I've been looking for a good, portable way to create a zip file in C++ and been coming up short. I've read in various places that its' possible to use the Boost IOstream library, but I can't find any source code or even documentation on it in the reference:
Does anybody have a good reference? I've done a whole lot of Googling and not come up with much.
I do not think boost::iostreams can open a zip file. See Unziping a zip file with boost and Visual C++ 2005.
boost::iostreams can be used to compress streams or single files using zlib, gzip or bzip2. You may find some examples here:
However, it can not read the directory information inside a zip file.
On the other hand, you need to compile boost using third party libraries: zlib and bzip2. See the installation information.
I wrote a simple zip file maker that allows use with iostreams.
It's included in the partio library
For example you can create a zip file with two files by doing
ZipFileWriter zip("foo.zip");
std::ostream* o = zip.Add_File("test.txt");
*o << "look a zip file" << std::endl;
delete o;
std::ostream* o2 = zip.Add_File("test2.txt");
*o2 << "look another file" << std::endl;
delete o2;
And then could read a file by doing
ZipFileReader zip("foo.zip");
std::istream* i = zip.Get_File("test.txt");
std::string foo;
*i >> foo;
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
delete i;
Maybe it's not a zip file, but rather a compressed file, if it otherwise can help with your intention.
Actually, I tested this:
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp>
TEST(MyTests, SaveZipFile)
using namespace std;
ofstream file("a.z", ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::output> out;
stringstream sstr{"nihao"};
boost::iostreams::copy(sstr, out);
TEST(MyTests, OpenZipFile)
using namespace std;
ifstream file("a.z", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::input> in;
stringstream sstr;
boost::iostreams::copy(in, sstr);
cout << sstr.str() << endl;
ASSERT_EQ(sstr.str(), string("nihao"));
This is a useful streamclass for seamless handling of zip-files!
But beware that there's a small bug in file ZIP.cpp, consider: Lines 191ff. read
char* buf=new char[std::max(comment_length,std::max(filename_length,extra_length))];
This neglects the fact that the buffer needs one more char space for the terminator (line 193), possibly corrupting the heap! Thus line 191 should read
char* buf=new char[std::max(comment_length,std::max(static_cast<unsigned short>(filename_length+1),extra_length))];
So, if you're going to use this class you should consider fixing this bug. It's no hassle.
I'm basically looking for a C++ version of fdopen(). I did a bit of research on this and it is one of those things that seems like it should be easy, but turns out to be very complicated. Am I missing something in this belief (i.e. it really is easy)? If not, is there a good library out there somewhere to handle this?
EDIT: Moved my example solution to a separate answer.
From the answer given by Éric Malenfant:
AFAIK, there is no way to do this in
standard C++. Depending on your
platform, your implementation of the
standard library may offer (as a
nonstandard extension) a fstream
constructor taking a file descriptor
as input. (This is the case for
libstdc++, IIRC) or a FILE*.
Based on above observations and my research below there's working code in two variants; one for libstdc++ and another one for Microsoft Visual C++.
There's non-standard __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf class template which inherits std::basic_streambuf and has the following constructor
stdio_filebuf (int __fd, std::ios_base::openmode __mode, size_t __size=static_cast< size_t >(BUFSIZ))
with description This constructor associates a file stream buffer with an open POSIX file descriptor.
We create it passing POSIX handle (line 1) and then we pass it to istream's constructor as basic_streambuf (line 2):
#include <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream ofs("test.txt");
ofs << "Writing to a basic_ofstream object..." << endl;
int posix_handle = fileno(::fopen("test.txt", "r"));
__gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char> filebuf(posix_handle, std::ios::in); // 1
istream is(&filebuf); // 2
string line;
getline(is, line);
cout << "line: " << line << std::endl;
return 0;
Microsoft Visual C++
There used to be non-standard version of ifstream's constructor taking POSIX file descriptor but it's missing both from current docs and from code. There is another non-standard version of ifstream's constructor taking FILE*
explicit basic_ifstream(_Filet *_File)
: _Mybase(&_Filebuffer),
{ // construct with specified C stream
and it's not documented (I couldn't even find any old documentation where it would be present). We call it (line 1) with the parameter being the result of calling _fdopen to get C stream FILE* from POSIX file handle.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream ofs("test.txt");
ofs << "Writing to a basic_ofstream object..." << endl;
int posix_handle = ::_fileno(::fopen("test.txt", "r"));
ifstream ifs(::_fdopen(posix_handle, "r")); // 1
string line;
getline(ifs, line);
cout << "line: " << line << endl;
return 0;
AFAIK, there is no way to do this in standard C++. Depending on your platform, your implementation of the standard library may offer (as a nonstandard extension) a fstream constructor taking a file descriptor (This is the case for libstdc++, IIRC) or a FILE* as an input.
Another alternative would be to use a boost::iostreams::file_descriptor device, which you could wrap in a boost::iostreams::stream if you want to have an std::stream interface to it.
There's a good chance your compiler offers a FILE-based fstream constructor, even though it's non-standard. For example:
FILE* f = fdopen(my_fd, "a");
std::fstream fstr(f);
fstr << "Greetings\n";
But as far as I know, there's no portable way to do this.
Part of the original (unstated) motivation of this question is to have the ability to pass data either between programs or between two parts of a test program using a safely created temporary file, but tmpnam() throws a warning in gcc, so I wanted to use mkstemp() instead. Here is a test program that I wrote based on the answer given by Éric Malenfant but using mkstemp() instead of fdopen(); this works on my Ubuntu system with Boost libraries installed:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
using boost::iostreams::stream;
using boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink;
using boost::filesystem::path;
using boost::filesystem::exists;
using boost::filesystem::status;
using boost::filesystem::remove;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
char tmpTemplate[13];
strncpy(tmpTemplate, "/tmp/XXXXXX", 13);
stream<file_descriptor_sink> tmp(mkstemp(tmpTemplate));
tmp << "Hello mkstemp!" << std::endl;
path tmpPath(tmpTemplate);
if (exists(status(tmpPath))) {
std::cout << "Output is in " << tmpPath.file_string() << std::endl;
std::string cmd("cat ");
cmd += tmpPath.file_string();
std::cout << "Removing " << tmpPath.file_string() << std::endl;
It actually is quite easy. Nicolai M. Josuttis has released fdstream in conjunction with his book The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference. You can find the 184 line implementation here.
I've tried the solution proposed above for libstdc++ by Piotr Dobrogost, and found that it had a painful flaw: Due to the lack of a proper move constructor for istream, it's very difficult to get the newly constructed istream object out of the creating function. Another issue with it is that it leaks a FILE object (even thought not the underlying posix file descriptor). Here's an alternative solution that avoids these issues:
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>
#include <type_traits>
bool OpenFileForSequentialInput(ifstream& ifs, const string& fname)
ifs.open(fname.c_str(), ios::in);
if (! ifs.is_open()) {
return false;
using FilebufType = __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<std::ifstream::char_type>;
static_assert( std::is_base_of<ifstream::__filebuf_type, FilebufType>::value &&
(sizeof(FilebufType) == sizeof(ifstream::__filebuf_type)),
"The filebuf type appears to have extra data members, the cast might be unsafe");
const int fd = static_cast<FilebufType*>(ifs.rdbuf())->fd();
assert(fd >= 0);
if (0 != posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL)) {
return false;
return true;
The call to posix_fadvise() demonstrates a potential use. Also note that the example uses static_assert and using which are C++ 11, other than that it should build just fine in C++ 03 mode.
Another non-portable solution is to use mmap (or its Windows' analogue) and then construct std::iostream from a pointer that mmap gave like so.
Yeah, it does not construct exactly an std::fstream, but this requirement rarely needs to be met because every piece of code should depend on stream interfaces (e.g. std::istream) rather than on their implementations.
I think this solution is more portable than use of STL implementation-specific hacks, because this way you only depend on an operating system, rather than on a specific implementation of STL for the same OS.
My understanding is that there is no association with FILE pointers or file descriptors in the C++ iostream object model in order to keep code portable.
That said, I saw several places refer to the mds-utils or boost to help bridge that gap.
I'm new to C++ and I've just read <C++ Primer> 4ed. Now I want to implement a little program to help me manage some mp3 files in my computer.
I have a .txt file which includes all the names(part of the names actually) of the files which I want to move(not copy) to a new folder(in the same column). For example, "word" and "file" in the .txt and I want to move all the .mp3 files whose filename contain "word" or "file" to a new folder. Hope my discription is clear, Opps..
I know how to read the strings in .txt into a set<string> and traverse it, but I have no idea how to search and move a file in a folder. I just want to know what else should I learn so that I can implement this function. I read C++ Primer and still I can't do much thing, that's really sad...
To move a file in C++, you do not have to use external libraries like Boost.Filesystem, but you can use standard functionality.
There is the new filesystem API, which has a rename function:
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
int main() {
try {
std::filesystem::rename("from.txt", "to.txt");
} catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;
The drawback is to compile it, you need a recent C++17 compiler. (I tested it on gcc 8.0.1, and I also needed to link against -lstdc++fs).
But what should work on any C++ compiler today, is the old C API, which also provides rename (cstdio):
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cerrno>
int main() {
if(std::rename("from.txt", "to.txt") < 0) {
std::cout << strerror(errno) << '\n';
return 0;
But note that in both cases, the rename will fail if the source and destination files are not on the same filesystem. Then you will see an error like this:
filesystem error: cannot rename: Invalid cross-device link [from.txt] [/tmp/to.txt]
In that case, you can only make a copy and then remove the original file:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <cstdio>
int main() {
std::ifstream in("from.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream out("to.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
out << in.rdbuf();
Or with the new API:
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
int main()
try {
std::filesystem::copy("from.txt", "to.txt");
} catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
return 0;
Use rename() function to move a file
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main()
char oldname[] = "C:\\Users\\file_old.txt";
char newname[] = "C:\\Users\\New Folder\\file_new.txt";
/* Deletes the file if exists */
if (rename(oldname, newname) != 0)
perror("Error moving file");
cout << "File moved successfully";
return 0;
The only way for this to work only using std would be to read the file completely using a std::ifstream and then write it to the new location with a std::ofstream. This will however not remove the old file from disk. So basically you create a copy of the file. Its also much slower than a real move.
The optimal solution is to use OS specific APIs like win32 which e.g provide a MoveFile() function. Poco provides an platform independent abstraction of such APIs. See: http://www.appinf.com/docs/poco/Poco.File.html
Another way to move a file in Windows is using the MoveFile function as it is shown in the following code.
std::wstring oldPath = L"C:\\Users\\user1\\Desktop\\example\\text.txt";
std::wstring newPath = L"C:\\Users\\user1\\Desktop\\example1\\text.txt";
bool result = MoveFile(newPath.c_str(), oldPath.c_str());
if (result)
printf("File was moved!");
printf("File wasn't moved!");
under Windows run system call with batch commands:
system("move *text*.mp3 new_folder/");
system("move *word*.mp3 new_folder/");
Under Unix same with shell syntax.
I have really strange problem. In Visual C++ express, I have very simple code, just:
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream file;
This same code works OK in my one project, but when I create now project and use this same lines of code, no file test.txt is created. Please, what is wrong?¨
EDIT: I expect to see test.txt in VS2008/project_name/debug - just like the first functional project does.
Canonical code to write to a file:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream file;
if ( ! file.is_open() ) {
cerr << "open error\n";
if ( ! ( file << "Hello" ) ) {
cerr << "write error\n";
Whenever you perform file I/O you must test every single operation, with the possible exception of closing a file, which it is not usually possible to recover from.
As for the file being created somewhere else - simply give it a weird name like mxyzptlk.txt and then search for it using Windows explorer.
Perhaps the executable is run in a different directory than it was before, making test.txt appear somewhere else. Try using an absolute path, such as "C:\\Users\\NoName\\Desktop\\test.txt" (The double backslashes are needed as escape characters in C strings).
fstream::open() takes two arguments: filename and mode. Since you are not providing the second, you may wish to check what the default argument in fstream is or provide ios_base::out yourself.
Furthermore, you may wish to check whether the file is open. It is possible that you do not have write permissions in the current working directory (where 'test.txt' will be written since you don't provide an absolute path). fstream provides the is_open() method as one way of checking this.
Lastly, think about indenting your code. While you only have a few lines there, code can soon become difficult to read without proper indentation. Sample code:
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream file;
file.open("test.txt", ios_base::out);
if (not file.is_open())
// Your error-handling code here
file << "Hello";
You can use Process Monitor and filter on file access and your process to determine whether the open/write is succeeding and where on disk it's happening.
Theres two ways to fix this. Either do:
file.open("test.txt", ios::out)
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream file;
file.open("test.txt", ios::out);
Or you can create an ofstream instead of fstream.
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream file;
I'm basically looking for a C++ version of fdopen(). I did a bit of research on this and it is one of those things that seems like it should be easy, but turns out to be very complicated. Am I missing something in this belief (i.e. it really is easy)? If not, is there a good library out there somewhere to handle this?
EDIT: Moved my example solution to a separate answer.
From the answer given by Éric Malenfant:
AFAIK, there is no way to do this in
standard C++. Depending on your
platform, your implementation of the
standard library may offer (as a
nonstandard extension) a fstream
constructor taking a file descriptor
as input. (This is the case for
libstdc++, IIRC) or a FILE*.
Based on above observations and my research below there's working code in two variants; one for libstdc++ and another one for Microsoft Visual C++.
There's non-standard __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf class template which inherits std::basic_streambuf and has the following constructor
stdio_filebuf (int __fd, std::ios_base::openmode __mode, size_t __size=static_cast< size_t >(BUFSIZ))
with description This constructor associates a file stream buffer with an open POSIX file descriptor.
We create it passing POSIX handle (line 1) and then we pass it to istream's constructor as basic_streambuf (line 2):
#include <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream ofs("test.txt");
ofs << "Writing to a basic_ofstream object..." << endl;
int posix_handle = fileno(::fopen("test.txt", "r"));
__gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char> filebuf(posix_handle, std::ios::in); // 1
istream is(&filebuf); // 2
string line;
getline(is, line);
cout << "line: " << line << std::endl;
return 0;
Microsoft Visual C++
There used to be non-standard version of ifstream's constructor taking POSIX file descriptor but it's missing both from current docs and from code. There is another non-standard version of ifstream's constructor taking FILE*
explicit basic_ifstream(_Filet *_File)
: _Mybase(&_Filebuffer),
{ // construct with specified C stream
and it's not documented (I couldn't even find any old documentation where it would be present). We call it (line 1) with the parameter being the result of calling _fdopen to get C stream FILE* from POSIX file handle.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream ofs("test.txt");
ofs << "Writing to a basic_ofstream object..." << endl;
int posix_handle = ::_fileno(::fopen("test.txt", "r"));
ifstream ifs(::_fdopen(posix_handle, "r")); // 1
string line;
getline(ifs, line);
cout << "line: " << line << endl;
return 0;
AFAIK, there is no way to do this in standard C++. Depending on your platform, your implementation of the standard library may offer (as a nonstandard extension) a fstream constructor taking a file descriptor (This is the case for libstdc++, IIRC) or a FILE* as an input.
Another alternative would be to use a boost::iostreams::file_descriptor device, which you could wrap in a boost::iostreams::stream if you want to have an std::stream interface to it.
There's a good chance your compiler offers a FILE-based fstream constructor, even though it's non-standard. For example:
FILE* f = fdopen(my_fd, "a");
std::fstream fstr(f);
fstr << "Greetings\n";
But as far as I know, there's no portable way to do this.
Part of the original (unstated) motivation of this question is to have the ability to pass data either between programs or between two parts of a test program using a safely created temporary file, but tmpnam() throws a warning in gcc, so I wanted to use mkstemp() instead. Here is a test program that I wrote based on the answer given by Éric Malenfant but using mkstemp() instead of fdopen(); this works on my Ubuntu system with Boost libraries installed:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
using boost::iostreams::stream;
using boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink;
using boost::filesystem::path;
using boost::filesystem::exists;
using boost::filesystem::status;
using boost::filesystem::remove;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
char tmpTemplate[13];
strncpy(tmpTemplate, "/tmp/XXXXXX", 13);
stream<file_descriptor_sink> tmp(mkstemp(tmpTemplate));
tmp << "Hello mkstemp!" << std::endl;
path tmpPath(tmpTemplate);
if (exists(status(tmpPath))) {
std::cout << "Output is in " << tmpPath.file_string() << std::endl;
std::string cmd("cat ");
cmd += tmpPath.file_string();
std::cout << "Removing " << tmpPath.file_string() << std::endl;
It actually is quite easy. Nicolai M. Josuttis has released fdstream in conjunction with his book The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference. You can find the 184 line implementation here.
I've tried the solution proposed above for libstdc++ by Piotr Dobrogost, and found that it had a painful flaw: Due to the lack of a proper move constructor for istream, it's very difficult to get the newly constructed istream object out of the creating function. Another issue with it is that it leaks a FILE object (even thought not the underlying posix file descriptor). Here's an alternative solution that avoids these issues:
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>
#include <type_traits>
bool OpenFileForSequentialInput(ifstream& ifs, const string& fname)
ifs.open(fname.c_str(), ios::in);
if (! ifs.is_open()) {
return false;
using FilebufType = __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<std::ifstream::char_type>;
static_assert( std::is_base_of<ifstream::__filebuf_type, FilebufType>::value &&
(sizeof(FilebufType) == sizeof(ifstream::__filebuf_type)),
"The filebuf type appears to have extra data members, the cast might be unsafe");
const int fd = static_cast<FilebufType*>(ifs.rdbuf())->fd();
assert(fd >= 0);
if (0 != posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL)) {
return false;
return true;
The call to posix_fadvise() demonstrates a potential use. Also note that the example uses static_assert and using which are C++ 11, other than that it should build just fine in C++ 03 mode.
Another non-portable solution is to use mmap (or its Windows' analogue) and then construct std::iostream from a pointer that mmap gave like so.
Yeah, it does not construct exactly an std::fstream, but this requirement rarely needs to be met because every piece of code should depend on stream interfaces (e.g. std::istream) rather than on their implementations.
I think this solution is more portable than use of STL implementation-specific hacks, because this way you only depend on an operating system, rather than on a specific implementation of STL for the same OS.
My understanding is that there is no association with FILE pointers or file descriptors in the C++ iostream object model in order to keep code portable.
That said, I saw several places refer to the mds-utils or boost to help bridge that gap.
I am writing a file splitting program, to assist with using large files with iPod notes. I want to use tmpfile() in cstdio but it returns a file* not an fstream object. I know it's not possible in standard C++ but does anyone know any libraries that work well with the standard that have the ability to convert a FILE* to an std::fstream object? Or, if not is tmpfile() functionality available in the standard, or another library?
My OS is Windows XP and I use either Dev-C++ or MS Visual Studio 2008 as my compiler.
If all you want is a temporary file, use tmpnam() instead. That returns char* name that can be used for a temporary file, so just open a fstream object with that name.
Something like:
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
char name[L_tmpnam];
//also could be:
//char *name;
//name = tmpnam(NULL);
std::fstream file(name);
You do have to delete the file yourself, though, using remove() or some other method.
You can use the benefits of c++ streams by pumping your data via the << syntax into a std::stringstream
and later write it the .str().c_str() you get from it via the the C-API to the FILE*.
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
stringstream ss;
ss << "log start" << endl;
// ... more logging
FILE* f_log = fopen("bar.log", "w");
string logStr = ss.str();
fwrite(logStr.c_str(), sizeof(char), logStr.size(), f_log);
return 0;
Even if you manage to convert a FILE* to an std::fstream, that won't work as advertised. The FILE object returned by tmpfile() has a special property that, when close()'d (or when the program terminates), the file is automatically removed from the filesystem. I don't know how to replicate the same behavior with std::fstream.
You could use tmpnam mktmp to obtain a temporary file name, open it with a stream and then delete it with remove.
char *name;
ifstream stream;
name = mktmp("filename");
//do stuff with stream here.
remove(name);//delete file.
Instead of using std::fstream, you could write a simple wrapper class around FILE*, which closes it on destruction. Should be quite easy. Define operators like << as necessary.
Be sure to disallow copying, to avoid multiple close() calls.
g++ has __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf and __gnu_cxx::stdio_sync_filebuf, in ext/stdio_filebuf.h and ext/stdio_sync_filebuf.h. It should be straight-forward to extract them from libstdc++ if your compiler is not g++.