Minimize lock contention c++ std::map - c++

I have an std::map<int, Object*> ObjectMap. Now I need to update the map and update can happen via multiple threads. So, we lock the map for updates. But every update leads to a lengthy computation and hence leads to lock contention.
Let's consider a following scenario.
class Order //Subject
{ double _a, _b,_c;
std::vector<Customer* > _customers;
void notify(int a, int b. int c)
//update all customers via for loop. assume a for loop and iterator i
_customers[i] ->updateCustomer(a,b,c)
class SomeNetworkClass
std::map<int, Order*> _orders;
void updateOrder(int orderId, int a, int b, intc)
//lock the map
Order* order = _orders[orderId];
//release the lock
class Customer
void updateCustomer(int a,int b, int c)
//some lengthy function. just for this example.
//assume printing a, b and c multiple times
Every Customer is also updated with some computation involved.
Now this is a trivial Observer Pattern. But with large number of observers and huge calculation in each observer is a killer for this design. The lock contention goes up in my code. I assume this to b a practical problem but people use smarter ways and I am looking for those smarter ways. I hope I am a little clear this time

Since update is happening on the element of the map, and does not take the map as an argument, I assume the map is unchanging.
I visualise the structure as a chain of Objects for each map id. Now if chain contains distinct entries (and update doesn't access any elements outside its chain, or any global elements) you can get away with adding a lock to the root element of each chain.
However if objects down the chain are potentially shared then you have a more difficult problem. In that case adding a lock to each object should be enough. You can show that if the chains behave correctly (each node has one child, but children can be shared) then locks must be acquired in a consistent order, meaning there is no chance of a deadlock.
If there is other sharing between chains, then the chance of encountering deadlocks is large.
Assuming you have case 2, then your code will look roughly like this
class Object
Object * next;
Lock l;
Data d;
void update(Data d_new)
d = d_new;


What is the best way to implement a mutex over a tree data structure?

I am using a tree data structure which looks something like this:
class TreeNode
TreeNode() {}
int addChild(){
return children.size() - 1;
std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> getChild(int i) const{
return children[i];
void removeChild(int i){
children.erase(children.begin() + i);
std::string getProperty() const{
return property;
void setProperty(std::string s){
property = s;
std::string property;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TreeNode>> children;
I need to implement a locking system, to ensure that the tree works safely in a multi-threaded environment. What is the best way of using mutexes and locks on a tree?
My first approach was to put a std::mutex as a member variable in TreeNode, and then use std::lock_guard around that mutex for each member function. This approach is definitely wrong: one thread can edit a node while another thread simultaneously deletes it in its parent.
My second approach is to put a reference to a std::mutex as a member variable. The std::mutex itself lives outside of the tree, and thus the whole tree is lock every time any node is edited.
The second approach works, but it also contains some redundancy. Consider the following tree:
/ \
/ \
Accessing A and B at the same time is unsafe, but accessing B and C seems completely safe. Nevertheless, the "lock the whole tree" approach prevents you from simultaneously accessing B and C, leading to a small decrease in efficiency.
My question is: is there a way of using mutexes on a tree structure so that the tree structure is thread safe but also doesn't contain any redundant locking? For example, I am wondering if it is possible to lock an entire branch of a tree, leaving other branches open.
I can't think of any simple solutions to this problem, and my gut tells me that the best thing to do is just lock the whole thing (the second approach) and forget about the redundancy. But I would be interested to know if there are other approaches that I should consider.

Trying to control multithreaded access to array using std::atomic

I'm trying to control multithreaded access to a vector of data which is fixed in size, so threads will wait until their current position in it has been filled before trying to use it, or will fill it themselves if no-one else has yet. (But ensure no-one is waiting around if their position is already filled, or no-one has done it yet)
However, I am struggling to understand a good way to do this, especially involving std::atomic. I'm just not very familiar with C++ multithreading concepts aside from basic std::thread usage.
Here is a very rough example of the problem:
class myClass
struct Data
int res1;
std::vector<Data*> myData;
int foo(unsigned long position)
if (!myData[position])
// Do something with the data
return 5 * myData[position]->res1;
void bar(Data* &data)
data = new Data;
// Do a whole bunch of calculations and so-on here
data->res1 = 42;
Now imagine if foo() is being called multi-threaded, and multiple threads may (or may not) have the same position at once. If that happens, there's a chance that a thread may (between when the Data was created and when bar() is finished, try to actually use the data.
So, what are the options?
1: Make a std::mutex for every position in myData. What if there are 10,000 elements in myData? That's 10,000 std::mutexes, not great.
2: Put a lock_guard around it like this:
std::mutex myMutex;
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(myMutex);
if (!myData[position])
While this works, it also means if different threads are working in different positions, they wait needlessly, wasting all of the threading advantage.
3: Use a vector of chars and a spinlock as a poor man's mutex? Here's what that might look like:
static std::vector<char> positionInProgress;
static std::vector<char> positionComplete;
class myClass
struct Data
int res1;
std::vector<Data*> myData;
int foo(unsigned long position)
if (positionInProgress[position])
while (positionInProgress[position])
; // do nothing, just wait until it is done
if (!positionComplete[position])
// Fill the data and prevent anyone from using it until it is complete
positionInProgress[position] = true;
positionInProgress[position] = false;
positionComplete[position] = true;
// Do something with the data
return 5 * myData[position]->res1;
void bar(Data* data)
data = new Data;
// Do a whole bunch of calculations and so-on here
data->res1 = 42;
This seems to work, but none of the test or set operations are atomic, so I have a feeling I'm just getting lucky.
4: What about std::atomic and std::atomic_flag? Well, there are a few problems.
std::atomic_flag doesn't have a way to test without setting in C++11...which makes this kind of difficult.
std::atomic is not movable or copy-constructable, so I cannot make a vector of them (I do not know the number of positions during construction of myClass)
This is the simplest example that (likely) compiles I can think of that demonstrates my real problem. In reality, myData is a 2-dimensional vector implemented using a special hand-rolled solution, Data itself is a vector of pointers to more complex data types, the data isn't simply returned, etc. This is the best I could come up with.
The biggest problem you're likely to have is that a vector itself is not thread-safe, so you can't do ANY operation that might chage the vector (invalidate references to elements of the vector) while another thread might be accessing it, such as resize or push_back. However, if you vector is effectively "fixed" (you set the size prior to ever spawning threads and thereafter only ever access elements using at or operator[] and never ever modify the vector itself), you can get away with using a vector of atomic objects. In this case you could have:
std::vector<std::atomic<Data*>> myData;
and your code to setup and use an element could look like:
if (!myData[position]) {
Data *tmp = new Data;
if (!mydata[position].compare_exchange_strong(nullptr, tmp)) {
// some other thread did the setup
delete tmp; } }
Of course you still need to make sure that the operations done on members of Data in bar are themselves threadsafe, as you can get mulitple threads calling bar on the same Data instance here.

Multithreading and heap corruption

So I just started trying out some multithreaded programming for the first time, and I've run into this heap corruption problem. Basically the program will run for some random length of time (as short as 2 seconds, as long as 200) before crashing and spitting out a heap corruption error. Everything I've read on the subject says its very hard thing to diagnose, since the what triggers the error often has little to do with what actually causes it. As such, I remain stumped.
I haven't been formally taught multithreading however, so I was mostly programming off of what I understood of the concept, and my code may be completely wrong. So here's a basic rundown of what I'm trying to do and how the program currently tries to handle it:
I'm writing code for a simple game that involves drawing several parallaxing layers of background. These levels are very large (eg 20000x5000 pixels), so obviously trying to load 3 layers of those sized images is not feasible (if not impossible). So currently the images are split up into 500x500 images and I have the code only have the images it immediately needs to display held in memory. Any images it has loaded that it no longer needs are removed from memory. However, in a single thread, this causes the program to hang significantly while waiting for the image to load before continuing.
This is where multithreading seemed logical to me. I wanted the program to do the loading it needed to do, without affecting the smoothness of the game, as long as the image was loaded by the time it was actually needed. So here is how I have it organized:
1.) All the data for where the images should go and any data associated with them is all stored in one multidimensional array, but initially no image data is loaded. Each frame, the code checks each position on the array, and tests if the spot where the image should go is within some radius of the player.
2.) If it is, it flags this spot as needing to be loaded. A pointer to where the image should be loaded into is push_back()'d onto a vector.
3.) The second thread is started once the level begins. This thread is initially passed a pointer to the aforementioned vector.
4.) This thread is put into an infinite While loop (which by itself sounds wrong) that only terminates when the thread is terminated. This loop continuously checks if there are any elements in the vector. If there are, it grabs the 0th element, loads the image data into that pointer, then .erase()'s the element from the vector.
That's pretty much a rundown of how it works. My uneducated assumption is that the 2 threads collide at some point trying to write and delete in the same space at once or something. Given that I'm new to this I'm certain this method is terrible to some embarrassing degree, so I'm eager to hear what I should improve upon.
EDIT: Adding source code upon request:
class ImageLoadQueue
ImageHandle* image;
std::string path;
int frameWidth, frameHeight, numOfFrames;
ImageLoadQueue(ImageHandle* a, std::string b, int c, int d, int e=1) { setData(a,b,c,d,e); }
void setData(ImageHandle* a, std::string b, int c, int d, int e=1)
image = a;
path = b;
frameWidth = c;
frameHeight = d;
numOfFrames = e;
void loadThisImage() { image->loadImage(path, frameWidth, frameHeight, numOfFrames, numOfFrames); }
class ImageLoadThread : public sf::Thread
std::vector<ImageLoadQueue*>* images;
ImageLoadThread() { };
ImageLoadThread(std::vector<ImageLoadQueue*>* a) { linkVector(a); }
void linkVector(std::vector<ImageLoadQueue*>* a) { images = a; }
virtual void Run()
while (1==1)
if (!images->empty())
class LevelArt
int levelWidth, levelHeight, startX, startY, numOfLayers;
float widthScale, heightScale, widthOfSegs, heightOfSegs;
float* parallaxFactor;
ImageHandle** levelImages;
int** frame;
int** numOfFrames;
bool* tileLayer;
bool** isLoaded;
Animation** animData;
std::string** imagePath;
std::vector<ImageLoadQueue*> imageQueue;
ImageLoadThread imageThread;
void loadData(std::string);
void drawLevel(sf::RenderWindow*, float, float);
void scaleLevel(float, float);
void forceDraw(sf::RenderWindow*);
void wipeLevel();
void initialLoad();
int getLevelWidth() { return levelWidth; }
int getLevelHeight() { return levelHeight; }
int getTotalWidth() { return widthOfSegs*levelWidth; }
int getTotalHeight() { return heightOfSegs*levelHeight; }
int getStartX() { return startX; }
int getStartY() { return startY; }
That's most of the relevant threading code, in this header. Within the levelArt.cpp file exists 3 nested for loops to iterate through all the levelArt data stored, testing if they exist close enough to the player to be displayed, wherein it calls:
imageQueue.push_back(new ImageLoadQueue(&levelImages[i][(j*levelWidth)+k], imagePath[i][(j*levelWidth)+k], widthOfSegs, heightOfSegs, numOfFrames[i][(j*levelWidth)+k]));
i,j,k being the for loop iterators.
This seems like a reasonable use of multithreading. The key idea (in other words, the main place you'll have problems if you do it wrong) is that you have to be careful about data that is used by more than one thread.
You have two places where you have such data:
The vector (which, by the way, should probably be a queue)
The array where you return the data
One way to arrange things - by no means the only one - would be to wrap each of these into its own class (e.g., a class that has a member variable of the vector). Don't allow any direct access to the vector, only through methods on the class. Then synchronize the methods, for example using a mutex or whatever the appropriate synchronization object is. Note that you're synchronizing access to the object, not just the individual methods. So it's not enough to put a mutex in the "read from queue" method; you need a common mutex in the "read from queue" and "write to queue" methods so that no one is doing one while the other occurs. (Also note I'm using the term mutex; that may be a very wrong thing to use depending on your platform and the exact situation. I would likely use a semaphore and a critical section on Windows.)
Synchronization will make the program thread-safe. That's different than making the program efficient. To do that, you probably want a semaphore that represents the number of items in the queue, and have your "load data thread" wait on that semaphore, rather than doing a while loop.

Is this an acceptable way to lock a container using C++?

I need to implement (in C++) a thread safe container in such a way that only one thread is ever able to add or remove items from the container. I have done this kind of thing before by sharing a mutex between threads. This leads to a lot of mutex objects being littered throughout my code and makes things very messy and hard to maintain.
I was wondering if there is a neater and more object oriented way to do this. I thought of the following simple class wrapper around the container (semi-pseudo C++ code)
class LockedList {
std::list<MyClass> m_List;
MutexObject Mutex;
so that locking could be done in the following way
LockedList lockableList; //create instance
lockableList.Mutex.Lock(); // Lock object
... // search and add or remove items
lockableList.Mutex.Unlock(); // Unlock object
So my question really is to ask if this is a good approach from a design perspective? I know that allowing public access to members is frowned upon from a design perspective, does the above design have any serious flaws in it. If so is there a better way to implement thread safe container objects?
I have read a lot of books on design and C++ in general but there really does seem to be a shortage of literature regarding multithreaded programming and multithreaded software design.
If the above is a poor approach to solving the problem I have could anyone suggest a way to improve it, or point me towards some information that explains good ways to design classes to be thread safe??? Many thanks.
I would rather design a resourece owner that locks a mutex and returns an object that can be used by the thread. Once the thread has finished with it and stops using the object the resource is automatically returned to its owner and the lock released.
template<typename Resource>
class ResourceOwner
Lock lock;
Resource resource;
ResourceHolder<Resource> getExclusiveAccess()
// Let the ResourceHolder lock and unlock the lock
// So while a thread holds a copy of this object only it
// can access the resource. Once the thread releases all
// copies then the lock is released allowing another
// thread to call getExclusiveAccess().
// Make it behave like a form of smart pointer
// 1) So you can pass it around.
// 2) So all properties of the resource are provided via ->
// 3) So the lock is automatically released when the thread
// releases the object.
return ResourceHolder<Resource>(lock, resource);
The resource holder (not thought hard so this can be improved)
template<typename Resource>
class ResourceHolder<
// Use a shared_ptr to hold the scopped lock
// When first created will lock the lock. When the shared_ptr
// destroyes the scopped lock (after all copies are gone)
// this will unlock the lock thus allowding other to use
// getExclusiveAccess() on the owner
std::shared_ptr<scopped_lock> locker;
Resource& resource; // local reference on the resource.
ResourceHolder(Lock& lock, Resource& r)
: locker(new scopped_lock(lock))
, resource(r)
// Access to the resource via the -> operator
// Thus allowing you to use all normal functionality of
// the resource.
Resource* operator->() {return &resource;}
Now a lockable list is:
ResourceOwner<list<int>> lockedList;
void threadedCode()
ResourceHolder<list<int>> list = lockedList.getExclusiveAccess();
// When list goes out of scope here.
// It is destroyed and the the member locker will unlock `lock`
// in its destructor thus allowing the next thread to call getExclusiveAccess()
I would do something like this to make it more exception-safe by using RAII.
class LockedList {
std::list<MyClass> m_List;
MutexObject Mutex;
friend class LockableListLock;
class LockableListLock {
LockedList& list_;
LockableListLock(LockedList& list) : list_(list) { list.Mutex.Lock(); }
~LockableListLock(){ list.Mutex.Unlock(); }
You would use it like this
LockableList list;
LockableListLock lock(list); // The list is now locked.
// do stuff to the list
} // The list is automatically unlocked when lock goes out of scope.
You could also make the class force you to lock it before doing anything with it by adding wrappers around the interface for std::list in LockableListLock so instead of accessing the list through the LockedList class, you would access the list through the LockableListLock class. For instance, you would make this wrapper around std::list::begin()
std::list::iterator LockableListLock::begin() {
return list_.m_List.begin();
and then use it like this
LockableList list;
LockableListLock lock(list);
// list.begin(); //This is a compiler error so you can't
//access the list without locking it
lock.begin(); // This gets you the beginning of the list
Okay, I'll state a little more directly what others have already implied: at least part, and quite possibly all, of this design is probably not what you want. At the very least, you want RAII-style locking.
I'd also make the locked (or whatever you prefer to call it) a template, so you can decouple the locking from the container itself.
// C++ like pesudo-code. Not intended to compile as-is.
struct mutex {
void lock() { /* ... */ }
void unlock() { /* ... */ }
struct lock {
lock(mutex &m) { m.lock(); }
~lock(mutex &m) { m.unlock(); }
template <class container>
class locked {
typedef container::value_type value_type;
typedef container::reference_type reference_type;
// ...
container c;
mutex m;
void push_back(reference_type const t) {
lock l(m);
void push_front(reference_type const t) {
lock l(m);
// etc.
This makes the code fairly easy to write and (for at least some cases) still get correct behavior -- e.g., where your single-threaded code might look like:
std::vector<int> x;
...your thread-safe code would look like:
locked<std::vector<int> > x;
Assuming you provide the usual begin(), end(), push_front, push_back, etc., your locked<container> will still be usable like a normal container, so it works with standard algorithms, iterators, etc.
The problem with this approach is that it makes LockedList non-copyable. For details on this snag, please look at this question:
Designing a thread-safe copyable class
I have tried various things over the years, and a mutex declared beside the the container declaration always turns out to be the simplest way to go ( once all the bugs have been fixed after naively implementing other methods ).
You do not need to 'litter' your code with mutexes. You just need one mutex, declared beside the container it guards.
It's hard to say that the coarse grain locking is a bad design decision. We'd need to know about the system that the code lives in to talk about that. It is a good starting point if you don't know that it won't work however. Do the simplest thing that could possibly work first.
You could improve that code by making it less likely to fail if you scope without unlocking though.
struct ScopedLocker {
ScopedLocker(MutexObject &mo_) : mo(mo_) { mo.Lock(); }
~ScopedLocker() { mo.Unlock(); }
MutexObject &mo;
You could also hide the implementation from users.
class LockedList {
std::list<MyClass> m_List;
MutexObject Mutex;
struct ScopedLocker {
ScopedLocker(LockedList &ll);
Then you just pass the locked list to it without them having to worry about details of the MutexObject.
You can also have the list handle all the locking internally, which is alright in some cases. The design issue is iteration. If the list locks internally, then operations like this are much worse than letting the user of the list decide when to lock.
void foo(LockedList &list) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
Generally speaking, it's a hard topic to give advice on because of problems like this. More often than not, it's more about how you use an object. There are a lot of leaky abstractions when you try and write code that solves multi-processor programming. That is why you see more toolkits that let people compose the solution that meets their needs.
There are books that discuss multi-processor programming, though they are few. With all the new C++11 features coming out, there should be more literature coming within the next few years.
I came up with this (which I'm sure can be improved to take more than two arguments):
template<class T1, class T2>
class combine : public T1, public T2
/// We always need a virtual destructor.
virtual ~combine() { }
This allows you to do:
// Combine an std::mutex and std::map<std::string, std::string> into
// a single instance.
combine<std::mutex, std::map<std::string, std::string>> mapWithMutex;
// Lock the map within scope to modify the map in a thread-safe way.
// Lock the map.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locked(mapWithMutex);
// Modify the map.
mapWithMutex["Person 1"] = "Jack";
mapWithMutex["Person 2"] = "Jill";
If you wish to use an std::recursive_mutex and an std::set, that would also work.

Need some advice to make the code multithreaded

I received a code that is not for multi-threaded app, now I have to modify the code to support for multi-threaded.
I have a Singleton class(MyCenterSigltonClass) that based on instruction in:
I made it thread-safe
Now I see inside the class that contains 10-12 members, some with getter/setter methods.
Some members are declared as static and are class pointer like:
static Class_A* f_static_member_a;
static Class_B* f_static_member_b;
for these members, I defined a mutex(like mutex_a) INSIDE the class(Class_A) , I didn't add the mutex directly in my MyCenterSigltonClass, the reason is they are one to one association with my MyCenterSigltonClass, I think I have option to define mutex in the class(MyCenterSigltonClass) or (Class_A) for f_static_member_a.
1) Am I right?
Also, my Singleton class(MyCenterSigltonClass) contains some other members like
Class_C f_classC;
for these kind of member variables, should I define a mutex for each of them in MyCenterSigltonClass to make them thread-safe? what would be a good way to handle these cases?
Appreciate for any suggestion.
Whether the members are static or not doesn't really matter. How you protect the member variables really depends on how they are accessed from public methods.
You should think about a mutex as a lock that protects some resource from concurrent read/write access. You don't need to think about protecting the internal class objects necessarily, but the resources within them. You also need to consider the scope of the locks you'll be using, especially if the code wasn't originally designed to be multithreaded. Let me give a few simple examples.
class A
int mValuesCount;
int* mValues;
A(int count, int* values)
mValuesCount = count;
mValues = (count > 0) ? new int[count] : NULL;
if (mValues)
memcpy(mValues, values, count * sizeof(int));
int getValues(int count, int* values) const
if (mValues && values)
memcpy(values, mValues, (count < mValuesCount) ? count : mValuesCount);
return mValuesCount;
class B
A* mA;
int values[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
mA = new A(5, values);
const A* getA() const { return mA; }
In this code, there's no need to protect mA because there's no chance of conflicting access across multiple threads. None of the threads can modify the state of mA, so all concurrent access just reads from mA. However, if we modify class A:
class A
int mValuesCount;
int* mValues;
A(int count, int* values)
mValuesCount = 0;
mValues = NULL;
setValues(count, values);
int getValues(int count, int* values) const
if (mValues && values)
memcpy(values, mValues, (count < mValuesCount) ? count : mValuesCount);
return mValuesCount;
void setValues(int count, int* values)
delete [] mValues;
mValuesCount = count;
mValues = (count > 0) ? new int[count] : NULL;
if (mValues)
memcpy(mValues, values, count * sizeof(int));
We can now have multiple threads calling B::getA() and one thread can read from mA while another thread writes to mA. Consider the following thread interaction:
Thread A: a->getValues(maxCount, values);
Thread B: a->setValues(newCount, newValues);
It's possible that Thread B will delete mValues while Thread A is in the middle of copying it. In this case, you would need a mutex within class A to protect access to mValues and mValuesCount:
int getValues(int count, int* values) const
// TODO: Lock mutex.
if (mValues && values)
memcpy(values, mValues, (count < mValuesCount) ? count : mValuesCount);
int returnCount = mValuesCount;
// TODO: Unlock mutex.
return returnCount;
void setValues(int count, int* values)
// TODO: Lock mutex.
delete [] mValues;
mValuesCount = count;
mValues = (count > 0) ? new int[count] : NULL;
if (mValues)
memcpy(mValues, values, count * sizeof(int));
// TODO: Unlock mutex.
This will prevent concurrent read/write on mValues and mValuesCount. Depending on the locking mechanisms available in your environment, you may be able to use a read-only locking mechanism in getValues() to prevent multiple threads from blocking on concurrent read access.
However, you'll also need to understand the scope of the locking you need to implement if class A is more complex:
class A
int mValuesCount;
int* mValues;
A(int count, int* values)
mValuesCount = 0;
mValues = NULL;
setValues(count, values);
int getValueCount() const { return mValuesCount; }
int getValues(int count, int* values) const
if (mValues && values)
memcpy(values, mValues, (count < mValuesCount) ? count : mValuesCount);
return mValuesCount;
void setValues(int count, int* values)
delete [] mValues;
mValuesCount = count;
mValues = (count > 0) ? new int[count] : NULL;
if (mValues)
memcpy(mValues, values, count * sizeof(int));
In this case, you could have the following thread interaction:
Thread A: int maxCount = a->getValueCount();
Thread A: // allocate memory for "maxCount" int values
Thread B: a->setValues(newCount, newValues);
Thread A: a->getValues(maxCount, values);
Thread A has been written as though calls to getValueCount() and getValues() will be an uninterrupted operation, but Thread B has potentially changed the count in the middle of Thread A's operations. Depending on whether the new count is larger or smaller than the original count, it may take a while before you discover this problem. In this case, class A would need to be redesigned or it would need to provide some kind of transaction support so the thread using class A could block/unblock other threads:
Thread A: a->lockValues();
Thread A: int maxCount = a->getValueCount();
Thread A: // allocate memory for "maxCount" int values
Thread B: a->setValues(newCount, newValues); // Blocks until Thread A calls unlockValues()
Thread A: a->getValues(maxCount, values);
Thread A: a->unlockValues();
Thread B: // Completes call to setValues()
Since the code wasn't initially designed to be multithreaded, it's very likely you'll run into these kinds of issues where one method call uses information from an earlier call, but there was never a concern for the state of the object changing between those calls.
Now, begin to imagine what could happen if there are complex state dependencies among the objects within your singleton and multiple threads can modify the state of those internal objects. It can all become very, very messy with a large number of threads and debugging can become very difficult.
So as you try to make your singleton thread-safe, you need to look at several layers of object interactions. Some good questions to ask:
Do any of the methods on the singleton reveal internal state that may change between method calls (as in the last example I mention)?
Are any of the internal objects revealed to clients of the singleton?
If so, do any of the methods on those internal objects reveal internal state that may change between method calls?
If internal objects are revealed, do they share any resources or state dependencies?
You may not need any locking if you're just reading state from internal objects (first example). You may need to provide simple locking to prevent concurrent read/write access (second example). You may need to redesign the classes or provide clients with the ability to lock object state (third example). Or you may need to implement more complex locking where internal objects share state information across threads (e.g. a lock on a resource in class Foo requires a lock on a resource in class Bar, but locking that resource in class Bar doesn't necessarily require a lock on a resource in class Foo).
Implementing thread-safe code can become a complex task depending on how all your objects interact. It can be much more complicated than the examples I've given here. Just be sure you clearly understand how your classes are used and how they interact (and be prepared to spend some time tracking down difficult to reproduce bugs).
If this is the first time you're doing threading, consider not accessing the singleton from the background thread. You can get it right, but you probably won't get it right the first time.
Realize that if your singleton exposes pointers to other objects, these should be made thread safe as well.
You don't have to define a mutex for each member. For example, you could instead use a single mutex to synchronize access each to member, e.g.:
class foo
void some_op()
// acquire "lock_" and release using RAII ...
void set_b(bar * b)
// acquire "lock_" and release using RAII ...
b_ = b;
int a_;
bar * b_;
mutex lock_;
Of course a "one lock" solution may be not suitable in your case. That's up to you to decide. Regardless, simply introducing locks doesn't make the code thread-safe. You have to use them in the right place in the right way to avoid race conditions, deadlocks, etc. There are lots of concurrency issues you could run in to.
Furthermore you don't always need mutexes, or other threading mechanisms like TSS, to make code thread-safe. For example, the following function "func" is thread-safe:
class Foo;
void func (Foo & f)
f.some_op(); // Foo::some_op() of course needs to be thread-safe.
// Thread 1
Foo a;
// Thread 2
Foo b;
While the func function above is thread-safe the operations it invokes may not be thread-safe. The point is you don't always need to pepper your code with mutexes and other threading mechanisms to make the code thread safe. Sometimes restructuring the code is sufficient.
There's a lot of literature on multithreaded programming. It's definitely not easy to get right so take your time in understanding the nuances, and take advantage of existing frameworks like Boost.Thread to mitigate some of the inherent and accidental complexities that exist in the lower-level multithreading APIs.
I'd really recommend the Interlocked.... Methods to increment, decrement and CompareAndSwap values when using code that needs to be multi-thread-aware. I don't have 1st-hand C++ experience but a quick search for reveals lots of confirming advice. If you need perf, these will likely be faster than locking.
As stated by #Void a mutex alone is not always the solution to a concurrency problem:
Regardless, simply introducing locks doesn't make the code
thread-safe. You have to use them in the right place in the right way
to avoid race conditions, deadlocks, etc. There are lots of
concurrency issues you could run in to.
I want to add another example:
class MyClass
mutex m_mutex;
AnotherClass m_anotherClass;
void setObject(AnotherClass& anotherClass)
m_anotherClass = anotherClass;
AnotherClass getObject()
AnotherClass anotherClass;
anotherClass = m_anotherClass;
return anotherClass;
In this case the getObject() method is always safe because is protected with mutex and you have a copy of the object which is returned to the caller which may be a different class and thread. This means you are working on a copy which might be old (in the meantime another thread might have changed the m_anotherClass by calling setObject() ).Now what if you turn m_anotherClass to a pointer instead of an object-variable ?
class MyClass
mutex m_mutex;
AnotherClass *m_anotherClass;
void setObject(AnotherClass *anotherClass)
m_anotherClass = anotherClass;
AnotherClass * getObject()
AnotherClass *anotherClass;
anotherClass = m_anotherClass;
return anotherClass;
This is an example where a mutex is not enough to solve all the problems.
With pointers you can have a copy only of the pointer but the pointed object is the same in the both the caller and the method. So even if the pointer was valid at the time that the getObject() was called you don't have any guarantee that the pointed value will exists during the operation you are performing with it. This is simply because you don't have control on the object lifetime. That's why you should use object-variables as much as possible and avoid pointers (if you can).