VS 11 with std::future - Is this a bug? - c++

I recently installed the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview. While playing with threads and futures, I came around this setup:
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
int foo(unsigned a, unsigned b)
return 5;
int main()
std::future<int> f = std::async(foo, 5, 7);
std::cout << f.get();
So, very simple. But since there are two arguments for "foo", VS 11 doesn't want to compile it. (However, g++ does: http://ideone.com/ANrPj) (The runtime error is no problem: std::future exception on gcc experimental implementation of C++0x) (VS 11 errormessage: http://pastebin.com/F9Xunh2s)
I'm a little confused right now, since this error seems extremely obvious to me, even if it is a developer preview. So my questions are:
Is this code correct according to the C++11 standard?
Is this bug already known/reported?

std::future is supposed to be a variadic template. This is what allows you to pass an arbitrary number of arguments to the function being invoked asynchronously.
Unfortunately, the current preview of VS 11 doesn't support variadic templates, which means it doesn't have the mechanism for you to pass more than one argument to the function.
Bottom line: VS is wrong. I'm not sure if anybody has reported this as a bug, but it's a direct consequence of a fact that's already well known, so reporting it probably wouldn't/won't do a whole lot of good other than indirectly adding a vote that variadic templates are important.
If you look on the VC++ News page, they (currently) have a link to a survey that's supposed to allow you to indicate priorities you'd assign to conformance with various C++11 features. Unfortunately it seems to be offline, at least at the moment. When you can, filling it in to indicate that you consider variadic templates a high priority has at least some chance of doing some good for this (though I obviously can't guarantee anything).

Try below adhoc workaround. (I tried at Visual Studio 11 Beta)
std::future<int> f = std::async(std::launch::any, foo, 5, 7);
As C++11 standards function std::async() has two overloads, but MSVC/CRT can't do correct overload resolution. Furthermore std::launch::any is NOT a part of standard. (it requires std::launch::async|std::launch::deferred, but they can't compile again)


Does Visual Studio 2010 perform zero-initialization?

C++11 allows initializing a value with zero using the expression T(); (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/zero_initialization). Is this feature supported by Visual Studio 2010? I ran some experiments comparing T x; with T x = T(); and I concluded that the latter case does initialize the value with zero, but I am not sure whether I can rely on that.
Is zero initialization mentioned anywhere in the VS2010 documentation? The VS2010 Initializers page (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w7wd1177(v=vs.100).aspx) does not mention it, unlike pages for later versions, e.g., VS2013 (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w7wd1177(v=vs.120).aspx).
This is a fundamental behaviour of the language that has been in there since the start. It was not introduced in C++11 (on that cppreference page note that "since C++11" is aligned with only the third of the examples under usage (2); granted it's not very clear).
If T were int and T() did not result in a temporary int of value zero (and this is zero-initialisation via value-initialisation), the compiler would have a very serious bug. I am sure that Visual Studio does not have this bug.
As for proof, the VS2010 docs do not seem to mention this behaviour in the same place the standard mentions it (i.e. under the explicit type conversion expression section). It is certainly possible that their documentation has changed/evolved/become more thorough over time, though, particularly as C++ itself added more and more ways to initialise things.

Why can't constexpr just be the default?

constexpr permits expressions which can be evaluated at compile time to be ... evaluated at compile time.
Why is this keyword even necessary? Why not permit or require that compilers evaluate all expressions at compile time if possible?
The standard library has an uneven application of constexpr which causes a lot of inconvenience. Making constexpr the "default" would address that and likely improve a huge amount of existing code.
It already is permitted to evaluate side-effect-free computations at compile time, under the as-if rule.
What constexpr does is provide guarantees on what data-flow analysis a compliant compiler is required to do to detect1 compile-time-computable expressions, and also allow the programmer to express that intent so that they get a diagnostic if they accidentally do something that cannot be precomputed.
Making constexpr the default would eliminate that very useful diagnostic ability.
1 In general, requiring "evaluate all expressions at compile time if possible" is a non-starter, because detecting the "if possible" requires solving the Halting Problem, and computer scientists know that this is not possible in the general case. So instead a relaxation is used where the outputs are { "Computable at compile-time", "Not computable at compile-time or couldn't decide" }. And the ability of different compilers to decide would depend on how smart their test was, which would make this feature non-portable. constexpr defines the exact test to use. A smarter compiler can still pre-compute even more expressions than the Standard test dictates, but if they fail the test, they can't be marked constexpr.
Note: despite the below, I admit to liking the idea of making constexpr the default. But you asked why it wasn't already done, so to answer that I will simply elaborate on mattnewport's last comment:
Consider the situation today. You're trying to use some function from the standard library in a context that requires a constant expression. It's not marked as constexpr, so you get a compiler error. This seems dumb, since "clearly" the ONLY thing that needs to change for this to work is to add the word constexpr to the definition.
Now consider life in the alternate universe where we adopt your proposal. Your code now compiles, yay! Next year you decide you to add Windows support to whatever project you're working on. How hard can it be? You'll compile using Visual Studio for your Windows users and keep using gcc for everyone else, right?
But the first time you try to compile on Windows, you get a bunch of compiler errors: this function can't be used in a constant expression context. You look at the code of the function in question, and compare it to the version that ships with gcc. It turns out that they are slightly different, and that the version that ships with gcc meets the technical requirements for constexpr by sheer accident, and likewise the one that ships with Visual Studio does not meet those requirements, again by sheer accident. Now what?
No problem you say, I'll submit a bug report to Microsoft: this function should be fixed. They close your bug report: the standard never says this function must be usable in a constant expression, so we can implement however we want. So you submit a bug report to the gcc maintainers: why didn't you warn me I was using non-portable code? And they close it too: how were we supposed to know it's not portable? We can't keep track of how everyone else implements the standard library.
Now what? No one did anything really wrong. Not you, not the gcc folks, nor the Visual Studio folks. Yet you still end up with un-portable code and are not a happy camper at this point. All else being equal, a good language standard will try to make this situation as unlikely as possible.
And even though I used an example of different compilers, it could just as well happen when you try to upgrade to a newer version of the same compiler, or even try to compile with different settings. For example: the function contains an assert statement to ensure it's being called with valid arguments. If you compile with assertions disabled, the assertion "disappears" and the function meets the rules for constexpr; if you enable assertions, then it doesn't meet them. (This is less likely these days now that the rules for constexpr are very generous, but was a bigger issue under the C++11 rules. But in principle the point remains even today.)
Lastly we get to the admittedly minor issue of error messages. In today's world, if I try to do something like stick in a cout statement in constexpr function, I get a nice simple error right away. In your world, we would have the same situation that we have with templates, deep stack-traces all the way to the very bottom of the implementation of output streams. Not fatal, but surely annoying.
This is a year and a half late, but I still hope it helps.
As Ben Voigt points out, compilers are already allowed to evaluate anything at compile time under the as-if rule.
What constexpr also does is lay out clear rules for expressions that can be used in places where a compile time constant is required. That means I can write code like this and know it will be portable:
constexpr int square(int x) { return x * x; }
int a[square(4)] = {};
Without the keyword and clear rules in the standard I'm not sure how you could specify this portably and provide useful diagnostics on things the programmer intended to be constexpr but don't meet the requirements.

Why do streams still convert to pointers in C++11?

The canonical way to read lines from a text file is:
std::fstream fs("/tmp/myfile.txt");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(line, fs)) {
(no, it is not while (!fs.eof()) { getline(line, fs); doThingsWith(line); }!)
This works beacuse std::getline returns the stream argument by reference, and because:
in C++03, streams convert to void*, via an operator void*() const in std::basic_ios, evaluating to the null pointer value when the fail error flag is set;
see [C++03: 27.4.4] & [C++03:]
in C++11, streams convert to bool, via an explicit operator bool() const in std::basic_ios, evaluating to false when the fail error flag is set
see [C++11:] & [C++11:]
In C++03 this mechanism means the following is possible:
std::cout << std::cout;
It correctly results in some arbitrary pointer value being output to the standard out stream.
However, despite operator void*() const having been removed in C++11, this also compiles and runs for me in GCC 4.7.0 in C++11 mode.
How is this still possible in C++11? Is there some other mechanism at work that I'm unaware of? Or is it simply an implementation "oddity"?
I'm reasonably certain this is not allowed/can't happen in a conforming implementation of C++11.
The problem, of course, is that right now, most implementations are working on conforming, but aren't there completely yet. At a guess, for many vendors, this particular update is a fairly low priority. It improves error checking, but does little (or nothing) to enable new techniques, add new features, improve run-time efficiency, etc. This lets the compiler catch the error you've cited (some_stream << some_other_stream) but doesn't really make a whole lot of difference otherwise.
If I were in charge of updating a standard library for C++11, I think this would be a fairly low priority. There are other changes that are probably as easy (if not easier) to incorporate, and likely to make a much bigger difference to most programmers.
To use one of the examples you gave, if I were in charge of updating the VC++ standard library to take advantage of the compiler features added in the November CTP, my top priority would probably be to add constructors to the standard container types to accept initialization_lists. These are fairly easy to add (I'd guess one person could probably add and test them in under a week) and make quite an obvious, visible difference in what a programmer can do.
As late as GCC 4.6.2, the libstdc++ code for basic_ios is evidently still C++03-like.
I'd simply put this down to "they haven't gotten around to it yet".
By contrast, the libc++ (LLVM's stdlib implementation) trunk already uses operator bool().
This was a missed mini-feature buried in a pre-existing header. There are probably lots of missing error of omission and commission in pre-2011 components.
Really, if anyone comes up with things like this in gcc then it would do a world of good to go to Bugzilla and make a bug report. It may be a low priority bug but if you start a paper trail
I'll go out on a limb and extend this idea to all the other C++ compilers: clang, Visual Studio,etc.
This will make C++ a better place.
P.S. I entered a bug in Bugzilla.

boost::bind doesn't work in VC++ 2010 when binding a function that throws exceptions

I have some code which compiles fine under Linux, but I am trying to port it to Windows. I have used the Boost 1.50 precompiled binaries from Boost Pro, but when I compile my code I get this cryptic error:
error C2664: 'boost::_bi::bind_t<R,F,L>::bind_t(const boost::_bi::bind_t<R,F,L> &)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'boost::_bi::bind_t<R,F,L>'
to 'const boost::_bi::bind_t<R,F,L> &'
C:\Program Files (x86)\boost\boost_1_50\boost\bind\bind_cc.hpp [line] 50
The error is most unhelpful because it shows up deep in the Boost header files, with no indication of where in my code the problem is. Nevertheless by commenting out various blocks of code I have narrowed it down to this as the cause:
void test(int a)
throw (int) // removing this line makes it compile
boost::function<void(int)> fn = boost::bind<void>(test, _1);
It works if I remove the throw specifier in the function definition. It doesn't matter what I throw, whether it's a class or just an int. Am I doing something wrong, or can't you bind to functions that throw exceptions in Visual C++? The Boost Bind docs don't seem to suggest any issues with this, and GCC doesn't have a problem with it either way.
[Side note: The code above is not my actual code, but when compiled it exhibits the same problem. Please avoid comments about throwing ints being bad and the like, as this is only supposed to be a trivial example in case anyone wishes to reproduce the problem.]
I don't know why your code fails on VC++. However, in general exception specifications are best avoided because they can introduce very subtle effects. See this excellent column A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications by Herb Sutter:
So here’s what seems to be the best advice we as a community have
learned as of today:
Moral #1: Never write an exception specification.
Moral #2: Except possibly an empty one, but if I were you I’d avoid
even that.

ADL fails when there are lambda arguments?

quite some time ago i noticed that in Visual C++ 10 ADL fails when at least one of the arguments is a lambda.
std::vector<float> vec;
for_each(begin(vec), end(vec), [](float) {});
The above fails to compile on VC++10 and 11 (beta) (begin and end are found via ADL). When i convert the lambda function into a regular free function things work just as expected.
I've asked on Herb Sutters blog once and also read some posts on msdn connect and the usual answers were: this is a bug, we havent implemented the latest standard of the lambdas yet which - at that time - was quite understandable. Things haven't been in a baked form yet. On MS connect there have also been disturbing comments that this will not be resolved for the next release i.e. vc 11.
My question is, is this code expected to work under the C++11 standard? I cant quite figure that out. Do i really have to prefix my for_each and other algorithms with std:: when I'm using lambdas?
I somehow suspect that this behavior will not change after vc++11 release.
The standard doesn't guarantee what you'd want it to..
With the below in mind we can easily realize that there is nothing guaranteeing that ADL would work in cases similar to the example provided in your post.
std::begin (c)/std::end (c)
The functions are described in the standard as the below quotation:
template <class C> auto begin(C& c) -> decltype(c.begin());
template <class C> auto end(C& c) -> decltype(c.end());
Though the Container< ... >::iterator (which is the return-type of c.begin ()) is an implementation-defined type.
More about the matter can be read upon at 24.5.6 Range Access, and class template vector (or any other template STL container).
[](){} - Lambda Expressions
A lambda is an implementation-defined type, there is nothing in the standard stating that the resulting object will be of a type which is under namespace std.
It can pretty much exists wherever it wants, as long as it confirms to the other rules set up by the standard.
Too Long; Didn't Read
The types of which std::begin/std::end/a lambda-expression yields are not guaranteed to be under namespace std, therefore ADL is not guaranteed to kick in.
That is perfectly valid code. Any bug-free compiler will be able to compile it. But since MSVC has bug and so is unable to search the function through ADL, then maybe you should not rely on ADL and instead qualify it with std:: helping the compiler to find the function.