I got the latest version from Github and followed the instructions:
$ script/bootstrap
Fetching Clojure...
Copying clojure-1.3.0/clojure-1.3.0.jar to lib/clojure.jar...
Cleaning up Clojure directory...
Cleaning up Clojure archive...
Fetching Google Closure library...
End-of-central-directory signature not found.
Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.
In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of closure-library-20110323-r790.zip or
closure-library-20110323-r790.zip.zip, and cannot find closure-library-20110323-r790.zip.ZIP, period.
I'm on Mac OSX Lion
I just tried this on both Mac OS X Lion and Ubuntu 11.04 and it worked just fine. Maybe you got a bad download during the bootstrap? Delete your ClojureScript folder, git clone it from github again and try the bootstrap again.
I am trying to install a homegrown package that will be used , but python package installation is still a bit of a quagmire for me, and I haven't gotten this to work.
I created a package using setup.py sdist, which I uploaded to a repository
I am trying to install my package on another machine. I tried three methods, each time on an entirely clean machine. But none are doing what I want them to.
Method 1
easy_install http://mysite/mypkg.zip
RESULT: mypkg.egg gets added to \Python27\Lib\site-packages. But none of my folder structure is there
Method 2
pip install http://mysite/mypkg.zip
RESULT: two folders, mypkg and mypkg-1.0-py2.7.egg-info, get added to Python27\Lib\site-packages. All of the files seem to be there. But when I got to import or run nosetests on the folder, I get all sorts of import errors that reference mypkg modules. I have played with PATH and PYTHONPATH to get all variations of including the folder, but nothing has worked.
Method 3
download .zip
extract locally
add folder to PATH
run easy_install . in the local dir
RESULT: unpacks pkg locally. When I run nosetests on this folder, everything runs as expected.
Thing is, I don't want each user to have to do all of the steps in Method 3. I will eventually be running nosetests in a .bat file that does various things with the output. I don't want every user to have to modify the .bat file to indicate where the testsuite is located. Which is why Python27\Lib\site-packages appealed to me.
Any insight as to why these three methods behave so differently would be very helpful!
So I'm trying to install a module, specifically xlutils. I've read through the resources that I've linked at the bottom, but none of those resources have allowed me to successfully install and import the module. I'm running Windows 8 and using Python 2.7.
I downloaded the .tar.gz file containing xlutils, and unpacked it to C:\Python which was then a .tar file, so I unpacked that to the same folder. This created a folder, xlutils, which looked like it contained what I need. I also read somewhere that these should be stored in site-packages, so I moved it there.
But when I run import commands, they don't work, just tell me the module couldn't be found. When I look at the path browser, it doesn't see the folder, but I'm certain it's in there. That leads me to wonder, do I need to do something to manually update what the path browser can view?
Note that I've also already tried going to the command line, navigating to the folder containing the module, and typing python setup.py install but that just tells me that the term "python" is not found. In general, my command line always does this though. Usually I have to type .\python instead to run Python from the command line, but I also tried doing that here (i.e navigating to the folder and typing .\python setup.py install but it still says the same thing).
Also note that I can import numpy and scipy just fine, and I can see them in the path browser--not sure why those work while this one doesn't.
Resources I've already read but hasn't solved my problem:
(... Well, I tried providing the resources I've already viewed, but can't so many links with such low reputation. But basically, I've read the first ten links on a Google search and two or three past Stack questions and answers.)
Solutions I see:
You can use the absolute path C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py install
You can add the Python directory C:\Python27\ to your path variable before running python setup.py install
I'm trying out clojure on my second day and I don't understand almost anything yet. I am working with the Programming Clojure 2nd ed. and I am stuck with libraries.
I have Leiningen and have the REPL running. The book first tells the reader to run a simple
(require 'clojure.java.io)
which works just fine (I get a nil). Then it wants to load a file called introduction.clj by running another simple
(require 'examples.introduction)
where I get an error message
FileNotFoundException Could not locate clojure/java/introduction__init.class
or clojure/java/introduction.clj on classpath: clojure.lang.RT.load (RT.java:432)
I downloaded the introduction.clj file and looked where should I place it. The error and the book says the command will search in my classpath, but I have no idea where or what that is (after 1h of searching and reading I still don't get it, sorry). I ran a few commands and I had many classpaths listed (from which none contain a clojure/java/io.clj).
So I tried another approach - find the io.clj file on my disk and simply copy the file there and run it with a command
(require 'clojure.java.introduction)
This doesn't seem to work either. By the way, the io.clj file I found was in "C:\Program Files\clojure\src\clj\clojure\java". I tried running several other .clj files from the java folder as well from the clojure folder, like javadoc.clj or inspector.clj and all seem to work just fine with the above mentioned command. Only the new file doesn't seem to load this way.
Any help appreciated :)
Clojure runs on the Java Virtual Machine, so you will need to learn a bit about PATH and CLASSPATH concepts:
See: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/environment/paths.html
Regarding the error message, the Clojure runtime is expecting to find introduction.clj in the directory clojure\java\example\introduction.clj (not where it really should be - see below).
The convention for Clojure namespaces is that the last component is the file name, while any previous components are parent directories. So
would have to be in the directory (relative to your source "root" or classpath)
(The lein REPL automatically adds your source root to the classpath).
Another concept you need to understand is where the "root" of your source code is located. For Leiningen (the build tool you are using) the default is either "src" or "src/main/clojure" - as documented in the Leiningen sample project file on GitHub).
Finally, if you get really stuck, it seems the complete project for the book is available on GitHub.
Looking at the project, I see that you should actually be placing the file under src\examples\introduction.clj
Are you reading the book "Programming Clojure"?
I have encountered the same problem. It ban be sovled as follows:
If you start clojure by java:
I work in windows, the clojure.jar is placed in D:\backup\clojure-1.5.1, and the source code of the book "Programming Clojure" is placed in D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code. You should first delete the user.clj file in folder D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code.
java -cp d:\backup\clojure-1.5.1\clojure-1.5.1.jar;d:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code clojure.main -r
If you work in linux, replace the ";" with ":"
If you start clojure by lein
You should first cd to the D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code folder, and then
lein repl
You should also delete the user.clj file in folder D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code.
I am trying to get & build chromium on win7 & VS 2010.
I follow http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-windows
and http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code but no luck.
This document is confusing for me, especially for depot tool.
Can someone guide me step how to get code (i am getting error svn to old - put director in front & in end one by one).
is there some video or better step by step tutorial. I would like direct svn checkout. (if i use cygwin svn its give missing file on compilation)
I had this same problem and managed to fix it by running:
gclient runhooks --force
The documentation says it should be run inside the src folder but this didn't work for me, running it in the folder that contains the src folder fixed it.
I also found another problem in the "Official/WPO/LTCG build" section of documentation that causes C1083 PCH file not found errors.
To fix this you need to set the chromium_win_pch variable to zero in the ~.gyp\include.gypi (C:\Users\USERNAME\.gyp\include.gypi), like this:
'variables': {
'chromium_win_pch': 0,
I'm new to emacs and i would like to install pony-mode for django. I've been struggling with the installation instructions but I have not found a way to make it work. Do i need to byte-compile all the .el files? How do I do that? Are there any dependencies that need to be installed? I've managed to get the following error: pony-mode.el:83:1:Error: Cannot open load file: files-x. Can someone provide a full set of instructions?
I'm using emacs GNU Emacs 23.1.1 on ubuntu 10.04
I noticed that pony-mode is also available via package.el
I have package manager configured like so:
(require 'package)
(dolist (source '(("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/")
("elpa" . "http://tromey.com/elpa/")))
(add-to-list 'package-archives source t))
And then you should be able to run the package-install command and type pony-mode when prompted in the minibuffer.
It works just fine for me
git clone http://github.com/davidmiller/pony-mode ~/Development/pony-mode
M-x byte-compile-file (compile only pony-mode.el)
And then add to .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/Development/pony-mode")
(require 'pony-mode)
Of course you would have to change the paths for yours... Be careful with the path in the load path function, no final / and no spaces
The error "Cannot open load file: files-x" is unrelated to byte-compilation.
There is a file included in GNU Emacs 'files-x.el' which is required by pony-mode in order to set dir-local variables for per-project settings.
This error most likely means that the variable `load-path' is set such that it cannot find files-x.el.
(/usr/local/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/files-x.el would be a good first place to look in your case.
C-h v load-path will allow you to inspect this variable.)
The installation instructions provided by #Fernando should work if your installation is standard