shared_ptr vs CComPtr - c++

I'm somewhat used to the concept of refcounting through COM and I'm somewhat new to shared_ptr. There are several nice properties with CComPtr that I don't find in shared_ptr, and I'm wondering what are the pattern that prevent missuse of shared_ptr.
The AddRef/Release pattern guarantees there is only one refcount per object (the refcount is stored on the object itself), so it's safe, when you have a random pointer to create a CComPtr around it. On the other hand, shared_ptr has a separate refcount pointer, so it's unsafe to create a new shared_ptr on an object (why does the standard provide a constructor that takes a T* on shared_ptr if it's so unsafe to do?). That seems such a big limitation that I don't understand how one can use shared_ptrs...
A bit corner case: something that I've done in the past with AddRef/Release: I want a container of "weak references" to IFoos (for example a map from URL to IConnection or something). With weak_ptr, I can do that but my collection won't "clean itself up", I'll have expired pointers in it. With Release, I can implement my own weak pointer (a bit of work) that actually cleans up the collection. Is there an alternative with shared/weak_ptr?
Intuitively, there is a performance penalty in doing two memory allocations to create an object (one for the refcount, one for the object) compared to the IUnknown world where you do only one. There is also a locality penalty when accessing the object (assuming that an AddRef is frequently followed by reading the content of the object, which seems likely). Has the cost of both approaches been compared?

why does the standard provide a constructor that takes a T* on shared_ptr if it's so unsafe to do?
Because it's the only way to have shared_ptrs without being intrusive. You can use a shared_ptr on anything. I've even used them on objects from C interfaces, via the use of a deleter object. Things like a cairo_t* and so forth. That way, I never have to free anything ever again.
You can't do that with CComPtr; it only works for IUnknown-style objects.
Also, there is std::make_shared, which creates a shared_ptr directly from an object type and the argument to the constructor. So you never even see the pointer (and it usually allocates the object and its ref-count in one allocation instead of two).
The proper C++ idiom with shared_ptr is very simple: always use make_shared or alloc_shared. If you can't use them, then the proper idiom is to only use the direct naked pointer constructor in tandem with new: shared_ptr<T> pVal{new T{...}}; (or the appropriate function that creates the pointer). Never use it on pointers that you don't know the origin of.
Is there an alternative with shared/weak_ptr?
No, but there are tools to make one if you so desire. Besides the obvious method (run through your collection periodically and remove dead weak_ptrs), you can associate a deleter with the shared_ptr that will (in addition to deleting the pointer) call whatever cleanup function to remove those weak_ptrs.
Intuitively, there is a performance penalty in doing two memory allocations to create an object
See make_shared, above.
There is also a locality penalty when accessing the object (assuming that an AddRef is frequently followed by reading the content of the object, which seems likely).
You don't have to copy the shared_ptr to talk to its contents, nor do you have to bump the reference count to do so.
Now, let's talk about some of the things CComPtr can't do. It's intrusive. It can't be used with arbitrary allocators or deleters (obviously not as important when it's intrusive). It can't do pointer aliasing, where you have a shared_ptr to a member of an object, but the actual reference count is for the object it is a member of. That's a very useful thing to be able to do.
Oh yeah, it's not cross-platform. It's not bound to COM, IUnknown, and all of that overhead.


Is there a good C++ memory management tutorial available, that covers shared_ptr, scoped_ptr, and weak_ptr? [duplicate]

Ok, so the last time I wrote C++ for a living, std::auto_ptr was all the std lib had available, and boost::shared_ptr was all the rage. I never really looked into the other smart pointer types boost provided. I understand that C++11 now provides some of the types boost came up with, but not all of them.
So does someone have a simple algorithm to determine when to use which smart pointer? Preferably including advice regarding dumb pointers (raw pointers like T*) and the rest of the boost smart pointers. (Something like this would be great).
Shared ownership:
The shared_ptr and weak_ptr the standard adopted are pretty much the same as their Boost counterparts. Use them when you need to share a resource and don't know which one will be the last to be alive. Use weak_ptr to observe the shared resource without influencing its lifetime, not to break cycles. Cycles with shared_ptr shouldn't normally happen - two resources can't own each other.
Note that Boost additionally offers shared_array, which might be a suitable alternative to shared_ptr<std::vector<T> const>.
Next, Boost offers intrusive_ptr, which are a lightweight solution if your resource offers reference-counted management already and you want to adopt it to the RAII principle. This one was not adopted by the standard.
Unique ownership:
Boost also has a scoped_ptr, which is not copyable and for which you can not specify a deleter. std::unique_ptr is boost::scoped_ptr on steroids and should be your default choice when you need a smart pointer. It allows you to specify a deleter in its template arguments and is movable, unlike boost::scoped_ptr. It is also fully usable in STL containers as long as you don't use operations that need copyable types (obviously).
Note again, that Boost has an array version: scoped_array, which the standard unified by requiring std::unique_ptr<T[]> partial specialization that will delete[] the pointer instead of deleteing it (with the default_deleter). std::unique_ptr<T[]> also offers operator[] instead of operator* and operator->.
Note that std::auto_ptr is still in the standard, but it is deprecated.
§D.10 []
The class template auto_ptr is deprecated. [ Note: The class template unique_ptr (20.7.1) provides a better solution. —end note ]
No ownership:
Use dumb pointers (raw pointers) or references for non-owning references to resources and when you know that the resource will outlive the referencing object / scope. Prefer references and use raw pointers when you need either nullability or resettability.
If you want a non-owning reference to a resource, but you don't know if the resource will outlive the object that references it, pack the resource in a shared_ptr and use a weak_ptr - you can test if the parent shared_ptr is alive with lock, which will return a shared_ptr that is non-null if the resource still exists. If want to test whether the resource is dead, use expired. The two may sound similar, but are very different in the face of concurrent execution, as expired only guarantees its return value for that single statement. A seemingly innocent test like
is a potential race condition.
Deciding what smart pointer to use is a question of ownership. When it comes to resource management, object A owns object B if it is in control of the lifetime of object B. For example, member variables are owned by their respective objects because the lifetime of member variables is tied to the lifetime of the object. You choose smart pointers based on how the object is owned.
Note that ownership in a software system is separate from ownership as we would think of it outside of software. For example, a person might "own" their home, but that doesn't necessarily mean that a Person object has control over the lifetime of a House object. Conflating these real world concepts with software concepts is a sure-fire way to program yourself into a hole.
If you have sole ownership of the object, use std::unique_ptr<T>.
If you have shared ownership of the object...
- If there are no cycles in ownership, use std::shared_ptr<T>.
- If there are cycles, define a "direction" and use std::shared_ptr<T> in one direction and std::weak_ptr<T> in the other.
If the object owns you, but there is potential of having no owner, use normal pointers T* (e.g. parent pointers).
If the object owns you (or otherwise has guaranteed existence), use references T&.
Caveat: Be aware of the costs of smart pointers. In memory or performance limited environments, it could be beneficial to just use normal pointers with a more manual scheme for managing memory.
The costs:
If you have a custom deleter (e.g. you use allocation pools) then this will incur overhead per pointer that may be easily avoided by manual deletion.
std::shared_ptr has the overhead of a reference count increment on copy, plus a decrement on destruction followed by a 0-count check with deletion of the held object. Depending on the implementation, this can bloat your code and cause performance issues.
Compile time. As with all templates, smart pointers contribute negatively to compile times.
struct BinaryTree
Tree* m_parent;
std::unique_ptr<BinaryTree> m_children[2]; // or use std::array...
A binary tree does not own its parent, but the existence of a tree implies the existence of its parent (or nullptr for root), so that uses a normal pointer. A binary tree (with value semantics) has sole ownership of its children, so those are std::unique_ptr.
struct ListNode
std::shared_ptr<ListNode> m_next;
std::weak_ptr<ListNode> m_prev;
Here, the list node owns its next and previous lists, so we define a direction and use shared_ptr for next and weak_ptr for prev to break the cycle.
Use unique_ptr<T> all the time except when you need reference counting, in which case use shared_ptr<T> (and for very rare cases, weak_ptr<T> to prevent reference cycles). In almost every case, transferrable unique ownership is just fine.
Raw pointers: Good only if you need covariant returns, non-owning pointing which can happen. They're not terrifically useful otherwise.
Array pointers: unique_ptr has a specialization for T[] which automatically calls delete[] on the result, so you can safely do unique_ptr<int[]> p(new int[42]); for example. shared_ptr you'd still need a custom deleter, but you wouldn't need a specialized shared or unique array pointer. Of course, such things are usually best replaced by std::vector anyway. Unfortunately shared_ptr does not provide an array access function, so you'd still have to manually call get(), but unique_ptr<T[]> provides operator[] instead of operator* and operator->. In any case, you have to bounds check yourself. This makes shared_ptr slightly less user-friendly, although arguably the generic advantage and no Boost dependency makes unique_ptr and shared_ptr the winners again.
Scoped pointers: Made irrelevant by unique_ptr, just like auto_ptr.
There's really nothing more to it. In C++03 without move semantics this situation was very complicated, but in C++11 the advice is very simple.
There are still uses for other smart pointers, like intrusive_ptr or interprocess_ptr. However, they're very niche and completely unnecessary in the general case.
Cases of when to use unique_ptr:
Factory methods
Members that are pointers (pimpl included)
Storing pointers in stl containters (to avoid moves)
Use of large local dynamic objects
Cases of when to use shared_ptr:
Sharing objects across threads
Sharing objects in general
Cases of when to use weak_ptr:
Large map that acts as a general reference (ex. a map of all open sockets)
Feel free to edit and add more

Some questions about shared_ptr, scoped_ptr and shared_array

I have some questions about smart pointers implemented in boost library.
Is the only diffrence between shared_ptr and scoped_ptr that scoped_ptr doesn't have copy constructor and shared_ptr has it?
Should i use then scoped_ptr instead of shared_ptr always when object doesn't call copy constructor?
I also doesn't understand idea of shared/scoped array. Can't I just use std::vector instead of it?
Is the only diffrence between shared_ptr and scoped_ptr that
scoped_ptr doesn't have copy constructor and shared_ptr has it?
The difference is more fundamental than that; it has to do with how the smart pointers own the object it points to. What makes smart pointers different from dumb pointers is that the concept of ownership is a core component of their function. The ownership semantics is what differentiates the different kinds of smart pointers.
Because smart pointers "own" the thing they point to, they can do useful things like deleting objects when the smart pointers go away (this is made possible using only the rules of the language; no compiler magic is needed). This way, memory management can be made almost automatic in C++ (despite claims to the contrary, there's very little manual memory management required in modern C++).
shared_ptr implements reference-counting
semantics for
memory management. Multiple shared_ptrs can own a single object. A
shared_ptr going away does not necessarily delete the object it
points to because there may be another shared_ptr owning the
object. The last shared_ptr that owns an object and goes away will
delete the object it owns.
scoped_ptr implements exclusive-ownership semantics. Only one
scoped_ptr can own any one object. When a scoped_ptr goes away,
it will always delete the object it owns (because there's only one
owner). It's typically used as a lightweight RAII mechanism for
objects allocated on the free store.
The array versions (shared_array and scoped_array) have essentially the same semantics, but are designed specifically for arrays e.g. they use delete[] instead of delete, implements the array subscript operator, etc.
shared_ptr and shared_array also allows you to specify a custom deleter, if the default delete behavior is not appropriate for the object. scoped_ptr and scoped_array do not have that ability, since they are quite lightweight compared to shared_ptr and shared_array.
In C++11, the newest and current version of C++, there's also a unique_ptr, which is just like scoped_ptr except that you can transfer the ownership of an object to another unique_ptr. In C++03, an older but more widely supported version of C++, there's auto_ptr which is equivalent to unique_ptr except it was easy to use it in an unsafe manner by accident (which is why it is deprecated in C++11).
Should i use then scoped_ptr instead of shared_ptr always when object
doesn't call copy constructor?
Which one you choose doesn't depend on the presence of the copy-constructor, since shared_ptr and scoped_ptr does not require the object to be copy-constructible. You pick the one depending on the required ownership semantics. If the object will have multiple owners, you use shared_ptr. If the object will only have one owner and the object's existence lasts only within a scope, use scoped_ptr (hence the name scoped_ptr).
I also doesn't understand idea of shared/scoped array. Can't I just
use std::vector instead of it?
std::vector does not implement reference-counting semantics like shared_array does. std::vector is more like scoped_array, but can be copied. When you copy a std::vector, you also copy all of the elements it contains. That's not the case for scoped_array. std::vector also has functions that allow you to manipulate and examine its contents (e.g. push_back, insert, erase, etc.), but is much more heavyweight than scoped_array.
Yes. scoped_ptr does not allow for copies while shared_ptr does. But this "simple" difference makes a world of impact on both the implementation and the usage of the smart pointer.
scoped_ptr is faster and lighter than shared_ptr because no reference counting is involved. shared_ptr will count the number of assignments and not delete the object until all references have expired/gone out of scope.
Now your question regarding vectors implies that you're actually not familiar with the the concept of dynamic allocation and the difference between that and static allocation on the static. You really should look into reading a primer on C(++) and look into the reasons for dynamic allocation and when you need it.
A vector stores a list of objects. A XXX_ptr stores a pointer to a (single) dynamically-allocated object. Apples and oranges.
If you allocate memory, you can put the newly created pointer in a scoped pointer, so that IF the malloc/noew fails, the memory will be freed. This is how I usally uses it, or if it's an object that needs to be allocated on the heap, but that I want to treat it as a stack object in terms of that it will only be alive until the end of the scope.
The shared pointer is if you want to pass the pointer around and allow the object to have multiple owners. Then none of the owners needs to take responibility of the object and they can all just stop using it and be sure that it will be freed correclty. (you don't wanna free an object that you know is used by someone else)
I'd say you're thinking about it the wrong way. The question isn't whether you do call the copy constructor -- it's whether you need to call the copy constructor. In other words, you should be deciding whether to use shared_ptr or scoped_ptr not based on reading your code but based on thinking about object ownership and what objects' lifetimes should be.
Say you have an object that you want to create on the heap, not on the stack, for whatever reason (maybe it's too big to be on the stack, maybe you might want to replace it with a different object at some point, maybe you want it to be initialized late) but its lifetime should never be longer than its containing scope. A common example of this is instance variables in a class: they should often be deleted when the object they are in is deleted. Then, you should use scoped_ptr.
But sometimes you don't know when an object will be safe to delete in advance. For instance, consider an object in a lookup table. You want to return it in response to lookups, but what happens when it's deleted -- could someone still be using the object who looked it up previously? In cases like this, you can use shared_ptr, which shares the objects ownership so that it only gets deleted when nobody has a copy of the pointer anymore.
So why does anyone ever use scoped_ptr instead of shared_ptr? First of all, knowing when the destructor gets called is one of the big advantages of non-memory-managed languages like C++. Maybe the destructor is expensive, or maybe it frees a resource; it's nice to know when these things happen. Also, with shared_ptr, there's the potential for memory leaks if you create a circular reference by accident.
In general, almost every pointer you have should be "owned" -- there should be a single place in your code that news and deletes it. scoped_ptr is great for this; when you want an owned object to be passed around to non-owners you can use a bare pointer. But if you absolutely need an object's ownership to be shared, use shared_ptr -- as long as you're careful to use it correctly!
As for scoped/shared arrays, you can certainly use std::vector, but arrays are cheaper and sometimes people want the performance benefit.
shared_ptr is very different from scoped_ptr. scoped_ptr (which is now standardized in C++11 as std::unique_ptr) is simply a RAII-style smart pointer which takes ownership of a resource and then deallocates the owned resource when the pointer goes out of scope.
A shared_ptr however, may share ownership of the resource with other instances of shared_ptr. The resource stays alive as long as one or more shared_ptr instances own it. This is an automatic memory-management technique, (a form of garbage-collection) known as reference counting. It basically provides the same effect as more advanced garbage collection algorithms, except unlike other garbage collection techniques, it doesn't handle circular references.
As for using std::vector versus boost::scoped_array, yeah - scoped_array doesn't really offer much of an advantage. However, boost::shared_array offers reference counting semantics, just like shared_ptr.

Which kind of pointer do I use when?

Ok, so the last time I wrote C++ for a living, std::auto_ptr was all the std lib had available, and boost::shared_ptr was all the rage. I never really looked into the other smart pointer types boost provided. I understand that C++11 now provides some of the types boost came up with, but not all of them.
So does someone have a simple algorithm to determine when to use which smart pointer? Preferably including advice regarding dumb pointers (raw pointers like T*) and the rest of the boost smart pointers. (Something like this would be great).
Shared ownership:
The shared_ptr and weak_ptr the standard adopted are pretty much the same as their Boost counterparts. Use them when you need to share a resource and don't know which one will be the last to be alive. Use weak_ptr to observe the shared resource without influencing its lifetime, not to break cycles. Cycles with shared_ptr shouldn't normally happen - two resources can't own each other.
Note that Boost additionally offers shared_array, which might be a suitable alternative to shared_ptr<std::vector<T> const>.
Next, Boost offers intrusive_ptr, which are a lightweight solution if your resource offers reference-counted management already and you want to adopt it to the RAII principle. This one was not adopted by the standard.
Unique ownership:
Boost also has a scoped_ptr, which is not copyable and for which you can not specify a deleter. std::unique_ptr is boost::scoped_ptr on steroids and should be your default choice when you need a smart pointer. It allows you to specify a deleter in its template arguments and is movable, unlike boost::scoped_ptr. It is also fully usable in STL containers as long as you don't use operations that need copyable types (obviously).
Note again, that Boost has an array version: scoped_array, which the standard unified by requiring std::unique_ptr<T[]> partial specialization that will delete[] the pointer instead of deleteing it (with the default_deleter). std::unique_ptr<T[]> also offers operator[] instead of operator* and operator->.
Note that std::auto_ptr is still in the standard, but it is deprecated.
§D.10 []
The class template auto_ptr is deprecated. [ Note: The class template unique_ptr (20.7.1) provides a better solution. —end note ]
No ownership:
Use dumb pointers (raw pointers) or references for non-owning references to resources and when you know that the resource will outlive the referencing object / scope. Prefer references and use raw pointers when you need either nullability or resettability.
If you want a non-owning reference to a resource, but you don't know if the resource will outlive the object that references it, pack the resource in a shared_ptr and use a weak_ptr - you can test if the parent shared_ptr is alive with lock, which will return a shared_ptr that is non-null if the resource still exists. If want to test whether the resource is dead, use expired. The two may sound similar, but are very different in the face of concurrent execution, as expired only guarantees its return value for that single statement. A seemingly innocent test like
is a potential race condition.
Deciding what smart pointer to use is a question of ownership. When it comes to resource management, object A owns object B if it is in control of the lifetime of object B. For example, member variables are owned by their respective objects because the lifetime of member variables is tied to the lifetime of the object. You choose smart pointers based on how the object is owned.
Note that ownership in a software system is separate from ownership as we would think of it outside of software. For example, a person might "own" their home, but that doesn't necessarily mean that a Person object has control over the lifetime of a House object. Conflating these real world concepts with software concepts is a sure-fire way to program yourself into a hole.
If you have sole ownership of the object, use std::unique_ptr<T>.
If you have shared ownership of the object...
- If there are no cycles in ownership, use std::shared_ptr<T>.
- If there are cycles, define a "direction" and use std::shared_ptr<T> in one direction and std::weak_ptr<T> in the other.
If the object owns you, but there is potential of having no owner, use normal pointers T* (e.g. parent pointers).
If the object owns you (or otherwise has guaranteed existence), use references T&.
Caveat: Be aware of the costs of smart pointers. In memory or performance limited environments, it could be beneficial to just use normal pointers with a more manual scheme for managing memory.
The costs:
If you have a custom deleter (e.g. you use allocation pools) then this will incur overhead per pointer that may be easily avoided by manual deletion.
std::shared_ptr has the overhead of a reference count increment on copy, plus a decrement on destruction followed by a 0-count check with deletion of the held object. Depending on the implementation, this can bloat your code and cause performance issues.
Compile time. As with all templates, smart pointers contribute negatively to compile times.
struct BinaryTree
Tree* m_parent;
std::unique_ptr<BinaryTree> m_children[2]; // or use std::array...
A binary tree does not own its parent, but the existence of a tree implies the existence of its parent (or nullptr for root), so that uses a normal pointer. A binary tree (with value semantics) has sole ownership of its children, so those are std::unique_ptr.
struct ListNode
std::shared_ptr<ListNode> m_next;
std::weak_ptr<ListNode> m_prev;
Here, the list node owns its next and previous lists, so we define a direction and use shared_ptr for next and weak_ptr for prev to break the cycle.
Use unique_ptr<T> all the time except when you need reference counting, in which case use shared_ptr<T> (and for very rare cases, weak_ptr<T> to prevent reference cycles). In almost every case, transferrable unique ownership is just fine.
Raw pointers: Good only if you need covariant returns, non-owning pointing which can happen. They're not terrifically useful otherwise.
Array pointers: unique_ptr has a specialization for T[] which automatically calls delete[] on the result, so you can safely do unique_ptr<int[]> p(new int[42]); for example. shared_ptr you'd still need a custom deleter, but you wouldn't need a specialized shared or unique array pointer. Of course, such things are usually best replaced by std::vector anyway. Unfortunately shared_ptr does not provide an array access function, so you'd still have to manually call get(), but unique_ptr<T[]> provides operator[] instead of operator* and operator->. In any case, you have to bounds check yourself. This makes shared_ptr slightly less user-friendly, although arguably the generic advantage and no Boost dependency makes unique_ptr and shared_ptr the winners again.
Scoped pointers: Made irrelevant by unique_ptr, just like auto_ptr.
There's really nothing more to it. In C++03 without move semantics this situation was very complicated, but in C++11 the advice is very simple.
There are still uses for other smart pointers, like intrusive_ptr or interprocess_ptr. However, they're very niche and completely unnecessary in the general case.
Cases of when to use unique_ptr:
Factory methods
Members that are pointers (pimpl included)
Storing pointers in stl containters (to avoid moves)
Use of large local dynamic objects
Cases of when to use shared_ptr:
Sharing objects across threads
Sharing objects in general
Cases of when to use weak_ptr:
Large map that acts as a general reference (ex. a map of all open sockets)
Feel free to edit and add more

Why is the size of make_shared two pointers?

As illustrated in the code here, the size of the object returned from make_shared is two pointers.
However, why doesn't make_shared work like the following (assume T is the type we're making a shared pointer to):
The result of make_shared is one pointer in size, which points to of allocated memory of size sizeof(int) + sizeof(T), where the int is a reference count, and this gets incremented and decremented on construction/destruction of the pointers.
unique_ptrs are only the size of one pointer, so I'm not sure why shared pointer needs two. As far as I can tell, all it needs a reference count, which with make_shared, can be placed with the object itself.
Also, is there any implementation that is implemented the way I suggest (without having to muck around with intrusive_ptrs for particular objects)? If not, what is the reason why the implementation I suggest is avoided?
In all implementations I'm aware of, shared_ptr stores the owned pointer and the reference count in the same memory block. This is contrary to what other answers are saying. Additionally a copy of the pointer will be stored in the shared_ptr object. N1431 describes the typical memory layout.
It is true that one can build a reference counted pointer with sizeof only one pointer. But std::shared_ptr contains features that absolutely demand a sizeof two pointers. One of those features is this constructor:
template<class Y> shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Y>& r, T *p) noexcept;
Effects: Constructs a shared_ptr instance that stores p
and shares ownership with r.
Postconditions: get() == p && use_count() == r.use_count()
One pointer in the shared_ptr is going to point to the control block owned by r. This control block is going to contain the owned pointer, which does not have to be p, and typically isn't p. The other pointer in the shared_ptr, the one returned by get(), is going to be p.
This is referred to as aliasing support and was introduced in N2351. You may note that shared_ptr had a sizeof two pointers prior to the introduction of this feature. Prior to the introduction of this feature, one could possibly have implemented shared_ptr with a sizeof one pointer, but no one did because it was impractical. After N2351, it became impossible.
One of the reasons it was impractical prior to N2351 was because of support for:
shared_ptr<B> p(new A);
Here, p.get() returns a B*, and has generally forgotten all about the type A. The only requirement is that A* be convertible to B*. B may derive from A using multiple inheritance. And this implies that the value of the pointer itself may change when converting from A to B and vice-versa. In this example, shared_ptr<B> needs to remember two things:
How to return a B* when get() is called.
How to delete a A* when it is time to do so.
A very nice implementation technique to accomplish this is to store the B* in the shared_ptr object, and the A* within the control block with the reference count.
The reference count cannot be stored in a shared_ptr. shared_ptrs have to share the reference count among the various instances, therefore the shared_ptr must have a pointer to the reference count. Also, shared_ptr (the result of make_shared) does not have to store the reference count in the same allocation that the object was allocated in.
The point of make_shared is to prevent the allocation of two blocks of memory for shared_ptrs. Normally, if you just do shared_ptr<T>(new T()), you have to allocate memory for the reference count in addition to the allocated T. make_shared puts this all in one allocation block, using placement new and delete to create the T. So you only get one memory allocation and one deletion.
But shared_ptr must still have the possibility of storing the reference count in a different block of memory, since using make_shared is not required. Therefore it needs two pointers.
Really though, this shouldn't bother you. Two pointers isn't that much space, even in 64-bit land. You're still getting the important part of intrusive_ptr's functionality (namely, not allocating memory twice).
Your question seems to be "why should make_shared return a shared_ptr instead of some other type?" There are many reasons.
shared_ptr is intended to be a kind of default, catch-all smart pointer. You might use a unique_ptr or scoped_ptr for cases where you're doing something special. Or just for temporary memory allocations at function scope. But shared_ptr is intended to be the sort of thing you use for any serious reference counted work.
Because of that, shared_ptr would be part of an interface. You would have functions that take shared_ptr. You would have functions that return shared_ptr. And so on.
Enter make_shared. Under your idea, this function would return some new kind of object, a make_shared_ptr or whatever. It would have its own equivalent to weak_ptr, a make_weak_ptr. But despite the fact that these two sets of types would share the exact same interface, you could not use them together.
Functions that take a make_shared_ptr could not take a shared_ptr. You might make make_shared_ptr convertible to a shared_ptr, but you couldn't go the other way around. You wouldn't be able to take any shared_ptr and turn it into a make_shared_ptr, because shared_ptr needs to have two pointers. It can't do its job without two pointers.
So now you have two sets of pointers which are half-incompatible. You have one-way conversions; if you have a function that returns a shared_ptr, the user had better be using a shared_ptr instead of a make_shared_ptr.
Doing this for the sake of a pointer's worth of space is simply not worthwhile. Creating this incompatibility, creating two sets of pointers just for 4 bytes? That simply isn't worth the trouble that is caused.
Now, perhaps you would ask, "if you have make_shared_ptr why would you ever need shared_ptr at all?"
Because make_shared_ptr is insufficient. make_shared is not the only way to create a shared_ptr. Maybe I'm working with some C-code. Maybe I'm using SQLite3. sqlite3_open returns a sqlite3*, which is a database connection.
Right now, using the right destructor functor, I can store that sqlite3* in a shared_ptr. That object will be reference counted. I can use weak_ptr where necessary. I can play all the tricks I normally would with a regular C++ shared_ptr that I get from make_shared or whatever other interface. And it would work perfectly.
But if make_shared_ptr exists, then that doesn't work. Because I can't create one of them from that. The sqlite3* has already been allocated; I can't ram it through make_shared, because make_shared constructs an object. It doesn't work with already existing ones.
Oh sure, I could do some hack, where I bundle the sqlite3* in a C++ type who's destructor will destroy it, then use make_shared to create that type. But then using it becomes much more complicated: you have to go through another level of indirection. And you have to go through the trouble of making a type and so forth; the destructor method above at least can use a simple lambda function.
Proliferation of smart pointer types is something to be avoided. You need an immobile one, a movable one, and a copyable shared one. And one more to break circular references from the latter. If you start to have multiple ones of those types, then you either have very special needs or you are doing something wrong.
I have a honey::shared_ptr implementation that automatically optimizes to a size of 1 pointer when intrusive. It's conceptually simple -- types that inherit from SharedObj have an embedded control block, so in that case shared_ptr<DerivedSharedObj> is intrusive and can be optimized. It unifies boost::intrusive_ptr with non-intrusive pointers like std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr.
This optimization is only possible because I don't support aliasing (see Howard's answer). The result of make_shared can then have 1 pointer size if T is known to be intrusive at compile-time. But what if T is known to be non-intrusive at compile-time? In this case it's impractical to have 1 pointer size as shared_ptr must behave generically to support control blocks allocated both alongside and separately from their objects. With only 1 pointer the generic behavior would be to point to the control block, so to get at T* you'd have to first dereference the control block which is impractical.
Others have already said that shared_ptr needs two pointers because it has to point to the reference count memory block and the Pointed to Types memory Block.
I guess what you are asking is this:
When using make_shared both memory blocks are merged into one, and because the blocks sizes and alignment are known and fixed at compile time one pointer could be calculated from the other (because they have a fixed offset). So why doesn't the standard or boost create a second type like small_shared_ptr which does only contain one pointer.
Is that about right?
Well the answer is that if you think it through it quickly becomes a large hassle for very little gain. How do you make the pointers compatible? One direction, i.e. assigning a small_shared_ptr to a shared_ptr would be easy, the other way round extremely hard. Even if you solve this problem efficiently, the small efficiency you gain will probably be lost by the to-and-from conversions that will inevitably sprinkle up in any serious program. And the additional pointer type also makes the code that uses it harder to understand.

Smart pointers usage

I have a project and I want make smart pointers usage better.
The main idea is to use them when returning new object from function. The question is what smart pointer to use? auto_ptr or shared_ptr from boost? As I know, auto_ptr is slower but it can fall back to the 'pure' pointer.
And if I'll use smart pointer in place where I don't need it, would it make the perfomance slower?
What makes you think auto_ptr is slower than shared_ptr? Typically I would expect the reverse to be true, since shared_ptr needs to update the reference count.
As for which you should use, different smart pointers imply different ownership semantics. Ownership implies the responsibility to delete the object when it is no longer needed.
A raw pointer implies no ownership; a program that uses smart pointers correctly may still make use of raw pointers in a lot of places where ownership is not intended (for example, if you need to pass an optional reference to an object into a function, you would often use a raw pointer).
scoped_ptr implies single (ie, non-shared), non-transferable ownership.
auto_ptr implies single (ie, non-shared) transferable ownership. This is the smart pointer I would use to return a newly constructed object from a function (the function is transferring the object to its caller). auto_ptr suffers from the disadvantage that due to limitations of the language when auto_ptr was defined, it is difficult to use correctly (this has given it a very bad reputation, though the intended purpose of a smart pointer with single, transferable ownership semantics was and is both valid and useful).
unique_ptr has the same semantics as auto_ptr, but uses new C++0x features (rvalue references) to make it a lot safer (less prone to incorrect use) than auto_ptr. If you are developing on a platform where unique_ptr is available, then you should use it instead of auto_ptr.
shared_ptr implies shared ownership. In my opinion this is over-used. It does have many valid uses, but it should not simply be used as a default option.
I would also add that shared_ptr is often used with STL containers because the other smart pointer classes do not achieve their intended function in that context (due to copying of values internally within the container). This often leads to use of shared_ptr where shared ownership is not really the intended meaning. In these cases, I suggest (where possible) using the boost pointer-container classes (ptr_vector, ptr_map and so on), which provide the (commonly desired) semantics of a container with transferable, but single (non-shared) ownership.
You should always think about the ownership of your objects: in most cases, with a clean system design, each object has one obvious owner, and ownership does not need to be shared. This has the advantage that it is easy to see exactly where and when objects will be freed, and no reference counting overhead is needed.
[edited to note the new unique_ptr]
You probably should use shared_ptr<>. It's hard to be more specific without knowing what exactly you want to do. Best read its documentation and see if it does what you need.
The performance difference will most likely be negligible. Only in extreme cases there might me an noticeable impact, like when copying these pointers many million times each second.
I prefer shared_ptr, auto_ptr can cause a lot of trouble and its use is not too intuitive. If you expect this object to be inserted on a STL container, so you certainly want to use shared_ptr.
Abot the performance you have a cost, but this is minimal and you can ignore it most of the time.
Shared pointers have a better use than auto_ptr which have the unusual characteristic of changing ownership on assignments.
Also auto_ptr can not be used in containers.
Also you can not use auto_ptr as return values if you do not want to transfer ownership.
Shared pointers have all the benefits of smart pointers, have overloaded the relevant operators to act like a pointer and can be used in containers.
Having said that, they are not cheap to use.
You must analyze your needs to decide if you actually gain something by avoiding the shared_pointer implementation overheads
Use only shared_ptr. With auto_ptr you can have ONLY ONE reference to your object. Also auto_ptr isn't slower it must work faster than shared_ptr.
To not ask such questions you need to know, how this smart pointers work.
auto_ptr just storing pointer to your object and destroying it in it's destructor.
The problem of auto_ptr is that when you are trying to copy it it's stopping to point to your object.
For example
auto_ptr a_ptr(new someClass);
auto_ptr another_ptr=aptr;// after this another_ptr is pointing to your class, but a_ptr isn't pointing to it anymore!
This is why I don't recomend you to use auto_ptr.
Shared pointer counting how much smart pointers are pointing to your object and destroying your object when there is no more pointers to it. That's why you can have more than 1 pointer pointing to your object.
But Shared pointer also isn't perfect. And if in your program you have cyclic graph (when you have classes A and B and A have a member shared_ptr wich points to B and B have or B's member objects have shared_ptr pointing to A) than A and B will never deleted and you will have memory lick.
To write correct code with shared_ptr you need to be careful and also use weak_ptr.
For more information look at here