Deleting associated objects from an array ColdFusion - coldfusion

I have a shopping cart array which holds the product information of items in the cart. Some products which are added will be at a special discount if purchased with the "main item".
If someone adds an item which has special offers associated to it, I set a key in the item structure called mainitem with a value of yes, all the subsequent special offer items associated to the main item have key mainitem set as no and have another key named mainitemid (this is the mainitem uid).
If some one deletes the mainitem I need to ensure any related special offer items are deleted as well. This is what I am having trouble with, can't quite work out how to find them all.
I am using form.itemID to supply the item id of the product being deleted. I need to make sure the item being deleted is a main item; if so, loop through the rest of the cart and find any item with mainitemid equal to form.itemid and remove them, then delete the mainitem.
mainitem is defined as session.mycart[i].mainitem
maintitenid is defined as session.mycart[i].mainitemid
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(session.mycart)#">
Do I need to create two loops or could I do it with one? I'm not sure of my conditional statements.

Solution for OPs specific issue
Revised to offer a more complete solution
<!--- First of all, will need to go 1 to ArrayLen() to find the main item id. Doesn't matter what order you go here, but main items should be inserted before children so may as well start at the bottom --->
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(session.mycart)#">
<!--- Is this the main item? --->
<cfif session.mycart[i].id EQ form.itemID>
<!--- It's found the item, is it a main item? We've found the item so entering here to break the loop --->
<cfif session.mycart[i].mainitem>
<!--- Go from ArrayLen() to 1, as if you go 1 to ArrayLen() when deleting you confuse Coldfusion --->
<cfloop index="j" from="#ArrayLen(session.mycart)#" to="1" step="-1">
<cfif session.mycart[j].id EQ form.itemID OR session.mycart[j].mainitemid EQ form.itemID>
<cfset ArrayDeleteAt(session.mycart,j)>
<!--- This loop is done, so break out --->
In your post, you state you are looping from index 1 to index ArrayLen(...). If you are deleting items from the array though, Coldfusion is a bit straightforward and doesn't really pay attention and so when you delete element 2 of a 5-element array, the array becomes 4 elements long (because you deleted one) and the element which was index 3 is now index 2, thus it is missed.
The way around this is to start at the end and work backwards. As long as you are deleting at most 1 record at a time, then this is perfectly valid as it will continue reducing the index it is currently checking until you get down to 1, which will be the first element.
This way you can go through element 5, 4, 3, 2, delete element 2, and it will then check index 1 which now will still be the same item as it was when you started the loop and thus no skipping is experienced.
Some blurb on how to deal with this
I misread the question, or it got edited while writing this, but the below is applicable so leaving it here still
Have you considered having special offer items as children to the main item, as then it encapsulates the entire offer together and deleting the parent deletes the child. I've a similar issue where items have options associated with them, and to allow hierarchy to be observed I decided on creating a tree combined with a reference array. Just as a rough example to show the principle, take a look at this
// Create a main item structure
stcMainItem = {
id = CreateUUID(),
somekey = somevalue,
someotherkey = someothervalue,
cost = 123
// Create some child item structures, special offers for ex
stcSpecialOfferItem1 = {
id = CreateUUID(),
parent =,
cost = 45
stcSpecialOfferItem2 = {
id = CreateUUID(),
parent =,
cost = 45
// Each is added to a reference array
arrItemReference = [];
// Now you decide to delete the main item and direct parents
strIDToDelete =;
for (i=ArrayLen(arrItemReference);i>=1;i--) {
if (
arrItemReference[i].id == strIDToDelete
arrItemReference[i].parent == strIDToDelete
) {
In my actual code I've done this by way of creating an Item.cfc with methods to deal with the above and to cascade up the tree deleting grandchildren etc, but the principle is sound. Essentially you have methods that allow the items to be exposed as both a flat array and as a hierarchy of parents, children, and siblings.
Informational point
As an aside, you keep interchanging "array" and "structure" when the two are slightly different unlike languages like PHP where array is used to refere to both terms. An array contains values with a numeric index from 1 up to n, while a structure is an object that holds values related to arbitary keys. The reason that there is a difference though is that they don't build off the same base java objects so some methods that work on one don't work on the other.

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(session.mycart)#">
<cfif session.mycart[i].mainitem eq "no" AND session.mycart[i].mainitemid EQ form.itemid>
<cfset arrayDeleteAt(session.myCart,i) />
<cfset i = i - 1 /><!--- this is necessary to keep you from running out of the end of the loop --->
This isnt tested of course and you may have to work with it to put your exact variable names in, but I think it should get you there. Let me know if I have misunderstood the question.

I don't see a way to do this in one loop, as I view it as a two step process. First you have to see if the item id you deleted is a main item, then go back through the array and delete the rest of the associated items.
Add StructKeyExists() as necessary.
<!--- Find Main Item --->
<cfset isMainItem = false />
<cfloop from='1' to='#ArrayLen( Session.MyCart )#' index='item'>
<cfif Session.MyCart[ item ].ItemID EQ Form.ItemID AND Session.MyCart[ item ].MainItem EQ 'Yes'>
<cfset isMainItem = true />
<cfbreak />
<cfif isMainItem>
<!--- Clean up special offer items --->
<cfloop from='1' to='#ArrayLen( Session.MyCart )#' index='item'>
<cfif Session.MyCart[ item ].MainItemID EQ Form.ItemID AND Session.MyCart[ item ].MainItem EQ 'No'>
<cfset ArrayDeleteAt( Sesion.MyCart, Item ) />
<cfset item-- />


ColdFusion Sorting/Assignment

I have a two lists: One that is dynamic, based off of a recordcount of students and the other is the students..i.e., 001,002,003, etc. and 123456 (student data). I need some help being able to randomly assign students one of those numbers. For example, if I have 5 students (123456,234561, etc.), I need to be able to randomly assign 001,002, etc. to those students. So far, hitting a wall. The following is what I have so far:
<cfquery name="testjd" datasource="student">
SELECT SoonerID FROM dbo.CurrentStudentData
WHERE status = 'Student' OR status = 'JD'
<cfset testList = valueList(testjd.soonerid)>
<cfset totalRecordsJd = #testjd.recordcount#>
<cfloop from="001" to="#totalRecordsJd#" index="i">
<cfset examNo = i>
<cfif len(i) is 1>
<cfset examNo = "00" & i>
<cfelseif len(i) is 2>
<cfset examNo = "0" & i>
<cfif not listFind(usedJDExams, examNo)>
#examNo#<!---is NOT being used!---><br/>
CF9 makes it a little less fun than later versions. I believe this should work (except for my query mockup).
First, I create the fake query.
Simple faked up query data. This is just demo data. I think this
queryNew() syntax was first available in CF10.
testjd = queryNew("SoonerID", "varchar", [
Now that I've got a list of students who need tests, I create an array of numbers for those tests.
<!--- Create array of Available Exam Numbers --->
<cfset examNos = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfloop from=1 to=100 index="i">
<cfset examNos[i] = right('00' & i,3)>
We now combine the two sets of data to get the Exam Numbers assigned to the Student.
<!--- Loop through the query and build random assignments --->
<cfloop query="#testjd#">
<!---Get random exam no.--->
<cfset examNo = examNos[randrange(1,arrayLen(examNos))]>
<!---Build struct of exam assignments--->
<cfset testAssignments[SoonerID] = examNo>
<!---Delete that num from exam array. No reuse.--->
<cfset blah = arrayDelete(examNos,examNo)>
And this gives us
<cfloop collection="#testAssignments#" item="i">
For User #i#, the test is #testAssignments[i]#.<br>
The unused tests are: <cfoutput>#ArrayToList(examNos)#</cfoutput>.
For User 369741, the test is 054.
For User 147258, the test is 080.
For User 564798, the test is 066.
For User 123456, the test is 005.
The unused tests are:
A couple of code review notes for the OP code:
1) It's easier to work with arrays or structures than it is to work with a list.
2) cfloop from="001" to="#totalRecordsJd#": from "001" is a string that you are comparing to an integer. ColdFusion will convert "001" to a number in the background, so that it can actually start the loop. Watch out for expected data types, and make sure you use arguments as they were intended to be used.
3) cfif len(i) is 1...: First, it's less processing to build this string in one pass and them trim it - right('00' & i,3). Second (and this is a personal nitpick), is and eq do essentially the same thing, but I've always found it good practice to apply is to string-ish things and eq to number-ish things.
For CF10+, I would use something like
// Create array of random string assignments for ExamNo
examNos = [] ;
for(i=1; i lte 100;i++) {
arrayAppend(examNos,right('00'& i,3)) ;
///// Now do the work. ////
//Create a struct to hold final results
testAssignments = {} ;
// Loop through the query and build random assignments
for(row in testjd) {
// Get random exam no.
examNo = examNos[randrange(1,arrayLen(examNos))] ;
// Build struct of exam assignments
structInsert(testAssignments, row.SoonerID, examNo) ;
// Delete that num from exam array. No reuse.
arrayDelete(examNos,examNo) ;
If it is a small query, why not just sort the records (psuedo) randomly using NEWID()? Since the records will already be randomized, you cna use query.currentRow to build the "examNo".
<cfquery name="testjd" datasource="student">
FROM CurrentStudentData
WHERE status IN ('Student', 'JD')
<cfoutput query="yourQuery">
#yourQuery.SoonerID# #NumberFormat(yourQuery.currentRow, "000000")#<br>
This is a formatted comment. After you run this query:
<cfquery name="testjd" datasource="student">
SELECT SoonerID FROM dbo.CurrentStudentData
WHERE status = 'Student' OR status = 'JD'
Do this:
<cfset QueryAddColumn(testJd, "newcolumn", arrayNew(1))>
Then loop through the queries and assign values to the new column with QuerySetCell.

Creating an Insert Statement for mysql table

I am creating a INSERT Starement for my table. Till now all going good and i have been able to create the Insert Statement. Only Issue Left is: It shows a trailing comma after the end of every single record. Can you guys have a look around what mess I am doing here
<cfset listcount = getQueryColumns(insertData)>
<cfset counter = 1>
<cfloop query="insertData">
INSERT INTO `mytable` (#listcount#)
<cfloop index="col" list="#listcount#">'#insertData[col][currentRow]#'
<cfif counter LT insertData.recordcount>,</cfif>
<cfset counter++>
Your error is due to the fact that you are incrementing your counter in the outer loop instead of the inner loop.
I think I've got it. I believe this is what you need:
<cfset listcount = getQueryColumns(insertData)>
<cfloop query="insertData">
<cfset counter = 1>
INSERT INTO `mytable` (#listcount#)
<cfloop index="col" list="#listcount#">'#insertData[col][currentRow]#'
<cfif counter LT listcount>,</cfif>
<cfset counter++>
What I changed is:
As Dan Bracuk pointed out, I moved <cfset counter++> inside the inner loop. I also moved <cfset counter = 1> inside the outer loop, as it will need to be reinitialized through successive INSERT statements.
I changed <cfif counter LT insertData.recordcount> to <cfif counter LT listcount>, as you don't want to iterate over the recordcount (this is why your commas stopped appearing after Priority, which was the 8th field). Instead, you want to iterate over the number of columns.
EDIT: See my more recent answer. I'm leaving this one in place because the comments were useful in the diagnosis.
I think Dan Bracuk is correct about your counter increment. But you might be able to simplify your code and avoid the <cfif > statement entirely if you you use the list attribute in <cfqueryparam >. For example:
<cfqueryparam value="#NAME_OF_LIST#" list="yes" >
By default this will put a comma between your list values before sending them to the database.
Check out the other attributes it takes at

Having some trouble understanding loops

I created this for some reason neither one of the queries are being updated
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(location)#">
<cfif location[i] NEQ "" AND #locationID# EQ "" >
<cfquery Name="UpdateAddActivity" DATASOURCE="#DS#">
INSERT INTO tblProjectLocations
<cfif location[i] EQ "" AND #locationID# NEQ "" >
<cfquery Name="UpdateAddActivity" DATASOURCE="#DS#">
DELETE FROM tblProjectLocations
WHERE locationID = #locationID# AND projectID = #ProjectName#
Am I looping correctly? It doesn't seem like to me that the accumulator is ever going to be updated but loops are done this way every place that I've looked.
Your cfloop tag is fine - you only need index/from/to attributes for a basic loop.
The index variable is incremented (and the loop re-processed) at the position of the closing tag. Or to put it another way, the body code is executed once for each index value between from and to (inclusive).
For information, you can change the default increment (of 1) by specifying the step attribute (though that obviously doesn't make sense for an array loop).
When your code isn't performing as expected, you can debug it with the dump tag:
<cfloop ... >
<cfdump var=#locationID# abort />
The abort attribute will stop processing - the loop will not iterate and the current page content will be returned (it's shorthand for specifying cfabort tag separately.
You can use multiple dumps, and the label attribute to help identify which is which, but obviously if using abort attribute make sure only the last one has it.
As has been mentioned locationID isn't defined in the snippet you've provided, so may be the issue.
Sometimes spaces can cause issues - you may want to use the trim function to ensure you're dealing with empty strings (though blindly wrapping trim functions everywhere is ugly - always try if possible avoid introducing spaces).
Shortcut Array Looping
The from/to loop you've got there is only one type of cfloop - there are others.
Specifically, when you don't need the numeric index, there is a shorthand array loop:
<cfloop index="CurLocation" array=#Location# >
Which is equivalent to:
<cfloop index="i" from=1 to=#ArrayLen(Location)# >
<cfset CurLocation = Location[i] />
But without the unused i variable. (If you need the i variable, stick to from/to.)
Note that inside a function you should almost always write index="local.i" and index="local.CurLocation" to ensure the variables are appropriately scoped. This isn't unique to loops - it applies to any tags that create variables. You can also do <cfset var i = 0 /> prior to the loop to do the same thing.
Unrelated Issues
There are a couple of other issues with your code.
Most importantly, the code you're showing is potentially at risk of SQL injection. You should almost never write SQL with bare hashes in, and instead parameterise your queries - using cfqueryparam tag - to solve this. (In the situations where you can't use parameters (e.g. within ORDER BY) make sure you have appropriately sanitized any dynamic text.
Less important -- it doesn't change how the code works, but does betray a lack of experience and understanding -- are the superfluous hashes around locationID. A simplified explanation is that you generally only need #s inside strings (i.e. where the contents would otherwise be treated as text, rather than being a variable's value.)
When in doubt, look at your data.
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(location)#">
i is #i# <br>
<cfif location[i] NEQ "" AND locationID EQ "" >
true location is #location[i]# <br>
false location [i] is is #location[i]# and
locationid is #locationID# <br>
<cfif location[i] EQ "" AND locationID NEQ "" >
same as above
Then you'll know why you are not getting the results you expect.
As long as there are items in your location array, the loop will run and the CFLoop tag will take care of incrementing i.
What I'd guess is happening is that you are checking two conditions within the loop and if neither match, no code will run. You're handling these:
location[i] NEQ "" AND #locationID# EQ ""
location[i] EQ "" AND #locationID# NEQ ""
but not these:
location[i] EQ "" AND #locationID# EQ ""
location[i] NEQ "" AND #locationID# NEQ ""
Could that be it?

How to re-sort a structure using byte ordering lexicographically?

Developing with an API, I have a structure in ColdFusion. I need to re-sort the structure using byte ordering lexicographically.
"Sort the parameters by name lexicographically [sic] (byte ordering, the standard sorting, not natural or case insensitive). If the parameters have the same name, then sort by the value."
Taking a structure in ColdFusion 9, how can I reorder it to comply with the above? JAVA Lib?
I'm going to post this as a separate answer, because I believe my first one is incorrect... Let's try this one instead:
<cfset myStruct = structNew() />
<cfset mystruct["Apple"] = 1 />
<cfset mystruct["Banana"] = 2 />
<cfset mystruct["car"] = 5 />
<cfset mystruct["Tomato"] = 3 />
<cfset mystruct["aardvark"] = 4 />
<cfset Keys = StructKeyArray(myStruct) />
<cfset ArraySort(Keys, "textnocase") />
<cfdump var="#Keys#">
That will give you an array of keys sorted lexicographically, ignoring all casing. The StructSort function was sorting on the key values, not the key names.
Sorry for my confusion, but aren't lexicographic sorting and natural sorting (at least with Java Strings) the same thing? If so, take a look at the Java TreeMap and see if this works the way you want it to.
<cfset myStruct = structNew() />
<cfset mystruct["Apple"] = 1 />
<cfset mystruct["Banana"] = 2 />
<cfset mystruct["car"] = 5 />
<cfset mystruct["Tomato"] = 3 />
<cfset mystruct["aardvark"] = 4 />
<cfset myMap = createObject("java","java.util.TreeMap").init(myStruct) />
<cfdump var="#myMap#">
You can't technically sort a structure, and guarantee that the structure will maintain it's order. ColdFusion has a bad habit of arbitrarily (at least as far as I can tell) reordering structures when you add/remove nodes.
You can, however, get a list of sorted keys, which you can then use to loop through your struct. Use the StructSort method to get an array of sorted key names. You can specify the sort order as textnocase to get your lexicographic order (disregards all casing).
You would then need to do some additional sorting to get them by value after that... If you want more detail, you'll be better off posting some code you've already tried that's not quite working.

How can you test to see if two arrays are the same using CFML?

Using CFML (ColdFusion Markup Langauge, aka ColdFusion), how can you compare if two single dimension arrays are the same?
There's a very simple way of comparing two arrays using CFML's underlying java. According to a recent blog by Rupesh Kumar of Adobe (, ColdFusion arrays are an implementation of java lists (java.util.List). So all the Java list methods are available for CFML arrays.
So to compare 2 arrays all you need to do is use the equals method. It returns a YES if the arrays are equal and NO if they are not.
<cfset array1 = listToArray("tom,dick,harry,phred")/>
<cfset array2 = listToArray("dick,harry,phred") />
<cfset array3 = listToArray("tom,dick,harry,phred")/>
Array2 equals Array1 #array2.equals(array1)# (returns a NO) <br/>
Array3 equals Array1 #array3.equals(array1)# (returns a YES) <br/>
To build on James' answer, I thought that JSON might be preferrable over WDDX. In fact, it proves to be considerably more efficient. Comparing hashes is not that expensive, but serializing the data and then generating the hash could be (for larger and/or more complex data structures).
<!--- create some semi-complex test data --->
<cfset data = StructNew() />
<cfloop from="1" to="50" index="i">
<cfif variables.i mod 2 eq 0>
<cfset[variables.i] = StructNew()/>
<cfset tmp =[variables.i] />
<cfloop from="1" to="#variables.i#" index="j">
<cfset variables.tmp[variables.j] = 1 - variables.j />
<cfelseif variables.i mod 3 eq 0>
<cfset[variables.i] = ArrayNew(1)/>
<cfset tmp =[variables.i] />
<cfloop from="1" to="#variables.i#" index="j">
<cfset variables.tmp[variables.j] = variables.j mod 6 />
<cfset[variables.i] = variables.tmp />
<cfset[variables.i] = variables.i />
<cftimer label="JSON" type="inline">
<cfset jsonData = serializeJson( />
<cfset jsonHash = hash(variables.jsonData) />
JSON: done.<br />
hash=#variables.jsonHash#<br />
<cftimer label="WDDX" type="inline">
<cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="" output="wddx" />
<cfset wddxHash = hash(variables.wddx) />
WDDX: done.<br />
hash=#variables.wddxHash#<br />
Here's the output that the above code generates on my machine:
JSON: done.
JSON: 0ms
WDDX: done.
WDDX: 47ms
While the data structure I'm serializing is fairly complex, it could easily be considered small. This should make the efficiency of JSON serialization over WDDX even more preferrable.
At any rate, if I were to try to write a "compareAnything" method using hash comparison, I would use JSON serialization over WDDX.
Assuming all of the values in the array are simple values, the easiest thing might be to convert the arrays to lists and just do string compares.
<cfif arrayToList(arrayA) IS arrayToList(arrayB)>
Arrays are equal!
Not as elegant as other solutions offered, but dead simple.
The arrayCompare() user-defined function at cflib should do it
Jasons answer is certainly the best, but something I've done before is performed a hash comparison on objects that have been serialised to WDDX.
This method is only useful for relatively small arrays, but it's another option if you want to keep it purely CFML. It also has the benefit that you can apply the method to other data types as well...
Edit: Adams' entirely right (as you can see from his numbers) - JSON is much more economical, not only in this situation, but for serialization in general. In my defense I'm stuck using CFMX 6.1 that has no inbuilt JSON functions, and was trying to avoid external libs.
I was looking into using CF's native Java objects awhile back and this question reminded me of a few blog posts that I had bookmarked as a result of my search.
ColdFusion array is actually an implementation of java list (java.util.List). So all the list methods are actually available for Array.
CF provides most of the list functionality using Array functions but there are few things possible with java list which you can not do directly with CF functions.
Merge two arrays
Append an array in the middle of another array
Search for an element in an array
Search array 1 to see if array 2's elements are all found
Equality check
Remove elements in array 1 from array 2
Another resource I found shows how you can use the native Java Array class to get unique values and to create custom sorts functions in case you need to sort an array of dates, for instance.
This second link contains links to other posts where the author shows how to use other Java classes natively to gain either functionality or speed over CF functions.
All of these solutions check that two arrays are equal. They don't check that they are the same object. The only way I know to do that in native CF is to change the object in some way and see if both references have the change in.
I also think that you should be wary of relying on CF implementing certain java classes or exposing methods. These are liable to change.
As for comparing two arrays to see if the contents is the same, why not just
Check the length (if different return false)
If the lengths are the same from 1 to array len and check the elements are the same break and return false if they are not.
This will work for simple values.