QtPlugins implementing multiple interfaces and casting to a common interface - c++

I have a set of interfaces that can be implemented by plug-ins in a Qt
application. Every plug-in must implement at least one common
interface, called Base_plugin, to provide some basics (description,
name, etc.). When calling a specific plug-in interface I often have to
get this basic to present it in the user interface. This leads to a
lot of code like:
Foo_plugin* p = getSuitableFooPlugin();
// cannot use qobject_cast, plug-in interfaces don't derive QObjects
Base_plugin* b = dynamic_cast<Foo_plugin*>(p);
This works at least on gcc, but I'm afraid that this is not going to
work on Windows. Alternatively I could use reinterpret_cast or store
pointers of the correct type to each plug-in when loading them (I have
a valid QObject* there). Neither of those solutions seems really
clean to me.
Is there a better way around this problem?

As I understand, you have smth like this (if you don't, think about refactor to make it like this)
struct IBase
virtual QString name() const = 0;
virtual void setName(const QString name&) = 0;
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(IBase, "best.app.ever.plugins.base");
struct IFoo
virtual void foo() = 0;
Q_DECALRE_INTERFACE(IFoo, "best.app.ever.plugins.foo" );
struct Plugin: QObject, IBase, IFoo
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(best_app_ever, Plugin);
now when you load plugin, you get an QObject and you shoud use qobject_cast to cast this QObject to your interface classes.
Specializations of qobject_cast that process casting to your interfaces get created automatically by Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE macroses.

Perhaps I'm not getting it right, but can't you just write:
Foo_plugin* p = getSuitableFooPlugin();
Since Foo_plugin inherits from Base_plugin, and if Base_plugin::name() is public, you can call it without casting.


Options for program

I am doing some algorithmic work using C++. My algorithms have some options which I need to be able to add to my program with as little effort as possible. I am currently using this code.
Everything works as expected: I added some code to my program so I can call the binary with arguments like -oopt1=val1,opt2=val2 and the options are set automatically.
The problem is that I am also writing a GUI at the same time. Now every kind of option has to be able to be set/requested using the GUI. However, I might need a spinbox for an integer value and a check box for a boolean option. I am using Qt as a toolkit, so I could just write a member
function that returns a QWidget* which is the appropriate base class.
However, I do not want any GUI-specific code in the header where I declare my options, since I would like to separate the GUI from the rest of the program. I could subclass any Option to create an appropriate QWidget*, but if I get a list of OptBase*, I wouldn't know what kind of widget I should create.
Is there some way that I can keep the GUI separated from the rest of the program while still being able to create appropriate widgets?
For me the solution is to create an abstract factory :
The factory should have an interface with two abstract methods to createBoolOption and CreateChoiceOption. Possibly more methods are needed
You can then make two concrete implementations of this interface where one is returning the same ones as you are doing now, but when you are running in QT you can use a different implementation that returns an optbase derived class that does know how to create a widget.
You can even use multiple inheritance (ie a second interface) so that you don't have to create a method in the first interface to specifically create a widget.
Of course then in running the QT application you have to explicitely cast to the second interface, when you want to create the widget.
The abstract factory itself should be passed to constructor of algobase. Ie dependency injection.
class ifactory{
virtual Option<bool>* createBoolOption()=0;
virtual ChoiceOption<Mode>* createChoiceOption()=0;
virtual Widget* createWidget()=0; //here or in another interface
class ConcreteNonGuiFactory : public ifactory{
virtual Option<bool>* createBoolOption();
virtual ChoiceOption<Mode>* createChoiceOption();
virtual Widget* createWidget()={;};
class ConcreteGuiFactory : public ifactory{
virtual Option<bool>* createBoolOption();
virtual ChoiceOption<Mode>* createChoiceOption();
virtual Widget* createWidget();
class Algo1 : public AlgoBase{
Algo1(ifactory& f):factory(f){
ChoiceOption<Mode>* opt = factory.createChoiceOption();
ifactory factory;
If the creation of the widget is in a different interface you can reduce your dependencies.
In this example at least the widget has to be forward declared.
You need a bunch of variables to be accessed by both setter (GUI, commang-line parser) and getter (algorithm function). QVariant should be fine. As you options have names, they also have implicitly types. Getter should retrieve the value by their name and explicitly make type conversion. Setter shouldn't care - QVariant will.
Create a singleton instance which has a map of option-names. Implement slots triggered by GUI value-change signals, set values in map.
class VarTable
static VarTable & instance(){ static VarTable inst; return inst; }
QMap<QString, QVariant> _map;
void setVar( QString n, QVariant v ){ _map[n] = v };
QVariant getVar( QString n ) const { return _map[n]; }
//Call in Slot triggered by a value-change signal (e.g. QEditLine::returnPressed)
VarTable::instance().setVal( "option1", val1 );
//Regrieve in non-gui code
QString option1 = VarTable::instance().getVal( "option1" ).toString();
P.S.: I've not compiled the code, mey have some typos.

DLL-based application framework with bi-directional interfaces (Windows)

this wasn't the problem, since it's being implicitly cast to IFramework anyway.
I was concerned it may have to do with my methods not returning HRESULT, or with my stubby implementations of IUnknown::QueryInterface, but the real problem was merely a compiler setting that had overridden several macros I needed for common calling conventions (perhaps I should have included them in the question). This had corrupted the stack.
It's interesting though, that it worked will all compilers I tested, even without implementing IUnknown at all - a little research suggests that all serious Windows compilers handle abstract C++ interfaces the same way - namely as a virtual table specifically to be used as a COM interface.
Hi. I'm trying to create an extensible application framework. My basic concept is this:
The "Framework" box will build an .exe whereas the multiple "Plugin" boxes will build .dll files.
However, my implementation is apparently flawed. I have an idea what's the problem, but I'm running out of workarounds. I've done it exactly like this with .NET projects, but the problem I have now didn't apply to the C# environment.
Consider these interfaces:
class IFramework
virtual void FrameworkMethod() = 0;
class IPlugin
virtual void PluginMethod() = 0;
virtual void PluginCallbackTest() = 0;
virtual void SetFramework(IFramework *framework) = 0;
Implementation of the framework:
class CFramework : IFramework
void FrameworkMethod(); // printf("FrameworkMethod");
void DoSomething(); // this is the testbench basically, see below
And the implementation of the plugin:
class CPlugin : public IPlugin
IFramework *Framework;
void PluginMethod(); // printf("PluginMethod");
void PluginCallbackTest(); // Framework->FrameworkMethod();
void SetFramework(IFramework *framework); // Framework = framework;
// plugin factory -> COM interface
extern "C" PLUGIN_API IPlugin *GetPlugin(); // return new CPlugin;
Now to demonstrate that this concept doesn't work:
void CFramework::DoSomething()
HMODULE PluginHandle = LoadLibrary(...); // explicit linking
auto GetPlugin = ((IPlugin *)(*)())GetProcAddress(...);
IPlugin *plugin = GetPlugin();
// up until here everything's perfectly COM-compliant and works super
plugin->SetFramework(this); // <-- that is the problem
plugin->PluginCallbackTest(); // <-- runtime crash if compiler differs
The problem is that the SetFramework(this) doesn't work like COM. It's not that it just feels wrong to write it like this - I can't implement a working plugin with a compiler that differs from the one I used to build CFramework (runtime crashes).
If you want to allow different compilers for the plug-ins from what you use for the app then you need to use COM exclusively across the boundary between app and plug-ins. That is precisely the problem that COM was designed to solve.

SWIG C++ bindings with callback

I am writing some SWIG/Python bindings for some C++ code. This is for what is called the Kinect Accidental API, I have the motor and led functions working. The callbacks to the Listener class which parse and populate the RGB and Depth buffers do not seem to get called from SWIG. The data capture threads evidently start up and start hogging the CPU, but no debug lines from the callback come through. What would be better way to populate data buffers and easily access them from python ?
class KinectListener
virtual ~KinectListener(){};
virtual void KinectDisconnected(Kinect *K) {};
virtual void DepthReceived(Kinect *K) {};
virtual void ColorReceived(Kinect *K) {};
virtual void AudioReceived(Kinect *K) {};
Here is the listener class with the virtual methods, can the Python wrapped version of this class be used to inherit listeners for the c++ class ? I added a minimal listener in C++ and now the remaining work is to access the arrays efficiently with typemaps. Currently I am using this naive typemap
%typemap(out) unsigned short [ANY] {
int i;
$result = PyList_New($1_dim0);
for (i = 0; i < $1_dim0; i++) {
PyObject *o = PyInt_FromLong((long)$1[i]);
Better options ?
There is a way using the directors feature.
Enable it for your KinectListener proxy, one line of code :
%feature("director") KinectListener
Then you can inherit from KinectListener class in python code and define your functions.
By coincidence, I happen to be looking into callbacks with SWIG at the moment.
The SWIG 2.0 documentation says this:
SWIG provides full support for function pointers provided that the callback functions are defined in C and not in the target language. ... However, existing C functions can be used as arguments provided you install them as constants. One way to do this is to use the %constant directive like this ...
I'm planning to write a C callback with hand-written JNI to call into Java. If there's another way, I would also love to hear it.

C++ How can achieve this Interface configuration?

I certainly don't know how to title this question, sorry.
I'm having some problems to design the following system.
I need a class which will make some work, but this work can be done in a bunch of different ways, say that this work will be made through "drivers".
These drivers can have different interfaces and because of that I need to build a wrapper for each driver.
So I got (or I need) this:
Me ---> MainClass ----> Wrapper ----> Drivers
MainClass is the class I will touch and will call the drivers methods through different wrappers.
Here an example of usage:
MainClass worker;
worker.start_process(); //Start process calls a wrapper method which calls a driver's method.
To achieve this I made an interface class:
class Driver_Interface : public QObject
Driver_Interface(QObject* parent=0) : QObject(parent){}
virtual bool open()=0;
virtual bool close()=0;
virtual bool write()=0;
virtual bool set_config()=0;
A driver wrapper has this shape:
class Driver0 : public Driver_Interface
Driver0( QObject* parent=0);
bool open();
bool close();
bool write();
bool set_config();
Finally here comes the conflicting point, defining the MainClass:
I would like to avoid to create one member for each wrapper, so I tried this, and right now compiler doesn't complains:
class MainClass
void init();
void set_driver( const QString& );
void start_process();
QString driver_str;
Driver_Interface* driver; //!<--- Here Here!!!
When setting the driver chosen, I do this:
if( driver_str.compare("driver_0")==0 )
this->driver = new Driver_0();
Is this a valid C++ configuration or will I have problems sooner or later?
Basically, what worries me is the creation of the driver of a different type from Driver_Interface, I'm seeing that it casts automatically and no one complains...
Actually I have some problems now compiling, the infamous vtables not defined in Driver_0... does this have some relation with what I want to achieve? UPDATED: I fixed this by deleting the *Driver_Interface* constructor.
To me your basic idea seems to be fine. I would consider separating the creation of drivers into a factory (or at least a factory method) though.
This seems reasonable to me. Having a FactoryMethod or class (AbstractFactory) that creates an object of the required concrete subclass based on some config value is a common pattern.
You could consider having the MainClass implement something like
DriverInterface* createDriver(const string& driverType)
instead of encapsulating the resulting concrete DriverInterface subclass in MainClass. But if you only ever want one concrete DriverInterface instance, the above looks fine.
I would pass "driver_0" to the constructor, and call MainClass::set_driver from there. You can then make MainClass::set_driver private unless you need to change drivers.

supplying dependency through base class

I have a list of Parts and some of them need a pointer to an Engine, lets call them EngineParts. What I want is to find these EngineParts using RTTI and then give them the Engine.
The problem is how to design the EnginePart. I have two options here, described below, and I don't know which one to choose.
Option 1 is faster because it does not have a virtual function.
Option 2 is easier if I want to Clone() the object because without data it does not need a Clone() function.
Any thoughts? Maybe there is a third option?
Option 1:
class Part;
class EnginePart : public Part {
protected: Engine *engine
public: void SetEngine(Engine *e) {engine = e}
class Clutch : public EnginePart {
// code that uses this->engine
Option 2:
class Part;
class EnginePart : public Part {
public: virtual void SetEngine(Engine *e)=0;
class Clutch : public EnginePart {
private: Engine *engine;
public: void SetEngine(Engine *e) { engine = e; }
// code that uses this->engine
(Note that the actual situation is a bit more involved, I can't use a simple solution like creating a separate list for EngineParts)
Virtual functions in modern compilers (from about the last 10 years) are very fast, especially for desktop machine targets, and that speed should not affect your design.
You still need a clone method regardless, if you want to copy from a pointer-/reference-to-base, as you must allow for (unknown at this time) derived classes to copy themselves, including implementation details like vtable pointers. (Though if you stick to one compiler/implementation, you can take shortcuts based on it, and just re-evaluate those every time you want to use another compiler or want to upgrade your compiler.)
That gets rid of all the criteria you've listed, so you're back to not knowing how to choose. But that's easy: choose the one that's simplest for you to do. (Which that is, I can't say based of this made-up example, but I suspect it's the first.)
Too bad that the reply stating that 'a part cannot hold the engine' is deleted because that was actually the solution.
Since not the complete Engine is needed, I found a third way:
class Part;
class EngineSettings {
Engine *engine
friend class Engine;
void SetEngine(Engine *e) {engine = e}
Value* GetSomeValue(params) { return engine->GetSomeValue(params); }
class Clutch : public Part, public EngineSettings {
// code that uses GetSomeValue(params) instead of engine->GetSomeValue(params)
Because GetSomeValue() needs a few params which Engine cannot know, there is no way it could "inject" this value like the engine pointer was injected in option 1 and 2. (Well.. unless I also provide a virtual GetParams()).
This hides the engine from the Clutch and gives me pretty much only one way to code it.