Arrays and length in C++ - c++

I'm trying to get the length of an array passed as a parameter on some function.
The code is look like this :
double getAverage(int numbers[])
int length = sizeof(numbers)/sizeof(numbers[0]);
// here the result of the length is 1.
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
sum += numbers[i];
return (double)sum / length;
int main()
int numbers[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
//if I call here sizeof(numbers)/sizeof(numbers[0] the result will be 8 as it
//should be.
cout << getAverage(numbers) << endl;
return 0;
My question is how to get the array length which is passed as argument of a function by reference(although I know that every array is passed by reference)?
I know that there is a lot of questions about finding the array length in C/C++ but no one of them give me the answer which I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance.

You will have to explicitly pass the length of the array as an parameter to the function.
What you pass to the function is just an pointer to the array, not the array itself, so there is no way to determine the length of the array inside the function unless you explicitly pass the length as an function parameter.
You can probably use std::vector, which provides member functions to get no of elements in the vector, using std::vector::size(), that is the best you can do there is no way to do so using c-style arrays.

Arrays decay to pointers when passing them as parameters. You can't retrieve size information inside the function.
Why aren't you using std::vector? It's the c++ way.

At run-time, there is no information associated with an array that tells you its length. The array pretty much "decays" into just the address of the first element.
At compile-time, the length is part of the type, so if you declare your function to take e.g. int numbers[8] you can get the length using the sizeof expression you mention.
Of course, this means you can only validly call the function with arrays of length 8, which kind of makes it a bit useless.
Thus, the only way around this is to explicitly add information at run-time about the array's length, by adding a second size_t length argument to the function.
In C++, you could also use templates to have the compiler create specialized versions of the function for each array length, but that is kind of wasteful.
As pointed out by others, you can also "level up" your abstraction and use e.g. std::vector<int> to get a size() method. That is of course pretty much the same thing, the vector container adds run-time information about the number of elements.
This might not be "the answer which you're looking for", I'm sorry about that.

If you must use an array, you could 'templatize' your function:
template <size_t length> double getAverage(int (&numbers)[length]) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
sum += numbers[i];
return (double)sum / length;

You have to pass in the length as a parameter, or use std::vector which "contains" the length. You can access it with the size() method.

Or use std::vector (instead of int[]) which provides a size() function

You can use std::vector, or std::list as all have give. But if you are adamant that you want to use an int[] without a second argument, then you can insert a code number as the last element of the array. that way you can know the end.... Or u can save the length of the array in its first element and use the rest normally.

You can pass an array by reference in which case the areay size has to be specified. However, the size of a statically sized array can be deduced for a template argument:
template <int Size>
double getAverage(int (&numbers)[Size]) { ... }
The only problem with this approach is that it creates a new instantiation for each array size. Of course, the fix to this is to actually pass begin and end iterators to the function doing the actual work. The iterators can easily be determined using begin() and end() functions using the trick above. The code would look something like this:
double average
= std::accumulate(begin(numbers), end(numbers), 0.0)
/ std::distance(begin(numbers), end(numbers));

You can use templates:
template<std::size_t Length>
double getAverage(int (&numbers)[Length])
but this may lead to code bloat as the compiler will create this for every new array size you pass in. You might be better off combining a template with a parameter
template<typename T, std::size_t Length>
std::size_t GetCount(T (&numbers)[Length])
return Length;
getAverage(numbers, GetCount(numbers));


Is there a possible way to set a c++ array size to the return value of a function

I'm pretty new to C++ so please bear with me:
I am looking to set an array's size to the output of a function, for example:
//this is not the actual function, (go figure)
int getSizeInt(int size)
return size;
int main()
char charArray[getSizeInt(6)]; // Error: *function call must have a constant value in a constant expression*
return 0;
This may not be possible, I honestly don't know. I googled the issue and have been tinkering with different ways of initializing an array, but upto to no avail.
Is there a possible way to set a c++ array size to the return value of a function
The size of an array variable must be compile time constant. A function call is a constant expression if the function is constexpr and its arguments themselves are constant expressions.
Your function does not satisfy those constraints, so its return value cannot be used as the size of an array variable.
It however can be used as the size of a dynamic array. Simplest way to create a dynamic array is to use std::vector (std::string may be considered instead if your intention is to represent text):
std::vector<char> charArray(getSizeInt(6));
Array sizes in C++ must be constant at compile-time, so the answer is sort of.
If your function is constexpr and called as part of a constant expression, then it can be used to statically set the size of the array. For example:
constexpr std::size_t square(std::size_t n) { return n * n; }
int my_array[compute_size(2)]; // array of 4 integers
However, this only works if you know all the data up-front at compile-time. If you are working with runtime values, such as things coming from files or from a user, then this will not work -- and you will have to resort to some other form of dynamic memory to handle this. In C++, generally this would be handled by a container such as a std::vector:
std::size_t compute_size() { /* some computation based on runtime */ }
// ...
auto vec = std::vector<int>{};
vec.reserve(compute_size()); // reserve the size up-front
vec.push_back( ... ); // push_back or emplace_back any data you need
If you reserve the size up front, you are able to avoid reallocation costs from push_back/emplace_back, provided you don't exceed the capacity.
Alternatively, you can initialize a vector of entries by doing either:
auto vec = std::vector<T>{};
auto vec = std::vector<T>(N);
The difference here is that reserve only changes the capacity, which means you can't actually index up to N until you insert the elements -- whereas resize or vector<T>(N) will zero-initialize (fundamental types like ints) or default-construct (aggregate/class types) N instances immediately, which allows indexing.
Generally, reserve + push_back is better unless you know you want default-constructed / zero values.

Why do we specify arrays size as a parameter when passing to function in C++?

I searched this question, most of them says the same thing. Since we only pass the arrays address in a function, compiler can not know the arrays size by looking at the address, they say. I tried to test this by using this code, and both functions gave the same results. So, how does specifying the arrays size as a function parameter help me in a practical way?. In which conditions does specifying the size help us?.
class ArrayTest
void say(int ar[])
void say(int ar[],int sizeAn)
int main()
ArrayTest test;
int anAr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
return 0;
This is about you as a programmer having the chance to boundary check, not whether the compiler can do it.
Just try to print out all the elements in the array, with the size:
void say(int ar[],int sizeAn)
for(int i=0; i< sizeAn; ++i)
now without the size:
void say(int ar[])
for(int i=0; i< /*HOW DO I KNOW NOW?*/; ++i)
Passing array size as a function parameter is a bad idea, because if you need an array as an array in function passing its size won't have any effect. The array you passed will be decayed to a pointer. So you need to maintain array as is.
Templates provide a simple and effective way to prevent array decay while passing them as function arguments.
template<std::size_t N>
void foo(int (&your_array)[N])
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
//process array, N will be your array size.
//simply pass array when calling the function. N be taken automatically.
//somewhere else
int main()
int arr[10];
hope this helps.
Note that your code is invoking undefined behavior because you're accessing element 7 of an array that is only 5 elements big. Using the size parameter, you could for instance check if the index is past its size and not do that call instead.
In your example, you get the same results becaue you aren't actually using the parameter:
void say(int ar[],int sizeAn)
sizeAn is unused, so it's not making any difference. But consider for instance the following code:
void say(int ar[],int sizeAn)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeAn; i++){
Here, it's printing all the items in the array, so it needs to know how big the array is. If you used an std::vector, for instance, you wouldn't need to pass the size as you can just call the size function, but you can't do that with C style arrays, so you need to pass that size as a parameter if you want to write a function that behaves differently depending on the size).
Or here's a more practical example of your code where the size parameter is used to avoid the undefined behavior:
void say(int ar[],int sizeAn)
if (sizeAn >= 8){
Now it's the same as your code with the change that it's only printing the element 7 if it actually exists.
As you say, compilers can't tell how big an array is if passed to a function. Your first say function tries to reference past the end of the array (ar[7] is beyond the size of 5). Your second say function means you can length check to make sure you don't make this error.
void say(int ar[], int sizeAn)
This way, YOU know the length and the function can check it before accessing invalid memory locations.
Why do we specify arrays size as a parameter when passing to function in C++?
Do we?
Well, sometimes. The canonical way to pass a range in C++ is using an iterator-pair though, even if I can see it evolve to using ranges when the Range-TS is finally used everywhere.
Anyway, there are other ways to convey what (sub-)range we want to work with. So, let's take a look:
In-band-signalling, like NUL-terminator for c-strings.
An implicit part of the functions contract, like "it will always be exactly 12 elements".
Passing a view of the part we want. Unfortunately, until the ranges-TS is fully incorporated, standard-library-support for that is severely anemic, being restricted to std::string_view in C++17 and extended with std::span for contiguous ranges (like arrays) in C++20 (look at the guideline-support-library for now).
Using an iterator-pair. The full flexibility of iterators, though calculating the length might be costly, or impossible without consuming the range. This is the preferred way in the standard-library.
Using start-iterator and length. Also quite common, but not to the same degree, and does not allow iterators determining the length as you iterate, not that that is an issue here.
Using a (constant where appropriate) reference to the whole container or range, probably templated for generality. This might be combined with point 3, but need not.
Of those, if you know the element-type, and restrict to contiguous arrays, pointer+length is the most comfortable and flexible to use for now, which does not need different code for different lengths, so that's that.

Can I determine the size/length of an array in C++ without having to hardcode it?

I am basically looking for some sort of "dynamic" way of passing the size/length of an array to a function.
I have tried:
void printArray(int arrayName[])
for(int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(arrayName); ++i)
cout << arrayName[i] << ' ';
But I realized it only considers its bytesize and not how many elements are on the array.
And also:
void printArray(int *arrayName)
while (*arrayName)
cout << *arrayName << ' ';
This has at least printed me everything but more than what I expected, so it doesn't actually work how I want it to.
I reckon it is because I don't exactly tell it how big I need it to be so it plays it "safe" and throws me some big size and eventually starts printing me very odd integers after my last element in the array.
So I finally got this work around, yet I believe there is something better out there!:
void printArray(int *arrayName)
while (*arrayName)
if (*arrayName == -858993460)
cout << *arrayName << ' ';
cout << '\n';
After running the program a few times I realized the value after the last element of the array that I have input is always: -858993460, so I made it break the while loop once this value is encountered.
include <iostream>
include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
// functions prototypes
void printArray (int arrayName[], int lengthArray);
// global variables
int main ()
int firstArray[] = {5, 10, 15};
int secondArray[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
printArray (firstArray,3);
printArray (secondArray,5);
// end of program
return 0;
// functions definitions
void printArray(int arrayName[], int lengthArray)
for (int i=0; i<lengthArray; i++)
cout << arrayName[i] << " ";
cout << "\n";
Thank you very much.
TL;DR answer: use std::vector.
But I realized it [sizeof()] only considers its bytesize and not how many elements are on the array.
That wouldn't be a problem in itself: you could still get the size of the array using sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]), but the problem is that when passed to a function, arrays decay into a pointer to their first element, so all you can get is sizeof(T *) (T being the type of an element in the array).
About *arrayName++:
This has at least printed me everything but more than what I expected
I don't even understand what inspired you to calculate the size of the array in this way. All that this code does is incrementing the first object in the array until it's zero.
After running the program a few times I realized the value after the last element of the array that I have input is always: -858993460
That's a terrible assumption and it also relies on undefined behavior. You can't really be sure what's in the memory after the first element of your array, you should not even be accessing it.
Basically, in C++, if you want to know the size of a raw array from within a function, then you have to keep track of it manually (e. g. adding an extra size_t size argument), because of the way arrays are passed to functions (remember, they "decay into" a pointer). If you want something more flexible, consider using std::vector<int> (or whatever type of objects you want to store) from the C++ standard library -- it has a size() method, which does exactly what you want.
1st try
When arrays are passed into functions they decay to pointers. Normally, using sizeof on an array would give you its size in bytes which you could then divide by the size in bytes of each element and get the number of elements. But now, since you have a pointer instead of an array, calling sizeof just gives you the size of the pointer (usually 4 or 8 bytes), not the array itself and that's why this fails.
2nd try
The while loop in this example assumes that your array ends with a zero and that's very bad (unless you really did use a zero as a terminator like null-terminated strings for example do). If your array doesn't end with a zero you might be accessing memory that isn't yours and therefore invoking undefined behavior. Another thing that could happen is that your array has a zero element in the middle which would then only print the first few elements.
3rd try
This special value you found lurking at the end of your array can change any time. This value just happened to be there at this point and it might be different another time so hardcoding it like this is very dangerous because again, you could end up accessing memory that isn't yours.
Your final code
This code is correct and passing the length of the array along with the array itself is something commonly done (especially in APIs written in C). This code shouldn't cause any problems as long as you don't pass a length that's actually bigger than the real length of the array and this can happen sometimes so it is also error prone.
Another solution
Another solution would be to use std::vector, a container which along with keeping track of its size, also allows you to add as many elements as you want, i.e. the size doesn't need to be known at runtime. So you could do something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>
void print_vec(const std::vector<int>& v)
std::size_t len = v.size();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
std::cout << v[i] << std::endl;
int main()
std::vector<int> elements;
return 0;
Useful links worth checking out
Undefined behavior: Undefined, unspecified and implementation-defined behavior
Array decay: What is array decaying?
As all the other answers say, you should use std::vector or, as you already did, pass the number of elements of the array to the printing function.
Another way to do is is by putting a sentinel element (a value you are sure it won't be inside the array) at the end of the array. In the printing function you then cycle through the elements and when you find the sentinel you stop.
A possible solution: you can use a template to deduce the array length:
template <typename T, int N>
int array_length(T (&array)[N]) {
return N;
Note that you have to do this before the array decays to a pointer, but you can use the technique directly or in a wrapper.
For example, if you don't mind rolling your own array wrapper:
template <typename T>
struct array {
T *a_;
int n_;
template <int N> array(T (&a)[N]) : a_(a), n_(N) {}
You can do this:
void printArray(array<int> a)
for (int i = 0 ; i < a.n_; ++i)
cout << a.a_[i] << ' ';
and call it like
int firstArray[] = {5, 10, 15};
int secondArray[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
printArray (firstArray);
printArray (secondArray);
The key is that the templated constructor isn't explicit so your array can be converted to an instance, capturing the size, before decaying to a pointer.
NB. The wrapper shown isn't suitable for owning dynamically-sized arrays, only for handling statically-sized arrays conveniently. It's also missing various operators and a default constructor, for brevity. In general, prefer std::vector or std::array instead for general use.
... OP's own attempts are completely addressed elsewhere ...
Using the -858993460 value is highly unreliable and, in fact, incorrect.
You can pass a length of array in two ways: pass an additional parameter (say size_t length) to your function, or put a special value to the end of array. The first way is preferred, but the second is used, for example, for passing strings by char*.
In C/C++ it's not possible to know the size of an array at runtime. You might consider using an std::vector class if you need that, and it has other advantages as well.
When you pass the length of the array to printArray, you can use sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]), which is to say the size in bytes of the whole array divided by the size in bytes of a single element gives you the size in elements of the array itself.
More to the point, in C++ you may find it to your advantage to learn about std::vector and std::array and prefer these over raw arrays—unless of course you’re doing a homework assignment that requires you to learn about raw arrays. The size() member function will give you the number of elements in a vector.
In C/C++, native arrays degrade to pointers as soon as they are passed to functions. As such, the "length" parameter has to be passed as a parameter for the function.
C++ offers the std::vector collection class. Make sure when you pass it to a function, you pass it by reference or by pointer (to avoid making a copy of the array as it's passed).
#include <vector>
#include <string>
void printArray(std::vector<std::string> &arrayName)
size_t length = arrayName.size();
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < length; ++i)
cout << arrayName[i] << ' ';
int main()
std::vector<std::string> arrayOfNames;

Passing array with unknown size to function

Let's say I have a function called MyFunction(int myArray[][]) that does some array manipulations.
If I write the parameter list like that, the compiler will complain that it needs to know the size of the array at compile time. Is there a way to rewrite the parameter list so that I can pass an array with any size to the function?
My array's size is defined by two static const ints in a class, but the compiler won't accept something like MyFunction(int myArray[Board::ROWS][Board::COLS]).
What if I could convert the array to a vector and then pass the vector to MyFunction? Is there a one-line conversion that I can use or do I have to do the conversion manually?
In C++ language, multidimensional array declarations must always include all sizes except possibly the first one. So, what you are trying to do is not possible. You cannot declare a parameter of built-in multidimensional array type without explicitly specifying the sizes.
If you need to pass a run-time sized multidimensional array to a function, you can forget about using built-in multidimensional array type. One possible workaround here is to use a "simulated" multidimensional array (1D array of pointers to other 1D arrays; or a plain 1D array that simulates multidimensional array through index recalculation).
In C++ use std::vector to model arrays unless you have a specific reason for using an array.
Example of a 3x2 vector filled with 0's called "myArray" being initialized:
vector< vector<int> > myArray(3, vector<int>(2,0));
Passing this construct around is trivial, and you don't need to screw around with passing length (because it keeps track):
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(size_t x = 0;x < myArray.length();++x){
for(size_t y = 0;y < myArray[x].length();++y){
cout << myArray[x][y] << " ";
cout << endl;
Alternatively you can iterate over it with iterators:
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(vector< vector<int> >::iterator x = myArray.begin();x != myArray.end();++x){
for(vector<int>::iterator y = x->begin();y != x->end();++y){
cout << *y << " ";
cout << endl;
In C++0x you can use the auto keyword to clean up the vector iterator solution:
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(auto x = myArray.begin();x != myArray.end();++x){
for(auto y = x->begin();y != x->end();++y){
cout << *y << " ";
cout << endl;
And in c++0x for_each becomes viable with lambdas
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for_each(myArray.begin(), myArray.end(), [](const vector<int> &x){
for_each(x->begin(), x->end(), [](int value){
cout << value << " ";
cout << endl;
Or a range based for loop in c++0x:
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(auto x : myArray){
for(auto y : *x){
cout << *y << " ";
cout << endl;
*I am not near a compiler right now and have not tested these, please feel free to correct my examples.
If you know the size of the array at compile time you can do the following (assuming the size is [x][10]):
MyFunction(int myArray[][10])
If you need to pass in a variable length array (dynamically allocated or possibly just a function which needs to take different sizes of arrays) then you need to deal with pointers.
And as the comments to this answer state:
boost::multiarray may be appropriate since it more efficiently models a multidimensional array. A vector of vectors can have performance implications in critical path code, but in typical cases you will probably not notice an issue.
Pass it as a pointer, and take the dimension(s) as an argument.
void foo(int *array, int width, int height) {
// initialize xPos and yPos
assert(xPos >= 0 && xPos < width);
assert(yPos >= 0 && yPos < height);
int value = array[yPos * width + xPos];
This is assuming you have a simple two-dimensional array, like int x[50][50].
There are already a set of answers with the most of the common suggestions: using std::vector, implementing a matrix class, providing the size of the array in the function argument... I am only going to add yet another solution based on native arrays --note that if possible you should use a higher level abstraction.
At any rate:
template <std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols>
void function( int (&array)[rows][cols] )
// ...
This solution uses a reference to the array (note the & and the set of parenthesis around array) instead of using the pass-by-value syntax. This forces the compiler not to decay the array into a pointer. Then the two sizes (which could have been provided as compile time constants can be defined as template arguments and the compiler will deduct the sizes for you.
NOTE: You mention in the question that the sizes are actually static constants you should be able to use them in the function signature if you provide the value in the class declaration:
struct test {
static const int rows = 25;
static const int cols = 80;
void function( int *array[80], int rows ) {
// ...
Notice that in the signature I prefer to change the double dimension array for a pointer to an array. The reason is that this is what the compiler interprets either way, and this way it is clear that there is no guarantee that the caller of the function will pass an array of exactly 25 lines (the compiler will not enforce it), and it is thus apparent the need for the second integer argument where the caller passes the number of rows.
You can't pass an arbitrary size like that; the compiler doesn't know how to generate the pointer arithmetic. You could do something like:
MyFunction(int myArray[][N])
or you could do:
MyFunction(int *p, int M, int N)
but you'll have to take the address of the first element when you call it (i.e. MyFunction(&arr[0][0], M, N).
You can get round all of these problems in C++ by using a container class; std::vector would be a good place to start.
The compiler is complaining because it needs to know the size of the all but the first dimension to be able to address an element in the array. For instance, in the following code:
int array[M][N];
// ...
array[i][j] = 0;
To address the element, the compiler generates something like the following:
*(array+(i*N+j)) = 0;
Therefore, you need to re-write your signature like this:
MyFunction(int array[][N])
in which case you will be stuck with a fixed dimension, or go with a more general solution such as a (custom) dynamic 2D array class or a vector<vector<int> >.
Use a vector<vector<int> > (this would be cheating if underlying storage was not guaranteed to be contiguous).
Use a pointer to element-of-array (int*) and a size (M*N) parameter. Here be dragons.
First, lets see why compiler is complaining.
If an array is defined as int arr[ ROWS ][ COLS ]; then any array notation arr[ i ][ j ] can be translated to pointer notation as
*( arr + i * COLS + j )
Observe that the expression requires only COLS, it does not require ROWS. So, the array definition can be written equivalently as
int arr [][ COLS ];
But, missing the second dimension is not acceptable. For little more details, read here.
Now, on your question:
Is there a way to rewrite the
parameter list so that I can pass an
array with any size to the function?
Yes, perhaps you can use a pointer, e.g. MyFunction( int * arr );. But, think about it, how would MyFunction() know where to stop accessing the array? To solve that you would need another parameter for the length of the array, e.g. MyFunction( int * arr, size_t arrSize );
Yes: MyFunction(int **myArray);
Careful, though. You'd better know what you're doing. This will only accept an array of int pointers.
Since you're trying to pass an array of arrays, you'll need a constant expression as one of the dimentions:
MyFunction(int myArray[][COLS]);
You'll need to have COLS at compile time.
I suggest using a vector instead.
Pass a pointer and do the indexing yourself or use a Matrix class instead.
yes - just pass it as pointer(s):
MyFunction(int** someArray)
The downside is that you'll probably need to pas the array's lengths as well
Use MyFunction(int *myArray[])
If you use MyFunction(int **myArray) an pass int someArray[X][Y], the program will crash.
EDIT: Don't use the first line, it's explained in comments.
I don't know about C++, but the C99 standard introduced variable length arrays.
So this would work in a compiler that supports C99:
void func(int rows, int cols, double[rows][cols] matrix) {
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
printf("%f", matrix[r][c]);
Note that the size arguments come before the array. Really, only the number of columns has to be known at compile time, so this would be valid as well:
void func(int rows, int cols, double[][cols] matrix)
For three or more dimensions, all but the first dimension must have known sizes. The answer ArunSaha linked to explains why.
Honestly, I don't know whether C++ supports variable-length arrays, so this may or may not work. In either case, you may also consider encapsulating your array in some sort of matrix class.
EDIT: From your edit, it looks like C++ may not support this feature. A matrix class is probably the way to go. (Or std::vector if you don't mind that the memory may not be allocated contiguously.)
Don't pass an array, which is an implementation detail. Pass the Board
MyFunction(Board theBoard)
in reality my array's size is defined by two static const ints in a class, but the compiler won't accept something like MyFunction(int myArray[Board::ROWS][Board::COLS]).
That's strange, it works perfectly fine for me:
struct Board
static const int ROWS = 6;
static const int COLS = 7;
void MyFunction(int myArray[Board::ROWS][Board::COLS])
Maybe ROWS and COLS are private? Can you show us some code?
In C++, using the inbuilt array types is instant fail. You could use a boost::/std:: array of arrays or vector of arrays. Primitive arrays are not up to any sort of real use
In C++0x, you can use std::initializer_list<...> to accomplish this:
MyFunction(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<int>> myArray);
and use it (I presume) like this (with the range based for syntax):
for (const std::initializer_list<int> &subArray: myArray)
for (int value: subArray)
// fun with value!

Declaring char[][512]?

I have an C++ SDK that requires a char[][512] as a parameter. I know that this is supposed to be a list of file names and the number of files could vary. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to declare this. I have an array of CStrings and I am trying to copy them over using strcpy_s and then pass them into the SDK. Any idea on how to do this?
This declaration has a special meaning when used to declare parameter of a function. Within the parameter list it is equivalent to char[100][512], char[123][512], char[3][512] (you get the idea - the first size can be just anything, it is simply ignored) and also to char (*)[512]. Effectively, it will accept as an argument a 2D array of chars with flexible (arbitrary) first size.
The array that you will actually pass to this function should be declared with a concrete first size, for example
char names[3][512] = { "abc", "cde", "fgh" };
if you know the first size at compile time, of course.
If the first size is only known at run time (say, n), you'll have to allocate the array dynamically
char (*names)[512] = new char[n][512];
// Now fill it with names
or, more elegantly, with a typedef
typedef char TName[512];
TName* names = new TName[n];
// Now fill it with names
I expect that the SDK function you are talking about also asks you to pass the first size of the name array as another parameter.
It means 2D array of char. The number of rows could vary, and it should/may be specified in another parameter. C/C++ compilers need to know the number columns when a 2D arrays is passed ,So they can build the mapping function. Simply because arrays decay to pointers when they are passed as parameters, size information is lost. For example:
void fun(char matrix[][512], int rows);
char matrix[100][512];
fun(matrix, 100);
The mapping function that the compiler construct for a 2D array is similar to:
// arrays in C/C++ are stored in Row-Major Order
matrix[i][j] == matrix[i*numberOfColumns + j]
As you can see, when a 2D array is passed and the size information is lost, we need only the number of columns to index any element in this array.
Here is a way to convert an argv-style array of filenames into the form your SDK needs.
typedef char Char512[512];
Char512 * convert(const char *names[], int n)
Char512 * arr;
arr = new char[n][512];
for (int i = 0; i < n; n++)
::strncpy(arr[i], names[i], 512);
return arr;
When in doubt, use a typedef.
Just a reminder, if you new[] something, you must delete[] (not delete) it sometime.