Installing GTK2.0 on ubuntu? - gtk2

so I've been working on a project on the university lab computers, and I want to be able to work on it at home on my laptop. My laptop runs ubuntu 11.10.
I used
sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libgtk2.0-doc devhelp
and that's all done.
Yet when I try compile my program, it gives me a bunch of
undefined reference to [all the gtk functions]
What's going on here? What am I doing wrong?
Program compiles fine on the lab computers.
makefile is here

The library arguments should now come after the files you want to link or they are ignored:
$(CC) -o mainout main.o draw.o floyds.o simpletools.o graph.o tads.o bucket.o $(LIBS)
Reason: The new version of GCC that comes in U11.10 passes the --as-needed switch for the linker by default. This means that if the library is not needed by anything that precedes it in the command line it is ignored. You can change this behaviour if you use the --no-as-needed linker switch.


How to "include" libvlc and sdl1.2 on Raspbian C++ project?

I have installed "libsdl1.2-dev" and "libvlc" (with sudo apt-get install blah) in Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi, I'm using gcc to compile the example project from
This is my compile command:
gcc -fpermissive test.cpp -lvlc -lsdl1.2-dev -o test
It seems to compile (after I added -fpermissive and manually placed the vlc headers in usr/include/vlc) the error seems to happen during the linking phase, I get these 2 errors;
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lvlc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsdl1.2-dev
I'm a bit new to Linux and I can't work out why it can't find them. I'm also unsure where it installs them by default, there seem to be a few different places they could be.
Use pkg-config to get the needed compile and link flags. pkg-config --cflags sdl libvlc will print the needed compilation flags, and pkg-config --libs sdl libvlc the needed link flags. You can use the $() feature of the shell to embed the output of pkg-config directly into your compile command. Also, use g++ to compile and link C++ code. gcc is for C code.
g++ $(pkg-config --cflags sdl libvlc) -fpermissive test.cpp -o test $(pkg-config --libs sdl libvlc)
The package names sdl and libvlc correspond to *.pc files that are installed in /usr/lib/pkgconfig. If no such files exist, then that means you forgot to install the -dev versions of the sdl and vlc libraries. So check if there's a libvlc-dev package you need to install. Use this:
apt-cache search vlc | grep dev
See if there's a dev package for libvlc that you need.
To install libraries and header files, try sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev this should install all the dependent libraries in the correct library paths. sudo apt-get install vlc is used to install the application which in your case you dont need.
Try sudo apt-get install vlc, you're probably missing some plugins and stuff

How to execute a graphics C++ program on macOS Sierra

I'm working on a project for my graphics class, which the professor provided the base code. He coded it up with our lab computers (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) in mind. I wanted to work on this project from my own computer at home, but I cant seem to figure out how to run it.
I do know the Makefile he gave us is specific to the lab computers, once again, but I'm not skilled enough to figure out how to alter it for a macOS.
CPP = g++ -std=c++11
INC = -I../glslutil -I../mvcutil -I.
LINK = g++ -fPIC -g
GL_LIB_LOC = -L/usr/lib/nvidia-375
OBJS = project1.o ModelView.o Controller.o GLFWController.o
../lib/ ../glslutil/ShaderIF.h ../glslutil/ShaderIF.c++
(cd ../glslutil; make)
project1.o: project1.c++
$(CPP) $(C_FLAGS) project1.c++
ModelView.o: ModelView.h ModelView.c++
$(CPP) $(C_FLAGS) ModelView.c++
Controller.o: ../mvcutil/Controller.h ../mvcutil/Controller.c++
$(CPP) $(C_FLAGS) ../mvcutil/Controller.c++
GLFWController.o: ../mvcutil/GLFWController.h
$(CPP) $(C_FLAGS) ../mvcutil/GLFWController.c++
Although, I'm not even sure that's the problem. I just want to see the graphics on my laptop! :) I appreciate any help!
Overall, I would like to see something similar to this on my mac.
My errors when compiling on my mac.
I, personally, wouldn't go that way, unless you really have to.
I'd go a different path:
download VirtualBox from here:
download Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
ask your teacher what exact packages does he use for the class
install Ubuntu 16.04 inside VirtualBox
install all packages required by your teacher
use VirtualBox installation for this particular class
This way, you will save lots of time and effort.
I suspect this is going to be rather hard to do, and this is only a partial answer, so maybe some other kind folk will know how to do the other half, or 80% - not even sure how much I am missing.
The Makefile looks like it is using glslang and glfw and some Nvidia library. To get some of those packages on a Mac, you would need to:
install Xcode - start AppStore, find and download Xcode for free
install Command Line Tools with xcode-select --install in Terminal
install homebrew - goto Homebrew website
Then you could search for your packages with
brew search glfw
brew search glslang
Then you can find out what the packages are with:
brew info glfw
Sample Output
glfw: stable 3.2.1 (bottled), HEAD
Multi-platform library for OpenGL applications
Not installed
==> Dependencies
Build: cmake ✘
==> Options
Build examples
Build test programs
Build static library only (defaults to building dylib only)
Install HEAD version
Then install it with:
brew install glfw
You will still probably have a load of problems and I cannot find the Nvidia stuff... maybe someone else can add more help.

Cross-compile and link libstdc++ for i686-elf (using g++ on Ubuntu 16.04)

Believe me I've spent quite some time Googling without much of an outcome.
I'm writing a very basic OS as a fun project. It, for obvious reasons, needs to be compiled into a standalone form (i686-elf in my case). However I've decided that pure C isn't enough for me and that I'd love to use C++. So I've written a bit of code and it seemed to work, so I went on and all of sudden I kept getting the same error despite no obvious problem with the code.
./sh/../obj/class_string.o:(.eh_frame+0x4f): undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0'
./sh/../obj/kernel.o:(.eh_frame+0x13): undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0'
/home/natiiix/crosscompiler/out/path/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-elf/6.1.0/libgcc.a(unwind-dw2.o): In function read_encoded_value_with_base':
/home/natiiix/crosscompiler/out/src/build-gcc/i686-elf/libgcc/../../../gcc-6.1.0/libgcc/unwind-pe.h:257: undefined reference to abort'
After a bit of Googling I've figured out the problem must be that my g++ cross-compiler lacks c++ libs, which turned out to be true. It indeed contains just libgcc and libgcov. So I've figured out I'd get them somehow, but it turned out to be quite a difficult task to do. It's virtually impossible to find the already compiled libstdc++.a. So I had to compile it myself and as I'm not particularly familiar with makefile it definitely wasn't easy to figure out.
Finally I've found a bash script that somewhat allowed me to do what I needed. It downloads gcc 6.1.0, binutils, configures both and runs make, make install. That would be really nice if it actually worked. The compiler itself works like a charm as far as I can tell at least, but the library won't work no matter what I do since, at least I suspect, it is being built for a different target platform for some reason. It appears that libstdc++ simply cannot be built for i686-elf or something along the lines.
set -e
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Supply one parameter: the target to use!!"
exit 1
sudo apt install libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libisl-dev libcloog-isl-dev libmpc-dev texinfo -y
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
rm -rfv out/
mkdir out/
cd out/
rm -rfv path/
mkdir path/
rm -rfv src/
mkdir src/
cd src/
tar -xvzf binutils-2.26.tar.gz
tar -xvzf gcc-6.1.0.tar.gz
export PREFIX="$(pwd)/../path/"
export TARGET=$1
export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"
rm -rfv build-binutils/
mkdir build-binutils/
cd build-binutils/
../binutils-2.26/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix="$PREFIX" --disable-nls --disable-werror
make install
cd ..
rm -rfv build-gcc/
mkdir build-gcc/
cd build-gcc/
../gcc-6.1.0/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix="$PREFIX" --disable-nls --enable-languages=c,c++ --without-headers
make all-gcc
make all-target-libgcc
make install-gcc
make install-target-libgcc
../gcc-6.1.0/libstdc++-v3/configure --host=$TARGET --target=$TARGET --prefix="$PREFIX" --disable-nls --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-libstdcxx-threads
make install
My compile / link script (so that you can see the g++ arguments):
${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../../crosscompiler/out/path/bin/i686-elf-g++ -c ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../src/*.cpp --std=c++11 -ffreestanding -O2 -Wall -Wextra
echo moving object files from active directory to obj/
mv *.o ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../obj/
${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../../crosscompiler/out/path/bin/i686-elf-g++ -T ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../src/linker.ld -o ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../bin/kokos.bin -ffreestanding -O2 -nostdlib ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../obj/*.o -lgcc -lstdc++ -lsupc++
When I try to link those libraries (versions of libstdc++ and libsupc++ that appear to be elf32-i386, which is as close as they get to the i686-elf) I stop getting the undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0, but I still get a handful of undefined references to what appear to be C functions. (abort, strlen, malloc, free)
The whole problem can be avoided by not using templates, class destructors and some more c++ specific stuff (ironically classes alone seem to work just fine for the most part), but it doesn't seem like a very good solution to me. I'd rather have access to such things.
Could someone please explain to me what have I done wrong?
It is not clear from your post what exact result you want to get. Below there are few observations that may help you to figure out what your real problems are.
First, if you need 32-bit code to be compiled on your (I guess) 64-bit Ubuntu host, you do not need a cross toolchain, just compile it with -m32.
If you want your code to be optimized for specific CPU variant, just use appropriate -march=, -mcpu= and -mtune= options.
If you need your 32-bit program to be statically linked with C++ libraries, then on Ubuntu you just need to install a package libstdc++-6-dev:i386. Run sudo apt-get install libstdc++-6-dev:i386, it will also install all necessary dependencies. Then just compile your program with gcc -m32 -static.
If you need to use standard libraries optimized for specific CPU, rather than for generic i386 then you need to build them manually. This is true not only for libstdc++, but also for libc (IIRC, Ubuntu 16.04 still uses generic -march=i386 option to build libc, Ubuntu 16.10 uses -march=i686).
You got the undefined references from your link output because you are using -nostdlib and -lstdc++ but not -lc. libstdc++ uses the functions from standard C library,so you need it.
As you develop an OS kernel and you need a freestanding environment, I suppose that you really do not need standard libraries. In that case refer to C++ standard, clause, to find which standard headers you may use in your application. You have to use -lsupc++ -lgcc on your compiler command line and additionally you need -lgcc_eh if you use exception handling (and libgcc_eh.a is where __gxx_personality_v0 comes from). Do not use -lstdc++ in a freestanding environment!
Hope this helps a bit and have a good luck!

RInside segmentation fault and linking issue

I'm trying to call R from c++ on linux via RInside, I compiled R-2.15.1 from source with gcc version 4.5.3 (Debian 4.5.3-1) , I don't have sudo rights to use apt-get install. I'm using OpenBlas and a system optimized lapack. The blas and lapack libraries work fine for many scalapack applications
I installed R with
./configure --with-blas="-I/lib/OpenBLAS-v0.2.3-0/xianyi-OpenBLAS-48f075c/install/include -L/lib/OpenBLAS-v0.2.3-0/xianyi-OpenBLAS-48f075c/install/lib -lopenblas -lgfortran" --with-lapack="/usr/lib/ -lgfortran" --enable-BLAS-shlib=yes --enable-R-shlib --enable-R-static-lib --prefix= .
which installed and runs fine,I ran make check with no errors, also all the packages (Rcpp and RInside) installed fine..
however when i use the given RInside makefile , the basic hello world example from /standard/rinside_sample0.cpp compiles! but it does not run and i get the following error
./rinside_sample0: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
the file exists and is in the R/lib folder,
when i try to link it manually with the g++ command the make file creates or linking as follows i get a segmentation fault
/R/lib/ ./hello_world
Segmentation fault
EDIT: heres how the example make file tries to compile an example, (which compiles fine) but won't run with the above missing error
g++ -I/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/include -I/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include -I/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/RInside/include -g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include hello_world.cpp -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lR -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lRblas -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lRlapack -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lRblas -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/lib -lRcpp -Wl,-rpath,/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/lib -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/RInside/lib -lRInside -Wl,-rpath,/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/RInside/lib -o hello_world
Couple of things:
Reproducible examples, please
You have a non-standard setup
With the script from 1), try it on a standard setting as that is how Rcpp / RInside get developed and tested (on Ubuntu / Debian)
The Rcpp test suite now contains almost 800 unit tests from around 350 unit test functions. These do not seg.fault, so the issue is at your end. Similarly, RInside has dozens of examples in the four examples/ subdirectories. This also works.
It may be as easy as tweaking the Makefile / Makevars files to make sure you get your libraries in all cases. But we can't tell as there is nothing reproducible here.
Edit If you want to link with then you have a completely non-standard setup as the R packages for Debian / Ubuntu as use the external BLAS. Again, not an RInside issue.
I fixed the problem by adding the R install path lib ../R/lib: to the beginning of LD_LIBRARY_PATH after that all the examples compiled and run fine

libboost-system linker errors when cross-compiling to x86

I'm trying to build a 32-bit application on Ubuntu 11.04 x64. I'm having some issues with the build because of linker errors with libboost. The build statement has -lboost_system in it, but when I try to build I get a bunch of these:
CommunicationModule.cpp:(.text+0x68c1): undefined reference to boost::system::generic_category()
CommunicationModule.cpp:(.text+0x68d7): undefined reference to boost::system::system_category()
Everything I've found on google says I need to link to the boost_system library. One place I found says to try linking to it directly, but when i do locate boost_system the result is empty. When I try doing a sudo apt-get install libboost-system-dev it tells me that it's already installed. I'm kind of at a loss here. The library is installed, but it's not being found by locate?
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to properly link to boost::system? I'm fairly new to linux and the complexities of compilers so any help here would be appreciated.
Here is the output of dpkg -L libboost-system1.42-dev:
Is there a flag I can use to link to one of these directly? I tried using -L /usr/lib/ and -L /usr/lib/ and neither of those fixed the issue. Same with just adding /usr/lib/libboost_system.a and /usr/lib/libboost_system-mt.a to the build statement.
Here is the compilation line:
g++ -m32 -Wl,-O1 -o UTNaoTool [.o files] -L/usr/lib32 -lqglviewer-qt4 -lqwt-qt4 -lboost_system -lboost_thread -lQtXml -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lGLU -lpthread
Update 2:
I downloaded boost 1.49 and built everything for 32-bit and that seemed to help. A lot of the errors went away, but now I still have these:
CommunicationModule.cpp:(.text+0x68c1): undefined reference to
Note that the function is different. So all of my errors are regarding undefined references to get_system_category() and get_generic_category() now. I tried adding a -lboost_filesystem to the build command but that didn't fix this, and I made sure it was referencing the 32-bit library that I built when I built libboost_system.
Looking at my own installation, it seems libboost-system-dev does not install the libraries. Using dpkg to tell me what was installed bz libboost-system-dev I get:
$ dpkg -L libboost-system-dev
Poking around, I think you need to install libboost-system1.48.1 (or some other version).
sudo apt-get install libboost-system1.XX.Y
You can also search fo rthe libraries using the find command, for example, search under /usr for all files starting with libboost_system:
find /usr -name "libboost_system*"
Edit: Since you are cross-compiling from a 64 bit OS to a 32 bit one, you need 32 bit versions of the boost libraries. I would be tempted to set up a small 32 bit virtual machine to do this, rather than cross-compiling all the dependencies.
I had the same problem with boost_serialization here is what i found out after couple of googling..
first this library need to be compiled separately :
so after downloading the boost library ,extract it and execute sudo ./' then
sudo ./b2 --with-system
after this step you should be find a result when executing locate boost_system
then to link it manually I did:
both should work
g++ boostexample.cpp -o run /PATH/libboost_serialization.a
g++ boostexample.cpp -o run -L/PATH/ -lboost_serialization
well this is a little work around and I'm still looking for how to link the library properly
I hope this helped :)