array to bitmap in c++ - c++

I'd like to create a bitmap by turning an array into a bitmap. First I create the bitmap from the data:
info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
info.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
info.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
info.bmiHeader.biHeight = -height(windowSize);
info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
info.bmiHeader.biWidth = width(windowSize);
info.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 100;
info.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 100;
Gdiplus::Bitmap *b = new Bitmap(&info, (void *)field);
And then I try to draw it on the screen, but it only contains black:
Gdiplus::Graphics *graphics = new Gdiplus::Graphics(hdc);
graphics->DrawImage(<pointer to bitmap>, 0, 0);
The array currently contains 32 bits of data per pixel, 8 bits for each component. The red component is shifted 24 bits to the left, green is shifted 16 bits to the left and blue is shifted 8 bits to the left.
I can assure you that the field array contains data in which the colors aren't all black. Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?

Does the field array last for the whole lifetime of your image? Bitmap constructors that take a pointer to image data will actually store a reference to that data, rather than copying it.
If you want to copy your data and have it stored in the Bitmap object, use NULL for the image bits (or use a constructor that does not require a pointer to image bits), and use the Bitmap.LockBits function to fill in the data. You don't have to copy the bits manually; just fill in the BitmapData structure and use the ImageLockModeWrite|ImageLockModeUserInputBuf flags, and GDI+ will copy the bits by itself.
You may also have better luck with the Bitmap(INT,INT,INT,PixelFormat,BYTE*) constructor (see as it gives you more direct control over how GDI+ will interpret the data (including making it obvious whether your data contains alpha information).


ATL CImage::SetPixel not working for monochrome BMPs (nBPP=1)

I'm trying to code a program that changes a BMP file and adds some modifications in particular locations. The BMPs I'm trying to modify are monochrome (1 bit per pixel) as the image size needs to be quite small. I'm using the ATL CImage class to do this.
However, I can't seem to use SetPixel to change a particular pixel for monochrome BMPs.
(I've modified this code a bit for simplicity. 'color' comes from another part of the program and only ever returns RGB(255,255,255) or RGB(0,0,0))
CImage bmp;
bmp.Create(180, 1369, 1);
for (int y = 0; y < 1369; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 180; x++) {
bmp.SetPixel(x, y, color);
This code returns a black BMP when displayed. If I modify the '1' in bmp.Create, which is the number of bits per pixel, to anything larger than 8, the code works as expected. However, that fix does not suit me as I end up with a BMP that is too large.
Is there any way of making SetPixel work here?
It appears that when you use Create() to make a monochrome bitmap that it creates one where both colors are black. You'll need to adjust the color table:
RGBQUAD colors[2] = { 0 };
bmp.GetColorTable(0, 2, colors);
colors[1].rgbRed = colors[1].rgbGreen = colors[1].rgbBlue = 0xff;
bmp.SetColorTable(0, 2, colors);
Then if you SetPixel to RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff) it should work properly

How to get a pixel array from TBitmap?

In a camera application bitmap pixel arrays are retrieved from a streaming camera.
The pixel arrays are captured by writing them to a named pipe, where on the other end of the pipe, ffmpeg retrieves them and creates an AVI file.
I will need to create one custom frame (with custom text on), and pipe its pixels as the first frame in the resulting movie.
The question is how can I use a TBitmap (for convenience) to
Create a X by Y monochrome (8 bit) bitmap from scratch, with
custom text on. I want the background to be white, and the text to
be black. (Mostly figured this step out, see below.)
Retrieve the pixel array that I can send/write to the pipe
Step 1: The following code creates a TBitmap and writes text on it:
int w = 658;
int h = 492;
TBitmap* bm = new TBitmap();
bm->Width = w;
bm->Height = h;
bm->HandleType = bmDIB;
bm->PixelFormat = pf8bit;
bm->Canvas->Font->Name = "Tahoma";
bm->Canvas->Font->Size = 8;
int textY = 10;
string info("some Text");
bm->Canvas->TextOut(10, textY, info.c_str());
The above basically concludes step 1.
The writing/piping code expects a byte array with the bitmaps pixels; e.g.
unsigned long numWritten;
WriteFile(mPipeHandle, pImage, size, &numWritten, NULL);
where pImage is a pointer to a unsigned char buffer (the bitmaps pixels), and the size is the length of this buffer.
Using the generated TBitmap and a TMemoryStream for transferring data to the ffmpeg pipeline does not generate the proper result. I get a distorted image with 3 diagonal lines on it.
The buffersize for the camera frame buffers that I receive are are exactly 323736, which is equal to the number of pixels in the image, i.e. 658x492.
NOTE I have concluded that this 'bitmap' is not padded. 658 is not divisible by four.
The buffersize I get after dumping my generated bitmap to a memory stream, however, has the size 325798, which is 2062 bytes larger than it is supposed to be. As #Spektre pointed out below, this discrepancy may be padding?
Using the following code for getting the pixel array;
ByteBuffer CustomBitmap::getPixArray()
// --- Local variables --- //
unsigned int iInfoHeaderSize=0;
unsigned int iImageSize=0;
BITMAPINFO *pBitmapInfoHeader;
unsigned char *pBitmapImageBits;
// First we call GetDIBSizes() to determine the amount of
// memory that must be allocated before calling GetDIB()
// NB: GetDIBSizes() is a part of the VCL.
// Next we allocate memory according to the information
// returned by GetDIBSizes()
pBitmapInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFO[iInfoHeaderSize];
pBitmapImageBits = new unsigned char[iImageSize];
// Call GetDIB() to convert a device dependent bitmap into a
// Device Independent Bitmap (a DIB).
// NB: GetDIB() is a part of the VCL.
delete []pBitmapInfoHeader;
ByteBuffer buf;
buf.buffer = pBitmapImageBits;
buf.size = iImageSize;
return buf;
So final challenge seem to be to get a bytearray that has the same size as the ones coming from the camera. How to find and remove the padding bytes from the TBitmap code??
TBitmap has a PixelFormat property to set the bit depth.
TBitmap has a HandleType property to control whether a DDB or a DIB is created. DIB is the default.
Since you are passing BMPs around between different systems, you really should be using DIBs instead of DDBs, to avoid any corruption/misinterpretation of the pixel data.
Also, this line of code:
Image1->Picture->Bitmap->Handle = bm->Handle;
Should be changed to this instead:
// or:
// Image1->Picture->Bitmap = bm;
Or this:
Either way, don't forget to delete bm; afterwards, since the TPicture makes a copy of the input TBitmap, it does not take ownership.
To get the BMP data as a buffer of bytes, you can use the TBitmap::SaveToStream() method, saving to a TMemoryStream. Or, if you just want the pixel data, not the complete BMP data (ie, without BMP headers - see Bitmap Storage), you can use the Win32 GetDiBits() function, which outputs the pixels in DIB format. You can't obtain a byte buffer of the pixels for a DDB, since they depend on the device they are rendered to. DDBs are only usable in-memory in conjunction with HDCs, you can't pass them around. But you can convert a DIB to a DDB once you have a final device to render it to.
In other words, get the pixels from the camera, save them to a DIB, pass that around as needed (ie, over the pipe), and then do whatever you need with it - save to a file, convert to DDB to render onscreen, etc.
This is just an addon to existing answer (with additional info after the OP edit)
Bitmap file-format has align bytes on each row (so there usually are some bytes at the end of each line that are not pixels) up to some ByteLength (present in bmp header). Those create the skew and diagonal like lines. In your case the size discrepancy is 4 bytes per row:
(xs + align)*ys + header = size
(658+ 4)*492 + 94 = 325798
but beware the align size depends on image width and bmp header ...
Try this instead:
// create bmp
Graphics::TBitmap *bmp=new Graphics::TBitmap;
// bmp->Assign(???); // a) copy image from ???
bmp->SetSize(658,492); // b) in case you use Assign do not change resolution
// bmp->Canvas->Draw(0,0,???); // b) copy image from ???
// here render your text using
bmp->Canvas->Font->Name = "Tahoma";
bmp->Canvas->Font->Size = 8;
// Byte data
for (int y=0;y<bmp->Height;y++)
BYTE *p=(BYTE*)bmp->ScanLine[y]; // pf8bit -> BYTE*
// here send/write/store ... bmp->Width bytes from p[]
// Canvas->Draw(0,0,bmp); // just renfder it on Form
delete bmp; bmp=NULL;
mixing GDI winapi calls for pixel array access (bitblt etc...) with VCL bmDIB bitmap might cause problems and resource leaks (hence the error on exit) and its also slower then usage of ScanLine[] (if coded right) so I strongly advice to use native VCL functions (as I did in above example) instead of the GDI/winapi calls where you can.
for more info see:
#4. GDI Bitmap
Delphi / C++ builder Windows 10 1709 bitmap operations extremely slow
Draw tbitmap with scale and alpha channel faster
Also you mention your image source is camera. If you use pf8bit it mean its palette indexed color which is relatively slow and ugly if native GDI algo is used (to convert from true/hi color camera image) for better transform see:
Effective gif/image color quantization?
simple dithering

SDL accessing pixel data of SDL_Surface

I want to manipulate the color of loaded images but I am having trouble when I try to backup the pixel data. My code looks something like this:
Uint32* pixels, oriPixels;
SDL_Surface* image;
void BackupPixelData()
pixels = (Uint32*)image->pixels;
oriPixels = new Uint32[image->w * image->h];
for (int i = 0; i < image->w * image->h; i++)
oriPixels[i] = pixels[i]; //This causes an access violation midway through
*(oriPixels + i) = *(pixels + i); //Using this method does not cause any crash, but the image will have artifacts
I can get the code to work by changing oriPixels into a vector of Uint32, and I haven't experienced any issues doing that (the image can be restored to the original color using the oriPixels).
What should I do to properly load the pixel data?
The image is in 32 bits.
You must take into account data alignment. Rows may be padded depending on the surface format.
Check the documentation about the pitch field of the SDL_Surface for more details
You get the access violation because the memory buffer size is not width * height but actually pitch * height.

MFC BitBlt and SetDIBits vs. SetBitmapBits

I have a bitmap stored as a BGRA array of bytes. This is the code I've been using to paint the bitmap:
CDC *dispDC = new CDC();
CBitmap *dispBMP = new CBitmap();
dispBMP->CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, sourceImage->GetWidth(), sourceImage->GetHeight());
The actual copying of the pixels in the translatedImage array happens with this:
dispBMP->SetBitmapBits(sourceImage->GetArea() * 4, translatedImage);
Then after some more processing I call pDC->StretchBlt with dispDC as the source CDC. This works fine when logged in locally because the display is also set to 32bpp.
Once I log in with Remote Desktop, the display goes to 16bpp and the image is mangled. The culprit is SetBitmapBits; i.e. for it to work, I have to properly fill translatedImage with the 16bpp version of what I want to show. Rather than do this myself, I searched the documentation and found SetDIBits which sounds like it does what I want:
The SetDIBits function sets the pixels in a compatible bitmap (DDB) using the color data found in the specified DIB.
In my case, the DIB is the 32bpp RGBA array, and the DDB is dispBMP which I create with CreateCompatibleBitmap.
So instead of my call to SetBitmapBits, this is what I did:
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = sourceImage->GetArea()*4;
info.bmiHeader.biWidth = sourceImage->GetWidth();
info.bmiHeader.biHeight = sourceImage->GetHeight();
info.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
int r = SetDIBits(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), (HBITMAP)dispBMP,
0, sourceImage->GetHeight(), translatedImage,
However, r is always zero and, naturally, I get nothing but black in my window. What is wrong with the code?
According to the documentation for SetDIBits:
The bitmap identified by the hbmp parameter must not be selected into a
device context when the application calls this function.
In your example code you select it into device context after creating it, so presumably that's why SetDIBits is failing.
Ross Ridge was correct in pointing out the code order mistake. However, this didn't solve the problem.
The problem was in the parameters I was passing. I am new to C++ and MFC and often forget all the "operators" which can act on types to automatically convert them.
Previously I had this:
int r = SetDIBits(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), (HBITMAP)dispBMP,
0, sourceImage->GetHeight(), translatedImage,
The correct call is this:
int r = SetDIBits(*pDC, *dispBMP,
0, sourceImage->GetHeight(), translatedImage,
(Note I pass dereferenced pointers in the first two parameters.) Everything else was correct, including the counter-intuitive DIB_PAL_COLORS flag for a bitmap which has not palette.
After obviously missing some key points in the documentation I reread it and then found this which has sample code showing that I was simply passing the parameters incorrectly.

Write BITMAPINFOHEADER image data to IDirect3DTexture9

I'm writing a DX9 renderer and currently working on the ability to play AVI movie files. I've been able to retrieve any specified frame using AVIStreamGetFrame(), which returns a packed DIB, and from there I want to be able to copy that bitmap data to an already existing IDirect3DTexture9 *.
My issue is a lack of understanding of the bitmap file format and knowing how to convert the pixel data given from a BITMAPINFOHEADER to a format that IDirect3DTexture9 can interpret.
I first create my DX9 texture like this:
LPBITMAPINFO bmpInfo = m_pVideoData->GetVideoFormat();
Questions I have here are listed as comments above. When I get the BITMAPINFO and for instance it reads bmpInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 (or 16, etc.) does this mean I need to change the D3DFMT_* accordingly?
Later on when I get a LPBITMAPINFOHEADER for the frame I want to render, I'm lost on what to do with pBits returned from the IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect() function. Here is what I have so far:
// Retrieve a frame from the video data as a BITMAPINFOHEADER
m_pVideoData->GetVideoFrame(0, 0, &pBmpInfoHeader);
if(FAILED(m_pD3DTexture->LockRect(0, &rect, NULL, 0)))
DWORD* pDest = (DWORD*)rect.pBits;
// Now what to copy from pBmpInfoHeader?
Are there any API calls that do this for me that I haven't seen? Or does anyone know of an easier way than this? Thanks for reading/helping.
Got it to work!
Couple notes to consider. My AVI file (a single frame/bitmap in this case) was in a 16 bit format, therefore I had to create my destination texture with D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5. Also, bitmaps are stored upside down, so I had to reverse my pointer and read each row backwards.
Here's the code:
// Retrieve a frame from the video data as a BITMAPINFOHEADER
m_pVideoData->GetVideoFrame(0, 0, &pBmpInfoHeader);
// Get dimentions
long nWidth = pBmpInfoHeader->biWidth;
long nHeight = pBmpInfoHeader->biHeight;
// Bitmap width correction (might not be needed...)
if (nWidth % 4 != 0)
nWidth = nWidth + (4 - nWidth%4);
// Get Pixel data (should be after the header in memory)
WORD bitCount = pBmpInfoHeader->biBitCount;
DWORD size = nWidth * nHeight * bitCount/8;
BYTE *pPixelSrc = (BYTE *)pBmpInfoHeader + sizeof(pBmpInfoHeader);
// Lock the texture so we can write this frame's texel data
if(FAILED(m_pD3DTexture->LockRect(0, &lock, NULL, 0)))
int iNumBytesPerRowSrc = pBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * (pBmpInfoHeader->biBitCount/8);
int iNumBytesPerRowDst = lock.Pitch;
int iNumBytesToCopyPerRow = min(iNumBytesPerRowSrc, iNumBytesPerRowDst);
// Bitmap data is stored upside down
// Start at the end and work backwards
pPixelSrc += (iNumBytesPerRowSrc * nHeight);
// Store a pointer to the texture pixel data and write new data
BYTE* ucTexDst = (BYTE *)lock.pBits;
for(int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y)
pPixelSrc -= iNumBytesPerRowSrc;
memcpy(ucTexDst, pPixelSrc, iNumBytesToCopyPerRow);
ucTexDst += iNumBytesPerRowDst;
// Unlock texture so gfx card can resume its business