I find myself using BBEdit on a mac a lot during development (and pure text editing as well). It's great and fulfills pretty much all of my needs. However one really annoying thing I find with it is that the Find dialog closes automatically after the first match is found. What I would much rather see is the dialog staying up with the "find" button highlighted, so that I could keep pressing "enter", "enter", "enter"... to get to the next, next, next... match. Yet I'm force to press 'cmd-F' after every match to re-open the dialog.
Is there any way to change this behaviour?
Press CMDg for next and CMDSHIFTg for previous match then the window will not close.
I'm trying to modify an existing dialog based program written in C++ under Visual Studio.
The title bar on the dialog is showing centered text. I need that to be left justified. But I cannot figure out why it is centered in the first place. I've written another sample program and the title text is left justified by default. An option in the properties for the dialog is to Right Alight Text. That works in my sample program, but changing it in the existing program shows no effect.
It seems like someone must have gone to some effort to center the text, but I don't see anything in the code, and if fact, the centering (or right justifying in my sample/test program) shows up in the dialog editor. So it must be in the properties there. But where!?!?!
This is one of those things that just has to be easy and I'm not seeing it!
So how do I left justify that title text? I'd even be happy to do it in code, since I'm already modifying the title to add a program version number in there. BTW, when I add to the title, or swap in a new title, that text ends up centered.
The trick to make the text center is by overriding the WM_NCPAINT event as given in this link
If you don't want to make the text center, remove the override and it should work.
So this isn't really an answer, but my "problem" was that I was comparing programs running on Win10 and Win8. It turns out the default for Win10 must be to left justify titles while the default for Win8 is to Center.
Programmatically I'm tacking on a version number to a title, and the centering process in Win8 apparently is not dynamic, so the result is skewed to the right. My solution is to simply add the number of chars in the version number to the original title, and when I tack the version number on, I'll trim off those spaces.
WM_NCPAINT is probably the "right" answer, but perhaps too expensive in terms of time.
I have setup clang-format to reformat the current line/selection when I press Ctrl-K in Vim (see the official documentation how to do that). However, it's annoying to be constantly pressing Ctrl-K whenever I edit a line.
Is there a way to make Vim call clang-format as I type or edit code automatically, without me having to press Ctrl-K? In other words, probably after each key stroke in insert mode?
I haven't seen anybody setup vim this way --- what are the potential problems with this setup?
Basically, I want ReSharper's intellisense to work a lot like IntelliJ's, where all I have to do is press enter. I hate having to press down when selecting a option that's the first on the list and pressing enter, its slower than actually typing it out.
See this
This is really what I needed but in a different question, more of like a switcherooni :\ really wish this was pointed out better..
So I've made a program in class for a project, this is done using C++, which is a menu system with one sub menu, to then deliver correct directions from one location to another,
this involved many else and if statements as well as a while loop. however, i'm wondering if it is at all possible to make it so if the user enters a particular string, to restart from the beginning of the program? such as a small function which is a re director to the top of the code again? so if the user messes up on the first menu, they can type 'back' in and go back to the previous menu?
it sounds easy, and its simple, but i'm having trouble with it, and don't know what the best way to approach this would be, despite how minor it is!
Any help is appreciated
I'm new to webstorm since I started my latest job, and I'm finding some features difficult to adapt to. In particular, the fact that it forces you to save all open changes in all tabs at once is problematic.
I have a somewhat organic method of development, swapping between HTML and LESS frequently until I reach a point where I want to save the files and see what my work has accomplished. Whenever I save an open HTML doc, it saves the incomplete LESS that I just left mid-thought as well, and pops up a compiler error. Is there any way to force webstorm to only save the active tab?
(Aside: Please don't suggest I adjust my mindset or my workflow to adapt to my environment. Not only is that poor usability, it would require me to override an instinct that was developed for good reason: when you reach a milestone, you save it lest something bad happen. Leaving an unsaved doc open makes my eye twitch.)
This has been (sort of) implemented in v7.0. You'll need to dig into Settings > Menus and Toolbars to add "Save Document" to the program menu, and Settings > Keymap if you want to assign a keyboard shortcut (and disable Ctrl+S for Save All).
You may also want to tick "Mark modified tabs with asterisk" under Settings > Editor > Editor Tabs.
Note: You will not be warned if you exit without saving your changes.