C++: How-to create a simple program for moving folders - c++

I want to make a program that moves certain named folders (and all files contained) from directory A to directory B. It was suggested to code in C++. So I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple way to do this, if they could give me a link, and if anyone know's where it's possible to set the directories as variables that can be loaded from a text file. I'm asking this question, because I want to basically have all my program settings and whatnot from the appdata folder since I move between computers alot, be easily transferable.
settings.txt (This is an example of what I mean.)
fldrget = (Folder Name)
fldrdir = (Path to Folder)
fldrplc = (Folder Destination)
Would creating an xml document be a better idea as far as the txt document goes?
Additional Information: OS: Windows(XP, Vista, 7) and I'd like to make this a GUI, but as I'm not familiar with any C language, I'll settle for basics first if anyone can give me a push in the right direction.

Can you provide a bit more information? Are you wanting to write a console application or a GUI? What platform are you targeting? You could use the Win32 API, Boost, Qt, Wx, or a number of others.
You may want to look into using PowerShell. It is much more friendly for a new comer and built-in to Windows 7 and freely available for Windows XP. Just do a google search for moving a directory using PowerShell to get started


c++ what is the *clever* way of creating setup program and handle extraction

I know how to create and code my own setup program but i need to be redirected at some point. This point i'm sure inlight other people too.
I created a setup project. All is done. Except, installation files inside of EXE.
I know 2 different ways of doing this:
Create resource in EXE and embed RAR/ZIP file.
Put compressed archive with files along with EXE. EXE will read contents and data from this protected and compressed ZIP.
But what i want is number 1. I want to embed it. But;
What is the proper way of embedding this? Are other setup creators do the same thing? Embed resource as compressed single zip in EXE? Or do they another trick?
How do you extract files? On the fly by memory? Like read each file one-by-one. Synced. Or first, copy ZIP to temp and extract from it.
Or even embed all files separately to the resources.
I, even think that if i should create simple MSI without dialogs and embed it and run from background but i want to take all control. I want everything belongs to the original setup that i created.
I want to make my own dialogs, effects, procedures, functions and
steps. Yes, MSI is acceptable but i will stick with its features. Oh,
If im able to extend it, why should i spent more time doing this
instead of making my own? I am so confused... I am talking about very big setup project here. Not just a standard ugly UI with less features. At least, im gonna try :)
Do not give me any sample/code just show me a correct path, please.
Best options here:
Create ZIP compatible EXE that reads itself as ZIP and read the file list and extract.
Create non-zip compatible EXE that has a hidden body somewhere and read that area (seek) and get the list & extract.
The proper way to do it is to use the Windows installer technology, aka MSI. There is a nice, Microsoft blessed toolset called WiX that you can use to greatly simplify the process.
If you are truly intent on reinventing the wheel, you can look through the source code to WiX on how things are done.
Best options here:
Create ZIP compatible EXE that reads itself as ZIP and read the file list and extract.
Create non-zip compatible EXE that has a hidden body somewhere and read that area (seek) and get the list & extract.
Why write your own? Much easier to use WiX (http://wixtoolset.org/) with optionally a graphical interface like WiXEdit (http://wixedit.sourceforge.net/). Have you thought about additional requirements like uninstall etc...
Good luck!
Would InnoSetup help with your problem? You can personalise the dialogs and extend its functionality quite a lot.

How to choose and open a file during runtime with C++?

At the moment I am creating an Editor for Textures and I want to choose the textures during runtime. Later I would like to choose the save directory for new textures.
I found the
How to: Open Files Using the OpenFileDialog Component. But I think this is not the solution.
(assuming you are on Windows, pas per screenshot)
If you simply want to select a folder, you can use SHBrowseForFolder.
You need to look at the Common Dialog Library.
Or, if you are only interested in Vista/Windows 7 support, you could consider the Common Item Dialogs instead.
For 'native' C++ you wouldn't be able to easily use the .NET components that your link refers to.
I have solved my problem with using the dirent.h file. I have acknowledge of this file by founding this post How can I get the list of files in a directory using C or C++?
I have write my own fileexplorer by using dirent.h and SFML.
Sorry if i can't illustrate my problem.
but thanks for the replies (:

The Best way of storing/retrieving config data in Modern Windows

I've not done much coding for Windows lately, and I find myself sitting at Visual Studio right now, making a small program for Windows 7 in C++. I need some configuration data to be read/written.
In the old days, (being a Borland kind of guy) I'd just use a TIniFile and keep the .ini beside my exe Obviously this is just not the done thing any more. The MS docs tell me that Get/WritePrivateProfileString are for compatibility only, and I doubt that I'd get away with writing to Program Files these days. Gosh I feel old.
I'd like the resulting file to be easily editable - open in notepad sort of thing, and easily findable. This is a small app, I don't want to have to write a setup screen when I can just edit the config file.
So, what is the modern way of doing this?
Often people use XML files for storing preferences, but they are often overkill (and they aren't actually all that readable for humans).
If your needs would be easily satisfied with an INI file, you may want to use Boost.Program_options using the configuration file parser backend, which actually writes INI-like files without going through deprecated (and slow!) APIs, while exposing a nice C++ interface.
The key thing to get right is where to write such configuration file. The right place is usually a subdirectory (named e.g. as your application) of the user's application data directory; please, please, please, don't harcode its path in your executable, I've seen enough broken apps failing to understand that the user profile may not be in c:\Documents and settings\Username.
Instead, you can retrieve the application data path using the SHGetFolderPath function with CSIDL_APPDATA (or SHGetKnownFolderPath with FOLDERID_RoamingAppData if you don't mind to lose the compatibility with pre-Vista Windows versions, or even just expanding the %APPDATA% environment variable).
In this way, each user will be able to store its preferences and you won't get any security-related errors when writing your preferences.
This is my opinion (which I think most of the answers you get will be opinion), but it seems that the standard way of doing things these days is to store config files like these in C:\Users\<Username>. Moreover, it is generally good to not clutter this directory itself, but to use a subdirectory for the purpose of storing your application's data, such as C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\<YourApplicationName>. It might be overkill for a single config file, but that will give you the opportunity to have all of your application data in one place, should you add even more.

C++, console Application, reading files from directory

I have a directory and I want to read all the text files in it using C++ and having windows OS also using console application
I don't know the files' names or their number
thanks in advance
Take a look at Boost.Filesystem, especially the basic_directory_iterator.
If you want the C++ and portable way, follow the solution by #Space_C0wb0y and use boost.Filesystem, otherwise, if you want to get your hands dirty with the Windows APIs, you can use the FindFirstFile/FindNextFile/FindClose functions.
You can find here an example related to them.

How do you parse the XDG/gnome/kde menu/desktop item structure in c++?

I would like to parse the menu structure for Gnome Panels (the standard Gnome Desktop application launcher) and it's KDE equivalent using c/c++ function calls. That is, I'd like a list of what the base menu categories and submenu are installed in a given machine. I would like to do with using fairly simple c/c++ function calls (with NO shelling out please).
I understand that these menus are in the standard xdg format.
I understand that this menu structure is stored in xml files such as:
I've looked here: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/menu-spec?action=show&redirect=Standards%2Fmenu-spec but all they offer is the standard and some shell files to insert item entries (I don't want shell scripts, I don't want installation, I definitely don't want to create a c-library from the XDG specification. I want to find the existing menu structure). I've looked here: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/menustructure-13.html.en for more notes on these structures. None of this gives me a good idea of how determine the menu structures using a c/c++ program.
The actual gnome menu structures seem to be a horrifically hairy things - they don't seem to show the menu structure but to give an XML-coded description of all the changes that the menus have gone through since installation. I assume gnome panels parses these file so there's a function buried somewhere to do this but I've yet to find where that function is after scanning library.gnome.org for a couple of days. I've scanned the Nautilus source code as well but Panels seem to exist elsewhere or are burried well.
Thanks in advance
After much painful research... it seems the most stable approach is to take the gnome menu parsing code, rip it of the tar ball and use it locally.
The version I used is here:
This code loudly proclaims that it shouldn't treated as any kind of API so one is forced to, as I said rip it of the gnome tree and keep a local copy for one's own application (gather than dynamically linking to a library).
The KDE version of the menu-parsing code seems like it could be used more transportably but actually depends heavily on KDE's virtual file system. As far as I can tell, the code gnome works stand-alone. The test-file can serve as a template for doing your own parsing.