Add to timeline dialog doesnt appear at all - facebook-graph-api

I am having some issues with facebook's open graph beta add-to-timeline function.
I am following step by step instructions as mentioned in the text and video tutorial. As soon as I launch my app at the add to timeline button doesnt appear at all. I am not sure whats going on. Have tried many times but no luck.
Is anyone else having the same issue? or if there's any possible solution for this.

This is because you are logged into facebook already.
You can test this by clicking on the Cook button and it would work.
Log out of facebook for the Add to timeline button to show up.


Not able to fully see "Create Credentials" page on Google Console?

As the title says, I'm not able to fully view the Create Credentials page on Google Console. It is being blocked by the hamburger menu on the left.
Here's how it looks. Any help would be appreciated!
Move your mouse button screen from the API page or else click on the right side page then it will show the full page. This is just scrolling issue.
Eg : Below is the image shown the same as your issue.
I have checked in my console, able to see the full page and also able to create the keys.
If there are any other issues, do post your question clearly.

Unable to enable AWS Amplify Admin UI

I'm currently finding myself unable to enable the Admin UI. It was enabled before and now does not seem to work.
When I looked at my backends I see this.
Image of Amplify backend environment with a button to enable admin UI.
I then clicked the switch to turn on the Admin UI as shown below.
Image of the Admin UI enable screen.
I clicked it and it says it's enabling in a popup here, before saying it succeeded in another popup here.
I thought this was originally something wrong with my project but it's happening on my other amplify project - is the Amplify Admin UI down for some reason?
P.S. I was going to post this on server fault as this post says but there was no tag for Amplify on here.
Sorry this is not an answer, I cannot make comment so I have to write here.
I wasted a whole day by meeting the exactly the same issue.
At the same time, I tried to run Amplify pull --appid --envName several times, it always stuck there.
Amazon status page shows everything is fine now but I cannot believe it.
I also posted a question here but it seems nobody answered it.
I hope this issue was discovered by more people and Amazon finally can fix it, I believe it's not a problem on our side.
The issue was resolved as shown in this ticket I opened.
Have you tried selecting the environment and then clicking Open Admin UI?
I also wasnt able to login clicking in the URL and with my credentials, but clicking there worked.

why cant i see a like button on anyones page?

I have a business facebook page, when I look at anyone elses page there is no like button, can anyone tell me why please?
Make sure you are logged in as a Facebook user and not as the business page. A business page is just that, a page, not a user, but you can log in as the page to do posts and manage things on your page.
Ok, got it figured out! If you are logged into Facebook as your "page" you will not see the like button. You need to be using Facebook as your main (personal) profile. Go to your page, then click the "Edit Page" drop down at the top and select your main account "Use Facebook as ..." then it should display the like button. It worked for me! If it doesn't work at this point, try logging out and logging back in again. Good luck! :)

Facebook like button are not diplaying when anyone are liking the page and never are not showing for others

I want to add facebook like button to every pages.
But the problem is that the like button are showing first time when page are loading then if anyone are like the button then the like button are invisble.
I was test url into
here and getting the same problem. I am not getting any problem when i am testing with
But when I am testing with
They are getting the problem.
Please anyone solve this problem?
Are your site's pages protected with an .htaccess password? If so, that could be the issue. I ran into this problem myself, and after going down the wrong path for a bit, I went back to my initial suspicion - htaccess password.
I didn't really look into the code, but I assume the button is set to have FB scrape the page after a user clicks like. With the password blocking things, FB can't scrape the page. Rather than displaying the button as if it hadn't been clicked, it just displays nothing - which is where my, and I assume your, confusion came in.
After changing htaccess, you'll have to wait 24 hours for the page(s) to be scraped by FB when they're loaded. However, you can use the FB debugger ( to manually scrape individual pages.

fblike api of facebook

hi i am using fblike api of facebook. this is working fine. i am using this script
when i open this page a text "fblike"and facebook icon are showing.but when i click on this a popup window opens and asking for login on facebook.
my question is that when user like this page the text which is display previously "fblike" change to "1 person".
can i stop this. i just want when user like this the texe should not be change.
I can do this or not?
Short Answer: You cant do that... :)
But you can achieve this by adjusting height and width of STANDARD LIKE BUTTON which will hide other part of that plugin (users, counter, etc) :)