Dalvik's effect on native c++ code performance? - c++

I plan on using Necessitas to port Qt code to the Android platform. On a first sight I noticed despite being native code, everything still passes through the Dalvik VM.
My question is does this introduce overhead? Java is less efficient than native c++ to begin with and Dalvik is rather immature compared to vanilla Java, which is the cause of my concerns.

In the Android documentation you can find the following tip:
Native code isn't necessarily more efficient than Java. For one thing,
there's a cost associated with the Java-native transition, and the JIT
can't optimize across these boundaries. If you're allocating native
resources (memory on the native heap, file descriptors, or whatever),
it can be significantly more difficult to arrange timely collection of
these resources. You also need to compile your code for each
architecture you wish to run on (rather than rely on it having a JIT).
You may even have to compile multiple versions for what you consider
the same architecture: native code compiled for the ARM processor in
the G1 can't take full advantage of the ARM in the Nexus One, and code
compiled for the ARM in the Nexus One won't run on the ARM in the G1.
Of coarse, Dalvik code is slower than pure C/C++ optimized for the platform. But communication between native code and Java code happens through JNI which is the main source of the overhead.
So the answer for your question is yes, JNI introduces additional overhead. But if you want to port existing C/C++ code, ndk is the best choice in your case.


Can an x86 executable run on any x86 platform given the right runtime libraries?

While I did find similar-ish questions, they did not really answer this specific question.
Can a compiled x86 executable run on any x86 platform given the right runtime libraries?
Say I make a C++17 program without dependencies, could I run this program on Windows 95 or is there some sort of support required by the OS?
I also heard that RTTI (in the case of C++) may not be supported everywhere, is this only due to the processor having to support this feature or does the OS play a role in that? This would imply that new features would maybe not be supported by, e.g., Windows 95.
What I'm after is whether an executable (e.g., x86) can run on any platform supporting that instruction set or wether certain features, like RTTI, need specific OS support and thus are not available on all platforms supporting that instruction set.
In general you cannot, even if you restricted your universe to x86 hardware - at least not without some conversion of the binary or some platform-specific "loader" for each target platform.
For exmaple a typical binary emitted by a C or C++ compiler1 will have some minimal dependency on the OS and runtime, for example to load and do runtime linking on the executable. Different platforms have different binary formats (such as PE/COFF on Windows or ELF across various UNIX flavors and Linux) and there isn't any common "x86 format" that would work directly on any platform.
Furthermore, any non-trivial program and in many cases any program, trivial or not, is going to have platform-specific dependencies on the the langauge runtime. For example, even an empty main() function often requires runtime support to get from the OS-defined "start" method to the main method, and without unusual build options there are often calls at startup to initialize parts of the standard library.
Finally, as you alluded to with your comment about RTTI, various language or platform features may essentially be compiled into the binary and require OS support. RTTI probably doesn't obviously fall into this category, but things like position-independent code, thread-local storage and stack-unwinding support for exception handling often do. The compiled x86 code that uses such features may be quite different on different platforms since it needs to build in assumptions of how those work.
In principle, however, you could imagine this working, at least for some limited subset of programs. For example, while the various executable formats are in practice incompatible, they aren't that different and tools exist to convert between them. So you could certainly implement a minimal runtime on your platform of interest that takes an x86 executable compiled to whatever fixed format you choose and converts at runtime to the local format and runs it.
Beyond that actually trying to map even standard library calls would be quite difficult since different operating systems using different calling conventions, but it could be possible for "C" functions using some thunks to put things in the right place. C++ is pretty much right out because the ABI there is much more complex, compiler-and-platform specific and much of the implementation detail is already compiled-in for stuff implemented in headers.
In fact, the idea that (a subset of) x86 might provide a interesting intermediate language for cross-platform execution is exactly the idea behind exploited in Google's [NaCl project]. Essentially, the NaCl runtime provides platform agnostic "loading" capabilities which allow x86 code to run more-or-less natively on various platforms. Subsequently other native formats such as ARM were added, but it started as an x86 sandbox. A large part of the project deals with running code that provably safe (i.e., sandboxed) - but it shows that with some infrastructure you can write "portable" x86. A standard C or C++ compiler isn't going to emit NaCl compatible code directly, however.
1 Really, any compiler that compiles to a native format. I just call out C and C++ since they seem like the ones you are interested in and are widely familiar.
This question misses the point. C++ is, first and foremost, a language to describe the behaviour of a computer program.
Using a compiler to create a native binary executable file to produce that behaviour on an actual computer is the typical way of using the language.
Once you have the binary file, all traces of the source code used to produce it are gone (unless you have built a special version for debugging purposes). The compatibility of the binary file with specific hardware or operating systems is beyond the scope of C++ itself.
The same is true for C, or any other programming language which typically gets compiled to native binary code.
Or, to answer the question more briefly:
Can compiled C++/C code (i.e. an executable) run anywhere given the right runtime libraries?
Can a compiled x86 executable run anywhere given the right runtime libraries?
No, it will only work on x86 hardware, or other hardware (or software, such as a virtual machine) that emulates the x86 instruction set (such as a x64 CPU). In practice, that's very likely to be a far cry from "anywhere."
And even if the hardware matches, an x86 executable will have operating system dependencies. A Windows binary won't run on Linux, even if the hardware is the same. There are various strategies that can make things like this "work" in some situations, Microsoft's Linux Subsystem for Windows is one recent example which allows Linux binaries to run unchanged on Windows. Again, a fry cry from "anywhere."

Are C++ applications cross-platform?

One of the first things I learned as a student was that C++ applications don't run on different operating systems. Recently, I read that Qt based C++ applications run everywhere. So, what is going on? Are C++ applications cross-platform or not?
Source code compatible. If I compile the source code, will it run everywhere?
API/ABI compatibility. Does the OS provide the interface to its components in a way that the code will understand?
Binary compatibility. Is the code capable of running on the target host?
Source code compatible
C++ is a standard which defines how structures, memory, files can be read and written.
#include <iostream>
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
Code written to process data (e.g. grep, awk, sed) is generally cross-platform.
When you want to interact with the user, modern operating systems have a GUI, these are not cross-platform, and cause code to be written for a specific platform.
Libraries such as qt or wxWidgets have implementations for multiple platforms and allow you to program for qt instead of Windows or iOS, with the result being compatible with both.
The problem with these anonymizing libraries, is they take some of the specific benefits of platform X away in the interest of uniformity across platforms.
Examples of this would be on Windows using the WaitForMultipleObjects function, which allows you to wait for different types of events to occur, or the fork function on UNIX, which allows two copies of your process to be running with significant shared state. In the UI, the forms look and behave slightly different (e.g. color-picker, maximize, minimize, the ability to track mouse outside of your window, the behaviour of gestures).
When the work you need to be done is important to you, then you may end up wanting to write platform specific code to leverage the advantages of the specific application.
The C library sqlite is broadly cross-platform code, but its low-level IO is platform specific, so it can make guarantees for database integrity (that the data is really written to disk).
So libraries such as Qt do work, they may produce results which are unsatisfactory, and you end up having to write native code.
API/ABI compatibility
Different releases of UNIX and Windows have some form of compatibility with each other. These allow a binary built for one version of the OS to run on other versions of the OS.
In UNIX the choice of your build machine defines the compatibility. The lowest OS revision you wish to support should be your build machine, and it will produce binaries compatible with subsequent minor versions until they make a breaking change (deprecate a library).
On Windows and Mac OS X, you choose an SDK which allows you to target a set of OS's with the same issues with breaking changes.
On Linux, each kernel revision is ABI incompatible with any other, and kernel modules need to be re-compiled for each kernel revision.
Binary compatibility
This is the ability of the CPU to understand the code. This is more complex than you might think, as the x64 chips, can be capable (depending on OS support) of running x86 code.
Typically a C++ program is packaged inside a container (PE executable, ELF format) which is used by the operating system to unpack the sections of code and data and to load libraries. This makes the final program have both binary (type of code) and API (format of the container) forms of incompatibilities.
Also today if you compile a x86 Windows Application (targeting Windows 7 on Visual Studio 2015), then the code may fail to execute if the processor does not have SSE2 instructions (about 10 years old CPU).
Finally when Apple changed from PowerPC to x86, they provided an emulation layer which allowed the old PowerPC code to run in an emulator on the x86 platform.
So in general binary incompatibility is a murky area. It would be possible to produce an OS which identified invalid instructions (e.g. SSE2) and in the fault, emulated the behaviour, this could be updated as new features come out, and keeps your code running, even though it is binary incompatible.
Even if your platform is incapable of running a form of instruction set, it could be emulated and behave compatibly.
Standard C++ is cross platform in the "write once, compile anywhere" sense, but not in the "compile once, run anywhere" sense.
That means that if you write a program in standard C++, you can compile and then run it on any target environment that has a standard conforming implementation of C++.
You can however not compile your program on your machine, ship the binary and then expect it to work on other targets. (At least not in general. One can of course distribute binaries from C++ code under certain conditions, but those depend on the actual target. This is a broad field.)
Of course, if you use extra, non-standard features like gcc's variable length arrays or third party libraries, you can only compile on systems that provide those extensions and libraries.
Some libraries like Qt and Boost are available on many systems (those two on Linux, Mac and Windows at least I believe), so your code will stay cross platform if you use those.
You can achieve that your source compiles on various platforms, giving you various binaries from the same source base.
This is not "compile once, run anywhere with an appropriate VM" as Java or C# do it, but "write once, compile anywhere with an appropriate environment" the way C has done it all the time.
Since the standard library does not provide everything you might need, you have to look for third-party libraries to provide that functionality. Certain frameworks -- like Boost, Qt, GTK+, wxWidgets etc. -- can provide that. Since these frameworks are written in a way that they compile on different platforms, you can achieve cross-platform functionality in the aforementioned sense.
There are various things to be aware of if you want your C++ code to be cross-platform.
The obvious thing is source that makes assumption on data types. Your long might be 32bit here and 64bit there. Data type alignment and struct padding might differ. There are ways to "play it safe" here, like size_t / size_type / uint16_t typedefs etc., and ways to get it wrong, like wchar_t and std::wstring. It takes discipline and some experience to "get it right".
Not all compilers are created equal. You cannot use all the latest C++ language features, or use libraries that rely on those features, if you require your source to compile on other C++ compilers. Check the compatibility chart first.
Another thing is endianess. Just one example, when you're writing a stream of integers to file on one platform (say, x86 or x86_64), and then read it back again on a different platform (say, POWER), you can run into problems. Why would you write integers to file? Well, UTF-16 is integers... again, discipline and some experience go a long way toward making this rather painless.
Once you've checked all those boxes, you need to make sure of the availability of the libraries you base your code on. While std:: is safe (but see "not all compilers are created equal" above), something as innocent as boost:: can become a problem if you're looking beyond the mainstream. (I helped the Boost guys to fix one or two showstoppers regarding AIX / Visual Age in past years simply because they didn't have access to that platform for testing new releases...)
Oh, and watch out for the various licensing schemes out there. Some frameworks that improve your cross-platform capabilities -- like Qt or Cygwin -- have their strings attached. That is not to say they are not a big help in the right circumstances, just that you need to be aware of copyleft / proprietary licensing requirements.
All that being said, there is Wine ("Wine is not emulation"), which makes executables compiled for Windows run on a variety of Unix-alike systems (Linux, OS X, *BSD, Solaris). There are certain limits to its capabilities, but it's getting better all the time.
Yes. No. Maybe. What is cross-platform C++ code? Cross-platform C++ code is such a code that can be compiled under different operation systems without the need to be modified.
That means, if you explicitly use any platform-dependant headers, your code is no longer cross-platform. Qt solves this problem in the following way: they provide wrappers for everything that is platform-specific. For example, imagine that you are using QFile to open/read/write a file. Your code looks like
QFile file(filename);
//other stuff
You can compile this code under any OS as long as you have a suitable compiler and Qt libraries for that OS. The code hidden under QFile will use the OS-appropriate file-handling functions, but that shouldn't concern you.
Also, if you only use the standard library, your code can be compiled anywhere where a C++ compiler is present.
The already-compiled applications, however, are not cross-platform in a way that, say, Java applications are - for instance, you can't compile an app for Windows and then run in in Linux, you will have to recompile your code under Linux instead.
C++ is cross-platform. You can use it to build applications that will run on many different operating systems.
What is not cross-platform is the compilers that translate C++ into object code. No single compiler, to my knowledge, has all the necessary features so that when you use it to compile a C++ program, it will automatically run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
Qt Creator is integrated with multiple compilers and has build automation. It makes it easy to switch between different setups and target platforms. It provides support for building, running and deploying C++ applications not only for desktop environments but also for mobile devices.
C++ is a programming language. Text. As such, it doesn't run anywhere.
Conforming Standard C++ code is expected to behave equally on any platform; "cross-platform" if you want. Writing (strictly) conforming C++ code requires pedantry because some assumptions often made have dependencies on details that are final to the actual implementation and this is inherited from the targets C++ itself aims to.
Notice we're still talking about C++ code, not C++ programs. Indeed, when we pass to term "program", we've no more guarantees because we aren't talking about C++ anymore; rather, the output of the compiler. This is where portability begins to fade away: executable format, ISA, ABI, low-level routines and so on.
Can you rely on that? If you can't, then you need to integrate your C++ program in the environment it will run on, by recompiling it or using platform-specific elements.

Clojure performance on JVM versus CLR

Are there are performance comparisons of Clojure on JVM versus CLR? Or maybe someone who has used both with performance-sensitive code can give some anecdotal comments?
The performance of Clojure JVM is better than that of Clojure CLR. I don't have explicit benchmarks to point to, but I have a lot of experience doing compilation and running tests in both environments and the difference is obvious.
There are several factors involved in the difference. Some are being worked on. Some are related to JVM vs CLR perf differences and hence beyond the means of the ClojureCLR developers to address.
(1) Compilation of Clojure code to the platform Intermediate Language.
At the most basic level, the IL generated is almost identical. However, design choices forced by some limitations of the Dynamic Language Runtime result in each function definition creating an extra class and function invocations to have an extra method call. Version 1.4 of ClojureCLR (coming soon) eliminates the use of the DLR for most code generation. (The DLR will still be used for CLR interop and polymorphic inline caching.) At this point, generated code will be substantially the same as the JVM version. Startup time has been reduced by 10% and simple benchmarks show 4-16% improvements over version 1.3. More details here.
(2) Startup time
Clojure JVM starts significantly faster than Clojure CLR. Most of this is traceable to the JVM being able to selectively load class files (versus the CLR loading entire assemblies) and differences in when JIT compilation occurs. However, if ClojureCLR is NGEN'd, startup times are really fast. More details here.
(3) JVM versus CLR performance
Some attention has been paid to making ClojureJVM work well with HotSpot compiler optimizations. I don't have explicit proof, but I'm guessing that HotSpot just does a better job on things like inlining in compiled Clojure code versus the CLR JITter. It is fair to say that no attention has been paid to how to make ClojureCLR take better advantage of the CLR JITter.
The release of ClojureCLR 1.4 will provide a good opportunity for some benchmarking.
I've not really used the CLR version so can't fully answer your question.
However it is worth noting that most of the optimisation / development effort so far has gone into the mainline JVM version of Clojure. As a result you can expect the JVM version of Clojure to perform considerably better at present in most situations.
Clojure on the JVM is already one of the fastest dynamically typed languages around - from the benchmarks game page Common Lisp is the only dynamically typed language which is (marginally) faster.
Over time I'd expect the Clojure JVM/CLR gap to narrow as both versions tend towards the performance of their host platforms. But right now, if performance is your key concern, I'd definitely recommend the JVM version (as well as performance, the JVM version is also likely to be better for overall maturity, library availability and cross platform support).

dynamic code compilation

I'm working on a program that renders iterated fractal systems. I wanted to add the functionality where someone could define their own iteration process, and compile that code so that it would run efficiently.
I currently don't know how to do this and would like tips on what to read to learn how to do this.
The main program is written in C++ and I'm familiar with C++. In fact given most of the scenarios I know how to convert it to assembly code that would accomplish the goal, but I don't know how to take the extra step to convert it to machine code. If possible I'd like to dynamically compile the code like how I believe many game system emulators work.
If it is unclear what I'm asking, tell me so I can clarify.
Does the routine to be compiled dynamically need to be in any particular language. If the answer to that question is "Yes, it must be C++" you're probably out of luck. C++ is about the worst possible choice for online recompilation.
Is the dynamic portion of your application (the fractal iterator routine) a major CPU bottleneck? If you can afford using a language that isn't compiled, you can probably save yourself an awful lot of trouble. Lua and JavaScript are both heavily optimized interpreted languages that only run a few times slower than native, compiled code.
If you really need the dynamic functionality to be compiled to machine code, your best bet is probably going to be using clang/llvm. clang is the C/Objective-C front end being developed by Apple (and a few others) to make online, dynamic recompilation perform well. llvm is the backend clang uses to translate from a portable bytecode to native machine code. Be advised that clang does not currently support much of C++, since that's such a difficult language to get right.
Some CPU emulators treat the machine code as if it was byte code and they do a JIT compile, almost as if it was Java. This is very efficient, but it means that the developers need to write a version of the compiler for each CPU their emulator runs on and for each CPU emulated.
That usually means it only works on x86 and is annoying to anyone who would like to use something different.
They could also translate it to LLVM or Java byte code or .Net CIL and then compile it, which would also work.
In your case I am not sure that sort of thing is the best way to go. I think that I would do this by using dynamic libraries. Make a directory that is supposed to contain "plugins" and let the user compile their own. Make your program scan the directory and load each DLL or .so it finds.
Doing it this way means you spend less time writing code compilers and more time actually getting stuff done.
If you can write your dynamic extensions in C (not C++), you might find the Tiny C Compiler to be of use. It's available under the LGPL, it's compatible for Windows and Linux, and it's a small executable (or library) at ~100kb for the preprocessor, compiler, linker and assembler, all of which it does very fast. The downside to that, of course, is that it can't compare to the optimizations you can get with GCC. Another potential downside is that it's X86 only AFAIK.
If you did decide to write assembly, TCC can handle that -- the documentation says it supports a gas-like syntax, and it does support X86 opcodes.
TCC also fully supports ANSI C, and it's nearly fully compliant with C99.
That being said, you could either include TCC as an executable with your application or use libtcc (there's not too much documentation of libtcc online, but it's available in the source package). Either way, you can use tcc to generate dynamic or shared libraries, or executables. If you went the dynamic library route, you would just put in a Render (or whatever) function in it, and dlopen or LoadLibrary on it, and call Render to finally run the user-designed rendering. Alternatively, you could make a standalone executable and popen it, and do all your communication through the standalone's stdin and stdout.
Since you're generating pixels to be displayed on a screen, have you considered using HLSL with dynamic shader compile? That will give you access to SIMD hardware designed for exactly this sort of thing, as well as the dynamic compiler built right into DirectX.
LLVM should be able to do what you want to do. It allows you to form a description of the program you'd like to compile in an object-oriented manner, and then it can compile that program description into native machine code at runtime.
Nanojit is a pretty good example of what you want. It generates machine code from an intermediate langauge. It's C++, and it's small and cross-platform. I haven't used it very extensively, but I enjoyed toying around just for demos.
Spit the code to a file and compile it as a dynamically loaded library, then load it and call it.
Is there are reason why you can't use a GPU-based solutions? This seems to be screaming for one.

Issues in porting c/c++ code to VxWorks

I need to port a c/c++ codebase that already supports Linux/Mac, to VxWorks. I am pretty new to VxWorks. Could you let me know what are the possible issues that could arise?
We recently did the opposite conversion - we ported code from a PowerPC machine running VxWorks to an Intel system running Linux. I don't remember hitting many snags as far as the differences between the operating systems. Obviously any call to an OS specific API will have to change and we were not making extensive use of these functions.
Our biggest problem was not the difference between the operating systems, but rather the difference between PowerPC and Intel hardware. PowerPC is Big Endian and Intel is Little Endian. Our software is written in C and made many assumptions as to the order of bytes and this was an absolute nightmare to get it working smoothly again. There were literally hundreds of structures that defined bitfields and needed to be re-ordered to work correctly. We ended up implementing a #pragma in GCC that reversed these bitfields at their definition (#pragma reverse_bitfields).
Much depends on which version of VxWorks you're targeting, and the actual target processor itself. One thing you will have to deal with is that there is no paged memory system or virtual memory--you have what's there. The environment itself is far more constrained than a linux system. Sometimes the work involved in porting applications goes all the way back to the architecture level because resources are not as unlimited as they are in linux.
Some other tips:
license vxworks such that you have the source code available
use a real, physical target as soon as possible in the development cycle; do not count on the simulators accurately emulating the target
use TSRs (technical support requests) as necessary; I don't know how they structure the purchase of the right to create TSRs, but don't let anybody cheap out on these
Depending on what processor you are running with VxWorks endianness, structure packing, and memory alignment could all be issues. The last time I used VxWorks it supported a pthreads, sockets, and mutex layer that mimicked the unix environments easily enough.
It's difficult to tell, without knowing more about the application that you're porting: What linux libraries and api calls does it use? Is it self-contained, or does it rely on slews of linux command-line tools and scripts to do its job?
As Average says, endianness can cause you way more problems than you expect - particularly if you're not prepared for it.