Cropping large jpeg - c++

There is a task, to write a programm that will be crope a JPEG files. But the problem is that some jpeg files has large sizes - hundreds of MegaBytes. So the question: Is it possible to crop a jpeg file, but without loading all file to the RAM, using something like fseek(), and decoding only the parts that needed.
Is that possible? If yes, maybe there is some libraries do the same.
Upd. All this will be used for the deep zoom technology. So when deep zoom will asking for a file, this program will give it, but this should be in real time

There are two ways to accomplish this.
The first is lossless cropping, where you don't decode the file all the way but work with the 8x8 DCT blocks. You'll need to use a library that has this capability, and it places some restrictions on the cropping ability. You can't crop to a boundary that isn't on the DCT square, which limits you to multiples of 8 or 16 depending on the subsampling in the file.
The second way is to use a library that allows you to read and write one line at a time. I know that the IJG library can do this, and probably others as well. This is the easy way, but the downside is that the image goes through a decompression/recompression pass and will lose quality and/or be larger.


Most efficient way to store video data

In order to accomplish some specific editing on some .avi files, I'd like to create an application (in C++) that is able to load, edit, and save those .avi files. But, what is the most efficient way? When first thinking about it, a simple 3D-Array containing a 2D-array of pixels for every frame seems the simplest solution; But then its size would be ENORMOUS. I mean, let's assume that a pixel only needs a color. One color would mean 3bytes (1char r, 1char b, 1char g). If I now have a 1920x1080 video format, this would mean 2MEGABYTES for only one frame! This data may or may not be smaller if using pointers for the colors, so that alreay used colors wont take more size - I don't really know, since I'm pretty new to C++ and the whole low-level stuff. (As a comparison: One of my AVI files recorded with Xvid codec is 40seconds long, 30fps, and only has 2MB.)
So how would you actually store the video data (Not even the audio, just the video) efficiently (while still being easily able to perform per-frame-changes on it)?
As you have realised, uncompressed video is enormous and it is not practical to store an entire video in this way.
Video compression is an extremely complex topic, but more-or-less, it works as follows: certain "key-frames" are compressed using fairly standard compression techniques similar or identical to still-photo compression such as JPEG. Frames following key-frames are compressed by comparing the frame with the previous one and looking for changes (such as moving blocks). Every now and again, a new key-frame is used.
You don't really have to worry much about that as you are not going to write your own video coder/decoder (codec). There are standard ones.
What will happen is that your program will decode the compressed video frame-by-frame and keep a certain number of frames in memory while you are working on them and then re-encode them when it is finished. In the uncompressed form, you will have access to the individual pixels and can work on them how you want.
You are probably not going to do that either by yourself - it is very hard. You probably need to use a framework, such as OpenCV. There are a huge number of standard filters and tools built in to these frameworks, and it may be that what you want to do is already implemented somewhere.
The OpenCV framework can return individual frames in a Mat object and you can then access the pixels. See this post Get Pixels from Mat
Tutorial page: Open CV Tutorial

efficient TIFF tile extraction C++

I am working with 1gb large tiff images of around 20000 x 20000 pixels. I need to extract several tiles (of about 300x300 pixels) out of the images, in random positions.
I tried the following solutions:
Libtiff (the only low level library I could find) offers TIFFReadline() but that means reading in around 19700 unnecesary pixels.
I implemented my own tiff reader which extracts a tile out of the image without reading in unnecesary pixels. I expected it to be faster, but doing a seekg for every line of the tile makes it very slow. I also tried reading to a buffer all the lines of the file that include my tile, and then extracting the tile from the buffer, but results are more or less the same.
I'd like to receive suggestions that would improve my tile extraction tool!
Everything is welcome, maybe you can propose a more efficient library I could use, some tips about C/C++ I/O, some higher level strategy for my needs, etc.
[Major edit 14 Jan 10]
I was a bit confused by your mention of tiles, when the tiff is not tiled.
I do use tiled/pyramidical TIFF images. I've created those with VIPS
vips im_vips2tiff source_image output_image.tif:none,tile:256x256,pyramid
I think you can do this with :
vips im_vips2tiff source_image output_image.tif:none,tile:256x256,flat
You may want to experiment with tile size. Then you can read using TIFFReadEncodedTile.
Multi-resolution storage using pyramidical tiffs are much faster if you need to zoom in/out. You may also want to use this to have a coarse image nearly immediately followed by a detailed picture.
After switching to (appropriately sized) tiled storage (which will bring you MASSIVE performance improvements for random access!), your bottleneck will be disk io. File read is much faster if read in sequence. Here mmapping may be the solution.
Some useful links:
LibTiff.NET stackoverflow
VIPS is a image handling library which can do much more than just read/write. It has its own, very efficient internal format. It has a good documentation on the algorithms. For one, it decouples processing from filesystem, thereby allowing tiles to be cached.
IIPImage is a multi-zoom webserver/browser library. I found the documentation a very good source of information on multi-resolution imaging (like google maps)
The other solution on this page, using mmap, is efficient only for 'small' files. I've hit the 32-bit boundaries often. Generally, allocating a 1 GByte chunk of memory will fail on a 32-bit os (with 4 GBytes RAM installed) due to the fact that even virtual memory gets fragemented after one or two application runs. Still, there is sufficient memory to cache parts or whole of the image. More memory = more performance.
Just mmap your file.
Thanks everyone for the replies.
Actually a change in the way tiles were required, allowed me to extract the tiles from the files in hard disk, in a sequential way, instead of a random way. This allowed me to load a part of the file into ram, and extract the tiles from there.
The efficiency gain was huge. Otherwise, if you need random access to a file, mmap is a good deal.
I did something similar to this to handle an arbitrarily large TARGA(TGA) format file.
The thing that made it simple for that kind of file is that the image is not compressed. You can calculate the position of any arbitrary pixel within the image and find it with a simple seek. You might consider targa format if you have the option to specify the image encoding.
If not there are many varieties of TIFF formats. You probably want to use a library if they've already gone through the pain of supporting all the different formats.
Did you get a specific error message? Depending on how you used that command line, you could have been stepping on your own file.
If that wasn't the issue, try using imagemagick instead of vips if it's an option.

If I take a loss-compressed file and save it again (e.g. JPEG) will there be loss of quality?

I've often wondered, if I load a compressed image file, edit it and the save it again, will it loose some quality? What if I use the same quality grade when saving, will the algorithms somehow detect that the file has already be compressed as a JPEG and therefore there is no point trying to compress the displayed representation again?
Would it be a better idea to always keep the original (say, a PSD) and always make changes to it and then save it as a JPEG or whatever I need?
Yes, you will lose further file information. If making multiple changes, work off of the original uncompressed file.
When it comes to lossy compression image formats such as JPEG, successive compression will lead to perceptible quality loss. The quality loss can be in the forms such as compression artifacts and blurriness of the image.
Even if one uses the same quality settings to save an image, there will still be quality loss. The only way to "preserve quality" or better yet, lose as little quality as possible, is to use the highest quality settings that is available. Even then, there is no guarantee that there won't be quality loss.
Yes, it would be a good idea to keep a copy of the original if one is going to make an image using a lossy compression scheme such as JPEG. The original could be saved with a compression scheme which is lossless such as PNG, which will preserve the quality of the file at the cost of (generally) larger file size.
(Note: There is a lossless version of JPEG, however, the most common one uses techniques such as DCT to process the image and is lossy.)
In general, yes. However, depending on the compression format there are usually certain operations (mainly rotation and mirroring) that can be performed without any loss of quality by software designed to work with the properties of the file format.
Theoretically, since JPEG compresses each 8x8 block pf pixels independantly, it should be possible to keep all unchanged blocks of an image if it is saved with the same compression settings, but I'm not aware of any software that implements this.
Of course. Because level of algorithm used initially will probably be different than in your subsequent saves. You can easily check this by using an Image manipulation software (eg. Photoshop). Save your file several times and change level of of compression each time. Just a slight bit. You'll see image degradation.
If the changes are local (fixing a few pixels, rather than reshading a region) and you use the original editing tool with the same settings, you may avoid degradation in the areas that you do not affect. Still, expect some additional quality loss around the area of change as the compressed blocks are affected, and cannot be recovered.
The real answer remains to carry out editing on the source image, captured without compression where possible, and applying the desired degree of compression before targeting the image for use.
Yes, you will always lose a bit of information when you re-save an image as JPEG. How much you lose depend on what you have done to the image after loading it.
If you keep the image the same size and only make minor changes, you will not lose that much data. When the image is loaded, an approximation of the original image is recreated from the compressed data. If you resave the image using the same compression, most of the data that you lose will be data that was recreated when loading.
If you resize the image, or edit large areas of it, you will lose more data when resaving it. Any edited part of the image will lose about the same amount of information as when you first compressed it.
If you want to get the best possible quality, you should always keep the original.

Does anyone know of a program/method to compress just certain parts of a PNG image w/o slicing it?

Please help! Thanks in advance.
Update: Sorry for the delayed response, but if it is helpful to provide more context here, since I'm not sure what alternative question I should be asking.
I have an image for a website home page that is 300px x 300px. That image has several distinct regions, including two that have graphical copy on top of the regions.
I have compressed the image down as much as I can without compromising the appearance of that text, and those critical regions of the image.
I tried slicing the less critical regions of the image and saving those at lower compressions in order to get the total kbs down, but as gregmac posted, the sections don't look right when rejoined.
I was wondering if there was a piece of software out there, or manual solution for identifying critical regions of an image to "compress less" and could compress other parts of the image more in order to get the file size down, while keeping those elements in the graphic that need to be high resolution sharper.
You cannot - you can only compress an entire PNG file.
You don't need to (I cannot think of a single case where compressing a specific portion of a PNG file would be useful)
Dividing the image in to multiple parts ("slicing") is the only way to compress different portions of a image file, although I'd even recommend again using different compression levels in one "sliced image", as differing compression artefacts joining up will probably look odd
Regarding your update,
identifying critical regions of an image to "compress less" and could compress other parts of the image more in order to get the file size down
This is inherently what image compression does - if there's a bit empty area it will be compressed to a few bytes (using RLE for example), but if there's a very detailed region it will have more bytes "spent" on it.
The problem sounds like the image is too big (in terms of file-size), have you tried other image formats, mainly GIF or JPEG (or the other PNG format, PNG-8 or PNG-24)?
I have compressed the image down as much as I can without compromising the appearance of that text
Perhaps the text could be overlaid using CSS, rather than embedded in the image? Might not be practical, but it would allow you to compress the background more (if the background image is a photo, JPEG might work best, since you no longer have to worry about the text)
Other than that, I'm out of ideas. Is the 300*300px PNG really too big?
It sounds like you are compressing parts of your image using something like JPEG and then pasting those compressed images onto a PNG combined with other images, and the entire PNG is sent to the browser where you split them up.
The problem with this is that the more you compress your JPEG parts the more decompression artifacts you will get. Then when you put these low quality images onto the PNG, which uses deflate compression, you will actually end up increasing the file size because it won't be able to compress well.
So if you are keen on keeping PNG as your file format the best solution would be to not compress the parts using JPEG which you paste onto your PNG - keep everything as sharp as possible.
PNG compresses each row separately unless you have used a "predictor" in the compression.
So it's best to keep your PNG as wide as possible with similar images next to each other horizontally rather than under each other vertically.
Perhaps upload an example of the images you're working with?

Extracting basic info from animation file

I'm writing an application that handles metadata for images and all kinds of animations, so I'm looking for a way to find basic info about an animation file, e.g:
length (in minutes/seconds/frames)
aspect ratio of pixels
resolution of individual frames
Right now, I let my program execute
mplayer -identify animfile.avi
and parse its console output, which contains all the info I need in a machine-readable format. This works fine, but I know that some potential users of the program prefer vlc as a media player so I'd rather avoid having a hard dependence on mplayer being installed.
I've tried
vlc -vv animfile.avi
which prints an ungodly amount of junk on the console, sometimes containing the stuff I'm looking for. The formatting and what data gets printed seems to vary depending on the file format of the animation though.
Is there an easier way to extract basic info from an animation of any format one has a decoder for (especially the length of the animation) using vlc or som other app/library that is usually available on a typical Linux installation?
Edit: I'd rather use another program to do the dirty work, as this is supposed to work for any animation format, e.g avi, mpg, mov, wmv, vob etc.
Edit: totem-video-indexer seems more promising, and was also included with the standard installation. Enough codecs to make it useful, however, was not. That could be fixed by installing the "non-free-codecs" package from medibuntu.
The output of totem-video-indexer is very easy to parse:
mediainfo is a pretty useful program. It's LGPL, and is just a frontend for libmediainfo, which should be exactly what you want.
This is a little more difficult question than you may realize. The AVI file format grew over time, and often has nearly the same information in two or three different places. In some cases those are really supposed to agree (but sometimes don't) and in other cases they're subtly different.
Just for example, you asked about the width and height. There are actually four different width/height specs for a single frame: the screen width/height, the pixel width/height (from which you derive the pixel aspect ratio), the active width/height, and the compressed width/height. The frame width and height is the (theoretical) size of the screen. The active width/height excludes the overscan area. The compressed width/height takes into account rounding -- for example, JPEG compresses in blocks of 8x8 pixels, so the compressed width and height have to be multiples of 8 for a motion JPEG file. The active width/height tells you if (for example) some pixels at the border should be ignored.
In any case, since your question is tagged C++, I'm going to guess you'd rather read the file and get the data directly than depend on spawning something else to do the dirty work. If so, you probably want to look at the OpenDML AVI file spec. You can get at least some idea of the length, resolution, and framerate just from reading the basic AVI header, which is in a fixed spot at the beginning of the file, so that much is trivial to get. It'll take a bit more work to get to the pixel aspect ratio though...