Passing a Visual C++ delegate to a native C++ class - c++

I have a native class which requires a function pointer in the constructor. I have tried searching the forums, but couldnt quite find what I was looking for.
The native class looks like this:
class NativeClass{
NativeClass(std::string(*callback)(std::string args)){
//native code goes here
What is the best way of passing a delegate? Any help will be appreciated.

You need to use Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate() to achieve this.
Note that this will return a function pointer that uses the stdcall calling convention. You can specify a different calling convention by using the UnmanagedFunctionPointer attribute on your delegate declaration.


How to store get a correct Glib::RefPtr to a non-widget using Gtk::Builder

It is rather simple to get a Glib::RefPtr to any widget by using get_widget function of Gtk::Builder, but when it comes to getting other objects the corresponding get_object function returns Glib::Object, which is not easily convertable to the needed class (such as Gtk::TreeView).
What is the appropriate way of doing that?
It would be best to use Glib::RefPtr<TheDerivedype>::cast_dynamic(object) .
However, Gtk::TreeView (which you mention in your question) is a Gtk::Widget, so you would use get_widget() instead of get_object().
If you meant, Gtk::TreeModel, well, defining GtkTreeModels in Glade, for use in gtkmm C++ code, is something that might work since we added some fixes for that in gtkmm recently:
But it's not something that we generally expect to work - many C++ developers would prefer the static type safety of defining the DataModel structure completely in code, and not relying on a translation between C and C++ types. For instance:
Glib::RefPtr has a static template function which allows one to do what is needed. This function is logically called cast_static.
The sample code can be:
treeStore =
Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::TreeStore >::cast_static( builder->get_object("treestore1") );

Calling C++ class from NSIS

I just want to know if there is any way to call a c++ class into our nsis script ?
NSIS can call functions in DLLs but the calling convention is somewhat limited and there's no direct support for classes. You will not be able to easily call class function.
You might be able to "hack" it by making extern "C" wrapper functions for every class member function, along with function that create and destroy instances of the class as necessary. You'd have to somehow passes something that represents the newly created instances back to NSIS, which then would pass it into the wrapper functions along with any necessary parameters/arguments.
Sounds like more trouble than it's worth...
In my opinion the easiest way to call your function will be to export it to dll and then call them from nsis using System::Call function.

Getting the address of an Objective-C method

I am new to Objective-C and I need to overcome the following issue.
I am trying to develop a front-end for a C library and I need to somehow get the address of an Objective-C member function and pass it to the library.
For instance: here's what I would do in C++
class MyClass
void my function();
void some_other_function()
{ connect_signal(my_function); }
Here, I just pass the address of my_function() to connect_signal.
Is that possible in Objective-C? Any other ideas?
My second choice would be to simply write a C function out of the class that would call the Objective-C function.
Thanks in advance
There’s a methodForSelector: method that returns an IMP, a pointer to the implementation of a method for given selector (related question). Is that what you’re after?
And as a more general remark, using a pointer to a method implementation is usually too much magic. Is there a higher-level, more “ordinary” solution to your use case? (I can’t really imagine the details from what you wrote in the question.)
For the record, you can't connect a signal to a nonstatic C++ function. At least not in the *nix meaning of signals. Those need a this pointer for invokation.
Now, about Objective C. Depends on what do you want to do - pass a pointer to an Objective C method to a plain-C API, or implement a signal-like callback mechanism of your own. Other answers concentrate on the former; let's talk the latter.
The natural thing to do is passing around a combination of a selector and an object pointer. Selectors have datatype SEL and are retrieved using the #selector() construct. A selector is a piece of data (really an integer) that uniquely identifies a method within a class hierarchy.
Let's imagine you have a connect_signal function somewhere that wants a callback:
-(void)connect_signal:(SEL)callbackSelector forObject:(NSObject*)callbackObject;
You call it like this (from within the callback object):
[xx connect_signal:#selector(MyMethod:) forObject:self];
Within the function, you save the selector and the object pointer. When you need to invoke the callback, you would issue the following call:
[SavedCallbackObject performSelector:(SavedCallbackSelector) withObject: nil];
The second parameter is for passing parameters to the callback; if you need more than one, see NSInvoke.
My answer is assuming Cocoa. NSObject, e. g. is a Cocoa class. It's a safe bet for ObjC questions these days, considering.
Or you can use good old function pointers. They're still around.
An Objective-C method implementation (IMP) is a C function that takes at least two arguments; the target of the method call (self) and the selector to be invoked (_cmd).
Thus, passing an IMP to your C API won't work.
Your best bet is to pass a C function. Assuming your C API is sensible and has an "arbitrary user context pointer thingy", something like:
void myfunc(void *context) {
[(MyClass *)context callback];

dll having method returning a class

How could I create a method in dll written in c++ which returns a class, and how could I use that dll in java?
If i am export that class the name of that class get changed. Could any body help me? Thanks in advance.
You can't export a C++ class from a DLL and use it from a different compiler. What you can, and should, do is to export a COM object.
You can't. You could use JNI, but that's pretty horrible, and you'll have to write the code to convert from a C++ object to a corresponding Java object.
You could also look at JNA, which tries to make this a little easier.

Need to call original function from detoured function [duplicate]

I had no problems hijacking function with Detours for a long time... When I tried to hijack class methods (in my case IHTMLDocument2::write from mshtml.dll) I encountered endless problems (mainly type mismatching). As I didn't find any relevant example on the net I began doubting this can be done.
My question is: is it possible to hijack class methods with Detours? Can I have an example, please? If not, is it possible to hijack class methods in a simpler way with another hooking library?
Thanks in advance guys!
IHTMLDocument2::write is not just a class method; it's a COM method. That implies a whole lot more. For instance, there's also an equivalent C declaration. You can use that C signature when detouring the method; it's still the same function.