Zip library to read zip headers - c++

Hi Guys I need a zip library with which I will be able to validate the file. I would like to read the crc from the zip header using this library and compare it with my own calculated crc. Could you suggest me any??

zlib should be enough. Take a look here:

Once upon a time I've used this:
But nowadays I use my own code, as others suggest.

The format of zip files is very simple, so you don't really need a library to read them. You can find the complete specification for zip files here. It should take you no more than an hour to write some code to locate the zip 'local file header' of interest in the archive and extract the CRC32.


Does anyone know if ziplib has the ability to validate a zip library without actually extracting all the files

I'm looking to replace the zip library that I am using in a small utility with something a bit better.
One of the deficiencies in the library I am currently using is that it doesn't appear to validate zip file very well - I can corrupt the file by changing random characters and the library doesn't notice.
I am looking for a C++ zip library that has a function to validate the zip file without extracting all the files in the library.
Someone recommended ziplib to me, but I don't see anything in there about checking the integrity of a zip library.
Does anyone know if ziplib has this capability? Or have a better recommendation?
Libraries like libzip and libarchive allow you to read archive entries a chunk at a time. You can simply read the entire archive to verify it, repeatedly overwriting the same buffer in memory with the decompressed data and thereby discarding it.

zip-file to buffer c++

I have to read a dat-file byte by byte from a zip-file in a char[] buffer. The zip-file contains only one dat-file. I guess unzip chunk by chunk would be good. I am using Visual Studio 2013 with c++.
I have found zip-utils (, would this be ok, because its nearly 10 years old? Would Minizip be a good way? I guess zlib alone would not be enough for this use case, right?
My question is, whats the best way to do the unzipping? I have no experience with handling zip-files and would like to hear a suggestion by somebody with experience.
Thank you,
Minizip would work. Please notice that it still requires zlib source code to link with.
A zip file is not just chunks of zlib compressed content.
It's an archive.
There is a directory header, and per element header you must decode too even if the archive only contains a single file. Typically, the header will tell you from which offset in the zip file you'll find your DAT compressed content. Then you'll likely use zlib to decode chunk by chunk starting at the given offset.
Please notice also that zip file format does not always imply zlib as a compressor (you can have many different compressor). If you master the code that create the zip file, it's not an issue. But if it comes from hostile user, then you should rely actually check the compressor used and assert it's zlib else you should deny decompressing the file because you'll not be able to do so.

Zipping a file from memory in linux

I'm working on application that must enrypt and zip files. So, I create some data in memory (text, binary or whatever), encrypt it and save to disk (file1 and file2). The I call e.g. "zip file1 file2 ".
I do not want to save this files to disk, but immediately create zip and pack these files from memory.
How should I do that?
Thanks a lot!
You could try to use the zlib library to be able to create zip files from memory buffers.
The boost:iostreams could also be a good solution.
For zlib there is an extension for zip called minizip in the contribs. For minizip you can find code to work with in-memory buffers on the authors page:
Justin Fletcher wrote a very simple implementation of a memory access method for the ioapi code (
Note that you must compress first and then encrypt. Encrypted data can't be compressed anymore.
Interestingly enough, I wasn't able to find a library to create ZIP files from C. zlib only allows to (de-)compress individual entries in a ZIP archive.
It comes with contrib/minizip; maybe that can get you started.

Game File Archive Format

I want to create a single data file that holds all the data that my game will need, and I want it to be compressed. I looked into tar and gzip, but I downloaded their sources and I don't know where to begin. Can somebody give me some pointers to how I can use these?
Unless you will always load all files from the archive, TAR/GZ might not be a very good idea, because you cannot extract specific files as you need them. This is the reason many games use ZIP archives, which do allow you to extract individual files as required (a good example is Quake, whose PK3 files are nothing but ZIP files with a different extension).
A bit of searching brought up Minizip, which is a ZIP library built on top of zlib. I couldn't find any separate documentation for it, but the header files seem to include a lot of comments, and I believe you can get off with it.
If you mean that you want your game to read out of the archive at runtime, then I recommend decompressing each time the game is run into a temporary folder, and then using the files as required. This can be achieved through using a library for decompressing whatever archive format you use. Look into zlib.

extracting compressed file with boost::iostreams

I'm searching for a way to extract a file in c++ by using the boost::iostreams classes.
There is an example in the boost documentation. But it outputs the content of the compressed file to std::cout.
I'm looking for a way to extract it to a file structure.
Does anybody know how to do that?
Boost.IOStreams does not support compressed archives, just single compressed files. If you want to extract a .zip or .tar file to a directory tree, you'll need to use a different library.
The example in the documentation shows how to decompress the file and push the result to another stream.
If you want the output to be directed to an in-memory array instead, you can use a stream of type boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::array_source>instead.
That is basically a stream-wrapper around an array.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you want the output in "a file structure" though.
Looks to me like the call to boost::iostreams::copy takes an ostream as the second parameter. Have you tried creating an ofstream with your output file name and using that?
You probably don't want that library. You might want to look around for some others.
E.g. zziplib