Is ftruncate() asynchronous? - c++

I am attempting to write a class in C++ that provides a means of atomically appending to a file, even for the case of power failure mid write.
First, I write my current file position (a 64 offset from the beginning of the file, in bytes) to a separate journal file. Then, I write the requested data to the end of the date file. Finally, I call ftruncate() (setting the truncated size to 0) on the journal file.
The main idea is that if this class is ever asked to open a file that has a non empty journal file, then you know a write was interrupted and you can read the position of the last write from the journal file and fseek to that spot. You lose the last partial write, but the file should not be corrupted.
Unfortunately, it seems like ftruncate() is asynchronous. In practice, even if I call fflush() and fsync() after ftruncate I see the journal grow to up to hundreds of bytes while doing lots of writes. It always ultimately ends up at 0, but I expected to see it at either size 0 or size 8 at all times.
Is it possible to make ftruncate completely synchronous? Or is there a better way to use the journal?

ftruncate() does not change your file descriptor's write offset in the file. If you are leaving the file open and writing the next length after calling ftruncate(), then what's happening is the file's offset is still increasing. When you write, it resets the length of the file to be at the offset and then writes your bytes there.
Probably what you want to do is call lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) after you call ftruncate() so that the next write to the file will take place at the beginning of the file.


Knowing current compressed file size using gzwrite (zlib)

I'm using zlib for c++.
Quote from regarding gzwrite function:
The gzwrite() function shall write data to the compressed file referenced by file, which shall have been opened in a write mode (see gzopen() and gzdopen()). On entry, buf shall point to a buffer containing len bytes of uncompressed data. The gzwrite() function shall compress this data and write it to file. The gzwrite() function shall return the number of uncompressed bytes actually written.
I interpret this as the return value will NOT tell me how much larger the file became when writing. Only how much data was compressed into the file.
The only way to know how large the file is would then be to close it, and read the size from the file system. I have a requirement to only continue to write to the file until it reaches a certain size. Can this be achieved without closing the file?
A workaround would be to write until the uncompressed size reaches my limit and then close the file, read the size from file system and update my best guess of file size based on that, and then re-open the file and continue writing. This would make me close and open the file a few times towards the end (as I'm approaching the size limit).
Another workaround, which would give more of an estimate (which is not what I want really) would be to write until uncompressed size reaches the limit, close the file, read the file size from the file system and calculate the compression ratio so far. The I can use this compression ratio to calculate a new limit for uncompressed file size where the compression should get me down to the limit for the compressed file size. If I repeat this the estimate would improve, but again, not what I'm looking for.
Are there better options?
Preferred option would be if zlib could tell me the compressed file size while the file is still open. I don't see why this information would not be available inside zlib at this point, since compression happens when I call gzwrite and not when i close the file.
zlib provides the function gzoffset(), which does exactly what you're asking.
If for some reason you are stuck with a version of zlib that is more than about eight years old, when gzoffset() was added, then this is easy to do with gzdopen(). You open the output file with fopen() or open(), and provide the file descriptor (using fileno() and dup() if you used fopen()), and then provide that descriptor to gzdopen(). Then you can use ftell() or lseek() at any time to see how much as been written. Be careful to not try to double-close the descriptor. See the comments for gzdopen().
You can work around this issue by using a pipe. The idea is to write the compressed data into a pipe. After that, you read the data from the other end of the pipe, count it and write it to the actual file.
To set this up you need to first open the file to write to via a simple open. Then create a pipe via pipe2 and initialize zlib by passing one of the pipe descriptors to gzdopen:
int out = open("/path/to/file", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
int p[2];
pipe2(p, O_NONBLOCK);
gzFile zFile = gzdopen(p[0], "w");
You can now write the data first to the pipe and then splice it from the pipe to the out file:
gzwrite(zFile, buf, 1024); //or any other length
size_t bytesWritten = 0;
do {
bytesWritten = splice(p[1], NULL, out, NULL, 1024, SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK | SPLICE_F_MORE);
} while(bytesWritten == 1024);
As you can see, you now have the bytesWritten to tell you how much data was actually written. Simply sum it up in another variable and stop splicing as soon as you have written as much data as you need to (or just splice it in one go by writing everything to the zFile and the splice once with the amount of data you are allowed to store as the fifth parameter. If you want to not compress uneccessary data, simply do it in chunks as shown above).
A note on splice: Splice is linux specific, and is basically just a very efficient copy. You can always replace it with a simple "read and write" combo, i.e. read data from fd[1] into a buffer and then write the data from that buffer into out - splice is just faster and less code.

WriteFileGather - append buffers to file

Using Windows API's WriteFileGather, I am writing a file to the disk.
I want to append new buffers to the existing file.
What is the way to prevent WriteFileGather from overwriting the existing file?
WriteFileGather will never overwrite the file unless you ask it to - theres no implied overwrite/append option, theres ONLY a 'please write data at file position X option'.
You should open the file handle normally (making sure you've got GENERIC_WRITE access and specifying flags at least flags FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED and FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING by using CreateFile
Then you set the position the file writes at by using the Offset and OffsetHigh members of the OVERLAPPED you pass in as the 5th parameter.
This is similar to the way WriteFile works when its running in asynchronous mode - you must specify the position to write at. Its probably easier to learn how to do positional asyncronous writes using WriteFile first then move onto WriteFileGather if you need its additional power.
See here for docs.
EDIT: To answer the comment from Harry, to get the end of file you can either remember how much you've written before (assuming this is a new file you created) or get the current file size from a HANDLE using SetFilePointerEx with distance 0 and method FILE_END which will return to you the end of the file. There are other ways of getting a file size but beware you may get a cached answer (e.g. if iterating over a directory) and so the above is recommended.

Write at specific position at a file with open()

Hello I am trying to simulate two programs that send and receive files in C++ from the network, something like client and server. To begin with I have to split a file to pages of 4096 bytes and send it to the other program in order to create the file. The way I send and receive files through the network is by write and read. So in the client programm I must create a function tha receives the packages and puts them into a file. I cannot figure a way to put the packages in to the file. For example I a file has 2 pages I must create another file using these 2 pages. Also i cannot know if they come in order so I must create the file and put them in the right position.
/*consider the connections are ok and the file's name is at char* name*/
int file=open(name,"O_CREAT | O_WRONLY,0666);
char buffer[4096];
int pagenumber;
for(int i=0;i<page_number;i++){
This code works for pagenumber=0 but for pagenumber=1 nothing happens! Can you help me? Thanks in advance!
To write at a certain position in the file you must use lseek
off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
It takes the descriptor, the offset and the final parameter is a constant in these:
SEEK_SET The offset is set to offset bytes.
SEEK_CUR The offset is set to its current location plus offset bytes.
SEEK_END The offset is set to the size of the file plus offset bytes.
If you know how big is the file going to be, you can use ftruncate for it.
int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length);
Anyway even if you create a file that is huge, since most filesystems on Linux support sparse files, the actual file on disk will be the sum of the blocks that have been written.
The first argument to write() is a filedescriptor, which you optained with open(). So it should be
int file = open(...);
Regarding the question as to how to write at a specific position. You can prepare the file beforehand with write, and then use seek() to position the file where you want to write at. For a description of seek you can look here.
Mario, first of all, lets no rely on garbage in 'pagenumber' to continue the loop (which is happening when loop boundary condition is checked here for the first time). Now, if you are writing page number '0' and then page following it, pagenumber will be initialized to 0 and your loop will come out. Also, please check bytes written and read in write and read system calls respectively.
try pwrite
int file=open(name,"O_CREAT | O_WRONLY,0666);
char buffer[4096];
int pagenumber;
for(int i=0;i<page_number;i++){

Truncate or resize a file in order to modify its end

I have a FILE* file that holds some binary data. Let's say that this data are a list of double and that the last entry is a string that describes what are those double. I want to modify this string (the new string might be shorter). So first i delete the old string. I need to find the starting point of the string :
and then what should i do ? i found Delete End of File link but i don't know which one to use... Once the file is re-sized, can i simply write my new string using fwrite ?
Neither FILE* nor iostream support truncation. If you want to
edit a file so that the new file is shorter than the old, you
have two solutions:
The usual solution is to copy the original file into a new
file, making any changes as you go. When finished, close the
new file, verify that there are no errors (an important point),
then delete the original file and rename to new file to have the
original name. This may cause problems on Unix systems if
there were hard links to the original file. (Typically, this
isn't an issue, since everyone uses soft links now. If it is,
you should stat the original, and if the st_nlink field is
greater than 1, copy the new file onto the original, and then
delete the new file.) On the other hand, it is the most generic
option; it works for all types of modifications, anywhere in the
There are usually system specific functions at the lower level
to truncate a file. Under Unix, this is ftruncate. But
you'll need to find the byte count where you want to truncate
first; ftruncate requires an open file, but it won't truncate
at the current position in the file. So you'll have to 1) find
the start of this last line in the file, 2) seek to it, 3) write
the new value, 4) call ftell (or ftello, if the length can
be too large to fit on a long) to find the new end position.
At this point, you have the problem of synchronizing your
FILE* with the lower level; personally, I'd fclose the file,
then reopen it with open, and do the ftruncate on the file
descripter from this open. (In fact, personally, I'd do the
entire job using open, read, lseek, write, ftruncate
and close. And maybe stat to find out the file length up
front. If you don't have to translate the doubles,
there's really nothing that FILE* adds.
As a general rule, I'd go with the first solution, and only try
the second if it turns out to be too slow. (If the file
contains a couple of billion doubles, for example, copying them
will take some time.)
If you want to resize a file, then ftruncate() ( is the function you're looking for. You'll need to call fileno() on the FILE * structure to get the file descriptor for ftruncate(), though.
As for appending the new data (the new string) once the file has been reduced in size, just seeking to the end (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)) and fwrite()'ing there should do it.
EDIT: remember to call fflush() before truncating the file!

is there a way to fopen a file that allows me to edit just a few bytes?

I am writing a class that compresses binary data using a zlib stream. I have a buffer that I fill with the output stream and once it becomes full I dump the buffer out to a file using fopen(filename, 'ab');... What this means is that my program only opens up the file to write to it whenever it has a buffer full of data to dump, it goes and does it and immediately closes it.
The issue is in my format I use an 8 byte header at the beginning of each file which contains the original length and compressed length but I do not know these values until the end of the whole compression process.
What I wanted to do was write 8 bytes of zeros, then append with all my compressed data, then come back at the end during cleanup to fill in those 8 bytes with the size data, but I can't seem to find a way to open the file without bringing it all back into memory. I just want to edit the first 8 bytes of the file. Do I need to use mmap?
Since you're using the file in append mode, you do need to close and re-open it:
open with fopen(filename, "r+b");
write the 8 bytes;
close the file using fclose().
The r+ means
Open for reading and writing. The stream is positioned at the
beginning of the file.
and the b is needed to open in binary mode.
You can use this method to change the data at any position in the file, not just at the beginning: simply use fseek() to seek to the required position before writing.
Use rewind() to take the file pointer back to the start of the file after you write out the last few bytes of data. You can then output your 8 bytes of length info.
If you have flexibility in changing your format, I might suggest this. Define your compressed stream such that it is a sequence of an unknown number of blocks, and each block is preceded by a fixed length integer specifying the number of bytes in the block. The stream is finished when the next block has a size of zero.
The drawback to this format is that there no way for the reader of the stream to know how much data is coming until it's all been read. But the advantage is that it avoids this problem you are trying to solve.
More importantly, it allows you to send a compressed stream of data somewhere as you read the input and you don't have to save it all before sending it. For example, you could write a compression Unix filter that you could put in a pipe stream:
prog1 | yourprog -compress | rsh host yourprog -expand | prog2
Good luck.