How can django dispatch visits to views based on domain - django

For example, I have a django project, there are two pages.
Now I want that visitors can visits these pages with url
I tried to use nginx to rewrite the rule. Such as rewrite "" to "".
But when I use the function reverse or the templatetag url, the url will still be "/A/things" instead of ""
As we know, django dispatch visits to views based on urls. I wonder if there is a way to make django dispatch visits based on domain?

Look at django-hosts app. It provides very convenient work with subdomains.

You could have different Django projects in differente VirtualHosts, another option would be to use the Sites Framework


How to manage multiple websites with 1 django project

Let's say I have 1 Django project where I want host multiple websites on with different domains. I managed to set it up but progressing further is where I get confused.
We'll call them,
I can route to both sites through a custom middleware that checks the url where the request comes from and that is working fine.
Both stores have it's own apps like cart, category, product, account and so forth.
What would be the best practice to structure this?
Do I put everything from a store inside 1 app or is it better to have all these models and views in a separate app and keep checking the request so that the app knows which URL to serve?
IMHO the best way is to create an app for all the different functionalities and then use Django Sites framework to manage multiple sites.
You can read more on the Django documentation

How to append dyanmic url pattern at the beginning of fixed tail in django urls?

I want to give AJAX call to dyanmic urls in django to serve images. An individual profile can have it's own photos. Then team of individuals will display photos of all members and main page may highlight different random images from different teams. So, I can have following set of urls in django:
I'll be using AJAX request to send details like team id, user id etc. So, there'll be only one view that'll handle any request related to viewing images. How can I route all above url request to this single view with single url pattern.
To be specific, How can I construct dynamic urlpattern in django which will allow me to append '/images/' to any url at the run time? Means visitor should be routed to the same view whether he visits any of the above url?
If there is any flaw in my logic or approach, please correct me as I am not expert in django. I'm using django 1.9 version.

How do I deploy Django to a suburl using mod wsgi?

All of my URLs in Django are coded relative to the root URL: /login/, /logout etc. I want to deploy the app to the sub url :, and I want the URLs to be, How do I do this efficiently?
You must modify your hard coded links to use Django's reversal methods. For example, instead of
you should use
this will allow Django to dynamically determine the URLs with respect to the root URL.

Django URL conf and Backbone.js Router

I have a backbone.js single-page app that is all set up with the router (well, actually a Backbone.Marionette app with a Backbone.Marionette AppRouter, but nevertheless). However, the backend is based in Django, where I do not have the URL conf directing to views for all URLs that are already in the backbone.js routes.
Based on the existing URLs in the Django URL conf, Backbone.js will serve the backbone routes regardless of what is listed in the Django conf - it seems something, anything just needs to be there.
Do I need to have proper Django views in order to offer a fallback for older browsers/SEO?
What are the best practices to coordinate the Django URL conf and the Backbone.js Router?
I've found a post that addresses this issue quite well:
Briefly, my reasoning for including a fallback is for non-javascript browsers and SEO reasons. At the time of this post, non-javascript browsers account for ~1.4% (less than 2% from everything I've read) of users, making SEO The major consideration. Again, SEO may not be relevant for everyone reading this post, in which case, this can be skipped.
I found Thomas Davis' tutorial using phantom.js quite helpful.
However, another issue that I needed to account for was the history API, which has been neglected by all but the latest IE browsers. Given my client's users, about 15% of which are using IE <= 9, this was also a problem.
In the end, I also needed to use history.js. All in all, this was a lot of work to update an otherwise very simple website. However, I learned a lot from this ordeal.
In my opinion if your backbone app is truly a single page then you don't need any django views whatsoever. You can serve your index.html as a static file (in production, not even by django) and then let backbone's router take care of your url configuration, as you're doing already. You can use backbone's history and navigate to fake urls, add urls parameters etc, for resources in your app.

How to make Django url dispatcher use subdomain?

I have a vague idea on how to solve this, but really need a push :)
I have a Django app running with apache (mod_wsgi). Today urls look like this:
What I would like to do is this:
This means that the url dispatcher some how needs to pick up the value found in the subdomain and understand the context of this instead of only looking at the path. I see two approaches:
Use .htaccess and rewrites so that is a rewrite. Not sure if this does the trick since I don't fully understand what the django url dispatcher framework will see in that case?
Understanding how the url dispatcher DO work I could write a filter that looks at valid sub domains and provides this in a rewritten format to the url dispatcher code.
Any hints or solutions are very much appreciated! Thanks.
Have you looked at django.contrib.sites? I think a combination of that, setting SITE_ID in your, and having one WSGI file per "site" can take care of things.
EDIT: -v set.
django.contrib.sites is meant to let you run multiple sites from the same Django project and database. It adds a table (django.contrib.sites.models.Site) that has domain and name fields. From what I can tell, the name can mean whatever you want it to, but it's usually the English name for the site. The domain is what should show up in the host part of the URL.
SITE_ID is set in to the id of the site being served. In the initial file, it is set to 1 (with no comments). You can replace this with whatever code you need to set it to the right value.
The obvious thing to do would be to check an environment variable, and look up that in the name or domain field in the Site table, but I'm not sure that will work from within the file, since that file sets up the database connection parameters (circular dependency?). So you'll probably have to settle for something like:
SITE_ID = int(os.environ.get('SITE_ID', 1)
Then in your WSGI file, you do something like:
os.environ['SITE_ID'] = 2
and set that last number to the appropriate value. You'll need one WSGI file per site, or maybe there's a way to set SITE_ID from within the Apache setup. Which path to choose depends on the site setup in question.
The sites framework is most powerful where you use Site as the target of a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField so that you can link your model instances (i.e. records) to specific sites.
Mikes solution is correct if you want to have multiple sites with same apps with different content (sites module) on multiple domains or subdomains, but it has a drawback that you need to be running multiple instances of the Django process.
A better solution for the main problem about multiple domains or subdomains is to use a simple middleware that handles incoming requests with the process_request() function and changing the documented urlconf attribute (link) of the request object to the URLconf you want to use.
More details and an example of the per-request or per-domain URL dispatcher can be found at:
Try adding a wildcard subdomain: usually *.