C++ assigning a new address to *next in a data structure - c++

there's something I can't get my head round...
Basically I'm given the following data structure:
struct node_ll {
int payload;
node_ll *next; //pointer to next node
Which is essentially a stack of numbers.
I need to create a method with the following prototype:
int tail_return(node_ll **list)
where **list is the memory address of the above data structure. My implementation is as follows:
int tail_return(node_ll **list) {
node_ll *temp;
temp = *list;
node_ll *prev_temp;
prev_temp = *list;
bool firstPass = true;
if(firstPass == true){
temp = temp->next;
firstPass = false;
} else {
temp = temp->next;
prev_temp = prev_temp->next;
int toReturn = prev_temp->payload;
prev_temp->payload = 0;
(**list).next = prev_temp;
delete temp;
delete prev_temp;
return toReturn;
However I get the following output from test runs:
List a after head insertion of 2,4,6,8,10 elements:
now removing the last element
{10,0} where it's supposed to be: {10,8,6,4}
What am I doing wrong? Apparently the method finds the right value to delete - 2. But why when I try to print it after deletion I end up with 10 and 0?

(**list).next = prev_temp;
should be
prev_temp->next = 0 ;
when you do (**list).next = prev_temp; you are manipulating the parameter which was passed to your method and not the last node in the linked list.

I am assuming that tail_return is supposed to take a linked list of node_ll 's and delete the tail element?
Yes per #Aditya , looks like the
(**list).next = prev_temp;
line is causing a problem. The reason is that you are reassigning list to point to the second to last element (prev_temp).
Deleting the last element is correctly done by
delete temp;
And also remove the line
delete prev_temp;
since that removes the second to last element too, which you want to keep.
Plus you are currently returning the second to last element. So change
int toReturn = prev_temp->payload;
int toReturn = temp->payload;

(**list).next = prev_temp;
is too complicated. If you write it like this
(*list)->next = prev_temp;
it now becomes clear(er) that you change the first element in the list.
This is just a small recommendation for writing clearer code. See the other answers for the solutions to your problem(s).


Deleting elements from doubly bounded pointer list

I am working on a project where I create a double bounded pointer list, delete several elements, and still be able to read off the list. I have a double bounded pointer list, but am having trouble deleting elements and keeping the list double bounded. This then causes issues when trying to print the list.
Below is the IF statement I've placed in a while loop to help delete unwanted elements. I keep getting a segmentation fault (core dumped).
if ((black2 != black)||(white2 != white)) {
dump = help;
help = help ->next;
dump -> before = temp;
temp -> next = help;
help ->before = temp;
delete dump;
else { temp = help;
help = help->next;
help ->before = temp; }//else
To maintain properly the doubly linked list you should do something like :
void remove(X *elt) {
X* before = elt->before;
X* after = elt->next;
if (before != NULL) { // assuming first element points to NULL
before->next = after;
else {
first = after; // assuming first is a pointer to first element of list
if (after != NULL) { // assuming last element points to NULL
after->before = before;
else {
last = before; // assuming last is a pointer to last element
delete elt;
That way, you ensure that elements around current correctly point to each other dealing with special cases of removing first or last element.
But you already have a std::list template in Standard Template Library
One logical issue in your code is the line dump->before = temp.
What this does is that it sets the previous node pointer of dump to temp, as opposed to defining temp as the previous node.
The correct line should read temp = dump->before
PS: Your code is correct assuming that the node you are deleting isn't the first or last node (and you haven't padded with dummy nodes). You should introduce checks for these cases if required.

Get smallest value from a linked list?

I am currently writing a piece of code which loops through a linked list and retrieves the smallest, but is not working. Instead it seems to be returning the last value I enter into the list...
(list is the head being passed from main)
int i = 0;
Stock *node = list;
int tempSmallest = (list + 0)->itemStock;
while (node!=NULL)
if ((list+i)->itemStock < tempSmallest)
tempSmallest = node->itemStock;
node = node->nodeptr;
return list;
Thanks for any advice!
You are dereferencing (list+i) and incrementing i with every visited node for some reason. I don't know why you're doing this, but it's wrong. You basically traverse the linked list and also conceptually traverse an array (which doesn't exist at all). This is undefined behavior and cannot give meaningful results.
You must dereferece the currently valid node, not an array element that is a few indices after it somewhere in RAM, and advance by the list's next node pointer (I assume this is called nodeptr in your code?).
Something like...
Stock *node = list; // hopefully not NULL since I don't check in the next line
int smallest = node->itemStock;
while(node && node = node->nodeptr)
smallest = std::min(smallest, node->itemStock);
return smallest;
struct stock{
stock *next;
this will be the struct of your nodes.
then when you initialize them, you should refer the next pointer of the last node added, to the node you're adding currently.
then the code will be like this:
stock *node = head; // the head you passed from main
int min = node->price;
if(node->price < min)
min = node->price;
return min;

Circular Singly Linked List: Remove a particular Node from List

I wrote the code to remove a particular node from list according to user
choice, code works perfectly fine for a particular value but if i make
several calls to it meaning if I call it 2 times continuously then one of my
another function pointer_to_node(index) gives an out of bounds error which
was also implemented by me to record such conditions,
Actually, why I need several calls is that I have to write a separate function
to remove all the nodes. I am trying to accomplish that task using this
function by using a for loop up to the size of my Circular Singly Linked list.
But in that case it also returns me a NULL pointer and gives me out of bounds
message (implemented by me in code). I have included both my functions down
void remove_from_index(int index){
temptr = new Node;
int tempdata;
if (index==1)//means remove from first
temptr = firstptr;
tempdata= temptr->data;
firstptr = firstptr->nextptr;
} else if(index==size_of_list()) //means last node
temptr = pointer_to_node(index);
index--; //get pointer of 2nd last position
lastptr = pointer_to_node(index);//setting 2nd last as last postion
delete (temptr);
} else // any position of node
temptr = pointer_to_node(index);
tempdata = temptr->data;
index--; // to get address of back
Node* temp2ptr;
temp2ptr = new Node;
temp2ptr = pointer_to_node(index);
index = index+2;
Node* temp3ptr;
temp3ptr = new Node;
temp3ptr = pointer_to_node(index);
temp2ptr->nextptr = temp3ptr;
delete (temptr);
Node* pointer_to_node(int index){
temptr = new Node;
temptr = firstptr;
temptr2 = new Node;
temptr2 = NULL;
int count = 1;
while (temptr!=temptr2){
if (count==index)
return temptr;
if (index>size_of_list())
cout<< "Can't You think in bounds. Take your NULL Pointer ";
return temptr;
delete temptr;
delete temptr2;
You have several memory leaks:
temptr=NULL; // BAD!! BAD!! Remove it otherwise you will not actually free
delete (temptr);
And here too (actually you have this in four places of the code):
Node* temp2ptr;
temp2ptr = new Node; // BADD!! Why do you allocate if you are going to reassign?
temp2ptr = pointer_to_node(index);
Remove the bads and you will avoid the memory leaks.
Still, this is not going to fix your problem.
Also you have operations after return here:
return temptr;
delete temptr;
delete temptr2;
These are never going to be executed.
EDIT Your pointer_to_node function is too complex please change it with
Node* pointer_to_node(int index) {
Node* tempPtr = firstptr;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
tempPtr = tempPtr->nextptr;
return tempPtr;
And see if this will fix your problem. More lines of code very rarely means better programming skills, do not artificially try to increase their count.
I think another possible issue here, aside from all the memory leaks and style issues which are already well documented, is that your code does not seem to handle the case of there only being one thing in the list.
If that happens, it will delete that node, but leave firstptr and lastptr pointing at random memory.
If your size_of_list() function is just counting nodes in the list, it will probably still think there are non-zero nodes remaining, and you might then attempt to remove or otherwise access another node.

why i cannot delete my node with reference

void deleteElement(LinkedListElement<char> *&pending)
if (pending->Next) {
char value = pending->Next->Data;
pending->Data = value;
LinkedListElement<char> *temp = pending->Next;
pending->Next = pending->Next->Next;
delete temp;
delete pending;
pending = NULL;
LinkedListElement<char> *l1 = new LinkedListElement<char>('a');
LinkedListElement<char> *l2 = new LinkedListElement<char>('b');
LinkedListElement<char> *l3 = new LinkedListElement<char>('a');
LinkedListElement<char> *l4 = new LinkedListElement<char>('c');
l1->setNext(l2); l2->setNext(l3); l3->setNext(l4);
Simple tricky delete node in C++ what i want to ask is in the else statement, if the linked list is end , so i can just delete the end itself.
but the two print function, will always print abac, and second way abac.
because i just pass the parameter with reference, (&), i think if i want to delete l4
i do not need to change l3->Next, becasue i can change l4 to NULL, and l3->Next will be NULL.
i try to use
delete pending; pending=NULL;
why it is does not work, two print function always print abac
You delete l4, but you never change l3, and it points to l4s memory (now deleted) which still contains the data ('c')
You need to
to remove the element from the list (and you must still delete it of course)
To use the deleteElement function, you would need to change it to iterate through the list (Pseudo code):
void deleteElement( Element head , Element toBeDeleted)
//are we deleting head (the first element of the list?)
//yes then head should be nulled, and delete as normal
current = head ; ancestor = head;
//scan through list (current becomes current->next until no more)
//until we find toBeDeleted
//maintain ancestor as we go
//if found set ancestor->next to current->next
//delete toBeDeleted

Trying to make a single-linked list in C++ that stores values in chronological order instead of storing everything backwards

I've been working for hours trying to get this program to insert values into new nodes or "Player" structures for this program.
The thing is, this takes place inside function main(). My teacher requires me to insert as little code as possible since essentially "everything" is there which allows me to change it.
Here's the original code that stores each new value in the head while putting the older value inside "addNew":
Player * head = NULL;
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
Player * addNew = (Player *)malloc(sizeof(Player));
if(head == NULL)
head->len = i;
Player * addNew = (Player *)malloc(sizeof(Player));
head->next = NULL;
addNew->next = addNew;
addNew->len = i;
Player * p = head;
//do this until 'p' has no address.
for(int i=0; p!=0; i++)
printf("%s ", p->str);
p = p->next;
Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?
IMPORTANT: My teacher would like me to not add any new variables or a tail. Please don't ask.
Update: Here's some older code:
//The head is the last one to hold a value. Therefore it gets pushed to the right.
Player * head = NULL;
Original Algorithm
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
Player * addNew = (Player *)malloc(sizeof(Player));
printf("Insert a string: ");
scanf("%s", addNew->str);
addNew->next = head; //assign head's current address to addNew->next
head = addNew; //assign all of addNew to head
Update: Here's a new implementation which doesn't work. I can't really find out where exactly that other for loop should go.
addNew->ID = 1;
addNew->ID += i;
if(head == NULL)
head = addNew;
addNew->next = head; //assign head's current address to addNew->next
//head->next = addNew;
//head->next = addNew;
addNew->next = head;
//head = addNew; //assign all of addNew to head
printf("%d\n", addNew->ID);
Simple trick: have the list* always point to the last element in the list. And set that last element's next pointer to the start of the list. Now you can always easily find both the start and the end of the list with just one pointer. The start is at list->next. Don't call it tail, just "list".
Right now, you're adding everything to the head of the list. However, you want to add to the tail instead.
You already have a pointer to the head. In addition to that though, you'll also need a pointer to the tail. Can you think of a way to get (and update) it?
You could save a pointer to the tail of the list and instead of saving the next item on each node, save the previous one.
This might not be an option but I thought I'd suggest it anyway. Instead of storing things in a different order, you could leave things stored as they are, but simply change the way you output the values. This would not only be very simple to implement, it would also be a faster during list inserts.