In my c++ class, we got assigned pairs. Normally I can come up with an effective algorithm quite easily, this time I cannot figure out how to do this to save my life.
What I am looking for is someone to explain an algorithm (or just give me tips on what would work) in order to get this done. I'm still at the planning stage and want to get this code done on my own in order to learn. I just need a little help to get there.
We have to create histograms based on a 4 or 5 integer input. It is supposed to look something like this:
Calling histo(5, 4, 6, 2) should produce output that appears like:
* *
* * *
* * *
* * * *
* * * *
The formatting to this is just killing me. What makes it worse is that we cannot use any type of arrays or "advanced" sorting systems using other libraries.
At first I thought I could arrange the values from highest to lowest order. But then I realized I did not know how to do this without using the sort function and I was not sure how to go on from there.
Kudos for anyone who could help me get started on this assignment. :)
Try something along the lines of this:
Determine the largest number in the histogram
Using a loop like this to construct the histogram:
for(int i = largest; i >= 1; i--)
Inside the body of the loop, do steps 3 to 5 inclusive
If i <= value_of_column_a then print a *, otherwise print a space
Repeat step 3 for each column (or write a loop...)
Print a newline character
Print the horizontal line using -
Print the column labels
Maybe i'm mistaken on your q, but if you know how many items are in each column, it should be pretty easy to print them like your example:
Step 1: Find the Max of the numbers, store in variable, assign to column.
Step 2: Print spaces until you get to column with the max. Print star. Print remaining stars / spaces. Add a \n character.
Step 3: Find next max. Print stars in columns where the max is >= the max, otherwise print a space. Add newline. at end.
Step 4: Repeat step 3 (until stop condition below)
when you've printed the # of stars equal to the largest max, you've printed all of them.
Step 5: add the -------- line, and a \n
Step 6: add row headers and a \n
If I understood the problem correctly I think the problem can be solved like this:
a= <array of the numbers entered>
T=<number of numbers entered> = length(a) //This variable is used to
//determine if we have finished
//and it will change its value
Alph={A,B,C,D,E,F,G,..., Z} //A constant array containing the alphabet
//We will use it to print the bottom row
for (i=1 to T) {print Alph[i]+" "}; //Prints the letters (plus space),
//one for each number entered
for (i=1 to T) {print "--"}; //Prints the two dashes per letter above
//the letters, one for each
while (T!=0) do {
for (i=1 to N) do {
if (a[i]>0) {print "*"; a[i]--;} else {print " "; T--;};
if (T!=0) {T=N};
What this does is, for each non-zero entered number, it will print a * and then decrease the number entered. When one of the numbers becomes zero it stops putting *s for its column. When all numbers have become zero (notice that this will occur when the value of T comes out of the for as zero. This is what the variable T is for) then it stops.
I think the problem wasn't really about histograms. Notice it also doesn't require sorting or even knowing the
I try to write a simple console application in C++ which can read any chemical formula and afterwards compute its molar mass, for example:
Na2CO3, or something like:
La0.6Sr0.4CoO3, or with brackets:
The problem is that I don't know in detail how I can deal with the input stream. I think that reading the input and storing it into a char vector may be in this case a better idea than utilizing a common string.
My very first idea was to check all elements (stored in a char vector), step by step: When there's no lowercase after a capital letter, then I have found e.g. an element like Carbon 'C' instead of "Co" (Cobalt) or "Cu" (Copper). Basically, I've tried with the methods isupper(...), islower(...) or isalpha(...).
// first idea, but it seems to be definitely the wrong way
// read input characters from char vector
// check if element contains only one or two letters
// ... and convert them to a string, store them into a new vector
// ... finally, compute the molar mass elsewhere
// but how to deal with the numbers... ?
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < char_vec.size()-1; i++)
if (islower(char_vec[i]))
char arr[] = { char_vec[i - 1], char_vec[i] };
string temp_arr(arr, sizeof(arr));
else if (isupper(char_vec[i]) && !islower(char_vec[i+1]))
char arrSec[] = { char_vec[i] };
string temp_arrSec(arrSec, sizeof(arrSec));
else if (!isalpha(char_vec[i]) || char_vec[i] == '.')
char arrNum[] = { char_vec[i] };
string temp_arrNum(arrNum, sizeof(arrNum));
I need a simple algorithm which can handle with letters and numbers. There also may be the possibility working with pointer, but currently I am not so familiar with this technique. Anyway I am open to that understanding in case someone would like to explain to me how I could use them here.
I would highly appreciate any support and of course some code snippets concerning this problem, since I am thinking for many days about it without progress… Please keep in mind that I am rather a beginner than an intermediate.
This problem is surely not for a beginner but I will try to give you some idea about how you can do that.
Assumption: I am not considering Isotopes case in which atomic mass can be different with same atomic number.
Model it to real world.
How will you solve that in real life?
Say, if I give you Chemical formula: Fe(NO3)3, What you will do is:
Convert this to something like this:
Total Mass => [1 of Fe] + [3 of NO3] => [1 of Fe] + [ 3 of [1 of N + 3 of O ] ]
=> 1 * Fe + 3 * (1 * N + 3 * O)
Then, you will search for individual masses of elements and then substitute them.
Total Mass => 1 * 56 + 3 * (1 * 14 + 3 * 16)
=> 242
Now, come to programming.
Trust me, you have to do the same in programming also.
Convert your chemical formula to the form discussed above i.e. Convert Fe(NO3)3 to Fe*1+(N*1+O*3)*3. I think this is the hardest part in this problem. But it can be done also by breaking down into steps.
Check if all the elements have number after it. If not, then add "1" after it. For example, in this case, O has a number after it which is 3. But Fe and N doesn't have it.
After this step, your formula should change to Fe1(N1O3)3.
Now, Convert each number, say num of above formula to:
*num+ If there is some element after current number.
*num If you encountered ')' or end of formula after it.
After this, your formula should change to Fe*1+(N*1+O*3)*3.
Now, your problem is to solve the above formula. There is a very easy algorithm for this. Please refer to: In your case, your operands can be either a number (say 2) or an element (say Fe). Your operators can be * and +. Parentheses can also be present.
For finding individual masses, you may maintain a std::map<std::string, int> containing element name as key and its mass as value.
Hope this helps a bit.
I am currently learning C++ at my school, and am making a word sleuth as part of a project that I have to submit. For this, I have already made the grid of alphabets and other necessary things (clues, rules, etc.). I am taking the input in the form of coordinates in an integer array whereby the user enters 4 values in the array, signifying the initial row and column number and the final row and column number, corresponding to which are the first and last alphabets of a particular word.
After doing this, I am now comparing the array input by the user with the array I have already defined that has the coordinates of that particular word. This is shown here :
cout<<"Enter the coordinates of starting and final characters : row1 col1 row2 col2 "<<endl;
for (z = 0; z < 4; z++) //first for loop
cin>>p[z]; //taking the input as an array 'p'
for (b = 0; b < 4; b++) //second for loop
if (p[b] == messi[b])
if (b == 4)
cout<<"Great!!!! You have answered the question correctly"<<"\n\n";
cout<<"You got this one wrong mate! Try again :)"<<"\n\n";
Here, messi[b] is the array which has the coordinates corresponding to the word 'MESSI' in the grid. Now, to my mind, the 'if' statement after the second for loop must contain the condition to check if b = 3. However, when I do that, the output always comes out to be what the 'else' statement says i.e. "You got this..." for every input. However, when I impose the condition to check if b = 4, the output comes out to be what the 'if' statement says i.e. "Great!!..." for every input.
What wrong am I doing? I hope I am clear enough in explaining the problem to you. I am using CodeBlocks 16.01.
It's a bit unclear what you are doing, as the program stands, b will always be equal to 4 after the second for-loop since the last time to condition was true, b < 4. So after the increment, it will be 4.
Inside the second for-loop you also have the NOP code b += 0; which does absolutely nothing to the code. What is the intention here?
The task is to justify text within a certain width.
user inputs: Hello my name is Harrry. This is a sample text input that nobody
will enter.
output: What text width do you want?
user inputs: 15
output: |Hello my name|
|is Harrry. This|
|is a sample|
|text that|
|nobody will|
|enter. |
Basically, the line has to be 15 spaces wide including blank spaces. Also, if the next word in the line cant fit into 15, it will skip entirely. If there are multiple words in a line, it will try to distribute the spaces evenly between each word. See the line that says "Is a sample" for example.
I created a vector using getline(...) and all that and the entire text is saved in a vector. However, I'm kind of stuck on moving forward. I tried using multiple for loops, but I just cant seem to skip lines or even out the spacing at all.
Again, not looking or expecting anyone to solve this, but I'd appreciate it if you could guide me into the right direction in terms of logic/algorithm i should think about.
You should consider this Dynamic programming solution.
Split text into “good” lines
Since we don't know where we need to break the line for good justification, we start guessing where the break to be done to the paragraph. (That is we guess to determine whether we should break between two words and make the second word as start of the next line).
You notice something? We brutefore!
And note that if we can't find a word small enought to fit in the remaining space in the current line, we insert spaces inbetween the words in the current line. So, the space in the current line depends on the words that might go into the next or previous line. That's Dependency!
You are bruteforcing and you have dependency,there comes the DP!
Now lets define a state to identify the position on our path to solve this problem.
State: [i : j] ,which denotes line of words from ith word to jth word in the original sequence of words given as input.
Now, that you have state for the problem let us try to define how these states are related.
Since all our sub-problem states are just a pile of words, we can't just compare the words in each state and determine which one is better. Here better delineates to the use of line's width to hold maximum character and minimum spaces between the words in the particular line. So, we define a parameter, that would measure the goodness of the list of words from ith to jth words to make a line. (recall our definition of subproblem state). This is basically evaluating each of our subproblem state.
A simple comparison factor would be :
Define badness(i, j) for line of words[i : j].
For example,
Infinity if total length > page width,
else (page width − total length of words in current line)3
To make things even simple consider only suffix of the given text and apply this algorithm. This would reduce the DP table size from N*N to N.
So, For finishing lets make it clear what we want in DP terms,
subproblem = min. badness for suffix words[i :]
=⇒ No.of subproblems = Θ(n) where n = no of words
guessing = where to end first line, say i : j
=⇒ no. of choices for j = n − i = O(n)
recurrence relation between the subproblem:
• DP[i] = min(badness (i, j) + DP[j] for j in range (i + 1, n + 1))
• DP[n] = 0
=⇒ time per subproblem = Θ(n)
so, total time = Θ(n^2).
Also, I'll leave it to you how insert spaces between words after determining the words in each line.
Logic would be:
1) Put words in array
2) Loop though array of words
3) Count the number of chars in each word, and check until they are the text width or less (skip if more than textwidth). Remember the number of words that make up the total before going over 15 (example remember it took 3 words to get 9 characters, leaving space for 6 spaces)
4) Divide the number of spaces required by (number of words - 1)
5) Write those words, writing the same number of spaces each time.
Should give the desired effect I hope.
You obviously have some idea how to solve this, as you have already produced the sample output.
Perhaps re-solve your original problem writing down in words what you do in each step....
Print text asking for sentence.
Take input
Split input into words.
Print text asking for width.
If you are stuck at any level, then expand the details into sub-steps.
I would look to separate the problem of working out a sequence of words which will fit onto a line.
Then how many spaces to add between each of the words.
Below is an example for printing one line after you find how many words to print and what is the starting word of the line.
std::cout << "|";
numOfSpaces = lineWidth - numOfCharsUsedByWords;
* If we have three words |word1 word2 word3| in a line
* ideally the spaces to print between then are 1 less than the words
int spaceChunks = numOfWordsInLine - 1;
* Print the words from starting point to num of words
* you can print in a line
for (j = 0; j < numOfWordsInLine; ++j) {
* Calculation for the number of spaces to print
* after every word
int spacesToPrint = 0;
if (spaceChunks <= 1) {
* if one/two words then one
* chunk of spaces between so fill then up
spacesToPrint = numOfSpaces;
} else {
* Here its just segmenting a number into chunks
* example: segment 7 into 3 parts, will become 3 + 2 + 2
* 7 to 3 = (7%3) + (7/3) = 1 + 2 = 3
* 4 to 2 = (4%2) + (4/2) = 0 + 2 = 2
* 2 to 1 = (2%1) + (2/1) = 0 + 2 = 2
spacesToPrint = (numOfSpaces % spaceChunks) + (numOfSpaces / spaceChunks);
numOfSpaces -= spacesToPrint;
cout << words[j + lineStartIdx];
for (int space = 0; space < spacesToPrint; space++) {
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << "|" << std::endl;
Hope this code helps. Also you need to consider what happens if you set width less then the max word size.
If I have a text file which only has numbers inside. Such as:
How can I, for example, multiply each number by two and get the result of each individual operation as output to my screen? Would I have to set each number to a variable?
The best solution to your problem is to follow these steps:
Open a file, and create an int variable ( for instance a)
In Do...while loop take number from a file like this
Filehandler >> a;
multiply the a like this
a = a * 2;
or do whatever you want with it.
Print an value
cout << a;
till you get EOF
Of course there is another possibility like storing each value in array and then multiplying it. It depends on you what you will choose.
Do you know for Loops for example.
you can read the the numbers and store them in an array and use a for loop to multiply or div or whatever and print that .
i'm trying to build a pyramid with numbers between 1 and the inserted number. For example, if i insert 6 to the integer, that the piramid will be as there:
I tried using a for loop but i get in any line one or ++ numbers to 6.
This is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
int i,j,d;
std::cin >> d;
return 0;
How can i solve this problem building a pyramid like the shown.
Since this is homework, I won't paste an algorithm, but here's a few hints:
This 12345654321 can be printed by counting from one to six and then back to one.
This __3456543__ means that for numbers smaller than n, you have to output a _ instead, where n depends on the level you are printing.
Define your loop variables within the loop: for(int i=1;i<=d;i++) ... They are only interesting within the loop, and access outside the loop is usually an error, which is then flagged by the compiler.
There's no need to for the getch(); at the end. When you're in the debugger, you can put a breakpoint on the last line. If you aren't you don't want to have to press a key just to end your program.
If you use std::cout << j and std::cout << '\n' for outputting, you don't need printf() either. (Once you want formatting, many will tell you that printf format strings are easier. I don't believe that, but would accept it, if it weren't that you can crash any application with an ill-formed printf format string, while it's much harder to come up with a way to crash your app using streams.)
There you go:
Also you forgot about formatting and the right side of the pyramid, but I think that's out of scope for this question and you can figure the code yourself :)
Try to have the first line working the way you want.
Repeat it d times, where d is the number entered by the user.
Notice that on line l, numbers < l are replaced by spaces.
Consider this: you have D rows, 1..D. Six rows means your rows are numbered 1 to 6. Now, for each row d:
print d-1 space characters. First row has no spaces, second has one and so on.
print the numbers d..D. So on the first line you print 1..6, on the second you print 2..6.
print the numbers D-1..d. So on the first line you print 5..1, on the second you print 5..2
print a new line