm pretty sure this isn't good practice, but curiosity has the better of me and I'd like to know how to do this anyway.
The problem I have is a method like this:
vector<float> getRow(unsigned long rowIndex)
float* row = _m->getRow(rowIndex); // row is now a piece of memory (of a known size) that I control
vector<float> returnValue(row, row+_m->cols()); // construct a new vec from this data
delete [] row; // delete the original memory
return returnValue; // return the new vector
_m is a DLL interface class which returns an array of float which is the callers responsibility to delete. So I'd like to wrap this in a vector and return that to the user.... but this implementation allocates new memory for the vector, copies it, and then deletes the returned memory, then returns the vector.
What I'd like to do is to straight up tell the new vector that it has full control over this block of memory so when it gets deleted that memory gets cleaned up.
UPDATE: The original motivation for this (memory returned from a DLL) has been fairly firmly squashed by a number of responders :) However, I'd love to know the answer to the question anyway... Is there a way to construct a std::vector using a given chunk of pre-allocated memory T* array, and the size of this memory?
The obvious answer is to use a custom allocator, however you might find that is really quite a heavyweight solution for what you need. If you want to do it, the simplest way is to take the allocator defined (as the default scond template argument to vector<>) by the implementation, copy that and make it work as required.
Another solution might be to define a template specialisation of vector, define as much of the interface as you actually need and implement the memory customisation.
Finally, how about defining your own container with a conforming STL interface, defining random access iterators etc. This might be quite easy given that underlying array will map nicely to vector<>, and pointers into it will map to iterators.
Comment on UPDATE: "Is there a way to construct a std::vector using a given chunk of pre-allocated memory T* array, and the size of this memory?"
Surely the simple answer here is "No". Provided you want the result to be a vector<>, then it has to support growing as required, such as through the reserve() method, and that will not be possible for a given fixed allocation. So the real question is really: what exactly do you want to achieve? Something that can be used like vector<>, or something that really does have to in some sense be a vector, and if so, what is that sense?
Vector's default allocator doesn't provide this type of access to its internals. You could do it with your own allocator (vector's second template parameter), but that would change the type of the vector.
It would be much easier if you could write directly into the vector:
vector<float> getRow(unsigned long rowIndex) {
vector<float> row (_m->cols());
_m->getRow(rowIndex, &row[0]); // writes _m->cols() values into &row[0]
return row;
Note that &row[0] is a float* and it is guaranteed for vector to store items contiguously.
The most important thing to know here is that different DLL/Modules have different Heaps. This means that any memory that is allocated from a DLL needs to be deleted from that DLL (it's not just a matter of compiler version or delete vs delete[] or whatever). DO NOT PASS MEMORY MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY ACROSS A DLL BOUNDARY. This includes creating a std::vector in a dll and returning it. But it also includes passing a std::vector to the DLL to be filled by the DLL; such an operation is unsafe since you don't know for sure that the std::vector will not try a resize of some kind while it is being filled with values.
There are two options:
Define your own allocator for the std::vector class that uses an allocation function that is guaranteed to reside in the DLL/Module from which the vector was created. This can easily be done with dynamic binding (that is, make the allocator class call some virtual function). Since dynamic binding will look-up in the vtable for the function call, it is guaranteed that it will fall in the code from the DLL/Module that originally created it.
Don't pass the vector object to or from the DLL. You can use, for example, a function getRowBegin() and getRowEnd() that return iterators (i.e. pointers) in the row array (if it is contiguous), and let the user std::copy that into its own, local std::vector object. You could also do it the other way around, pass the iterators begin() and end() to a function like fillRowInto(begin, end).
This problem is very real, although many people neglect it without knowing. Don't underestimate it. I have personally suffered silent bugs related to this issue and it wasn't pretty! It took me months to resolve it.
I have checked in the source code, and boost::shared_ptr and boost::shared_array use dynamic binding (first option above) to deal with this.. however, they are not guaranteed to be binary compatible. Still, this could be a slightly better option (usually binary compatibility is a much lesser problem than memory management across modules).
Your best bet is probably a std::vector<shared_ptr<MatrixCelType>>.
Lots more details in this thread.
If you're trying to change where/how the vector allocates/reallocates/deallocates memory, the allocator template parameter of the vector class is what you're looking for.
If you're simply trying to avoid the overhead of construction, copy construction, assignment, and destruction, then allow the user to instantiate the vector, then pass it to your function by reference. The user is then responsible for construction and destruction.
It sounds like what you're looking for is a form of smart pointer. One that deletes what it points to when it's destroyed. Look into the Boost libraries or roll your own in that case.
The Boost.SmartPtr library contains a whole lot of interesting classes, some of which are dedicated to handle arrays.
For example, behold scoped_array:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::scoped_array<float> array(_m->getRow(atoi(argv[1])));
return 0;
The issue, of course, is that scoped_array cannot be copied, so if you really want a std::vector<float>, #Fred Nurk's is probably the best you can get.
In the ideal case you'd want the equivalent to unique_ptr but in array form, however I don't think it's part of the standard.

How to use std::allocator in my own container class

I am trying to write a container class which uses STL allocators. What I currently do is to have a private member
std::allocator<T> alloc_;
(this will later be templated so that the user can pick a different allocator) and then call
T* ptr = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
to get a pointer to a newly allocated 'T' object (and used alloc_.construct to call the constructor; see the answer below). This works with the GNU C++ library.
However, with STLPort on Solaris, this fails to do the right thing and leads to all sorts of bizarre memory corruption errors. If I instead do
std::allocator_interface<std::allocator<T> > alloc_;
then it is all working as it should.
What is the correct way to use the stl::allocator? The STLPort/Solaris version fails to compile with g++, but is g++ right?
You need to both allocate and construct with the allocator. Something like this:
T* ptr = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
alloc_.construct(ptr, value);
Lots of things are downright broken if you don't start with a properly constructed object. Imagine a std::string being allocated but not constructed. When you try to assign to it, it will first try to cleanup its old contents by freeing some data, which will of course be garbage values from the heap and crash.
Something you might want to do is have your own custom allocator that you can use to see how the standard containers interact wit allocators. Stephan T. Lavavej posted a nice, simple one called the mallocator. Drop it into a test program that uses various STL containers and you can easily see how the allocator is used by the standard containers:
Not all of the interface functions in the mallocator (such as construct() and destroy()) are instrumented with trace output, so you might want to drop trace statements in there to more easily see how the standard containers might use those functions without resorting to a debugger.
That should give you a good idea of how your containers might be expected to use a custom allocator.

C++ containers on classes, returning pointers

I'm having some trouble to find the best way to accomplish what I have in mind due to my inexperience. I have a class where I need to a vector of objects. So my first question will be:
is there any problem having this: vector< AnyType > container* and then on the constructor initialize it with new (and deleting it on the destructor)?
Another question is: if this vector is going to store objects, shouldn't it be more like vector< AnyTipe* > so they could be dynamically created? In that case how would I return an object from a method and how to avoid memory leaks (trying to use only STL)?
Yes, you can do vector<AnyType> *container and new/delete it. Just be careful when you do subscript notation to access its elements; be sure to say (*container)[i], not container[i], or worse, *container[i], which will probably compile and lead to a crash.
When you do a vector<AnyType>, constructors/destructors are called automatically as needed. However, this approach may lead to unwanted object copying if you plan to pass objects around. Although vector<AnyType> lends itself to better syntactic sugar for the most obvious operations, I recommend vector<AnyType*> for non-primitive objects simply because it's more flexible.
is there any problem having this: vector< AnyType > *container and then on the constructor initialize it with new (and deleting it on the destructor)
No there isn't a problem. But based on that, neither is there a need to dynamically allocate the vector.
Simply make the vector a member of the class:
class foo
std::vector<AnyType> container;
The container will be automatically constructed/destructed along with the instance of foo. Since that was your entire description of what you wanted to do, just let the compiler do the work for you.
Don't use new and delete for anything.
Sometimes you have to, but usually you don't, so try to avoid it and see how you get on. It's hard to explain exactly how without a more concrete example, but in particular if you're doing:
SomeType *myobject = new SomeType();
... use myobject for something ...
delete myobject;
Then firstly this code is leak-prone, and secondly it should be replaced with:
SomeType myobject;
... use myobject for something (replacing -> with . etc.) ...
Especially don't create a vector with new - it's almost always wrong because in practice a vector almost always has one well-defined owner. That owner should have a vector variable, not a pointer-to-vector that they have to remember to delete. You wouldn't dynamically allocate an int just to be a loop counter, and you don't dynamically allocate a vector just to hold some values. In C++, all types can behave in many respects like built-in types. The issues are what lifetime you want them to have, and (sometimes) whether it's expensive to pass them by value or otherwise copy them.
shouldn't it be more like vector< AnyTipe* > so they could be dynamically created?
Only if they need to be dynamically created for some other reason, aside from just that you want to organise them in a vector. Until you hit that reason, don't look for one.
In that case how would I return an object from a method and how to avoid memory leaks (trying to use only STL)?
The standard libraries don't really provide the tools to avoid memory leaks in all common cases. If you must manage memory, I promise you that it is less effort to get hold of an implementation of shared_ptr than it is to do it right without one.