Implementation of a softmax activation function for neural networks - c++

I am using a Softmax activation function in the last layer of a neural network. But I have problems with a safe implementation of this function.
A naive implementation would be this one:
Vector y = mlp(x); // output of the neural network without softmax activation function
for(int f = 0; f < y.rows(); f++)
y(f) = exp(y(f));
y /= y.sum();
This does not work very well for > 100 hidden nodes because the y will be NaN in many cases (if y(f) > 709, exp(y(f)) will return inf). I came up with this version:
Vector y = mlp(x); // output of the neural network without softmax activation function
for(int f = 0; f < y.rows(); f++)
y(f) = safeExp(y(f), y.rows());
y /= y.sum();
where safeExp is defined as
double safeExp(double x, int div)
static const double maxX = std::log(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
const double max = maxX / (double) div;
if(x > max)
x = max;
return std::exp(x);
This function limits the input of exp. In most of the cases this works but not in all cases and I did not really manage to find out in which cases it does not work. When I have 800 hidden neurons in the previous layer it does not work at all.
However, even if this worked I somehow "distort" the result of the ANN. Can you think of any other way to calculate the correct solution? Are there any C++ libraries or tricks that I can use to calculate the exact output of this ANN?
edit: The solution provided by Itamar Katz is:
Vector y = mlp(x); // output of the neural network without softmax activation function
double ymax = maximal component of y
for(int f = 0; f < y.rows(); f++)
y(f) = exp(y(f) - ymax);
y /= y.sum();
And it really is mathematically the same. In practice however, some small values become 0 because of the floating point precision. I wonder why nobody ever writes these implementation details down in textbooks.

First go to log scale, i.e calculate log(y) instead of y. The log of the numerator is trivial. In order to calculate the log of the denominator, you can use the following 'trick':

I know it's already answered but I'll post here a step-by-step anyway.
put on log:
zj = wj . x + bj
oj = exp(zj)/sum_i{ exp(zi) }
log oj = zj - log sum_i{ exp(zi) }
Let m be the max_i { zi } use the log-sum-exp trick:
log oj = zj - log {sum_i { exp(zi + m - m)}}
= zj - log {sum_i { exp(m) exp(zi - m) }},
= zj - log {exp(m) sum_i {exp(zi - m)}}
= zj - m - log {sum_i { exp(zi - m)}}
the term exp(zi-m) can suffer underflow if m is much greater than other z_i, but that's ok since this means z_i is irrelevant on the softmax output after normalization. final results is:
oj = exp (zj - m - log{sum_i{exp(zi-m)}})


Convolutional network filter always negative

I asked a question about a network which I've been building last week, and I iterated on the suggestions which lead me to finding a few problems. I've come back to this project and fixed up all the issues and learnt a lot more about CNNs in the process. Now I'm stuck on an issue were all of my weights move to massively negative values, which coupled with the RELU ends in the output image always being completely black (making it impossible for the classifier to do it's job).
On two labeled images:
These are passed into a two layer network, one classifier (which gets 100% on its own) and a one filter 3*3 convolutional layer.
On the first iteration the output from the conv layer looks like (images in same order as above):
The filter is 3*3*3, due to the images being RGB. The weights are all random numbers between 0.0f-1.0f. On the next iteration the images are completely black, printing the filters shows that they are now in range of -49678.5f (the highest I can see) and -61932.3f.
This issue in turn is due to the gradients being passed back from the Logistic Regression/Linear layer being crazy high for the cross (label 0, prediction 0). For the circle (label 1, prediction 0) the values are between roughly -12 and -5, but for the cross they are all in the positive high 1000 to high 2000 range.
The code which sends these back looks something like (some parts omitted):
void LinearClassifier::Train(float * x,float output, float y)
float h = output - y;
float average = 0.0f;
for (int i =1; i < m_NumberOfWeights; ++i)
float error = h*x[i-1];
m_pGradients[i-1] = error;
average += error;
average /= static_cast<float>(m_NumberOfWeights-1);
for (int theta = 1; theta < m_NumberOfWeights; ++theta)
m_pWeights[theta] = m_pWeights[theta] - learningRate*m_pGradients[theta-1];
// Bias
m_pWeights[0] -= learningRate*average;
This is passed back to the single convolution layer:
// This code is in three nested for loops (for layer,for outWidth, for outHeight)
float gradient = 0.0f;
// ReLu Derivative
if ( m_pOutputBuffer[outputIndex] > 0.0f)
gradient = outputGradients[outputIndex];
for (int z = 0; z < m_InputDepth; ++z)
for ( int u = 0; u < m_FilterSize; ++u)
for ( int v = 0; v < m_FilterSize; ++v)
int x = outX + u - 1;
int y = outY + v - 1;
int inputIndex = x + y*m_OutputWidth + z*m_OutputWidth*m_OutputHeight;
int kernelIndex = u + v*m_FilterSize + z*m_FilterSize*m_FilterSize;
m_pGradients[inputIndex] += m_Filters[layer][kernelIndex]*gradient;
m_GradientSum[layer][kernelIndex] += input[inputIndex]*gradient;
This code is iterated over by passing each image in a one at a time fashion. The gradients are obviously going in the right direction but how do I stop the huge gradients from throwing the prediction function?
RELU activations are notorious for doing this. You usually have to use a low learning rate. The reasoning behind this is that when the RELU returns positive numbers it can continue to learn freely, but if a unit gets in a position where the signal coming into it is always negative it can become a "dead" neuron and never activate again.
Also initializing your weights is more delicate with RELU. It appears that you are initializing to range 0-1 which creates a huge bias. Two tips here - Use a range centered around 0, and a range that is much smaller. A normal distribution with mean 0 and std 0.02 usually works well.
I fixed it by downscaling the gradients int the CNN layer, but now I'm confused as to why this works/is needed so if anyone has any intuition as to why this works that'd be great.

Multidimensional Integration - Coupled Limits

I need to calculate the value of a high dimensional integral in C++. I have found numerous libraries capable of solving this task for fixed limit integrals,
\int_{0}^{L} \int_{0}^{L} dx dy f(x,y) .
However the integrals which I am looking at have variable limits,
\int_{0}^{L} \int_{x}^{L} dx dy f(x,y) .
To clarify what i mean, here is a naive 2D Riemann sum implementation in 2D, which returns the desired result,
int steps = 100;
double integral = 0;
double dl = L/((double) steps);
double x[2] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i ++){
x[0] = dl*i;
for(int j = i; j < steps; j ++){
x[1] = dl*j;
double val = f(x);
integral += val*val*dl*dl;
where f is some arbitrary function and L the common upper integration limit. While this implementation works, it's slow and thus impractical for higher dimensions.
Effective algorithms for higher dimensions exist, but to my knowledge, library implementations (e.g. Cuba) take a fixed value vector as the limit argument which renders them useless for my problem.
Is there any reason for this and/or is there any trick to circumvent the problem?
Your integration order is wrong, should be dy dx.
You are integrating over the triangle
0 <= x <= y <= L
inside the square [0,L]x[0,L]. This can be simulated by integrating over the full square where the integrand f is defined as 0 outside of the triangle. In many cases, when f is defined on the full square, this can be accomplished by taking the product of f with the indicator function of the triangle as new integrand.
When integrating over a triangular region such as 0<=x<=y<=L one can take advantage of symmetry: integrate f(min(x,y),max(x,y)) over the square 0<=x,y<=L and divide the result by 2. This has an advantage over extending f by zero (the method mentioned by LutzL) in that the extended function is continuous, which improves the performance of the integration routine.
I compared these on the example of the integral of 2x+y over 0<=x<=y<=1. The true value of the integral is 2/3. Let's compare the performance; for demonstration purpose I use Matlab routine, but this is not specific to language or library used.
Extending by zero
f = #(x,y) (2*x+y).*(x<=y);
result = integral2(f, 0, 1, 0, 1);
Warning: Reached the maximum number of function evaluations
(10000). The result fails the global error test.
Extending by symmetry
g = #(x,y) (2*min(x,y)+max(x,y));
result2 = integral2(g, 0, 1, 0, 1)/2;
The second result is 500 times more accurate than the first.
Unfortunately, this symmetry trick is not available for general domains; but integration over a triangle comes up often enough so it's useful to keep it in mind.
I was a bit confused by your integral definition but from your code i see it like this:
just did some testing so here is your code:
double f(double *x) { return (x[0]+x[1]); }
void integral0()
double L=10.0;
int steps = 10000;
double integral = 0;
double dl = L/((double) steps);
double x[2] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i ++){
x[0] = dl*i;
for(int j = i; j < steps; j ++){
x[1] = dl*j;
double val = f(x);
integral += val*val*dl*dl;
Here is optimized code:
void integral1()
double L=10.0;
int i0,i1,steps = 10000;
double x[2]={0.0,0.0};
double integral,val,dl=L/((double)steps);
#define f(x) (x[0]+x[1])
for(x[0]= 0.0,i0= 0;i0<steps;i0++,x[0]+=dl)
#undef f
[ 452.639 ms] integral0
[ 336.268 ms] integral1
so the increase in speed is ~ 1.3 times (on 32bit app on WOW64 AMD 3.2GHz)
for higher dimensions it will multiply
but still I think this approach is slow
The only thing to reduce complexity I can think of is algebraically simplify things
either by integration tables or by Laplace or Z transforms
but for that the f(*x) must be know ...
constant time reduction can of course be done
by the use of multi-threading
and or GPU ussage
this can give you N times speed increase
because this is all directly parallelisable

Incremental entropy computation

Let std::vector<int> counts be a vector of positive integers and let N:=counts[0]+...+counts[counts.length()-1] be the the sum of vector components. Setting pi:=counts[i]/N, I compute the entropy using the classic formula H=p0*log2(p0)+...+pn*log2(pn).
The counts vector is changing --- counts are incremented --- and every 200 changes I recompute the entropy. After a quick google and stackoverflow search I couldn't find any method for incremental entropy computation. So the question: Is there an incremental method, like the ones for variance, for entropy computation?
EDIT: Motivation for this question was usage of such formulas for incremental information gain estimation in VFDT-like learners.
Resolved: See this mathoverflow post.
I derived update formulas and algorithms for entropy and Gini index and made the note available on arXiv. (The working version of the note is available here.) Also see this mathoverflow answer.
For the sake of convenience I am including simple Python code, demonstrating the derived formulas:
from math import log
from random import randint
# maps x to -x*log2(x) for x>0, and to 0 otherwise
h = lambda p: -p*log(p, 2) if p > 0 else 0
# update entropy if new example x comes in
def update(H, S, x):
new_S = S+x
return 1.0*H*S/new_S+h(1.0*x/new_S)+h(1.0*S/new_S)
# entropy of union of two samples with entropies H1 and H2
def update(H1, S1, H2, S2):
S = S1+S2
return 1.0*H1*S1/S+h(1.0*S1/S)+1.0*H2*S2/S+h(1.0*S2/S)
# compute entropy(L) using only `update' function
def test(L):
S = 0.0 # sum of the sample elements
H = 0.0 # sample entropy
for x in L:
H = update(H, S, x)
S = S+x
return H
# compute entropy using the classic equation
def entropy(L):
n = 1.0*sum(L)
return sum([h(x/n) for x in L])
# entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
L = [randint(1,100) for k in range(100)]
M = [randint(100,1000) for k in range(100)]
L_ent = entropy(L)
L_sum = sum(L)
M_ent = entropy(M)
M_sum = sum(M)
T = L+M
print("Full = ", entropy(T))
print("Update = ", update(L_ent, L_sum, M_ent, M_sum))
You could re-compute the entropy by re-computing the counts and using some simple mathematical identity to simplify the entropy formula
K = count.size();
N = count[0] + ... + count[K - 1];
H = count[0]/N * log2(count[0]/N) + ... + count[K - 1]/N * log2(count[K - 1]/N)
= F * h
h = (count[0] * log2(count[0]) + ... + count[K - 1] * log2(count[K - 1]))
F = -1/(N * log2(N))
which holds because of log2(a / b) == log2(a) - log2(b)
Now given an old vector count of observations so far and another vector of new 200 observations called batch, you can do in C++11
void update_H(double& H, std::vector<int>& count, int& N, std::vector<int> const& batch)
N += batch.size();
auto F = -1/(N * log2(N));
for (auto b: batch)
H = F * std::accumulate(count.begin(), count.end(), 0.0, [](int elem) {
return elem * log2(elem);
Here I assume that you have encoded your observations as int. If you have some kind of symbol, you would need a symbol table std::map<Symbol, int>, and do a lookup for each symbol in batch before you update the count.
This seems the quickest way of writing some code for a general update. If you know that in every batch only few counts actually change, you can do as #migdal does and keep track of the changing counts, subtract their old contribution to the entropy and add the new contribution.

How to fit the 2D scatter data with a line with C++

I used to work with MATLAB, and for the question I raised I can use p = polyfit(x,y,1) to estimate the best fit line for the scatter data in a plate. I was wondering which resources I can rely on to implement the line fitting algorithm with C++. I understand there are a lot of algorithms for this subject, and for me I expect the algorithm should be fast and meantime it can obtain the comparable accuracy of polyfit function in MATLAB.
This page describes the algorithm easier than Wikipedia, without extra steps to calculate the means etc. : . Almost quoted from there, in C++ it's:
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
struct Point {
double _x, _y;
struct Line {
double _slope, _yInt;
double getYforX(double x) {
return _slope*x + _yInt;
// Construct line from points
bool fitPoints(const std::vector<Point> &pts) {
int nPoints = pts.size();
if( nPoints < 2 ) {
// Fail: infinitely many lines passing through this single point
return false;
double sumX=0, sumY=0, sumXY=0, sumX2=0;
for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
sumX += pts[i]._x;
sumY += pts[i]._y;
sumXY += pts[i]._x * pts[i]._y;
sumX2 += pts[i]._x * pts[i]._x;
double xMean = sumX / nPoints;
double yMean = sumY / nPoints;
double denominator = sumX2 - sumX * xMean;
// You can tune the eps (1e-7) below for your specific task
if( std::fabs(denominator) < 1e-7 ) {
// Fail: it seems a vertical line
return false;
_slope = (sumXY - sumX * yMean) / denominator;
_yInt = yMean - _slope * xMean;
return true;
Please, be aware that both this algorithm and the algorithm from Wikipedia ( ) fail in case the "best" description of points is a vertical line. They fail because they use
y = k*x + b
line equation which intrinsically is not capable to describe vertical lines. If you want to cover also the cases when data points are "best" described by vertical lines, you need a line fitting algorithm which uses
A*x + B*y + C = 0
line equation. You can still modify the current algorithm to produce that equation:
y = k*x + b <=>
y - k*x - b = 0 <=>
B=1, A=-k, C=-b
In terms of the above code:
B=1, A=-_slope, C=-_yInt
And in "then" block of the if checking for denominator equal to 0, instead of // Fail: it seems a vertical line, produce the following line equation:
x = xMean <=>
x - xMean = 0 <=>
A=1, B=0, C=-xMean
I've just noticed that the original article I was referring to has been deleted. And this web page proposes a little different formula for line fitting:
double denominator = sumX2 - 2 * sumX * xMean + nPoints * xMean * xMean;
_slope = (sumXY - sumY*xMean - sumX * yMean + nPoints * xMean * yMean) / denominator;
The formulas are identical because nPoints*xMean == sumX and nPoints*xMean*yMean == sumX * yMean == sumY * xMean.
I would suggest coding it from scratch. It is a very simple implementation in C++. You can code up both the intercept and gradient for least-squares fit (the same method as polyfit) from your data directly from the formulas here
These are closed form formulas that you can easily evaluate yourself using loops. If you were using higher degree fits then I would suggest a matrix library or more sophisticated algorithms but for simple linear regression as you describe above this is all you need. Matrices and linear algebra routines would be overkill for such a problem (in my opinion).
Equation of line is Ax + By + C=0.
So it can be easily( when B is not so close to zero ) convert to y = (-A/B)*x + (-C/B)
typedef double scalar_type;
typedef std::array< scalar_type, 2 > point_type;
typedef std::vector< point_type > cloud_type;
bool fit( scalar_type & A, scalar_type & B, scalar_type & C, cloud_type const& cloud )
if( cloud.size() < 2 ){ return false; }
scalar_type X=0, Y=0, XY=0, X2=0, Y2=0;
for( auto const& point: cloud )
{ // Do all calculation symmetric regarding X and Y
X += point[0];
Y += point[1];
XY += point[0] * point[1];
X2 += point[0] * point[0];
Y2 += point[1] * point[1];
X /= cloud.size();
Y /= cloud.size();
XY /= cloud.size();
X2 /= cloud.size();
Y2 /= cloud.size();
A = - ( XY - X * Y ); //!< Common for both solution
scalar_type Bx = X2 - X * X;
scalar_type By = Y2 - Y * Y;
if( fabs( Bx ) < fabs( By ) ) //!< Test verticality/horizontality
{ // Line is more Vertical.
B = By;
{ // Line is more Horizontal.
// Classical solution, when we expect more horizontal-like line
B = Bx;
C = - ( A * X + B * Y );
//Optional normalization:
// scalar_type D = sqrt( A*A + B*B );
// A /= D;
// B /= D;
// C /= D;
return true;
You can also use or go over this implementation there is also documentation here.
Fitting a Line can be acomplished in different ways.
Least Square means minimizing the sum of the squared distance.
But you could take another cost function as example the (not squared) distance. But normaly you use the squred distance (Least Square).
There is also a possibility to define the distance in different ways. Normaly you just use the "y"-axis for the distance. But you could also use the total/orthogonal distance. There the distance is calculated in x- and y-direction. This can be a better fit if you have also errors in x direction (let it be the time of measurment) and you didn't start the measurment on the exact time you saved in the data. For Least Square and Total Least Square Line fit exist algorithms in closed form. So if you fitted with one of those you will get the line with the minimal sum of the squared distance to the datapoints. You can't fit a better line in the sence of your defenition. You could just change the definition as examples taking another cost function or defining distance in another way.
There is a lot of stuff about fitting models into data you could think of, but normaly they all use the "Least Square Line Fit" and you should be fine most times. But if you have a special case it can be necessary to think about what your doing. Taking Least Square done in maybe a few minutes. Thinking about what Method fits you best to the problem envolves understanding the math, which can take indefinit time :-).
Note: This answer is NOT AN ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION but to this one "Line closest to a set of points" that has been flagged as "duplicate" of this one (incorrectly in my opinion), no way to add new answers to it.
The question asks for:
Find the line whose distance from all the points is minimum ? By
distance I mean the shortest distance between the point and the line.
The most usual interpretation of distance "between the point and the line" is the euclidean distance and the most common interpretation of "from all points" is the sum of distances (in absolute or squared value).
When the target is minimize the sum of squared euclidean distances, the linear regression (LST) is not the algorithm to use. In addition, linear regression can not result in a vertical line. The algorithm to be used is the "total least squares". See by example wikipedia for the problem description and this answer in math stack exchange for details about the formulation.
to fit a line y=param[0]x+param[1] simply do this:
// loop over data:
sum_x += x[i];
sum_y += y[i];
sum_xy += x[i] * y[i];
sum_x2 += x[i] * x[i];
// means
double mean_x = sum_x / ninliers;
double mean_y = sum_y / ninliers;
float varx = sum_x2 - sum_x * mean_x;
float cov = sum_xy - sum_x * mean_y;
// check for zero varx
param[0] = cov / varx;
param[1] = mean_y - param[0] * mean_x;
More on the topic
(formulas are the same, they just multiplied and divided by N, a sample sz.). If you want to fit plane to 3D data use a similar approach -
Disclaimer: all quadratic fits are linear and optimal in a sense that they reduce the noise in parameters. However, you might interested in the reducing noise in the data instead. You might also want to ignore outliers since they can bia s your solutions greatly. Both problems can be solved with RANSAC. See my post at:

How i can make matlab precision to be the same as in c++?

I have problem with precision. I have to make my c++ code to have same precision as matlab. In matlab i have script which do some stuff with numbers etc. I got code in c++ which do the same as that script. Output on the same input is diffrent :( I found that in my script when i try 104 >= 104 it returns false. I tried to use format long but it did not help me to find out why its false. Both numbers are type of double. i thought that maybe matlab stores somewhere the real value of 104 and its for real like 103.9999... So i leveled up my precision in c++. It also didnt help because when matlab returns me value of 50.000 in c++ i got value of 50.050 with high precision. Those 2 values are from few calculations like + or *. Is there any way to make my c++ and matlab scrips have same precision?
for i = 1:neighbors
y = spoints(i,1)+origy;
x = spoints(i,2)+origx;
% Calculate floors, ceils and rounds for the x and y.
fy = floor(y); cy = ceil(y); ry = round(y);
fx = floor(x); cx = ceil(x); rx = round(x);
% Check if interpolation is needed.
if (abs(x - rx) < 1e-6) && (abs(y - ry) < 1e-6)
% Interpolation is not needed, use original datatypes
N = image(ry:ry+dy,rx:rx+dx);
D = N >= C;
% Interpolation needed, use double type images
ty = y - fy;
tx = x - fx;
% Calculate the interpolation weights.
w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty);
w2 = tx * (1 - ty);
w3 = (1 - tx) * ty ;
w4 = tx * ty ;
%Compute interpolated pixel values
N = w1*d_image(fy:fy+dy,fx:fx+dx) + w2*d_image(fy:fy+dy,cx:cx+dx) + ...
w3*d_image(cy:cy+dy,fx:fx+dx) + w4*d_image(cy:cy+dy,cx:cx+dx);
D = N >= d_C;
I got problems in else which is in line 12. tx and ty eqauls 0.707106781186547 or 1 - 0.707106781186547. Values from d_image are in range 0 and 255. N is value 0..255 of interpolating 4 pixels from image. d_C is value 0.255. Still dunno why matlab shows that when i have in N vlaues like: x x x 140.0000 140.0000 and in d_C: x x x 140 x. D gives me 0 on 4th position so 140.0000 != 140. I Debugged it trying more precision but it still says that its 140.00000000000000 and it is still not 140.
int Codes::Interpolation( Point_<int> point, Point_<int> center , Mat *mat)
int x = center.x-point.x;
int y = center.y-point.y;
Point_<double> my;
int a=my.x;
int b=my.y;
double tx = my.x - a;
double ty = my.y - b;
double wage[4];
wage[0] = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty);
wage[1] = tx * (1 - ty);
wage[2] = (1 - tx) * ty ;
wage[3] = tx * ty ;
int values[4];
//wpisanie do tablicy 4 pixeli ktore wchodza do interpolacji
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
int val = mat->at<uchar>(Point_<int>(a+help[i].x,a+help[i].y));
double moze = (wage[0]) * (values[0]) + (wage[1]) * (values[1]) + (wage[2]) * (values[2]) + (wage[3]) * (values[3]);
return moze;
LEN = 0.707106781186547 Values in array values are 100% same as matlab values.
Matlab uses double precision. You can use C++'s double type. That should make most things similar, but not 100%.
As someone else noted, this is probably not the source of your problem. Either there is a difference in the algorithms, or it might be something like a library function defined differently in Matlab and in C++. For example, Matlab's std() divides by (n-1) and your code may divide by n.
First, as a rule of thumb, it is never a good idea to compare floating point variables directly. Instead of, for example instead of if (nr >= 104) you should use if (nr >= 104-e), where e is a small number, like 0.00001.
However, there must be some serious undersampling or rounding error somewhere in your script, because getting 50050 instead of 50000 is not in the limit of common floating point imprecision. For example, Matlab can have a step of as small as 15 digits!
I guess there are some casting problems in your code, for example
int i;
double d;
// ...
d = i/3 * d;
will will give a very inaccurate result, because you have an integer division. d = (double)i/3 * d or d = i/3. * d would give a much more accurate result.
The above example would NOT cause any problems in Matlab, because there everything is already a floating-point number by default, so a similar problem might be behind the differences in the results of the c++ and Matlab code.
Seeing your calculations would help a lot in finding what went wrong.
In c and c++, if you compare a double with an integer of the same value, you have a very high chance that they will not be equal. It's the same with two doubles, but you might get lucky if you perform the exact same computations on them. Even in Matlab it's dangerous, and maybe you were just lucky that as both are doubles, both got truncated the same way.
By you recent edit it seems, that the problem is where you evaluate your array. You should never use == or != when comparing floats or doubles in c++ (or in any languages when you use floating-point variables). The proper way to do a comparison is to check whether they are within a small distance of each other.
An example: using == or != to compare two doubles is like comparing the weight of two objects by counting the number of atoms in them, and deciding that they are not equal even if there is one single atom difference between them.
MATLAB uses double precision unless you say otherwise. Any differences you see with an identical implementation in C++ will be due to floating-point errors.