Django failure with Eclipse - django

I am trying to install a Django plugin with eclipse/pydev, and I get the following error message after an installation attempt.
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Artifact not found: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.python.pydev.django_editor.feature,0.5.8.
Artifact not found: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.django_editor.plugin,0.5.8.
Anyone get this message before, or have the slightest clue what it might mean?

Just to note, that django editor is not the same one that's talked about in the PyDev homepage... PyDev does have a django editor integrated by default, which is made available when you install Aptana Studio 3 ( see for details ). The Django version you're talking about ( ) was at one point integrated in PyDev but as Aptana Studio 3 evolved it's integration has been deprecated in favor of the one in Aptana Studio 3.


sitecore 9 installation failed on task 11 webdeploy Method not found WebDeployEventWriter EventWriteVerbose

I am getting below error while installing sitecore 9.0 update 2 on task 11 .
After troubleshooting I came to know that I had install web deploy 4 which is not supported to SIF 1.2.1
I uninstall and reinstall version 3 problem got resolved.
Installed Web Deploy in
Visual Studio before to run installtion script.
Use the search box to search following tools and add as depicted in below screenshot.

SSDT installation issue (Failed to execute EXE package.)

I am having an issue with the SSDT installation for VS2017.
I have ran the installer three times, once basic, once following VS update and the last following some minor windows updates.
All 3 times the logs stumble at the same point, anyone know what this .exe it is trying to run is (I am running the installer with Admin...). I read somewhere for a similar error that it might be the SDK but I am able to run this locally, any nice workarounds to having this installed out there?
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 4
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Process returned error: 0x3e9
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Failed to execute EXE package.
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package SQL Server Analysis Services (id: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices)
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i319: Applied execute package: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices, result: 0x800703e9, restart: None
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Failed to execute EXE package.
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i351: Removing cached package: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\9864EE5369359DB622D0234B6C6B7640B949140C\
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 100, Overall progress: 100
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: No
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i352: Removing cached bundle: {5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}\
[1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}, resume: None, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: MainViewModel.OnBundleAction: Bundle action failed: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed (0x800703E9)
[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x800703e9, restart: None, ba requested restart: No
[29BC:6724][2017-09-26T09:28:04]i000: MainViewModel.OpenUrl: Opening url: C:\Users\RTOMPS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\SsdtSetup\SSDT-Setup-ENU_20170926092556.log
The answer from Nick is very helpful, but I still failed at SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /repair with the same error Error 0x800703e9: Failed to execute EXE package..
Then I tried it with a very straightforward way: (Disable UserAccountControl first)
copy SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe to c:\temp and execute SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /layout to download a local copy of the bundle.
open C:\temp\redist and double click NDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe
open C:\temp\payload and double click vsta_setup.exe
repeat to install others...
This is the most likely link I came to when I got the same message in my log:
Applying execute package: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\9864EE5369359DB622D0234B6C6B7640B949140C\VSIXBootstrapper.exe, arguments: '"C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\9864EE5369359DB622D0234B6C6B7640B949140C\VSIXBootstrapper.exe" /q /admin /instanceIds:"fc3f0e2c" /logFile:"C:\Users\a_nzchuk\AppData\Local\Temp\SsdtSetup\SSDT-Setup-ENU_20171205113839_002_Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices.log" "payload\Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices.vsix"'
MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 17
MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 17
Error 0x800707d3: Process returned error: 0x7d3
Error 0x800707d3: Failed to execute EXE package.
Error 0x800707d3: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package SQL Server Analysis Services (id: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices)
Applied execute package: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices, result: 0x800707d3, restart: None
So I'll document my findings here.
In my start menu I had Visual Studio 2017 (SSDT). It ran OK but didn't have any BI projects available
This is what I did from an Administrator elevated command prompt:
Copied SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe into C:\temp (rather than a user specific download folder which the admin user may not have access to)
Ran SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /layout to pre-download support and redist files (this was after a required restart)
Ran SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /repair to try and repair the install. It gave me a button Repair that I clicked.
Ran SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /repair again. Selected Modify. Noted that only SQL Server Database was ticked, but none of the others (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS)
Ticked SQL Server Analysis Services and pressed Modify. It proceeded to do it. Got stuck at 50% for a few minutes but eventually worked
Repeated for SQL Server Reporting Services and SQL Server Integration Services
After this, when I reran VS2017, it had the BI projects and allowed me to create a 1400 SSAS solution
Previous failed installations left VS2017 recognising that the installation was present in Visual Studio Installer. I removed the installation, restarted and the re-install was successful...
For SSDT for VS2018, Version 15.5.2
same failed at execute exe. only do
1. SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /layout
2. SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /repair (tick SSAS/SSRS/SSIS based on your requirement)
and this already works. I think MS also do some job for this.
EDIT: This might not be relevant any more since SSDT 15.8.2 is now out.
In my case, I was on VS 2017 15.7.2 and I can't complete the installation in SSDT 15.6. What I did was to install SSDT 2017 15.7.0 and it worked.
Make sure to uninstall previous SSDT installations via the VS installer or Control Panel also the Microsoft Reporting Services Projects and Microsoft Aanalysis Services Projects extensions first if you have them before launching the installer.
Edit: I think my Python issue is a subset of Jeff Leach's comment about repairing Visual Studio. So, I would probably look at any Visual Studio errors you had while installing and try and fix them before trying to install SSDT. For the time being I would NOT update Visual Studio or its installer to the newest versions (15.7 and 1.16) because of known bugs with SSDT 2017. They are working on a fix that will be out with 15.7.2 but it's not out yet.
Info for the edit:
I found that Daniel's method worked, but I had to install Python manually to be successful.
After successfully installing the .msis in the payload directory I tried to install the Analysis Services VSIX and I wasn't successful because the installer couldn't install Python 3.6.3. I found the page at the bottom and did the following to successfully install the Analysis, Integration, and Reporting VSIXs.
Check error logs and find what version of Python is the problem.
Manually download and install the proper Python version (my logs said 3.6.3). The name of the executable was python-3.6.3-amd64.exe and I got it from
Uninstall SSDT extensions from within Visual Studio. I uninstalled all of my previously unsuccessful VSIXs.
Manually install VSIXs. This worked out for me and I am able to use all of the SSDT functionality!
Just to do control testing, I installed Reporting Services with the /repair option and was successful. I think the main issue was the Python error. I think if I would've had Python installed everything would've gone smoothly. This is very frustrating because I got this same Python "error" when first installing Visual Studio 2017 (15.6.7)...expect the "error" was just a caution and didn't prevent me from using Visual Studio. But somehow it prevented the install of SSDT 2017.
I hope none of y'all have to go through this like I did today at work!
Info that helped solve this:
I had the same error 0x800703e9 installing SSDT with the SSRS option checked. After trying some of the previous good suggestions unsuccessfully, including using the /layout option to download the package locally, I found that the Visual Studio installer portion of the package needed a reboot to finish. After the reboot, I was able to run Microsoft.DataTools.ReportingServices.VSIX successfully.
I have a similar problem with different error code, but the same
"Failed to execute EXE package problem".
I tried all the solution above to no avail. But, after creating an installation layout out of SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe and then trying to execute vsta_setup.exe as suggested by Daniel. I get to the underlying error message, it's has something to do with Android NDK believe it or not, and since I'm from Syria, any change to these packages should be done through a VPN connection. So the solution was to run Visual Studio 2017 installation layout, remove all these ugly android packages "Android SDKs and NDKs and even the emulators, yes, a nuclear solution since I don't have a VPN connection", and then run SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /repair. Everything worked just fine.
I hope this might save someone's time after it wasted mine.
My installation came also with a error. I tried the several things mentioned above, but it didn't help. So I was guessing that it could be the disk space of my VirtualBox VM. I made the C: drive bigger and that was the trick.
SSDT requiere:
Hard disk space: up to 130 GB of available space, depending on features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free space.

Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'ConsoleApp1' while installing new package

I get Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'ConsoleApp1' while installing a new package. In particular I am trying to install the dropbox API, but I tried several other packages and get the same result.
I install by right clicking on the project and choosing Manage nuGet Packages... Then I select the package and click Install.
The NuGet is able to connect with the NuGet server as the package seems to download. The download information flashes on the screen pretty quick so I captured it with screen recording software to see if there were error messages. There were none.
I updated visual studio 2017 to latest patch level. My windows 10 machine is also at the latest level.
The project I am trying to install into is a freshly created Console App(.Net Core).
Here are the other questions I looked at:
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes
does not have any responses because it is not a well developed question.
package restore failed rolling back package change for ' myproject' in vs 2017 .net mvc core project
Yet another poorly worded question with no viable answers.
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'myproject' in vs 2017 in MVC Core
That one is trying to update packages, not install new.
Nuget - Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'WebApplication1'. 0
Seems to be for a custom package.
I am new to using Visual Studio.
To expand on #Michael Potter's answer, create a Console App (.NET Framework), NOT Console App (.NET Core).
The problem was that I am using Console App(.Net Core) Core is not compatible with Dropbox API.
I figured that out by opening NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and running Install-Package Dropbox-Api.
Then the error message about compatibility was on the screen plain to see.
To solve the problem I am switching to Console App (.Net Framework).
bring the version of the solution package to 1.1.3enter image description here

WSO2: Where to get a working Eclipse plugin from to start WSO2 from within Eclipse?

I have an Eclipse Luna installation and want to start the already installed WSO2 5.2.1 from within Eclipse. How can I do this and where can I get a plugin which is able to be installed successfully? I tried to install it via Eclipse Marketplace but always get an error
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session
context was:(profile=epp.package.jee,
phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=,
action=). Unable to read repository at
Connection reset
I also tried to download the WSO2 Developer Studio 3.7.0 ( but it also doesn't work.
In the end I want to start the WSO2 Application Server from within Eclipse and to debug the implemented web service.
Well, first I ran Eclipse under jdk 1.6.30. Now with jdk 1.7.45 I see a lot of WSO2 features...
I had to install WSO2 Developer Studio 3.6.0 via Eclipse Marketplace first and have to update to version 3.7.0 afterwards because is not readable.

Fresh Sitecore install - Handler "AboMapperCustom-88978986" has a bad module "IsapiModule" in its module list

I get this error with a fresh Sitecore 6.4 install.
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error Handler
"AboMapperCustom-88978986" has a bad module "IsapiModule" in its
module list
Any ideas? AppPool is integreated but i get same error on classic.
There is a problem with the installer it sets up the appPool using .net 2.0. If you switch it to use .net 4.0 and make sure it's in integrated mode, you should be good to go.
I was using Windows 7 and Sitecore 7.5. This solved the HTTP Error 500.21 for me:
Run the command prompt as administrator.
Go to this directory: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\
And run the command: aspnet_regiis -i
Hope this can help.