VC++ 2010 IntelliSense autocompletion list disappears too quickly - c++

Any time I scroll throught the intellisense list it disappears very fast, and I have no time to seek and select which I want. I also have Visual Assist X but it doesn't help, it happens with VA enabled and also when disabled.
Any idea which could be the cause and where to config intellisense to remain visible all time until you select something and press TAB/ENTER key? maybe there is some visible delay time config option in some file?

Did you try to reset settings?
See here: Visual Studio 2005 Intellisense stopped working after ReSharper installation
Is the problem in all solutions are you are using just one?If so, try to delete .ncb file in solution directory.
Hope this helps.


Visual Studio Intellisense only operates on the current Startup Project

Visual Studio Intellisense is bugging out and only works on my current startup project.
I'm in the process of building a multi-project solution and as of earlier today Visual Studio decided that Intellisense would stop colour coding and providing information about code that I hover over with my mouse.
this is happening in all files within the solution apart from the single one in my current Startup Project.
I'm unsure whether the fact that that file is inside the startup project is important or not or what at all caused the bug to begin the first place.
I've been searching around for a while and tried just about every 'solution' that has come up.
I've changed the relevant settings off and on again.
I've deleted the dynamic .suo file in the hidden .vs folder.
I've reopened the files, visual studio, updated, made sure intellisense wasn't doing something in the background.
Apparently this bug can be caused by a corrupt .ncb file that lives in the solution directories, but I've failed to locate a file with that extension anywhere.
I'm also not using any extensions or such that mess with Intellisense's operation.
Are there any other possible things to try (hopefully not reinstalling) or just continue writing code in black and white?
Intellisense working:
Intellisense not working:
Maybe you can check your intellisense setting in Tools > Options > Text Editor > C/C++:
This is a document about intellisense in C++. Hope it can help you.
If it doesn't work you can try to Reset all setting in Tools > Import and export settings. Or try to repair visual studio in visual studio installer.
If the above methods don't work, maybe you can only try to reinstalle visual studio.

Visual Studio 2017, Intellisense is not working

I just upgraded from VS2015 to 2017, and intellisense highlighting of syntax errors has disappeared completely.
I tried some suggestions found online, mainly Edit->Intellisense->Refresh Local Cache, but that option is not there anymore.
Under Edit->Intellisense there is only Quick info which does nothing when I press it, and toggle completion mode which is greyed out
I'm using Windows 10, C++ project.
Do I need to delete some old files from VS2015 in order for intellisense to work again? like the VC.db file?
When IntelliSense stopped working in some files, I just deleted the project cache, restarted Visual Studio and opened the project again. Bear in mind that some minor settings also get reset (like the selected architecture).
Step by step
View => Solution Explorer (in case it isn't already open)
Right click "Solution 'Project name'"
Click "Open Folder in File Explorer"
Close Visual Studio
Show hidden folders (Win10 How-to)
Delete folder ".vs"
Open Visual Studio and project (wait a few seconds)
Hope this helps. -Minding
If you encounter a file in which the intellisense or error list is not functioning properly, look at the top-left corner of the navigation bar and check to see if that file is marked as “Miscellaneous Files”
If it is, the steps to solve the issue is:
Go to the file inside Solution Explorer.
Right-Click file and select Exclude From Project.
Right-Click your project/folder where the file was and click Add Existing Item, and add the file you just removed back into your project.
This should fix whatever issues you're having. (Tip: You can multi-select source/header files, so this does not need to be done one at a time).
Right-click on solution and select Rescan Solution (Visual Studio 2017). This should re-sync IntelliSense with solution data.
Please try to click Tools->Text Editor->C/C+±>Advanced, under IntelliSense, set
Member List Commit Aggressive to True and recheck this issue. Also, set
Use Aggressive Member list for Auto Member list to *False.
In my case, the project was referring to 2 different versions of the same library. I uninstalled one of the versions and intellisense started working.

Where is "pin to source" in Visual Studio 2017?

I can't find the "Pin to Source" functionality in Visual Studio 2017, was it removed?
I Googled it and nothing til now.
This option is also missing for me in VS 2017. I am however able to pin variables by hovering over the variable and clicking the pin icon on the far right of the tooltip that pops up. This accomplishes the same thing for now.
I had the same issue with VS2019. I tried importing a backup setting from prior year (Tool > Import and Export), and turns out my old hotkey for this command still works -- even though I still can't see the Pin To Source in the hotkey mapping window. You can try this work around.

Refreshing the auto complete (IntelliSense) database in Visual Studio

I've noticed that the auto complete feature in Visual Studio no longer works properly once my project has reached a certain size (in my case ~4,100 lines of code). I've also noticed that performance also degrades once the number of third-party libraries increases (namespaces and class attributes and methods are no longer visible).
Is there a way of manually updating the auto completion database or create a new one for an existing project?
I am currently working under Visual Studio 2008, but I have experienced this issue in Visual Studio 2010 as well.
For VS2015, 2017 and VS2019 close Visual Studio and delete the .vs folder in the same folder as the solution. It contains among other things the intellisense database (it should be possible to delete only the files specific to intellisense, if we knew which ones). Note that if you delete the whole folder you will lose your window layout configurations etc.
For previous versions, close Visual Studio and navigate to your project folder. The *.sdf file there contains the intellisense database- if you delete this files and reopen your project in visual studio, it rebuilds the cache.
Deleting the sdf file solved the problem for me.
Sometimes working with a big solution (mainly C++ projects) becomes
unbearably slow. To fix it you need to close the solution and go
delete the .SDF file. After that it returns to normal again, for about
a week, or so until you need to do it again.
The underlying cause is that the SDF file gets fragmented and,
according to xperf profiling I've done, VS will sometimes do 20,000+
random reads from it when changing between debug and release. Putting
the SDF files on an SSD fixes the problem but should not be necessary.
VS needs to use the SDF file more efficiently and not do blocking SDF
operations, ever.
In Visual Studio 2022, open Tools -> Options -> [type in "database" in the search box] -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Recreate Database = TRUE, and then reopen the solution.
In VS2017 I often run into this situation when I use interop to call CPP from C#, when something is changing on the CPP side.. e.g. constructor arguments.
Unload and reload the CPP project in the solution helps to solve the red lines..
I am using Visual Studio 2019 and have also been experiencing problems with Intellisense along with other features. I would be able to get through about 2 or 3 updates to a file before Intellisense stopped working along with code formatting.
The only way I was able to get things working again was to restart Visual Studio, I tried removing both the intellisense folder and the whole .vs folder but this didn't solve the problem, it helped but something else was going on.
I was finally able to fix this by turning off the Track changes option under
Tools->Options->Text Editor->General.
Right click on the solution and press "Rescan Solution".
It seemed to work for me.
For Visual Studio 2017 (and I think Visual Studio 2019 also), close Visual Studio, go into the .vs folder in your projects folder and delete all the contents apart from the .suo file, then reopen Visual Studio.
This way you can rebuild the Intellisense cache without losing your preferences.
After verifying daniol's results of Mar 15, I went into the .vs folder -> {MyProject} folder -> DesignTimeBuild folder and deleted the .dbtcache file and Intellisense now works "intelligently" with no loss of Window Layout or other .suo info. I suspect that the 'Diagnostics.DTBBLog' command offered by eq_ on Jan 4 did the same thing but that command seems no longer available, at least by that name.
For Visual Studio 2017 (and mainly using C# projects), the following has always worked for me:
Open a Command Window (View/Other Windows/Command Window) [Ctrl+W,A]
Enter the command "Diagnostics.DTBBLog" and press enter
No need to close solution and reload etc.
It was devastating to find out that for Visual Studio 2019 this command is removed...

No Auto Complete Visual Studio 2010

Im using MS visual studio 2010 PRoofessional version , and in both languages I'm using (C++ and UnrealScript with Nfringe ) there seems to be no auto complete , also with the nfringe there is no auto indentation either .
I was wondering how to fix this?
Most probably you accidentally switched into low-impact IntelliSense mode by pressing
CTRL+ALT+SPACE Just hit CTRL+ALT+SPACE to go back to the IntelliSense mode.
Are you writing a totally unmanaged C++ dll? There is no intellisense support for CLI/C++ projects in VS 2010
I have actually problems with C++ and Intellisense since VC6...
We now use Whole Tomatoes "Visual Assist" and it repairs Intellisense. :-) This single feature is the money worth.
When you open the solution file, do you get a warning about being unable to open the IntelliSense database? If so, that's the reason—UnrealEngine intentionally has a directory with the same name as the IntelliSense database to prevent its creation (Visual Studio can't create a file if a directory of the same name already exists). The engine code base is so large that having IntelliSense enabled slows everything to a crawl when you're editing code.
I'm also using Unreal Engine, and I met the same problem before, the solution was set the dirs by myself in VS project setting.
Open the property window of ur game project(e.g UDKGame), navigate to "NMake", "Include Search Path", and fill the needed header search path there.
You may copy the path list from the output of UnrealBuildTool.
The values u set here is only used by Visual Studio's IntelliSense, so there's no need to worry about build error.
This only works for C++, I'm not sure what's wrong with Unreal Script. I just updated to Visual Studio 2010 and has not installed the new nFringe.
Hope this answer is not too late