Mouse programming - c++
I've developed a simple graphics editor in c++.It requires me to drag the mouse to draw a shape .After drawing the shape I want to fill it by picking a color but since dragging the mouse amounts to a large number of clicks because of which the entire screen gets filled with a default color even before i've drawn the shape. delay() doesn't work either.

the mouse click event in turbo c++ has two part. one where you press the button and two when you release the button. you need to drag so you should use the clrscr() function in the loop which goes on iterating until the mouse button is pressed down along with the code for the shape you want to draw. that way your screen keeps getting updated when you are dragging the mouse. and the loop ends when you release the button.
for filling the shape using the flood fill function should suffice

Perhaps one of the following links is what you're looking for:


Is there an SFML delta mouse movement event?

I'm trying to implement a way to click and drag the screen in SFML. The idea being that when the user clicks down on their mouse, an sf::View gets changed by how much the user moves their mouse until they release it.
I tried to use the sf::Event::MouseMoveEvent struct under the assumption it would give the mouse movement and not the position. When I used it in code, however, it gets the position.
I could try and keep track of the previous mouse position and subtract it out to get the change, but I would expect that there would be a struct or function that would give me the delta position. It has this functionality for the scroll wheel, so I'd hope it does for the mouse.

How to select a specific sprite and move it in SDL

I'm making a chess game, where I have a box shaped selector, now I want to select a sprite with that box and move it in a specific location with the selection box.
Any link or code?
You keep track of the position of everything.
Poll for events, see where the mouse is. If in the rectangle of a piece, put the selector on top of the piece (assuming you have colorkeying or alpha). You should be able to listen to keyboard input and move the selector based on that.
When mouse clicks, see where the selector is. Find the piece that's under it, and remember it.
When mouse clicks again, see where the selector is now. Check if moving there is valid. If yes, move the piece you remember to the new position.

Qt mouseMoveEvent - tracking mouse position

I'm programming my first 2D game in Qt.
I have QWidged where I draw my game (isometric view). When mouse enters border of widget it moves map view (like in every strategy game...).
And here is my trouble... I'm tracking mouse position with mouseMoveEvent but it fires only when mouse moves (only when position changes). So map moves only when I move mouse at borders. If mouse stand still, map does not move (mouseMoveEvent is not triggered). And I have no idea how to solve this. It's annoying when you try to play it.
This is my first post here.. and I hope that I explained my problem clearly :)
Edit (little more clarify):
Imagine this: you want to move map. So you move mouse to the edge of screen (QWidget) but at the moment when you stop mouse, map stops moving too. But mouse is still at edge of screen. What I want to do is that map will still move after mouse stops at edge.
You can create QPropertyAnimation for coordinates and start/stop it when mouse moves to/from widget's border.
Or you can remember current state ("changing x by -1 every 100ms, changing y by 0") and call some slot that does the real moving with QTimer.

Allow user to draw a drag rectangle in CStatic C++ MFC App

I have a MFC application where I have a Picture Control in the dialog. Eventually, I want to allow a user to draw a resizeable rectangle via mouse drag in the picture control over an image that I loaded.
I defined my own picture control class as a sub class of CStatic and am working with the mouse down, mouse up, and mouse move events but I can't seem to figure out how to allow the user to draw a rectangle. Any guidance on this would be appreciated.
Most of the examples I've looked at show me how to draw a rectangle in a CView:CWnd, but I'm not too familiar with MFC yet so I'm a bit lost. Thanks.
The usual technique for drawing a drag rect on top of the window contents is illustrated here:
That is Win32 API coding instead of MFC coding but the differences are minimal. The basic idea is that by drawing with SetROP2(hdc, R2_NOTXORPEN); you invert the existing pixels, then drawing the same rect again re-inverts those pixels back to the original image.
When the user clicks the mouse button you need to record the mouse coordinates so you know where the rectangle starts. You should also set some type of flag to indicate that the user is dragging the mouse. When the user moves the mouse get the current mouse position and use DrawDragRect or similar function to draw the rectangle. When the user releases the mouse button clear the previously mentioned "flag" and you're done with that part of the process.
You will also need to handle other events such as the control and/or parent window losing focus so that you can cancel the drag/draw operation. Since you did not include any code in your question it's hard to say what else you will need to do but those are the basics.

Finding current mouse position in QT

This is my first attempt at writing a QT app, and I'm just trying to get a feel for how it works. My goal is to have a 400x400 widget which knows the exact position of the mouse when the mouse is hovering over it. For example, if the mouse was hovering in the top left corner, the position might be 10,10 (or something similar). If the mouse is in the bottom right corner, it might say 390,390.
Eventually, these coordinates will be displayed in a label on the main window, but that should be trivial. I'm stuck at the actual fetching of the coordinates. Any ideas?
For your widget, you must enable mouse tracking.
Then, you can either install an event filter, paying attention to mouse events and looking for the move event, or you can inherit from QWidget and override the mouse event, looking for mouse move events.
If you are ever in a situation when you don't need actual tracking, just position at the moment, you can use QCursor::pos().